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Best Practices

Management Academic Language
Many people have been engaged in a post, which will certainly form the best way to do things; A person who has done a lot of work is bound to do the best in something. The best practice of the organization is to summarize the best way of doing things in the position and the best things that individuals do.
Best practice is a management concept, which believes that there is a certain technology, method, process, activity or mechanism that can optimize the results of production or management practices and reduce the possibility of errors.
Chinese name
Best Practices
Foreign name
best practice
Management concept
Management Academic Language


It is often used as a compulsory administrative standard to ensure quality, which can be based on Self assessment and Benchmarking management Best practice is ISO 9000 and ISO 14001 Certified Management standards
Best Practices for Extracting Tissue.


The reason why an organization is stronger than an individual is that, in addition to the synergy between teams, it can quickly pass on excellent practices and experience. Job Description , systems, instruction manuals, training, etc. are all forms of transferring organizational experience.
Organization's best practices extraction After sorting out, guidance manuals, courses and even books will be formed, so that the latecomers can grow on the basis of the excellent experience of predecessors. It can enable new people to grow quickly and create value for the enterprise quickly.


(1) Solve the problem of ineffective training. After many trainings, nothing has been achieved. No matter how good the training is, the trainees will forget it after a week. The organization of the best practice extraction course can produce results at the end of the course.
(2) Resolve Key positions The loss of excellent experience. The best practice extraction of the organization is to extract the excellent experience of excellent personnel, and the experience collection will be formed after the summary. This is the job knowledge management , such as best practices in the sales position.
(3) Solve a problem in the company. You can invite stakeholder Brainstorm ideas and solutions to solve problems.
(4) Solve the problem of experience loss of a certain theme. The company has done a good job in a certain theme or practice, but it has not been refined and summarized, and has not formed a tool model Methodology , organization best practice extraction can form a methodology for a certain topic, such as service methodology.
Wang Xingquan, president of the Beijing Institute of Organizational Experience Extraction, is a representative figure in this field.

Practice Manual

Extracting organizational best practices is based on the best practices of the organization. We understand the context of things through interview technology, learn more about possible experience through divergent technology, identify the main experience through analysis technology, focus on team wisdom through convergence technology Expression technology Structurally present best practices, divide them into cases, experiences, steps, difficulties, notes, etc., and refine simple and easy to remember title names, and finally summarize them into a manual.

Method recheck

Reviewing is to review and summarize the past experience, find out the success and failure points, and summarize the experience and lessons. In fact, the organization of best practice extraction is also a review, which only emphasizes the successful experience of extraction - that is, best practice, and distills the specific operation process so that others can copy it.

Scope of application

(1) A key position Liquidity High, new employees grow slowly, so it is necessary to summarize best practices;
(2) A position or a job Repeatability Gao, but has not summarized work experience;
(3) The newly established department is still in the exploration period, and some people just have best practices, which need to be summarized for promotion;
(4) Important training has not been fruitful, and leaders hope to see the results of training;
(5) Training for enterprises under construction Curriculum system , hoping to quickly summarize the best practices of the organization;
(6) Internal trainer in Curriculum development We need to learn to sum up our own advanced experience when facing difficulties;
(7) The enterprise intends to do the knowledge management of the organization, and needs to cultivate a batch of internal trainers extracted from best practices.

Applicable objects

If you want to extract the experience of any subject, you can call any kind of crowd. For example, to extract the best practice of sales, we will call the sales backbone of the company to class; Want to extract middle managers The middle managers in the company will be called together.
If it is a company level theme, it is necessary to convene backbones from different departments.
If the enterprise plans to internalize this course, the trainees are division manager and Internal trainer Has.