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Flowering plant

The flowers of angiosperms are angiosperm Idiosyncratic reproduction organs Having flowers is one of the main differences between angiosperms and other plants, so angiosperms are also called“ Flowering plant ”, or "flowering plants" (as opposed to "cryptogamous plants"). It is called "flowering plant", or“ flowering plant ”(as opposed to "cryptogamy").
Chinese name
Flowering plant
Latin name
Flowering Plants
life sciences
Also called

brief introduction

FLOWER by angiosperm The unique reproductive organ with flowers is one of the main differences between angiosperms and other plants, so angiosperms are also called“ Flowering plant ”, or“ flowering plant ”(as opposed to "cryptogamy").
There are also different views on the formation of flowers in plant phylogeny. Some people think that flowers are metamorphosed branches with limited production Sporophyll So flowers in broad sense also include gymnosperms Sporophyll , flowering plants can also refer to seed plants in general (in fact, the early categories of "flowering plants" and "flowering plants" refer to all seed plants).
It can be seen that the scope of the name of flowering plants or flowering plants is not clear enough, so in modern biology, it has not been used as a formal name of plant group, but "angiosperms" or "seed plants", but it is often used.
If in Dinosaur extinction As for the reason, some scientists believe that it is poisoning due to eating "flowering plants", which means angiosperms here.


There are about 250000 kinds of flowering plants in the world, including flowers, herbs, grass, vegetables and trees (excluding pine trees, which belong to gymnosperms). Flowering plants are divided into two categories, namely monocotyledons and dicotyledons. Monocotyledons have one cotyledon (the place where fruits are stored). Grass, lily and orchid belong to monocotyledons. Dicotyledons have two cotyledons. Most flowers belong to dicotyledons.
Annual plants refer to plants that complete their life history in a growth period, that is, the process from seed germination to flowering, fruiting and death is completed in a year; Perennials are flowering plants with a growth period of more than 2 years. Most plants are perennial plants. Flowers are part of the seed formation process, and each seed may grow into a new plant [1]
 Flowering plant Flowering plant Flowering plant Flowering plant Flowering plant
Flowering plant

The smallest flowering plant

The smallest flowering plant in the world is the rootless duckweed. There is a large amount of starch in the body of the rootless duckweed. At present, the starch synthesis process in Azolla apetala is being studied. This kind of starch is a promising starch resource, which is likely to become a grain instead of rice and wheat in the future. The rootless duckweed has a strong reproductive capacity. There are 1 million individuals per square meter of water surface, and they will continue to reproduce. This kind of aquatic plant, which is shaped like fine sand, is also a good feed for raising fish fry. As its name implies, rootless duckweed is a kind of rootless duckweed. It is very small, only 1 mm long and less than 1 mm wide. They are flat on the top and bulging at the bottom, and their appearance is very similar to that of ordinary duckweeds. It is the smallest, but it also has flowers. Of course, the flowers are smaller, only as big as the tip of a needle [2]