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[tì huàn]
Chinese words
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Substitution (t ì hu à n), which means replacement, replacement, comes from Qiba Tiju Official Records.
Chinese name
Foreign name
tì huàn
words whose meaning is similar
Replacement Exchange


1. It refers to changing the original (working people, used clothes, etc.); Reverse.
2. Use a text, symbol or picture to replace the existing text, symbol or picture. Change the original (working people, used clothes, etc.); Switching Text is mostly used for batch changes.


It refers to changing the original (working people, used clothes, etc.); Reverse.
Song Dynasty author of the history Zizhi Tongjian "Official Records of Lifting Officials after Begging": "It is found that they are incompetent and have someone who can replace them. The shilling has the right to take the picture and still play begging instead."《 The Dream of Red Mansion 》The fourth and sixth times: "You are joking instead." Mao Dun's Miscellany of Escape 6: "I don't have a second pair of pants, so I don't need to replace them day and night." [1]

Other related

Word uses the replace function:
Take Microsoft Word 2007 software as an example to introduce how to use the replacement function in Word:
Step 1, open the Word2007 document window, and click the Replace button in the Edit group of the Start ribbon.
Step 2: Open the Find and Replace dialog box and switch to the Replace tab. Enter the content to be replaced in the Find Content edit box and the replaced content in the Replace With edit box. If you want to replace one by one, click Replace. If you want to replace all the found content, click Replace All.
Step 3, complete the replacement Click the Close button to close the Find and Replace dialog box. You can also click More to perform more advanced custom replacement operations. [2]