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Limited resources

Various minerals, rocks and fossil fuels in nature
Limited resources mainly refer to various minerals, rocks and fossil fuels in nature, which are divided into renewable and non renewable resources.
Chinese name
Limited resources
Foreign name
limited resources
Renewable and non renewable resources
primary coverage
Various minerals, rocks and fossil fuels
Limited resources
Also called
Limited renewable resources

primary coverage

For example, peat, coal, oil, natural gas, metal minerals, non-metallic minerals, etc. This kind of resources is formed during a long geological period in a certain stage, a certain region and a certain condition in the long-term evolution history of the earth. Compared with the development of human society, its formation is very slow, and compared with other resources, its regeneration speed is very slow, or it is almost impossible to regenerate. The development and utilization of non renewable resources by human beings will only consume them, and it is impossible to maintain their original reserves or regenerate them. Among them, some resources can be reused, such as gold, silver, copper, iron, lead, zinc and other metal resources; Others are resources that cannot be reused, such as coal, oil, natural gas and other fossil fuels. When they are burned as energy, although energy can be converted from one form to another, their original material forms no longer exist and their forms have changed.


Renewable resources, most of which are solar energy Storage and release of. Renewable means not only providing ten years of energy , but a century or even a millennium. along with energy crisis With the emergence of renewable energy, we should be aware of the importance of renewable energy, and we need to have a sense of protecting resources.
General renewable resources refer to those used consume machining burning Abandonment etc. program After that, you can still cycle (Foreseeable) formed repeatedly within, and with self renewal Self recovery A class of natural resources or non natural resources that have the characteristics of and can be used sustainably. Corresponding to non renewable resources sustainable development We should strengthen the construction and promotion of green resources. For example: soil solar energy Wind energy Hydroenergy Botany animal microorganism Geothermal energy Tidal energy , biogas, and various natural organisms community forest Wetland Grassland Aquatic organism Etc. Non renewable resources, also called non renewable resources, mainly refer to fossil energy, such as: petroleum natural gas , coal Activated clay Shale gas , some electrolysis Chemical energy, etc., will be consumed all the time and will not generate new resources for a long time. It means that the resource is exhausted when it is over consumed until it is no longer available. Non renewable energy also refers to the energy resources that cannot be regenerated at this stage after human development and utilization. Since the beginning of the new century, due to the gradual depletion of energy, nuclear energy is a non renewable resource. Non renewable resources are mainly non renewable resources caused by long-term excavation, mainly through the precipitation of geological strata, oxidation Decomposing the migration with time and crustal movement It is produced by fusion with molecules under high temperature and humidity conditions, but after all, the number is limited, the formation cycle is long, and it is not renewable.