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Maximum efficiency

Medical terminology
Maximum efficiency is intended to Maximum effect power; It is generally called efficiency. system Pharmacodynamics Medium, which Dose effect relationship One of the basic effect concepts of. medicine The effect of is increased with the increase of dose (concentration) until it reaches the limit of effect, which is called the maximum effect force.
Chinese name
Maximum efficiency
Maximum effect power;
Applicable fields
Applied discipline
Medical Science
zuì dà xiào néng
This has the same meaning as the maximum effect (see "maximum effect"). When comparing the efficacy of similar drugs, the maximum efficacy of each drug is usually expressed by the absolute value of the efficacy index (rather than the relative value, i.e. 100%), which is called efficacy; At the same time, some people often refer to the relative value of the maximum effect force (i.e. 100%) as the maximum effect (Emax) for research Dose effect curve General rules of. When clinicians choose drugs be similar The higher efficiency is usually selected, such as Furosemide Is more effective than Chlorothiazide Class.
Maximum response drug Intrinsic activity , in direct proportion, that is, the greater the maximum efficiency, the greater the intrinsic activity.