Zeng Zimo

Mainland China hostess and writer
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Zeng Zimo (October 22, 1972 -), female, born in Beijing, Hubei Wuhan People, Phoenix Satellite TV host.
Entered in 1991 Renmin University of China study international finance One year later, I will study in the United States. Graduated from the United States in 1996 Dartmouth College Ivy League ), obtained a bachelor's degree in economics. Joined after graduation International Investment Bank Morgan Stanley , participated in and completed large-scale projects in New York, Hong Kong and other places Enterprise acquisition And listing projects of the company. In 2000, he joined Phoenix Satellite TV as a program host and presided over the Stock Market Live Room《 Finance point-to-point Finance Today Century Lecture Hall and Phoenix On Time Broadcast Current Phoenix Satellite TV《 social visibility 》《 My Chinese Heart 》And《 Economic commanding heights 》Moderator. At the end of June 2010“ Ernai's infallibility theory ”Be hyped by the Internet.
True name
Zeng Zimo
Foreign name
Zeng Zi Mo
one's native heath
date of birth
October 22, 1972
University one is graduated from
Renmin University of China Dartmouth University
brokerage agency
Phoenix Satellite TV
Representative works
ink mark Finance point-to-point
host writer
Native place
Hubei Wuhan

Early experience

Zeng Zimo
Since Zeng Zimo's third year of senior high school in 1991 Beijing The scores of the top three candidates in the mock exam will be escorted to Renmin University of China , learn international finance.
In 1992, he went to the United States to study TOEFL 660 high scores were awarded by "Evergreen League" Dartmouth College Admitted, majoring in economics.
Graduated from the United States with the highest honor in 1996 New Hampshire Dartmouth College, obtained Bachelor of Economics After graduation in the United States Wall Street Of morgan stanley be engaged in investment bank , as analyst , has participated in more than 70 billion dollars of enterprise acquisition and company listing projects in New York headquarters and Hong Kong branch.
In 1998, he returned to Hong Kong and joined Morgan Stanley Asia Branch. One year later, he became a manager. The columns presided over include《 Finance point-to-point 》Finance Today and《 Phoenix broadcasts on schedule 》。
The main reason for transferring to Phoenix is that she has no future in Morgan and she likes to accept New challenges
After arriving at Phoenix Hu Shuli With the help of Financial circles Celebrities and Phoenix also try their best to build her. But unfortunately, when Hu Shuli left Phoenix, Zeng Zimo's financial programs could not continue. She also admitted that she stopped financial programs and turned to social visibility because it was difficult to find guests.
She presided over《 social visibility 》The program, because of its keen exposure social problem It has attracted wide attention.

Employment experience

In 2000, there was nothing News interview Experience her, join Phoenix InfoNews Serve as the anchor of financial programs, and use his career judgment to analyze the world economic situation And firsthand market update
Joined at the end of 2001 Phoenix Satellite TV Served as the host of financial programs.
In 2002, she interviewed the 35th Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Asian Development Bank and the "Two Sessions". Documentary film with her participation《 Our days in North Korea 》It won unanimous praise from the audience; He is a rare financial program host. Her professional financial knowledge and high sense of responsibility won her the "Best Financial Program Host" on the 2002 China TV Program List.
Interviewed the Fortune Global Forum held in Hong Kong in 2001, interviewed eight leaders of large enterprises and consortia in three days, and participated in the production Special programs Fifteen Years after China's Entry into WTO.
In 2002, she interviewed the 35th Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Asian Development Bank and the Two Sessions. The documentary "Our Days in North Korea", which she participated in shooting, was more highly praised by the audience. Now he is the host of "Economic commanding heights".
In 2002, the documentary "Our Days in North Korea", which she participated in shooting, won unanimous praise from the audience.
On February 3, 2007, he published his first work: Ink - Stay in Life and Memory( Ink )This work is her personal autobiography, which tells her life experience in detail.

Personal life

ink mark
Zeng Zimo's father is Communication University of China professor Zeng Qingrui Zeng Zimo is Zeng Qingrui's youngest daughter.
Zeng Zimo's Husband Li Hui It is said that he once lived in the United States Dartmouth College After reading Stanford University Get a doctor's degree. Currently, he is the chairman of a domestic IT company and CEO , the company was recently in the United States Entrepreneurial Edition Listed, Zeng Zimo's husband Li Hui He is 5 years older than Zeng Zimo.
On August 26, 2006, Zeng Zimo and the original Morgan Stanley Li Hui, Vice President of Tianhui Asia Co., Ltd Kempinski Hotel Beijing Marriage.
Two people are Morgan Stanley Li Hui, who knows and develops feelings, is her boss. In Zeng's book, she once operated Sina Listing is actually what Li Hui did when he followed him.
Netease Entertainment reported on July 20, 2011 that the entertainment industry had many happy events Zhao Wenzhuo Hu Ke Dezizhi, (July 20), media person Liu Chun Chen Chaohua Good news will be reported later: Phoenix Satellite TV The female anchor Zeng Zimo (July 19) gave birth to a son, whose second son was named Damien. Now 39 years old, Zeng Zimo is the mother of two children. It is reported that Zeng Zimo and his husband Li Hui met in 1996 Morgan Stanley He developed a love affair during his work in the company and got married in 2006.
Zeng Zimo is married
New Express 》Message“ Phoenix Satellite TV Zeng Zimo, one of the leading ladies, is going to make a TV play. " This is recently“ Zhang Yimou Executive scriptwriter " Wang Bin The information disclosed in the blog. Phoenix Satellite TV later confirmed the news to the reporter that Zeng Zimo was about to start shooting a TV series called "The Insider's Black Ball", which was her first "electric shock".
On the 22nd, Zeng Zimo revealed in an exclusive interview with our reporter that she will play an anchor of a news survey program in the play A fictional story Put the real False ball The way of linking cases Chinese Football Presented to the audience. In addition, she also revealed a man who has made countless men fans Heartbreaking news - "I'm married." When the reporter asked on behalf of all male fans, "Are you married private life On the other hand, I prefer to protect my family members and not expose them to the media too much flash lamp Next. So if you ask me whether I am married or not, I will answer. But if you ask me more details, I can only say sorry. That's my privacy. " [1]

Main works

ink mark [2]
12 Question Marks of China's Economy (Interview with Zeng Zimo)

social activities

After the May 12 Wenchuan Earthquake, Zeng Zimo raised 60 million yuan through personal influence HKD Donation.

Award record

"Best Financial Program Host" in the 2002 China TV Program List.
Won in 2007《 southern people weekly 》The magazine hosts the award of "50 Charms of China".

Character evaluation

Zeng Zimo, a Chinese girl who knows the world for the first time, has traveled across the oceans, and is strange and tolerant American Culture She accepted her and changed her, and she also changed the American's view of Chinese girls in the world's top investment banks. Just when her career seemed to be at the peak of the world, she made an unimaginable decision, "I don't want to use my own life to light up the aura of others covering my head." Zeng Zimo is a girl who is passionate and energetic about journalism, has touch and judgment on the financial world.
"Following Lin Huiyin The most authentic style after that "(Wang Shuo's comments).

Hot discussion on characters

At the end of June 2010, Zeng Zimo was criticized by many netizens for accepting an exclusive interview with Mr. Fashion and saying that "mistresses do not steal, do not rob, and do not make mistakes.".
Later, Zeng Zimo's assistant said that after this incident, it was stipulated that all interviews with Zeng Zimo should be passed Public Relations Department To arrange and review. Zeng Zimo also did not intend to respond to this matter or clarify anything. He didn't pay special attention to this matter and has been busy working. The relevant person in charge of the Public Relations Department said that the report of Mr. Fashion "took Zeng Zimo's original words out of context", which is easy to misunderstand. [3]