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Lunar surface

[yuè miàn]
Chinese words
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The lunar surface is pronounced yu è mi à n. It means ① that the Tathagata has a full moon. It also refers to the Tathagata Buddha. ② Describe the beauty's face. ③ The paper is white and clean.
yuè miàn
① The Tathagata has a full moon. It also refers to the Tathagata Buddha. ② Describe the beauty's face. ③ Describe the white and clean paper



① The Tathagata has a full moon. It also refers to the Tathagata Buddha. ② Describe the beauty's face. ③ The paper is white and clean.


① The Tathagata has a full moon. It also refers to the Tathagata Buddha.
The Thousand Buddhas Wishing Text written by Emperor Jianwen of Liang Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty: "The sun shines in cyanosis, and the lotus eyes are on the moon."
The preface to Dafa Ode by Emperor Jianwen of Liang Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty: "The Son of Heaven is the most valuable one to carve a chariot, and he will salute the golden mountain and return to the moon."
② Describe the beauty's face.
Song Lian of the Ming Dynasty wrote "Songs of missing spring": "Singing fans but doubting to cover the moon, dancing clothes still remember relying on cloud zither."
③ The paper is white and clean.
Song Taogu's "Qing Yi Lu Wen Yong": "The first emperor and his livestock Bai Lotian wrote two pieces of ink, and there was a square small yellow seal on the right corner of the back. The text said: 'The small moon surface pine paper of Yanxi'."