Aerobic exercise

A form of exercise in which aerobic metabolism provides energy needed in exercise
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Aerobic exercise is a kind of exercise mode that mainly provides energy for exercise by aerobic metabolism. There was a linear relationship between exercise load and oxygen consumption. [1]
Chinese name
Aerobic exercise
Foreign name
Aerobic exercise
Aerobic training
Measurement criteria
heart rate
Opposite movement
Anaerobic exercise
Low intensity, rhythmic and long duration
Helps to improve human health

Fitness value

In English, "AEROBICS" means "aerobic" or "aerobic participation". In fact, aerobic exercise mainly consists of oxygen In addition to participating in energy supply, it also requires the participation of major muscle groups of the whole body. The exercise lasts for a long time and has rhythm. Aerobic exercise can exercise the heart and lung functions, so that the cardiovascular system can more effectively and quickly transmit oxygen to every part of the body.
Through regular aerobic motion With exercise, the human heart has stronger function and more pulse output, so the oxygen supply capacity is stronger and the pulse number will be appropriately reduced. A person with good heart and lung function can participate in aerobic exercise for a long time, and the exercise recovery is faster.
Aerobics( Aerobics )It is characterized by "aerobic exercise" Aerobics That is, with the accompaniment of music, can exercise the whole body Fitness exercise Exercise for at least 12 minutes. But radio operations Workshop exercise It is not aerobics (aerobics), but only aerobics, so its exercise effect is far less significant than aerobics.

Ranking List

NO1、 Swimming
Sports advantages: swimming needs to overcome water resistance rather than gravity, muscles and joints are not easily damaged, and can effectively protect the knee joint; Swimming in cold water environment consumes a lot of calories, which is an exercise with significant weight loss effect; When combined with dieting, the effect is more significant.
Suitable crowd: knee joint damage; Severe overweight; reduce weight; A group of people who strengthen their physique.
Exercise cycle: 3~4 times a week, 30~60 minutes each time.
Heat consumption: about 650 kcal/h
NO2、 jogging
Sports advantages: improve the quality of sleep. By running, the blood and oxygen supply of the brain can be increased by 20%, so the quality of sleep at night will also be improved; With the function of "ventilation", during running, the capacity of the lungs increases from 5.8L to 6.2L on average, and the amount of oxygen carried in the blood will also increase greatly; Improve heart function. Long term jogging can slow down the quiet heart rate and increase the elasticity of blood vessel wall; Decompression and jogging can relieve tension and anxiety, which is beneficial to health.
Suitable people: people who need to reduce weight, relieve stress, alleviate sub-health, and prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Exercise cycle: 3~4 times a week, 40~60 minutes each time.
Heat consumption: about 650 kcal/h
NO3、 Bicycle
Sports advantages: delay the aging of the brain and improve the sensitivity of the nervous system; increase Cardiopulmonary function , exercise lower limb muscle strength and enhance overall endurance. The endurance training effect of cycling on internal organs is the same as that of swimming and running. Bicycles can also slim down, yes Periodicity Of aerobic exercise, more calories are consumed. yes cervical spondylopathy , lumbar disc protrusion, etc. have good exercise and rehabilitation effects.
Suitable people: severely overweight, cervical spondylosis and Lumbar disc Prominent ethnic groups.
Exercise cycle: 3~4 times a week, 40~60 minutes each time.
Heat consumption: about 420 kcal/h

Fitness perspective

Cooper is a well-known preventive medicine in the United States Big shot He has been the personal physician of the President of the United States for a long time and was the pioneer of "aerobic fitness exercise". He believes that the length and quality of each person's life depends entirely on the individual's prevention of disease, rather than what doctors and others can control; Compared with prevention, any life-saving medical measures seem too late. Cooper, based on his practical experience, made his views on fitness clear to people.
1. Moderate exercise
A large amount of exercise may slowly damage your body. For example, running more than 15 miles a week may be excessive. It is recommended to exercise four to five times a week for 30 minutes each time. Cooper believes that as long as you exercise properly, you can effectively reduce the risk of Cardiovascular disease And the possibility of cancer.
2. Walk quickly for fitness.
Cooper believes that brisk walking (12 minutes per mile) is a good way to keep fit, its effect is no worse than jogging (9 minutes per mile), and it also avoids the knee joint injury caused by running.
3. Needle
It is not necessary to exercise for 30 minutes in the gym, and spare time can be fully utilized. Walking the dog for 10 minutes, washing the car for 10 minutes and doing housework for 10 minutes every day are equally effective.
4. Alternate exercise.
For example, riding a bike today and jogging tomorrow; Or when running, the speed is fast and slow, which can enhance the exercise of the heart.
5. Don't judge health by weight.
Exercise can usually reduce weight, but weight does not mean anything. Fitness minded the fat It is much healthier than a thin person who sits still. Don't worry about being overweight.
6. Run multiple pipes together.
Fitness is a systematic project. Physical exercise is very necessary for physical and mental health, but it is not omnipotent. At ordinary times, we should also pay attention to diet, quit smoking and detoxification, control drinking, and not be too nervous.
7. Grab from the doll.
Parents should set an example to help their children develop the good habit of fitness. Parents should know whether their children have enough time for physical exercise at school, and if not, they should make up for it through out of school exercise. For example, if the school is not far from home, children can be encouraged to walk or bike to and from school. After school, children should be kept away from TV or computers (at least 1 hour) and urged to do some outdoor sports. Keep children's fast food to a minimum.
reduce weight
1. What are the benefits of aerobic exercise for weight loss?
During exercise, muscles all over the body need more oxygen, blood circulation in the body will increase, and respiration will also increase. If the muscles continue to contract for a long time, the waste in the muscles will be transported away by the oxygen supplied. In addition, during aerobic exercise, the accumulated sugar in the body will be oxidized by oxygen, which means it can be effectively consumed. At the same time, aerobic exercise can also promote the cardiopulmonary function. Aerobic exercise can also relax the mood. It is the main way of fitness and the best way to lose weight healthily.
2. Is aerobic exercise better than strength training in controlling body fat?
First of all, aerobic exercise and strength training have the same fitness effect. The difference is that aerobic exercise consumes fat first, while strength training consumes sugar in the body first. In the same time, aerobic exercise consumes more calories than strength training. Even so, it cannot be said that aerobic exercise is better than strength training, The best way to eliminate fat is to combine aerobic exercise with strength training. In addition, strength training can improve the metabolism of the body more than aerobic exercise, and can help burn calories even at rest. So, Aerobic exercise Combining with strength training is the best way to lose weight.
three Is the more aerobic exercise the better?
When doing aerobic exercise, we should pay attention to the limit. Although aerobic exercise can effectively consume body fat, if it is excessive, it will damage the body. Relevant research found that 90% of the body's Leucine It will be consumed, and this leucine plays a very important role in muscle growth. And if you exercise too much, your muscles will be easily pulled.
4. After eating more sweets, can you consume it by doing more aerobic exercise for half an hour?
Aerobic exercise can burn fat and consume calories, so it can appropriately extend the exercise time to achieve the purpose of consuming excessive calories. But once the habit is formed, it is harmful to lose weight. Imagine that when you have an excuse to burn too many calories by prolonging exercise time, will you still control your food intake well? Moreover, if you exercise excessively for a long time, your body will be in a state of fatigue for a long time. You may not feel it when you exercise. Once you stop, you will feel pain all over the body.
5. Before aerobic exercise, should we eat a healthy meal to increase energy?
Aerobic exercise cannot be carried out immediately after a meal, or it will cause adverse effects on the body. However, you should not always sit after a meal. You can stand up for about half an hour to prevent fat accumulation in the waist, abdomen and legs. When exercising, remember to drink water and replenish water in time. Don't think that you can lose weight when water is consumed. Water replenishing is a very important detail in weight loss!
6. I am very busy with my work every day, and it takes more than one hour to exercise each time. Isn't it difficult to carry out aerobic exercise to lose weight?
Aerobic exercise to lose weight also needs persistence. If you want to do exercise on a whim and give up when your interest is gone, weight loss cannot be completely successful. Even if you lose weight for a period of time, if you don't insist on exercise, weight loss will rebound soon. Therefore, we must stick to it and slowly develop the good habit of sports, so that we will not feel that this is a difficult task, but will carry it out as an interest.
7. How should strength exercises and aerobic exercises be arranged?
Aerobic exercise consumes more calories than strength training. Strength training is just to exercise muscles and increase muscles, but it consumes less calories. Therefore, aerobic exercise should be carried out after strength training. This arrangement can ensure that both physical aerobic exercise and strength training can be carried out. On the contrary, if aerobic training is not put behind, strength training will not help to lose weight or even increase weight when the strength has been consumed.
Wrong opinions
Error 1: Strength training cannot improve flexibility
Who said that the improvement of muscle strength and ligament flexibility cannot be carried out at the same time. Strength training such as lunge squat, deep squat, pull up and hard pull can not only improve the fitness level and effect, but also can improve the flexibility of exercise better than simple static stretching.
Error 2: The load weight of left and right hands should be the same
At the beginning of the exercise, the weight difference between the left and the right should be controlled at about 5%~10%. After finishing a group, it is appropriate to exchange the weight between the left and the right. The unbalanced weight will force the muscles to exert greater potential to maintain balance and stimulate muscle growth in a deeper layer.
A typical weight bearing exercise should use two dumbbells with different weights, which is more conducive to stimulating muscles that are difficult to practice at ordinary times.
Error 3: When pushing horizontally, the barbell should be lowered to touch the chest
During horizontal pushing, Latissimus dorsi Not only played a supporting role, but also played a "borrowing" role. If the strength of latissimus dorsi is used for bench press, the strength of pectoral muscles will be reduced, so the barbell should not be put down to touch the chest during bench press.
In order to meet the training needs, weightlifters will deliberately put the barbell down to touch the chest and then push it upward. However, ordinary aerobic exercise is not necessary, just a moderate amount.

Common methods

Common aerobic sports include walking, fast walking jogging heel-and-toe walking race Skating , long-distance swimming, cycling, playing Taiji boxing , dancing, rope skipping/rhythmic gymnastics, ball games such as basketball, football, etc. Aerobic exercise is characterized by low intensity, rhythmic, uninterrupted and long duration. Compared with the explosive non aerobic sports such as weight lifting, running, high jump, long jump and throwing, aerobic sports are Constant motion , which lasts for more than 30 minutes and Residual force The movement of.


The purpose of aerobic exercise is to enhance Cardiopulmonary endurance During exercise, muscle contraction requires a lot of energy and oxygen. The demand for oxygen increases. The number of heart contractions, the amount of blood each time, the number of breaths, and the degree of lung contraction increase. So when the exercise continues and the muscles contract for a long time, the heart and lungs must work hard to supply oxygen to the muscles and transport the waste in the muscles. This continuous demand can improve the endurance of the heart and lungs. When cardiopulmonary endurance increases, the body can engage in longer or higher intensity sports, and is less prone to fatigue.
The combustion of gasoline is inseparable from oxygen, so we can also call the work of the engine aerobic exercise. Similarly, human beings also need to burn fuel in sports. Human "fuel" is sugar, protein and fat. These "fuels" of human beings are stored in human cells. When you exercise, you will consume these "fuels" to obtain power.
Like engines burning gasoline, humans also need oxygen to support combustion when burning "fuel" (i.e. oxidation). When people are exercising, they breathe with big mouths, making the oxygen in the air enter through the alveoli The blood circulatory system It is a long process that the arterial blood flows into the tissue cells of the whole body.
Low intensity and long time sports are basically aerobic sports, such as walking, jogging, long-distance slow swimming, cycling, dancing, etc. Aerobic exercise can effectively exercise the heart, lungs and other organs, and improve cardiovascular and pulmonary functions. In the process of using oxygen, there is a considerable time difference This time difference determines that intense and short-term exercise becomes Anaerobic exercise When you exercise for a long enough time, oxygen has dissolved into the cells, and the glucose in the body has been fully "burned", thus transforming into new energy. This kind of exercise is aerobic exercise.
Aerobic exercise requires a lot of breathing air, which is good exercise for the heart and lungs, and can enhance vital capacity and heart function.
Long term aerobic exercise can increase the amount of hemoglobin in the body, improve the body's resistance, resist aging, enhance the working efficiency of cerebral cortex and cardiopulmonary function, increase fat consumption, prevent arteriosclerosis, and reduce the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. If dieters combine aerobic exercise with reasonable food arrangement, they can not only lose weight successfully, but also consolidate their weight after losing weight. Aerobic exercise is also very beneficial to mental workers. In addition, aerobic exercise also has the effect of restoring physical strength.
Type II diabetes, obesity, and Fatty liver Patients must do aerobic exercise Arrhythmia People with arteriosclerosis of heart and brain arteries, as well as older people, should also do aerobic exercise. If it is for the purpose of strengthening muscles and body shape, prevent Prolapse of intervertebral disc , cervical spondylosis and osteoporosis Osteomalacia People should do anaerobic exercise.
If the heart rate reaches 150~160 times/minute, at this time, the blood supply of oxygen to the myocardium is insufficient, and it is semi aerobic exercise.
If the heart rate reaches more than 160 times/minute, it is anaerobic exercise, that is, the oxygen in the blood is in short supply for the myocardium.
Metabolism requires the participation of oxygen. Aerobic exercise can make the metabolism of nutrients in the body complete, that is, to reach the final metabolism - nutrients are decomposed into carbon dioxide and water. Carbon dioxide is discharged from the body through breathing, while water "enters one and exits four": it enters from the mouth and is discharged through four ways: breathing, sweat, urination and defecation.
Aerobic exercise can achieve the effect of weight loss. Taking a half hour walk after dinner can well regulate the consumption of fat and protein in dinner.

get ready

1. Eat foods rich in amino acids. While fat burns, muscles will also tighten and become sore. Eating foods rich in amino acids such as seafood rice balls or Mapo tofu before exercise can better alleviate muscle soreness and stiffness.
2. Have a hot drink before exercising. It can effectively promote metabolism and preheat the body in advance Exercise time The inner hair has the best effect.
3. Relaxation exercise should be carried out after exercise.
4. It is recommended to make preparations before or after exercise to ensure aerobic exercise and avoid discomfort caused by hypoxia.

And anaerobic exercise

The human body needs energy to move. If the energy comes from the cells Aerobic metabolism (oxidation reaction) is aerobic exercise; But if energy comes from anaerobic digestion, it is anaerobic exercise. Aerobic metabolism Fully oxidize one molecule of glucose to produce 30-32 ATP (energy unit); In anaerobic fermentation, one molecule of glucose produces only two ATP. During aerobic exercise, glucose is metabolized to generate water and carbon dioxide, which can be easily discharged from the body through breathing and is harmless to the human body. However, a large number of intermediate metabolites such as lactic acid are produced during fermentation, which cannot be eliminated through respiration. These acid products accumulate in cells and blood, and become "fatigue toxins", which can make people feel tired and weak, muscle aches, and breathing, heartbeat and arrhythmia. In serious cases, acidosis and increased liver and kidney burden will occur. Therefore, after anaerobic exercise, people are always exhausted, and muscle soreness can only disappear for several days.
The body's stored ATP energy can only be maintained ultimate strength Exercise for about 2 seconds, and then synthesize ATP by CP, which can last for about 6 seconds, totaling about 8 seconds. That is to say, if you run less than 100 meters at full speed, you will run out. When you run 200 meters, the next 100 meters must be supplied with energy by the rapid synthesis of new thermal energy substance ATP from blood sugar in the anaerobic state, and its by-product is lactic acid. Running 200 meters or 400 meters, swimming 100 meters, tennis, football and other sports use the energy provided by anaerobic decomposition of muscle glycogen. Therefore, a large amount of lactic acid accumulates in muscles after exercise. The accumulation of lactic acid is one of the reasons for muscle pain after exercise. The sugar needed for this kind of exercise is provided by glycogen, so it can not burn fat. This is not aerobic exercise, which is not good for weight loss.
The energy provided by anaerobic decomposition of muscle glycogen can only last for about one minute, and will be used up after 400 meters. When running eight hundred meters, the next four hundred meters must be powered by the synthesis of new thermal energy material ATP by sugar, fatty acid and amino acid in the aerobic state. Sugar is supplied after glycogen decomposition, fatty acid is supplied after fat decomposition, and amino acid is supplied after protein decomposition. The whole process requires oxygen, that is, burning sugar Fat and protein are used to produce heat energy material ATP, which supplies the heat required for the later stage of exercise, which is aerobic exercise. Running 800 meters or 1500 meters, 200 meters and 400 meters, swimming, boxing and other sports all need to start using oxygen to burn glycogen, fat and protein, so the latter part of this kind of sports is aerobic sports. As aerobic sports, the heart rate is generally 130 times/minute. About five minutes before exercise, glycogen will be burned first. The longer the exercise lasts, the more fat will be burned. As long as it lasts for half an hour to one hour, 50% of the calories consumed will be Burn fat To supply.

reduce weight

Losing weight is probably a headache for the whole world. Aerobic exercise is recognized as the best way to lose weight healthily. Aerobic exercise is not just about Aerobics , running, cycling, swimming, skipping, etc Endurance sports The project sounds boring. Maybe you have implemented it. Maybe because the effect is not as good as you expected or there are conditions and time constraints, you didn't adhere to it in the end. The result is still fat!
It is not that these aerobic exercises have no effect or are not suitable for you. Generally speaking, unless there is a special disease, aerobic exercise has a very good effect on everyone's heart and lung function and fat reduction. The key is to choose the type of aerobic exercise based on your original physical condition and your own sports interest, and pay attention to several points of aerobic weight loss, Design an aerobic exercise prescription for yourself, because only you know the body best.
1. Heart rate
This is the most direct index to determine the effect and intensity of aerobic exercise. Many fitness equipment in the gym have calorie (calorie) counts. But in fact, this counting is generally very different from the actual consumption, and there is no constant ratio between the calorie consumption and fat consumption. The catabolism of fat is a series of complex biochemical reactions, and the heart rate reflects the excitability of the sympathetic nerve. The excitability of the sympathetic nerve promotes the secretion of a series of lipolytic hormones, thus activating the lipolytic enzyme, so that the fat stored in the adipocyte tissue can be decomposed into free fatty acids and glycerol. Under the condition of sufficient oxygen supply, It can be decomposed into carbon dioxide and water and release a lot of energy.
So how much heart rate or intensity can be reached during exercise to effectively lose weight? First, we will introduce several parameters. Maximum heart rate: MHR is 220 - your age, minimum heart rate. It is usually tested in the morning. The retained heart rate is the maximum heart rate - the minimum heart rate. The heart rate for weight loss, that is, the heart rate range for aerobic exercise, should be the minimum heart rate+the reserved heart rate × 50%~60%. Endurance building heart rate The range is minimum heart rate+reserved heart rate × 60%~70%. Since the maximum heart rate is an estimate of the heartbeat limit based on physiological conditions, the actual intensity should be suitable for people. For beginners, it can usually be maintained at 60% - 65% MHR. If you blindly pursue high intensity regardless of your physical conditions, it will be bad for your health.
2. Time
According to the research of American sports medicine, 15 minutes before aerobic exercise Glycogen As the main energy supply, fat energy supply starts 15 to 20 minutes after exercise, so aerobic exercise is generally required to last more than 30 minutes. Then a problem arises. Do everyone have the basic physical ability to easily exercise for 30 minutes or more while maintaining high intensity, such as 65% MHR? Let's take a look at the concept of 30 minutes of exercise under the condition of maintaining high intensity, such as 65% MHR. Adult women's 800m and men's 1500m long distance runs can generally reach the required heart rate, and most people should have this experience in physical education classes. The time of reaching the standard is 4-5 minutes and 6-7 minutes respectively. That is to say, running 6-8km at a moderate speed can reach 65% MHR aerobic exercise for 30 minutes.

Main points and scale

Aerobic exercise
1. Warm up before exercise There needs to be a warm-up process before each exercise Preparatory activities Move joint ligaments, stretch limbs, waist and back muscles. Then start from low intensity exercise and gradually enter the state of moderate intensity exercise. Warm up generally refers to the use of low-intensity aerobic fitness to make your body better. The body temperature slowly increases, the heart rate increases, and the breathing speed becomes faster. The blood circulation is also faster, so that oxygen and nutrients will be delivered to the heart and muscles to prepare for your exercise. An important sign after the purpose of warm-up is that the body starts to sweat slightly. The warm-up time is 5-10 minutes. In cold weather, warm up for a long time and wear more clothes.
In order to save time, many people go directly to high-intensity aerobic training without warming up cardiovascular system And the lungs have not yet entered the state, the body temperature is relatively low, and the muscle flexibility is not good, it is easy to cause damage. In addition, it will feel better if you exercise after warming up, and the exercise time can also be longer. In other words, if you exercise without warming up, you are more likely to get tired.
2. Close without exceeding“ Bull's-eye ratio ”In general, the bull's-eye ratio is 170 - age. If you are 60 years old, the bull's-eye rate is 170-60=110 (times/minute). When you are exercising, you can count your pulse at any time and control your heart rate below 110 beats/minute, Exercise intensity It is appropriate. Of course, it refers to healthy athletes, except the weak and sickly. If the heart rate during exercise is only 70-80 times/minute, which is far from the target heart rate, it means that the exercise standard of aerobic exercise has not been reached.
3. Self feeling is an important indicator to master the amount and intensity of exercise, including mild shortness of breath, feeling a little heartbeat, slight fever, reddish complexion, and slight sweating, which indicates moderate exercise; If there are obvious palpitations, shortness of breath, heartburn, dizziness, sweating, and fatigue, it indicates that the exercise is out of limit. If your exercise is always at the level of "not changing your face and not beating your heart", and your heart rate is far from the "bull's-eye rate", it means that your exercise cannot achieve the purpose of strengthening your physique and endurance, and you need to add more.
4. Postmortem symptoms refer to the discomfort after exercise, which is also a measure of whether the amount of exercise is appropriate. After exercise, ordinary people may feel mild discomfort, fatigue, muscle soreness, etc., which will disappear soon after rest. This is a normal phenomenon. If the symptoms are obvious, and you feel tired, muscle pain, and can not disappear for a day or two, it means that the intermediate metabolites accumulate too much in the cells and blood circulation. This is the consequence of anaerobic exercise. You will reduce your weight next time you exercise.
5. Relaxation has the same effect as warm-up. During exercise, blood circulation is accelerated and the amount of blood is increased, especially in the limbs. If you stop exercising immediately, blood will accumulate in the lower limbs and cause extra burden to the heart. In serious cases, it will affect the blood supply to the brain, and even cause dizziness and dizziness. Therefore, there should be 5 to 10 minutes of relaxation after the exercise goal is achieved, that is, gradually reduce the intensity of exercise and slowly return to a quiet state.

Weekly quantity

As for the frequency of exercise, the American Sports Medical Association recommends that normal people should exercise 2-5 times a week. If you have no exercise habits before, you should start from a small amount, twice a week, and then slowly increase to three or four times. A common mistake made by beginners is that they want to achieve results as soon as possible due to their high enthusiasm when starting fitness. Every time they exercise, the intensity of each exercise is also very high. This often leads to excessive training, fatigue, insomnia, excessive soreness and other symptoms in a short time. Then it will stop again. In fact, we should realize that fitness is a long-term habit. If you want to have a healthy body, you should stick to fitness all your life. The best body shape and health condition can only be achieved after several months or even years of persistence. Step by step is the best solution.
Step by step This is the basic principle of all exercise. The intensity of sports should gradually transition from low intensity to medium intensity; The duration shall be gradually extended; The number of exercises increased from less. All of the above should increase slowly within the scope of personal adaptation, and do not rush for success. The elderly and infirm or those with chronic diseases should master the scale of exercise. It is better to see a doctor before exercise for a comprehensive physical examination. The doctor will prescribe specific aerobic exercise according to personal conditions, and then exercise according to the prescription. In addition, whether the fatigue caused by exercise can be eliminated the next day is also a standard to measure whether aerobic exercise is possible: if the fatigue cannot be eliminated the next day, it means that Overexertion Yes, it is beyond the scope of aerobic exercise.

Ideal slimming speed

The average person consumes about 15 kcal in a minute of jogging (the bigger the weight is, the more calories will be consumed), while one kilogram (1000 grams) of fat is 4500 kcal. If you jog for 30 minutes every day, you can reduce one kilogram in 10 days without changing your diet.
Of course, this is only a theoretical calculation. In fact, you will eat more after exercise. The speed recommended by experts is one week and a half kilograms, so the weight lost is not easy to rebound.

Eight misunderstandings


Control body fat

Fact: The combination of aerobic exercise and strength training is the best way to control body fat at an ideal level. Many people mistakenly believe that aerobic exercise alone is the most effective way to control and reduce body fat for the following two reasons.
① Aerobic exercise first consumes fat, while strength training consumes sugar stored in the body.
② Within the set heart rate range, 45 minutes of aerobic exercise consumes more calories than the same time of strength training, and stop strength training requires rest between each group, which consumes much less calories. The reason is this: aerobic exercise can achieve the goal of consuming calories, but it cannot improve the metabolic rate for a long time. Although strength training cannot increase the heart rate for a long time, it increases the total amount of muscle, thus improving the metabolic rate and enabling people to consume more calories at rest. This is why the combination of aerobic exercise and strength training is the best way to lose weight.

The more, the better

Fact: Once a good thing is done, it may become a bad thing, leading to the opposite result. The same is true of aerobic exercise. Although it is an effective way to consume fat, long-term aerobic exercise consumes not only fat, but also muscle. The study found that two hours of moderate aerobic exercise can deplete 90% of the body's leucine, an amino acid that is very important for muscle growth. Normally, normal levels of leucine prevent muscle breakdown caused by excessive exercise.

Low intensity exercise

Fact: Not true. The principle of fat reduction is that you consume more calories than you absorb every day, and high-intensity exercise can consume more calories than low-intensity training.
Exercise physiologists found that when the amount of exercise reached 60% of the maximum heart rate, the body consumed more fat than sugar (glycogen) or protein (muscle). However, if the exercise intensity is higher, that is, more than 75% of the maximum heart rate, the body will directly use fat, sugar and protein as energy sources. In other words, the harder you practice, the more calories you burn. However, for beginners, they should follow the principle of gradual progress and gradually increase the amount of exercise, so as to effectively improve the cardiopulmonary function and possibly adapt to the greater intensity of exercise.

Strength exercises

Fact: In order to consume more calories, a certain intensity is required in aerobic activities. The ideal way is to reach more than 70% of the maximum heart rate. The purpose of strength training is to increase muscles. It is better to repeat 6~12 times in each group with correct posture under ideal weight.
The wisest way is to do strength exercises after a short warm-up, and then do aerobic activities. If you put aerobic activity first, because it can reduce muscle glycogen reserves and swallow up your strength, your weight may not be reduced, but will increase. On the contrary, if you do strength exercises first, you will soon reach the state you need and be ready for aerobic exercise.

Multi point practice

Fact: If you want to consume more sweets, it is not bad to occasionally extend the aerobic exercise time, but if you become a habit, the result will only be harmful. If you often use prolonged exercise time as an excuse for overeating, you have actually put yourself in the situation of overtraining, then your body has no time to recover from the fatigue of overtraining.
When the body can not adapt to training, it is very difficult to achieve the purpose of increasing muscle and reducing fat. Because excessive training can lead to excessive secretion of catabolic hormones, which attach to muscles and make them unable to synthesize. Therefore, people who often overeat in one meal should slightly increase the intensity in the next aerobic training, or reduce the calorie intake in the next meal.

Reducing body fat

Fact: Body fat test can show the ratio of fat to other body tissues (muscles, bones, etc.). One of the keys to reducing fat is to have more muscle. Indeed, there are only two ways to improve the depressed body shape, that is, to lose as much fat as possible and develop as much muscle as possible.
People who choose aerobic exercise can certainly achieve the goal of reducing fat, but when they engage in excessive aerobic exercise, leave strength exercise aside or carry out light strength exercise, it is absolutely not enough to maintain the total amount of muscle. If the total amount of muscle decreases, the metabolic rate at rest decreases, and the body fat ratio will rise accordingly. To change the ratio of fat to muscle, we should use relatively heavy strength exercises to develop and maintain the total amount of muscle. After strength training, do medium to high intensity aerobic exercise.

Eating before exercise

Fact: What you eat before exercise depends on how long you exercise after dinner. If your goal is to reduce fat, you'd better take a balanced meal 3 hours before exercise; If you want to eat 1.5 to 2 hours before aerobic exercise, you should reduce the amount of meals. If you want to do aerobic exercise within 1 hour, do not eat carbohydrates. The reason is this: after 10~20 minutes of aerobic exercise, the body starts to consume fat (mainly). Whether the body can effectively use fat as fuel depends on the amount of glucose in your blood. Obviously, if you eat high carbohydrate, the glucose level in the blood will also be high, and glucose can delay the body's consumption of fat as fuel.

Beneficial to the heart

Fact: The American Heart Association points out that aerobic exercise with 50%~75% of the maximum heart rate, which is 3~4 times a week and at least 30 minutes each time, is most beneficial to the heart. It will positively improve cardiovascular system and cardiopulmonary function, and significantly reduce the risk of related diseases. The American Heart Association recommends that the exercise heart rate of beginners should be 50% of the maximum heart rate. After a few weeks, the intensity gradually increases to 75% of the maximum heart rate. In short, the greater the intensity of training. The better you stay in shape. Because the heart, like other parts, is also a muscle, which also needs intensive exercise!

Aerobic exercise method


endurance training

Aerobic endurance General content of training: endurance can be divided into two types: strength endurance and speed endurance. It can maintain a certain strength, speed, density and intensity in a short time of actual combat.
1. After making full preparations for punching sandbags, maintain a certain speed and strength, and hit more than 5 groups continuously. Each group lasts for 3 minutes.
2. In the distance of 3000 meters to 10000 meters, fast run 50 meters and jog 50 meters.
3. The heart rate of uniform running is controlled at about 150 times per minute, and the load time is maintained at more than 30 minutes.
4. Five kilometer cross-country run. When running, you should often change the stride and rhythm (changing the stride constantly can exercise different muscle fibers).
5. Skip rope for 3 minutes, rest for 1 minute, and then carry on the next group of exercises. Three groups are enough for each training. When the trainees feel comfortable with this amount of exercise, they can remove the rest time and jump for 3 minutes continuously.
6. Air strike for 3 minutes is a group, and 3-5 groups are made.
7. Practically practice wheel combat with different opponents.

training method

1. The lactate threshold intensity training is called lactate threshold intensity training, which uses the lactate threshold exercise speed, power and other load intensities to train. The lactate threshold is that in the exercise with increasing load intensity, the blood lactate concentration changes with the increase of exercise intensity, and starts to rise slowly, and then changes into a rapid rise after a transition. Generally, a rapid rise point appears at about 4 mmol/L. This is the lactate threshold. Because of its individual differences, the individual lactate threshold intensity is used for training. How to determine the individual lactate threshold is described below.
2. The maximum lactate steady state intensity training marathon runs because of its long exercise time, energy supply is almost completely provided by aerobic metabolism, and the athletes' blood lactate concentration is lower than the lactate threshold during exercise. Therefore, in order to meet the competition requirements, it is necessary to lower the lactate threshold (4 mmol/L) in sports training. For this training method, after starting running, make the blood lactic acid value reach a level lower than 4 mmol/L, and maintain this intensity for about 45 minutes. During this period, the blood lactic acid value reaches a maximum stable level, which is the most appropriate method to develop the maximum load intensity and measurement of aerobic metabolism energy.
3. Continuous training method Continuous training method is a method of continuous training with relatively stable speed (uniform speed) in a relatively long time. Continuous training is generally low intensity, long duration and uninterruptedly training, which is mainly used to improve cardiopulmonary energy supply and develop aerobic metabolism. ∨ strand pointed out that for the development of aerobic metabolism, the total workload is far more important than the intensity. Since the internal organs of the body are relatively inert, it takes about 3 minutes after the start of exercise to play the highest functional level. Therefore, the training for the development of aerobic metabolic capacity should last more than 5 minutes, or even more than 20-30 minutes. The duration of continuous training is relatively long, the number of loads is relatively large, and the intensity of load is relatively small, generally about 65%~75% of the maximum intensity. The stimulation of continuous training on organism is mild, fatigue is slow, and recovery is fast after load. Long term continuous exercise has many good effects on human physiological functions. For young athletes in the development period and those with low training level, low-intensity constant speed continuous training should be given priority.
4. Intermittent training means that there is an appropriate interval between two exercises, and low intensity exercises are carried out in the interval, rather than complete rest. Because interval training has strict regulations on the distance, intensity and interval time of each exercise, it often starts the next exercise before the body function fully recovers. Therefore, it has high requirements on the body function, which can cause profound changes in the body structure, function and biochemistry. The total workload of interval training is more than that of continuous training. For the development of aerobic metabolism, the total workload is far more important than the intensity. At the same time, the strength of intermittent training is less, and the functions of breathing, circulatory system and material metabolism are greatly improved. Intermittent training is widely used in the training of many events. The key to the successful application of the method is to arrange the distance, intensity and interval time of each exercise scientifically and reasonably according to the characteristics of different ages, different training levels and different events.
5. Altitude training method Altitude training method is a training method that uses the low pressure and hypoxia environment at high altitude to stimulate the compensation mechanism of athletes' body and improve the energy of oxygen metabolism.


Aerobic exercise is a durable exercise to enhance the human body's ability to inhale and use oxygen. Its movement characteristics are light load, rhythmic sense and long duration. According to the measurement of sports medicine, the suitable exercise load for aerobic exercise is 4-5 times a week, lasting for 20-30 minutes each time, and the heart rate during exercise is 120-135 times/minute. Self resistance is the strength balance of human muscles in static confrontation, and it is also one of the simple and easy aerobic sports. It is not restricted by gender, venue and equipment. The muscle resistance exercise with free hand positioning has no worries about sports injuries. It has become a fitness method to accelerate blood flow, promote metabolism, and relax muscles and activate collaterals in static training. Here are some simple self resistance exercises in different positions, which can be used as learning exercises.

Metacarpophalangeal exercises

Methods: The palms were closed in front of the chest, the five fingers were separated, and the finger pulp was opposite. The first fingertips of both hands push each other with resistance, and the palms are slowly stretched, showing a "claw" shaped static resistance for 10 to 12 seconds, repeating for 7 to 8 times.
Effect: enhance the muscle strength of abductor digitorum and extensor carpi radialis brevis.
Tip: When finger belly pushes each other, it needs an appropriate amount of resistance, increasing the strength of resistance.

Shoulder arm exercise

Methods: Stand on separate legs, palms together, fingers upward. The thrust of the right palm exceeds the resistance of the left palm, and force the left arm to the left body side. The left palm resists the resistance of the right palm and pushes the right arm back to the right body side, repeating for 10-12 times.
Effect: improve the deltoid , biceps brachii, brachioradialis and flexor pollicis brevis.
Tip: When two palms move, the wrist and palm that are moved should have a counterbalance force to increase the force of resistance.

Head and neck exercises

Methods: Stand on separate legs and hold the neck with both hands crossed. Slowly and forcefully push the resistance of head and neck with both hands, press the head to the sternum and clavicle, and exhale. Then, the neck shall resist the downward pulling force of both hands with force, and the head shall be lifted vertically into the prepared position, and inhale. Repeat 7-8 times.
Effect: strengthen the muscle strength of latissimus and levator scapulae.
Tip: The downward pulling force of both hands should not be greater than the upward resistance of the head and neck. The pulling speed should be slow and the pulling force should be moderate.

Lumbar exercises

Methods: Stand on separate legs, with hands akimbo and the tiger's mouth downward. The back of the waist rotates clockwise against the resistance of reverse torsion of both hands, with a static resistance of 6-8 seconds. Then repeat in the opposite direction. The interval is 30-40 seconds.
Effect: promotion Latissimus dorsi , psoas and Erector spinal muscle Stretch to improve lumbar flexibility.
Tip: When the waist and back are rotated, the head, neck and upper body rotate together. The feet cannot be moved.

Thoracic and abdominal exercises

Methods: Lie on your back with your legs together and your palms on your abdomen. The resistance of pressing the chest and abdomen against the two palms is upward, and the resistance is 45 degrees. Sit up for 5 to 6 seconds, and repeat 7 to 8 times.
Effect: strengthen the muscle strength of rectus abdominis and pectoralis major.
Tips: When supine and sitting up, breathe deeply; Exhale when lying on your back.

Leg and knee exercises

Method: squat with two palms on the legs. Press the two legs downward against the two palms, and push them upward to stand upright. The interval is 30 seconds, 7 to 8 times.
Effect: enhancement Quadriceps femoris And adductor muscle strength.
Tip: When the leg is pushed up by resistance, the upper body and leg position are 90 degrees, and the body position cannot lean forward.