zero Useful+1

Zeng milling

Officials in the middle of the Ming Dynasty
Zeng Milling (January 18, 1500 [34 ] - April 25, 1548 [32] ), Zizhong, Shitang [43] , Jiangdu County, Yangzhou Prefecture (today's Jiangsu Province Yangzhou City Jiangdu District), whose ancestral home is Huangyan County, Taizhou Prefecture, Zhejiang Province (today's Zhejiang Province Taizhou city Huangyan District ), the Ming dynasty Medium term officials.
In the eighth year of Jiajing (1529), he became a scholar and served as the magistrate of Changle, Fujian. [3] Later, he was promoted as an imperial historian, patrolled Liaodong and Shanxi, and pacified the rebellion. [7] [13] In the 21st year of Jiajing (1542) Military Ministry Assistant The governor of Shaanxi Military Affairs resisted the enemy's gate with thousands of troops and attacked the enemy's base camp to defeat it. [23] Then I went to "Please Reply to Hetao Shushu", built the side walls of Datong West Road and Xuanfu East Road, took the initiative to attack Hetao, captured thousands of enemies, and refused to answer my request for peace. [25] Ming Shizong's recovery Hetao Lack of confidence, primary and secondary Summer sayings Support Zeng Xian to go back to "Re discuss Fu He Tao Shu". [25] A powerful minister Yan Song In order to kill the political enemy Xia Yan, he said to the Ming Shizong that he would "light the border"; And colluded with the defeated generals Qiu Luan , falsely accused Zeng Xian of concealing defeat and withholding huge amounts of military pay. [26-27] In the 27th year of Jiajing (1548), Zeng Xian was arrested and returned to the capital. The three justice divisions were afraid to make a legal judgment because they had no reasonable evidence. [31]
On March 18, the 27th year of Jiajing (April 25, 1548), Zeng Xian was sentenced to beheading, and his wife and children were exiled for two thousand li for the crime of "making friends with close attendants". [31] Zeng Xian wrote a poem with great emotion when he was about to die, "Yuan Gongben was a hundred years old plan, and Chao Cuo was killed by seven countries", which is known as "the world was wronged when it heard of it". [47] In Zhaoxue, the first year of Longqing (1567), Muzong of the Ming Dynasty gave him the posthumous title of "Xiangmin" as minister of the Ministry of War. [28]
Full Name
Zeng milling
Child weight
Posthumous title
the Ming dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Jiangdu County, Yangzhou Prefecture (Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province today)
date of birth
January 18, 1500
Date of death
April 25, 1548
Key achievements
The governor of Shaanxi military affairs has repeatedly defeated An Da; Invention of "Zeng type" mine
Main works
Futao Discussion
Highest office
Right handyman of the Ministry of War, trilateral system
Posthumous gift
Minister of War
Ancestral home
Huangyan County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province (Huangyan District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province today)

Character's Life


Early experience

On December 18, the 12th year of Hongzhi (January 18, 1500), Zeng Xian was born in Jiangdu County, Yangzhou Prefecture, Nanzhili (now Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province). [34 ] Since he was All beings I am proud of my talent. [30]
In the eighth year of Jiajing (1529), Zeng Xianzhong Jinshi , awarded Changle Zhixian. [3] He was rigorous and wise when he took office, and corrected many long-standing drawbacks. [48 ]
In December of the 12th year of Jiajing (1533), Zeng Xian was called up to supervise the Imperial Historian in the south of Shihe River. [4]

Pacify the mutiny

In May of the 13th year of Jiajing (1534), Zeng Xian was actually appointed to supervise the imperial history, and was ordered to patrol Liaodong. [5]
In April of the 14th year of Jiajing (1535), Lv Jing, the right deputy governor and governor of Liaodong, provoked a mutiny in Liaodong due to his cruel treatment of soldiers Catch the traitor Lv Jing And insult them. Zeng Xian, then the governor Jinzhou Fuzhou Urgently preach a call of war and ask Li Jian, the deputy general, to abolish Lv Jing's tyranny And asked for pardon for the rebel sergeant. The gate was opened only after the rebels' behavior was slightly restrained. Guerrilla Gao Dawen turned himself in and was jailed. Later, Zeng Xian went to Liaoyang for patrol, and arranged officers and men to demarcate defense areas at key positions such as Jiumen, Bell and Drum Tower, and carried out irregular patrols to maintain a state of alert. He severely punished those who had drunk and caused trouble, and told the leader about Liu Shangde, the commander of the city, and others who were derelict of duty because they flattered Lv Jing, while pleading for the soldiers. The Ministry of War agreed with Zeng Xian's move and requested that a placard be issued immediately to reassure the people. At the same time, the defense work continued as always. At first, there were only a few people making a noise, and the patrolling imperial historian carried out a detailed investigation, arrest and interrogation. [6-7]
Lv Jing was released and fled to Guangning. Yu Man'er, a fierce soldier, and others caught Lv Jing again to insult him. In the same month, Fushun soldiers also tied Liu Xiong and his son. It happened that the imperial court sent Lin Tinggui, a servant, to investigate. The disorderly soldiers were afraid. Zhao Gui'er, the initiator of Liaoyang mutiny, secretly went to Guangning to conspire with Yu Man'er. When the town officials presented the memorial, they gathered people to rebel and were Commander Liu Huai realized that the plot was unsuccessful. He colluded with the condemned prisoners and wanted to wait until Lin Tingxuan arrived to close the city gate and launch a mutiny. But Zeng Xian has spied into Ercheng and Fushun The name of the evil man was secretly given to the generals, who captured dozens of people including Zhao You'er on the same day. Zeng Xian said to Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty: "In the past, the military mutiny in Datong, Gansu was handled too lightly. A group of small people said that the punishment for insulting the imperial court's officials and killing the commander was not too severe, so they made trouble one after another. Now the chief villains should be punished urgently." So they recalled Lin Tingxuan, ordered Zeng Mi to investigate and verify, beheaded all the chief villains, hung their heads in the border city, and settled in Liaoning. [8]
In October, because of the credit for pacifying the rebels in Liaoyang and Guangning, the court promoted Zeng Xian to be the right temple official of Dali Temple, and rewarded him with twenty taels of silver and two pieces of silk. [9-10]

Steady level rise

In July of the 20th year of Jiajing (1541), he was promoted to the rank of Imperial Historian of Youjin Capital and governor of Shandong Province. [11] [33 ]
In February of the 21st year of Jiajing (1542) altan Having invaded the mainland for many times, Zeng Xian asked for construction Linqing outer city [12-13] In July, I invaded Lu'an and plundered in Qinxian County, Fenxian County, Xiangyuan County and the eldest son. Zeng Xian built embankments in Linqing and Dezhou for defense, and sent elite soldiers to Henan Cizhou , Linming, etc. [14]
In August of the 22nd year of Jiajing (1543), because the project of Linqingzhou New City in Shandong Province was completed, Zeng Xian was promoted to the post of the Right Deputy Chief of the Imperial Court of the Imperial Court, and was awarded silver thirty-two taels and Zhusi Erbiaoli. [15-16]
In February of the 23rd year of Jiajing (1544), the Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty ordered Zeng Xian to supervise Yanmen Pass and other places in his original post, and also to patrol Shanxi. [17-18]
In the first month of the 25th year of Jiajing (1546), because Mongolia had not violated the border for several years in a row, the court thought it was Zeng Xian's credit, and he was promoted to the rank of the right bodyguard of the Ministry of War and still served as the governor. [19-20]

Governor Shaanxi

In April of the 25th year of Jiajing (1546), the Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty ordered Zeng Xian to be the former governor Shaanxi Trilateral military affairs. [22] More than 100000 Mongolian cavalry troops invaded from Ningsai Camp and plundered Yan'an Qingyang Situation. Zeng Xian led thousands of soldiers to garrison Saimen, and sent Li Zhen, a former general, to destroy the Mongolian camp in the north of Maliang Mountain, killing more than 100 Mongolian soldiers. When Mongolia heard about it, it began to flee. The good news was reported to Ming Shizong and he was rewarded with silver coins. Then Mongolia invaded for many times, the guerrilla Gaoji died in battle, and the deputy commander Xiao Han was defeated. Zeng Xianshang Shuming Shizong reported the guilt of the generals and was punished according to the military law. At that time, Hetao Mongols herded near the border, and scattered cavalry came and went, so the residents dared not Woodcutter Zeng Xian was building a frontier fortress. He was afraid of being disturbed by them, so he selected elite soldiers to attack them. Mongolia gradually retreated to the north, occasionally invaded and looted with light cavalry, and Zeng Xian led his troops to drive them to a distance. Li Zhen and Han Qin, the participating generals, have contributed a lot. The Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty decreed to increase Zeng Xian's salary First level, give more silver coins. [23]
Zeng Xian has always liked Official title He also felt that Ming Shizong knew him well and wanted to repay him. Consider Mongolian occupation Hetao It has long been a border trouble of the Ming Dynasty, so he explained to the Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty: "The enemy and thieves occupied Hetao and invaded the border for nearly a hundred years. Emperor Xiaozong wanted to recover but could not, and Emperor Wuzong wanted to reclaim but failed to achieve Auspicious bursa Occupy as a nest. When they go out of the river, they invade Xuanhua, Daguan, and Sanguan to shock Kyiv When entering Hetao, they invade Yan, Ning, Gan and Gu to disturb Guanzhong. Deep mountains and large rivers, the situation is favorable to the enemy and unfavorable to us. There is no one among the feudal officials who has said to his majesty that he will recover Hetao, because this is an important task for the army; Small setbacks and losses will bring disasters one after another. They will be punished before and after cooking and cutting. It's not that I didn't know that the war was dangerous, but I have been worried for some days. In private, I had planned this matter: in the high autumn, they gathered to attack us, while we scattered and defended to let them get the upper hand; The winter is deep and dry, the horse has no overnight food, the spring is cold and rainy, and the land is not dry, so their advantage is weakening. We can take advantage of this opportunity, and China will have an advantage. I asked for 60000 elite soldiers and 2000 Shandong gunmen. At the turn of the spring and summer, I would bring 50 days' food and pay to go in by land and water to attack their nests. The enemy will not be able to support them if the infantry and horses fire together and the artillery fire is like thunder. This is a once and for all approach, and the whole country depends on it. " So I played eight suggestions one by one. At this time, Zeng milled Yansui Ningxia Fuchen wanted to build a side wall to defend the Mongolian army in 1500 li from Dingbian Camp in the west to Huangfuchuan in the east. He requested hundreds of thousands of gold coins and planned to complete it in three years. The memorial was sent to the Ministry of War. The minister felt difficult and asked to order the civil and military officials of the towns to make an agreement. The Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty issued an imperial edict saying: "The enemy and bandits have occupied Hetao for a long time. I miss this matter day and night, and the border officials have no one to share the master's worries. Now Zeng Xian's proposal to restore the border is very heroic, and he ordered Zeng Xian and the officials in all towns to study the strategy carefully and give 200000 liang to repair the border." Zeng Xian became more determined. However, Governor Yan Sui Zhang Wenxing, Shaanxi Xie Lan, Ningxia Wang Bangrui and the governor of the Tang Dynasty thought it difficult to play together for a long time. Zeng Xian was so angry that Shangshu asked Ming Shizong, who reproached the governors. When Zhang Wenxing was dismissed, Yang Shouqian Instead of him, Yang Shouqian had the same opinion as Zeng Xian. Zeng Xian then gathered all his officials to report the 18 general plans one by one, and then presented eight camp maps. Ming Shizong wanted the court to discuss with him in an appreciative tone. [25]
The courtiers saw that the meaning of Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty was to face Zeng Xian, which was the same as what Zeng Xian said. The Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty suddenly took out his own imperial edict and said to his aides, "Is it really famous to expel the Hetao rebels now? Are soldiers sure to succeed if they have enough food? How can a once milled person be like a living people Tea poison How about it? " At the beginning, when Zeng Xian suggested, the assistant minister Summer sayings He wants to rely on him to make great contributions, so he strongly advocates doing so. At this time, I felt very shocked when I heard this, and asked Ming Shizong for his own judgment. Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty ordered that the imperial edict be published and distributed to all the officials participating in the discussion. At that time, Yan Song was having a feud with Xia Yan. He wanted to defeat Xia Yan, so he tried to say that Hetao must not be recovered. He secretly slandered Xia Yan and deliberately asked for dismissal, in order to anger Ming Shizong. Later, Xia Yan was obviously attacked. He said, "I have never heard of the plan to praise Zeng Xian." Minister of War Wang Yiqi The court officials were assembled to perform repertoire, so they were all different from what they said before Hetao It is impossible to recover. The Ming Shizong then sent officials to arrest Zeng Xian and transferred Wang Yiqi to replace him; Blame Ke Daobing for not saying anything, and torture him with a staff in the imperial court, and stop paying salaries for four months. Although Emperor Shizong was angry with Zeng Xian, he didn't want to kill him. Xianning Marquis Qiu Luan When guarding Gansu, Zeng Xian was impeached and arrested for obstructing border affairs. Yan Song used to be close to Qiu Luan. He learned that Zeng Xian's friend Su Gang was the father of Xia Yan's stepwife, and that Su Gang had spoken with Zeng Xian and Xia Yan, so he took the place of Qiu Luan in the prison to release the official seal, falsely accused Zeng Xian of concealing defeat and withholding tens of thousands of military salaries, and sent his son Zeng Chun to bribe those in power with his trusted follower Su Gang. There was absolutely no evidence to prove this, but Shizong believed in his words and immediately sent Zeng Chun and Su Gang to prison. During the incident, Qi Yu and others saw that the Ming Shizong was very angry with Zeng Xian and asked that he be dealt with according to law as soon as possible. Ming Shizong blamed Qi Yudang for avoiding affairs and demoted him from the imperial court. When Zeng Xian arrived, the justice department compared his crime with that of the border commander who fell into the stronghold. [26]

To die unjustly behind

On March 18, the 27th year of Jiajing (April 25, 1548), Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty, in accordance with the law, beheaded Zeng Xian for making friends with his close attendants (referring to making friends with the emperor's close officials), and his wife was exiled for two thousand miles, and the criminal law was executed on that day. After Zeng Xian died, Xia Yan was also killed, and Qiu Luan was released from prison. Zeng Xian was honest. After his death, there was no remaining property in his family. [27] [31]
Longqing At the beginning of the year Xin Zixiu , Imperial Historian Wang Haowen He defended Zeng Xianzhi's grievances and said that Zeng was committed to making contributions and was severely punished. People who knew him or did not know him mourned him deeply. Therefore, Emperor Mu of the Ming Dynasty issued an imperial edict to present it to officials Minister of War , posthumously named Xiangmin. [28]
During the Wanli period, the Ming Shenzong obeyed the request of the imperial historian Zhou Pan Shaanxi Build a memorial temple for Zeng Xian. [29]

Main impacts



Zeng Xian, the governor of Shaanxi, has repeatedly fought back the invading Tatary army and made many achievements. [1]
In the long-term war with the Mongols, Zeng Xian formed a team of 5000 people, known as the "Zeng Family Army". In terms of personnel selection, we should select carefully from all the military forces. Even if there are minor mistakes, those who have special skills should also be given priority. In terms of weaponry, a large number of "modern" weapons, such as trains and ground guns, have been equipped to achieve the combination of cold weapons and firearms, and long weapons and short weapons, which can be attacked far and defended near. In terms of training methods, it is highly recommended to practice the battle array in the form of actual combat. One small drill a day, one big drill five days a day. Zeng Xian personally taught the methods of team camp arrangement, firing a firearm, fighting and stabbing, and conducted on-site assessment and review. [37]
Zeng Xian also pioneered the "armored" method of warfare. In view of the strong mobility and impact of Mongolian cavalry, each battalion of the "Zengjiajun" has 3000 war horses, 200 chariots, 200 rockets, one big and one small cannons, eight thunderbolts, and two handguns. When the two armies are facing each other, armored combat vehicles are arranged in a ring, infantry are placed next to the vehicles, and soldiers of the loading battalion and archers are on the vehicles. When the Mongolian cavalry charged, the guns, guns, bows and arrows on the Ming army's chariot sounded at the same time. Even if the enemy arrived in front of the chariot, he could not hurt the armored chariot in the least. Instead, the soldiers around the chariot stabbed the horse's feet with long guns and picked up cavalry, and suffered a lot. [37]


Zeng Milling also created a“ Slow cannon ”The firearm, which looks like a round bucket, is filled with gunpowder and has a clever ignition mechanism. After being ignited, the fireline burns for one or two hours before being fired. The surface is decorated with five colors. After the enemy found it, he regarded it as a rare foreign object, and many people gathered to watch the game. A moment later, gunpowder triggered many casualties. [38 ]
Zeng Milling or mine The inventor of. [46 ] According to historical records, the "Zeng" type mine "dug a pit more than ten feet deep, hid gunpowder in it, covered it with earth blocks around, and then covered it with a layer of sand to make the surface look as flat as the ground. Tie a fuse under the gunpowder, and tie one end of the fuse to a place where people on the ground did not notice. Someone passes by here. Once they step on the fuse, the gunpowder will explode and flying stones will hurt people. [39 ]

Historical evaluation

Ming Shizong Zhu Houxuan : The governor of Shanxi, the imperial historian, has been milling for a long time in the side, and has made outstanding achievements. [21] Records of Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty Quote)
Lu Qiong : Compassion to the innocent people, regardless of life and death, misfortunes and blessings, and personal responsibility, please stay in the court for exemption. When receiving the favor of the public, I don't want to see the public's appearance every day, but also make his children and grandchildren know what they are. Etiquette begins with righteousness, which is the ancient way. In the past, Lugongze and the world, Luoren worshiped in the Zisheng Temple; Zhang Wen is determined to stop stealing, and the image of Shu people is beneficial. The disaster of Liao Dynasty came from haste, and the depth of success or failure was unpredictable. However, Wending entered from outside, and it had to be flexible and free, which made it difficult to be seen publicly. But the public just looks forward to the sun. Does An know that he is the Duke of Lu? [44] "Records of Zeng Gongsheng Temple in Shitang"
Xue Kan : We also interviewed eight civil servants, such as Zeng Xian, Yang Shouqian, Shang Dajie, Cheng Peng, Zhu Fang, Zhang Han, Wang Gao, and Sun Jilu, who were determined to make contributions to the country, or who lived in the country and lived in exile. We regret that they have never asked about it, whether we know it or not. [36 ] Citation of Complete Works of Wang Yangming
Huangfu Pang : Don't you see that Emperor Gao has promoted Jingshuofang, and we are both civil and military. The number of conscripts in three rivers is small, and the number of school officers is small. Thousands of riding banners block the sun, thousands of groups practice freezing frost. The general of the cavalry and the crossbow, who is outspoken and ambitious. It's hard to get close to the murderous arrogance of the front, and you can't hear the strange and secret strategies in the tent. Once checked out of Xiaoguan, the battle will be long. Xuehui Yinshan takes a night attack, and the sky is horizontal and the Big Dipper looks south. According to the bridle, I passed Lao Xiliu, and the flying book has been reported to Gao Lan. The king's divine power is from heaven to tin, and the capital protects the material and is always invincible. The long sword shines with stars, and the servant flags seize the wall day and night. The road should be opened on credit, and the pavilions and barriers should be set up to exceed the sand. Bowang has never been able to make a promise to his country, and he swore not to talk about his family when visiting Yao. The team played a triumphant lesson overseas, and congratulated Huang Tu on the ground. Inscribe achievements and publish the stone records of dragon flying, and bow bow and bow bow and bow to Luo Hu. At this time, Gao Hui sat in the Mingtang Hall and sang songs to celebrate longevity and happiness. The Yue Yu explored and transfused the foreign matter, and Bayu Corner arrived at Laiwang. When the world changes, you can see how beautiful the scenery is. I don't hear that it is better than Jincheng, but I often close Yumen Pass. The treasure of kings lies in the land. If you succeed after hard work, you can discard it. The former emperor bequeathed but worried about Pingcheng, and the counselors guarded the Pearl Cliff. A hundred years of generous scholar, every Huangzhongqi injustice. Not asking for a swallow chin to seal the marquis, but thinking about a horse wrapped in a corpse. I don't know what to avoid. I'm sorry that my life and reputation are lost. Zhu Sheng is willing to sue Fubo for injustice, while Wei Wen is still slandering Zhongshan. Only now there is smoke and dust in the border area, sending a message that the Korean Prime Minister is good and close. Even if we divide our ranks and think about our destiny, we don't know who should write. [42] Walking in the Yellow River - Hurting Zeng Gongmilling
Xu Stage Zhang Juzheng Such as: milling organic strategy, first as the imperial historian, patrolled Liaodong, met Liaoguangning and Fushun mutinies, milled the secret transportation strategy, learned to catch the chief villain and punish him, and the whole Liaoda was determined. Will catch the thorns, because do not see the next promotion, get special express mail. However, being impetuous, Hong You is conceited of Liao Zuo's contribution, saying that nothing in the world is difficult. The measures he has taken are too numerous. [32] Records of Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty
Wang Shizhen : Those who have milled are also famous people. [40] First and Second Biography since Jiajing
Liu Boxie : So Governor Zeng Xian and Hu Zongxian are all meritorious ministers. [41] Citation of Huguang General Annals
Zhang Tingyu Others: Chen Jiuchou, Zhai Peng, Sun Jilu and Zeng Xian can all use their talents, and they will not be punished for relegation or death. The discussion of milling and copying is very great. However, the powerful officials are in charge, and the enemy is strong. Although it is quite powerful, Mu Wu can make a difference? [2] Ming History

Anecdotes and allusions


Be good at using soldiers

According to the Ming History, Zeng Xian had courage and was good at using soldiers. One New Year's Eve suddenly ordered the generals to go to war. At that time, there was no police. The generals had just prepared a banquet and did not want to go to war. They bribed the bell guards to ask Zeng Xian's wife to postpone the war. Zeng Xian beheaded the bell pawn in public. The generals had no choice but to fight in the middle of the night. We met the enemy and defeated them. At the end of the next day, the generals asked why. Zeng Xian said with a smile, "I found that the crow crowed at an untimely time, so I knew it." All the generals were convinced. [24]

Megatron Tatary

According to《 Essay by the old man in the monastery 》It is recorded that once the Tatars besieged the city guarded by Zeng Xian, they saw a high wooden frame at the gate of the city, on which the puppets sang and danced, while the whole city was silent. This caused the Tartars to be alert, so they did not dare to attack the city hastily. However, the soldiers were curious and gathered together to watch. Therefore, there was a lot of noise and confusion. All of a sudden, only the bugles in the city stood out and the big guns were mounted first. Then all the guns in the city tower burst out in unison, and the Tatary soldiers in the crowd were blown to pieces. At this time, the soldiers in the city came out and captured countless enemies. The enemy didn't know how to deal with it, but called him "Grandpa Zeng". [45]

Wang Huanyiju

According to《 Yongzhuang sketch 》It is recorded that Wang Huan, the servant of Zeng Milling, is a member of the Hui nationality in Cangzhou. He has a black face and a strong beard, and is good at riding and shooting. Zeng Xiaowen heard of his loyalty and bravery, called him under the tent and asked him to teach soldiers to shoot arrows. After Zeng Xian was arrested and put into prison, he tearfully entrusted him to take care of his wife and children. Wang Huan answered the promise with tears. Zeng Xian was killed and his wife and children were exiled to the city of Hanzhong, Shaanxi. Wang Huan escorted his wife and his second son from the path to the distribution place with a car. He prepared soup porridge for them during the day and camped outside the hotel at night. He never slackened for thousands of miles. Twenty years later, Zeng Xian was buried in Jiangdu. Wang Huan escorted Zeng Xian's wife and children back to Yangzhou and thanked him with money and silk, but he ignored the property and left. Zeng Xian can be called an intellectual, entrusted to others; Wang Huan is loyal and loyal. [45]

interpersonal relationship

full name
brief introduction
High grandfather
Zeng Renzheng
Moved from Huangyan, Zhejiang to Jiangdu, Yangzhou.
Zeng Chang
Zeng Hong
Zeng Fu
Peer generation
Chen Shi
Zeng Chun
reference material: [31] [34 ] [35]

Main works

Zeng has two volumes of Fu Tao Yi. [39 ]

Commemoration for future generations

Zeng Xian's former residence is located in the Xiaosanxiang on the south side of Sanyuan Lane in the old city of Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, and was once called Zeng Jiayuan. The "Zeng Xiangmin Temple" stands beside the Plum Blossom Ridge in Yangzhou. To commemorate the heroes, the north of Huangyan County in the Ming Dynasty was built with the "Zengchun Control Three Frontiers Square", and the "Three Sides Chief System Square" was built at the entrance of the former residence lane, which was named "Zengchun Lane". [1]

Historical data index

  • Zhang Tingyu and others, Ming History, Volume 214, Biography 92 [2]
  • Ming Record [4-6]