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Lunar volcanism

Lunar magma eruption and its geological effects
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Lunar volcanism refers to the eruption of lunar magma and its geological effects. There are many signs of volcanism on the moon surface: curved long steep walls (tongue like flow front), moon sea ridges, curved moon streams, round hills, boundless moon pits, dark halo craters, moon pit chains and low albedo areas. The lunar sea lava is the product of large-scale volcanism, and its formation time is about one billion years later than the estimated formation age of the moon (mainly occurring between 3.15 billion and 3.85 billion years, much younger than the lunar land). [1]
Chinese name
Lunar volcanism
Earth science
In addition, there are many other images of volcanism: the most obvious is the front edge of tongue shaped rock flow, which can be seen in many places on the surface of the storm ocean. The front is a steep cliff about 10 meters high. In the north of the storm ocean, there is a Langke hilly area about 40 kilometers wide, which seems to be a plateau composed of overlapping rock flows; In the moon sea, you can also see a dome like a shield shaped volcanic cone, a small dome like a lava mound, and a large ridge. Some Yuexi may be relics of collapsed lava pipelines. The young big moon pits such as Tycho, Copernicus and Aristak are filled with lava, and even a small image of rope like lava structure is found on the west side of the bottom of Tycho; On the northwest highland of the East China Sea Moon Basin, there are a group of large moon craters also filled with lava. The surface of the lava has concentric ring fractures and cracks, which may be caused by the cooling of lava. Some closed craters may be calderas or filled with lava due to meteorite impact. The lunar volcanism is likely to develop simultaneously with the widespread meteorite strike, so that meteorite strike can transform and cover lava flows and volcanic structures at any time, but the vast lunar sea still retains many signs of late volcanism.