Monthly payment

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Monthly payment (yu è g ō ng) refers to the payment in the bank of Israel mortgage mode purchase For commercial housing, motor vehicles, etc., according to the provisions of the loan agreement, the lender shall pay the monthly repayment amount to the lending bank every month during the repayment period, including the principal part and corresponding interest.
Chinese name
Monthly payment
social behavior
yuè gōng
Monthly payment to the loan bank
The repayment methods of mortgage loans in China include: one-time repayment with a loan term of one year, and one-time repayment with a loan term of more than one year Equal principal and interest or Repayment method of equal principal
Repayment of equal principal and interest : The monthly repayment amount is the same, but the principal part increases month by month, while the interest part decreases month by month. During the repayment period, the total interest expense paid is higher than Repayment method of equal principal
Equal principal: the monthly repayment amount decreases month by month, in which the principal remains unchanged while the interest decreases month by month. During the repayment period, the total interest expense paid is less than Equal principal and interest method , but the amount of early repayment (including principal and interest) is higher than Equal principal and interest Repayment method.