Cao Xijin

Gui Yijun Commissioner of the Five Dynasties
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Cao Xijin (? - March 17, 935 [19 ] ), the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties Shazhou People. During the Later Liang and Tang Dynasties, Gui Yijun was an envoy. Gui Yijun Festival Envoy Suo Xun Son of law. [28]
In the fourth year of Qianhua in the Later Liang Dynasty (914), Zhang Chengfeng died, and the Cao family replaced the Zhang family. Cao Yuejin canceled the title of Dunhuang State, restored the old name of Gui Yijun, and honored the Zhengshuo Dynasty of the Central Plains. [6] In the second year of Tongguang in the Later Tang Dynasty (924), Cao Yuejin was awarded the title of Gui Yijun Festival Commissioner, Shazhou Governor, and Curator. In the second year of Changxing (931), Cao Yuejin began to call himself King Toshi. [31 ] In the second year of Qingtai in the later Tang Dynasty (935), Cao Yuejin died of illness and presented it to the Grand Master. [3 ] [19 ] Its son Cao Yuande After assuming the throne, in order to commemorate the achievements of his father Cao Xijin, he presided over the construction of the Merit Grottoes (i.e. the 100th Mogao Grottoes), which are valuable materials for studying the history, ethnic relations and social customs of the Hexi region during the Five Dynasties period. [4] [13]
Cao Yuejin's Marriage and Li Shengtian Later, he married a Ganzhou Uighur Khan woman. During the period of its management, Guasha area was temporarily stable and prosperous. [7]
(Source of overview picture: Southern mural of Cave 98 in Mogao Grottoes, the statue of Cao Yuejin and his son [14]
Full Name
Cao Xijin
Cao Yijin
Seal number
King Toshi
Late Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties
one's native heath
Date of death
March 17, 935
Key achievements
Establish the Cao's Guiyi Army regime
Highest office
Gui Yijun envoy, governor of Shazhou, inspector general [1]

Character's Life


Ruling Guasha

Liang Taizu Desiccation In the fourth year (914), Zhang Chengfeng died, leaving no successor to the Zhang family. The people of the state elected Long Shi Cao Yuejin to preside over the state affairs. After he took office, he canceled the title of Dunhuang State, restored the title of Gui Yijun in the Tang Dynasty, and attached himself to the Central Plains Dynasty Gui Yijun Festival Envoy , Governor of Shazhou, in charge of military power in Gua and Shazhou. [4]
Emperor end of Liang Dynasty Chastity In the second year (916), Cao Xijin married the Ganzhou Uighur Tianmu Khan as his wife and was named Princess Shengtian. In August, because of the marriage with the Ganzhou Uighurs, the Khan issued a decree to send envoys to pay tribute to the Central Plains court for the first time. The envoy arrived in Liangzhou because 嗢 end Plagiarism, return without arrival. [18 ]

stabilize a government

After Cao Yuejin took the post of Guiyi Army's envoy, he was faced with a complicated political environment. At that time, the Central Plains was in a situation of warlord scuffles, with Uighurs in the east and Khotan in the west, surrounded by six Tibetans. He considered the situation and adopted a series of policies to consolidate his rule. First of all, he adopted the policy of amity and marriage with the Uighurs and Khotan successively, thus improving the relations with these neighbors. Secondly, he joined forces with aristocratic families to consolidate internal rule. In addition, he also developed agriculture and animal husbandry to make people live and work in peace and contentment. He also advocated Buddhism and built temples and caves to appease people. These policies led to the prosperity of the Guasha area during the reign of Cao Xijin. [4] [7] [18 ]

Grand Court Award

After firmly ruling, Cao Yuejin actively sought the support of the Central Plains Dynasty and requested the imperial court to award honours. In the fourth year of Zhenming of the Later Liang Dynasty (918), Cao Rengui sent an envoy to the Later Liang Dynasty and was granted a gift. Give Cao Yuejin the post of envoy. [16 ]
After the fall of the Houliang Dynasty, Cao Yuejin asked for a tribute to the Tang Dynasty in the name of the people of the three armies in charge. On the Yichou Day (July 2, 924) in May of the second year of Tongguang, he was an envoy on Lingwu Festival Han Zhu Under the recommendation of, Tang Zhuangzong Cao Xijin was appointed governor of Shazhou, envoy of Guiyi Army, observation and disposal envoy of Guasha and other states, and was also appointed as the inspector general. [6] [8 ]
After receiving a gift from Later Tang Dynasty, Shazhou paid tribute to the imperial court many times. On the first month of the fourth year of Tongguang, Yiyou Day (March 14, 926), Cao Xijin sent an envoy to make a pilgrimage to thank the imperial court envoy's credentials [10 ] On Dingsi (January 19, 931), the first year of Changxing, Emperor Mingzong of the Tang Dynasty, Cao Xijin sent envoys to Luoyang to pay tribute. [20 ] Min Di of Later Tang Dynasty In the first year of Yingshun (934), Shazhou sent envoys to pay tribute to the Tang Dynasty with Guazhou envoys in compliance with Ganzhou Uighur envoys, and were rewarded with brocade, silver belt and other gifts by Min Emperor of the later Tang Dynasty. [21]

one has reached the highest rank open to a subject

The third day of the first month of the second year of Changxing (February 7, 931), Tang Mingzong Cao Xijin, the envoy of the Yijun in Shazhou Middle order [9 ] Make it“ Phase ”。 [30] In the same year, Cao Yuejin began to call himself King, and he became King Toshi or King Tuoxi. [31 ]
peace On February 10, 1935 (March 17, 935), Cao Xijin died, his son Cao Yuande The heir is called Sikong. [19 ]
Emperor Gaozu of the Later Jin Dynasty Tianfu On Dingyou Day in February of the fifth year (March 12, 940), the Later Jin Dynasty heard that Cao Yuejin died of illness and asked for a gift Grand Master , ranking third division. [1] [3 ]

Political measures


International Relations

When Cao Yuejin took over the Guiyi Army, the Central Plains was in a situation of warlord scuffle. The Gua and Shazhou states were surrounded by Uighurs in the east and Khotan in the west. [4]
After Cao Xijin came to power, in order to consolidate his rule and maintain contact with the Central Plains Dynasty, he married Ganzhou Uighurs in the east, married Ganzhou Uighur Khan women, and married Ganzhou Uighur Khan A'ju to be his wife. [18 ] [23]
In the west, he attached great importance to the friendly relationship with Khotan and married his daughter to the King of Khotan Li Shengtian In some of his vows, he repeatedly asked Buddha to bless "people in Khotan, and there is no lag in communication". And envoys from Khotan to melon and sand also came in an endless stream. [15]
According to the Yi Can wine bill of the Cao Dynasty, Khotan sent envoys to Shazhou four times within half a year, and lived there for half a year. It is precisely because Cao Xijin has taken the above measures conducive to national unity that a relatively stable situation has been formed in Gua and Sha, a multi-ethnic area, and has won the support of the people. [7]


During his reign, Cao Yuejin married and allied with the Zhang family, Zhai family, Yin family, Linghu family and Murong family of the Shagua Haozu, and united all forces that could be united to participate in the recovery of local economy. It is easy to work hard with the people and recuperate. Protect the Silk Road trade and promote commercial development. [7] [32]


Hexi region worships Buddhism and opens caves for statues. During the period from the fourth year of Zhenming in the Later Liang Dynasty (918) to the third year of Tongguang in the Later Tang Dynasty (925), Cao Xijin personally built Cave 98 of Mogao Grottoes. The paintings in the grottoes belong to the righteous monk officer Dade, civil and military officials, and Cao's intermarriage relatives, to show that the Cao's regime has a solid foundation. [14] [22 ]
Cave 98 of Mogao Grottoes (partial)
During more than 140 years of the Cao Family in the Five Dynasties and the early Song Dynasty, there were 98, 100, 61, 55, 108, 261, 454, 146, 152 and other large-scale grottoes. [7]

Historical evaluation

Wang Jiangnan 》It belongs to Dunhuang Quzi Ci, which was particularly popular in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties. It can be found in the four volumes of P.2809, P.3128, P.3911, and S.5556, of which P.3128 is the most complete and clear. The four songs "Looking South" are successively Wang Chongmin Dunhuang Quzi Ci 》、 Ren Zhongmin It is recorded in the "Dunhuang Songs Correction Record" for the purpose of eulogizing the local festival envoys in Dunhuang. The first two songs recorded this event by praising Cao Yuejin's merits:
Cao Gongde entrusted Xiguan for the country. The Six Armies have come all the way to be the common people. They are famous far and near. Be loyal and filial, and make great contributions to the Lord. It is difficult to support the country by the troops in the quiet. Heng Jiang plans to fix the evil atmosphere. He is willing to be a man for thousands of years.
Dunhuang is hanging in the sky, surrounded by six Tibetan tribes, and the life is hard to see the sky. After years of losing the imperial court, I can't see the dragon chimneys. With new grace, plants always shine. If we don't fight against the power of the sky far away, the river god will be afraid of invading the army and barbarians, and the sage will know sooner or later. [11] [24]

interpersonal relationship


Family members

Family Relationship Table of Cao Xijin
brief introduction
Gui Yijun, a festival envoy, married Zhang Chaochao's daughter
Zhang Chaochao's Daughter
The commander of the city knows that the city is in custody
Yuan's wife, Suo Xun's daughter
Holy Princess
Ganzhou Uighur Khan's Daughter
The Second Cao Family Guiyi Army Chief Executive
The Third Cao Family Guiyi Army Chief
The Fourth Cao Family Guiyi Army Chief Executive
Cao Family
The Great Policy of the Great Kingdom of Khotan, the Great Ming Dynasty, was fully sealed as the most filial emperor, Empress Tian
King of Khotan
The Fifth Cao Family Guiyi Army Chief Executive
The 6th Cao Family Guiyi Army Chief Executive
The Seventh Cao Family Guiyi Army Chief Executive
The 8th Cao Family Guiyi Army Chief Executive
reference material: [1] [12] [33-35]

Guiyi Lineage

Cao's Guiyi's military and political lineage
Name taboo
Cao Xijin
Suo Xun Son-in-law
On Jin's eldest son
Third generation
On Jin Second Son
Fourth generation
On Jin Sanzi
Fifth generation
Son of Yuande
Sixth generation
Son of Yuanzhong
Yan Gong's son
Son of Zong Shou
reference material: [29 ]

Character controversy

Dunhuang documents such as "Praise of the Portrait of Cao Liangcai" and "Monument to Cao Quan from He Yang of the Han Dynasty" say that Cao Xijin is a Han who has rooted in Dunhuang for generations. [2] [5] [27]
According to the research on the unearthed Dunhuang documents, Rong Xinjiang and Feng Peihong believed that the Cao rulers of the Guiyi Army were descendants of Sogde. Rongxin River It is difficult to explain the marriage of Cao family with the Uighur khans in Ganzhou and the Khotan royal family only by political marriage. It is likely that their races are the same as the Hu people, or even the same as the Iranian people, and they are combined under the influence of the internal marriage system of the Hu people. [25 ] Feng Peihong It is believed that the Cao Yuejin family should be a Sot people. After becoming the leader and returning to righteousness, they pretended to be the Cao family of Qiao County and used it as a prefecture to raise their rank. The view that Cao Yuejin is a descendant of the Sogde Cao people is discussed in two articles, "The Doctrine that Cao's Ruler in Dunhuang is a Sogde Descendant" and "Dunhuang Cao's Clan Belongs to and Cao's Regime in the Sogde Return Army". [17] [25-26 ]

Commemoration for future generations

Located in Jiuquan, Gansu Province Dunhuang Cave 100 of Mogao Grottoes is the merit cave of Cao Xijin, the ruler of Dunhuang during the Five Dynasties, which was built by Cao Yuande to commemorate Cao Xijin. The statues in the grottoes were all remodeled in the Qing Dynasty. The lower part of the south, north and east walls of the cave, the Travel Map of Cao Xijin and the Travel Map of the Uighur Princess, are the largest Travel Map of the Mogao Grottoes. Its characters are numerous and the scene is huge. [13]

Historical data index

"Ce Fu Yuan Gui, Volume 436" [1]
The History of the Old Five Dynasties · The Fifth Chronicle of the Emperor Gaozu [3 ]
The History of the Old Five Dynasties · The Eight Disciplines of the Ming Clan [9 ]
History of the Song Dynasty, Biography 249, Foreign Six [4]
The History of the New Five Dynasties Volume Five of the Five Tang Chronicles [10 ]
The History of the New Five Dynasties Volume 74 Siyi Appendix III [6]