Cao Zhi

Writers in the Three Kingdoms Period
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Cao Zhi (192-232, December 27), born in Dongyangwu, is a native of Peiguoqiao (today's Bozhou City, Anhui Province) with the word Zijian( Shandong province Heze city Juancheng A saying was born Shenxian County Chaocheng) is the third son born to Cao Cao and Empress Wu Xuan Bian. He was King Chen before his death, and after his death, his posthumous title was "Si", so he is also called King Chen Si. [50] Emperor Wei Wen Cao Pi Brother. He was a litterateur, poet and musician in the Three Kingdoms period. [46] [48 ] [51]
Cao Zhi, a young man with precocious intelligence, was over ten years old. He read hundreds of thousands of words of poetry and poetry. He was also able to write and write. He was deeply loved by Cao Cao. He almost wanted to become the crown prince, but eventually he fell out of favor because of his wayward behavior and excessive drinking. After the death of Cao Cao, Cao Zhi's life also changed dramatically. In the following ten years, he was forced to move and seal the land for many times Plain marquis , moved back to Linzi Marquis. Cao Pi Cao Rui After becoming emperors one after another, he was persecuted repeatedly and created the well-known《 Seven step poem 》Express the suffering and resentment at that time. Later, he was demoted to Anxiang Marquis and granted the title of King Chen. Finally, he died of depression in his prime because he could not display his talents. [46] [47 ]
Cao Zhi made relatively high achievements in Jian'an poetry. He made an important contribution to the development of five character poetry on the basis of the Han Yuefu ancient poetry. [48 ] Among Jian'an poets, there are 70 or 80 poems extant. Early poetry《 White Horse 》As a representative, it is full of optimism and romance, and full of confidence in the future. In the later period, because of the sudden change of life, the poetic style changed from the former relaxed, optimistic, romantic and upward mood to worry, grief, anger, depression and pain, representing《 To White Horse Wang Biao 》Etc. In addition to poetry creation, Cao Zhi has also made great achievements in his prose and prose writing《 Book with Yang Dezu 》《 Write again with Wu Ji 》《 Find self test table 》And other famous articles passed down from generation to generation. [46]
Full Name
Cao Zhi [49]
Chen Siwang Chen Wang
Sub construction
Late Han and Three Kingdoms
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Shandong province Heze city Juancheng (Today Old town ), I was born Shenxian County Chaocheng. [51]
date of birth
Date of death
December 27, 232
Key achievements
The first poet in the history of poetry to vigorously write five character poems; Completed the transformation from Yuefu folk songs to literati poems
Main works
"Seven Step Poems", "White Horse", "Luoshen Fu", "Seven Sad Poems", "Flying Dragon"
Native place
Qiao County, Peiguo
Linzi Marquis → Anxiang Marquis → Chen Wang
Posthumous title

Character's Life


Young talent

Cao Zhisheng Initial leveling Three years (192) Cao Cao And Madam Bian Mrs. Bian gave birth to four sons for Cao Cao: Cao Pi Cao Zhang Cao Zhi Cao Xiong )。 [2]
When Cao Zhi was a teenager, he could recite《 The Book of Songs 》《 The Analects of Confucius 》As well as the pre Qin and Han Dynasty poetry, various schools of thought have also extensively dabbled in it. He was quick in thinking and sharp in conversation. When he came to see Cao Cao, he often answered his questions and blurted out his words. Cao Cao I once read an article written by Cao Zhi, and was surprised to ask him, "Did you ask someone to write it for you [3] In addition, he is frank and natural in nature, does not pay attention to solemn appearance, and does not pursue gorgeous and rich clothing, which naturally suits Cao Cao's taste. Gradually, Cao Cao began to transfer his love to Cao Zhi. [1]
Jian'an In August of the eleventh year (206), 15 year old Cao Zhi followed his father on his first expedition to the sea Pipe socket Arrive at Chunyu (now the northeast of Anqiu).
In January of the 12th year of Jian'an (207), when he returned to Yecheng, what he said in "Self seeking Test Form" was "facing the sea in the east". In September, 16 year old Cao Zhi followed his father to Liucheng (today's Chaoyang, Liaoning), and said in his Self Examination that "going north out of the Xuansai" meant this trip《 White Horse 》It is Cao Zhi's portrayal of the expedition with his father during this period.
In July of the 13th year of Jian'an (208), 17 year old Cao Zhi followed his father to the south liu biao To Xinye, he followed his father and Sun Quan to fight in Chibi.
In the 14th year of Jian'an (209), Cao Zhi returned to his hometown for the first time with his father Bozhou [2]

The dispute over the issue

In the 15th year of Jian'an (210 years), Cao Cao built the Bronze Sparrow Terrace When it was finished, Cao Zhi asked his children to come on the stage and write a poem《 Ode to ascend the stage 》Cao Cao was very surprised at Cao Zhi's talent. [38]
In the first month of the spring of the 16th year of Jian'an (211), Cao Zhi was granted the title of plain marquis. [39] [41]
In the 19th year of Jian'an period (214 years), it was renamed as the Marquis of Lingmei. [40] In July, Cao Cao attacked Sun Quan and asked Cao Zhi to stay in Yecheng. Before leaving, he warned Cao Zhi, "I was twenty-three years old when I served as Dun Qiu Ling. I have never regretted what I did back then. Now you are twenty-three years old, how can you not work hard?" Cao Zhi was favored because of his talent, and Ding Yi, Ding Xuan, Yang Xiu and others came to assist him. Cao Cao hesitated and almost made Cao Zhi the crown prince several times. However, Cao Zhiwen was so popular and talented that he often acted willfully, did not pay attention to decoration and restrain himself, and drank without restraint. Cao Pi, however, used his tactics to regulate his behavior and words, and received a lot of support. Cao Cao appointed Cao Pi as his successor. [42]
In the 22nd year of Jian'an (217), Cao Zhi was granted five thousand additional residences, totaling ten thousand. [43]
Cao Zhi once galloped in a car and opened Sima Gate without authorization. Cao Cao was very angry about this and executed the bus order in charge of Sima Gate. Cao Zhi also lost his trust. [44]
In the 24th year of Jian'an (219), Cao Ren was besieged by Guan Yu. Cao Cao appointed Cao Zhi as the general of Nanzhong, the general of the army, and led the army to rescue Cao Ren. After the order was issued, Cao Zhi was too drunk to take orders, so Cao Cao regretted and did not reuse him. [4]

Feelings of Luoshui

In the first month of the twenty fifth year of Jian'an (220 years), Cao Cao died of illness in Luoyang. Cao Piji succeeded to the throne. Cao Zhi was 29 years old at that time《 On Wei De 》。 In the same year, Cao Pi became emperor. Cao Zhi Su Ze It is said that Cao Pi abandoned the Han Dynasty and stood on his own feet. He put on mourning clothes and cried for the Han Dynasty. Cao Pi said angrily, "I complied with the destiny of becoming the emperor, but I heard that someone cried. Why?" [5] Since then, strict precautions have been taken. Later, Cao Pi, under the pressure of his mother's wife, Bian, had to move Cao Zhi to another place for several times. Cao Zhi's life has changed since then. He changed from a noble prince who lived a leisurely life to an object of restriction and attack everywhere.
Huang Chu Two years (221 years), Cao Zhi, 30 years old, was transferred to Anxiang Marquis (now the Marquis City of Jinzhou, Hebei Province), with 800 families in the city; It was renamed in July that year Juancheng Hou (today Shandong province Heze city Juancheng County ), made in《 Wild Field Yellow Sparrow Walk 》This renaissance became an important turning point in Cao Zhi's life. [2]
In April of the third year of Huangchu (222), Cao Zhi, 31, was granted the title of Juancheng Wang, the capital of 2500 households, returned after being crowned king this time Juancheng (Today Shandong province Heze city Juancheng County )On the way, he wrote the famous《 On the Goddess of Luo River 》。 On《 On the Goddess of Luo River 》In, the poet described the image of a beautiful and sentimental goddess, regarded her as the symbol of his beautiful ideal, and expressed his admiration and love for the beautiful ideal; He also made up the story of courting Luo Shen, which symbolized his ardent pursuit of good dreams; Finally, through the description of the failure of love, it shows that his pursuit of the ideal is broken. [1]

Sadness for life

In the fourth year of the Huangchu period (223 years), Cao Zhi, 32 years old, was transferred to Yongqiu King.
In the sixth year of the Huangchu period (225 years), Cao Pi returned from the southern expedition, passed Yongqiu, met Cao Zhi, and increased his household by 500. [6]
In the seventh year of the Yellow River (226 years), Cao Pi died of illness, Cao Rui Succession to the throne is Emperor Wei Ming. The ambitious Cao Zhi is eager to show his talent. He has written to Cao Rui many times in an impassioned way, asking for political appointments. The heart of fists can move a man with a heart of stone. However, Cao Rui, who was too calm and rational, was as old as a cucumber and could not stand the slightest wave. He only gave verbal praise to Cao Zhi for his various expressions and demands. Cao Rui still strictly guarded against and restricted him, and his situation did not improve fundamentally. In the 12 years of Wen and Ming II, Cao Zhi was moved and granted many times, and the final fief was Chenjun.
Taihe Three years (229 years), Cao Zhi, 38 years old, moved to Dong'e and devoted himself to writing and studying Confucian classics.
In the sixth year of Taihe era (232 years), Cao Zhi was renamed King Chen. In November, Cao Zhi died of depression at the age of 41. He was buried in Dong'e Fish Mountain according to his last wish. Later generations called it "King Chen" or "King Chen Si". [7]

political thought

The whole body portrait of Cao Zhi, Gu Kaizhi's Painting of Luoshen.
The Three Caos attached great importance to capturing folk hermits and tried to gather all the hermit talents scattered among the people. On the one hand, the Three Caos criticized the absurdity that shook the hermits' belief, and let them withdraw from the mountains and enter the world to govern the country. On the other hand, he eulogized his sentiments and regarded the hermit as a fellow person, aiming to recruit hermits and seek talents, and let people enter the world to govern the country and assist the monarch to help the world. Cao Pi's《 Artemisia on the wall 》At the beginning, I asked the short life question: "What do I vaguely want to do now?" Then the material enjoyment of joining the WTO induced the hermits to go out of the mountain and make contributions for them. This poem was influenced by Cao Zhi's Seven Enlightenments to persuade hermits to leave the mountain and make contributions. On the one hand, it shows that the three Caos want to do something, on the other hand, it also shows that there are a large number of hermits not used by the imperial court.
Cao Zhi's《 Seven Openings 》China asked one "mirror machine" to discuss diet Cosmetic decoration hunt Palace , voice and appearance, friends, kingcraft, etc. This Fu was written in the 15th year of Jian'an period (210 years), with the theme of seeking talents and assisting the monarch to help the world《 Meritorious order 》After. Ling Wenyou said, "I can't get off today." interior cultivation And fishing Weibin Who? " Therefore, the author expressed his feelings. Conventional copying Han dynasty Mei multiply The big fu system of "Qi Fa" assumes that Jingji and the hermit Xuanweizi's question and answer are written together, criticizing the behavior of "staying empty and quiet", "fleeing from the secular world" and "living in seclusion", and using Jingji to describe food, appearance hunt Palace In the end, he persuaded Xuanweizi to "return from his son" by praising the achievements of the "Holy Master" (i.e. Cao Cao) in "controlling the world with his wings", "sparing no talent", "enriching the country and the people", and "building the supremacy of the country" Reclusive But if you leave your name behind, wise people will not Anachronism The political attitude and ideal ambition of actively using the world and making contributions to the cause. The style of the article is grand, magnificent and generous, changing the prose style of Qifa into art of parallelism The neat fine drawing is smooth and vivid.

Literary and artistic achievements

Cao Zhi's creation is divided into two periods with 220 years (the 25th year of Jian'an) as the boundary. His early poems mainly sang about his ideals and ambitions, filled with optimism and romantic sentiment, and full of confidence in the future; Later poems mainly express the grief and indignation aroused by the contradiction between ideal and reality. His poems not only reflect the solemn and elegant "sorrow without sorrow" in the Book of Songs, but also contain《 Poetry of the South 》Graceful and profound mystery; It not only inherits the writing skills of Han Yuefu to reflect the reality, but also retains《 Nineteen Old Poems 》Wen Li's sentimental tone of sadness. Cao Zhi's poems also have their own distinctive style, completing the transformation of Yuefu folk songs to literati poems.
Cao Zhi's works are included in《 Cao Zijianji 》Medium. The Collection of Cao Zijian has 10 volumes, including Cao Zhi's poetry and prose. Among them, there are more than 80 complete poems, more than half of which are Yuefu poems. His representative works are Seven Sorrow Poems《 White Horse 》《 To White Horse Wang Biao 》《 There are thousands of passengers in the gate 》Etc. Including《 On the Goddess of Luo River 》The beauty of Goddess Luochuan is a wonderful flower in the literary garden.





According to《 Book fragments 》It is recorded that "Cao Zhi is also a worker."《 Xuanhe Bookscript 》It is also recorded that Cao Zhi's young people were intelligent, had an amazing memory, and could not forget every word. Cao Zhiyi cursive hand of Chinese calligraphy Written《 Ode to Harrier and Sparrow 》It is the best in calligraphy.

Painting theory

Embroidered Statue of Cao Zhi
Cao Zhi, the author of the Preface to Painting and Praise, is the first monographic article on painting handed down in the history of Chinese painting theory. It can be compared with the Preface to Mao's Poems of the Han Dynasty. Preface to Mao's Poems 》It is the first article on poetry in Chinese history, which elaborates the ethical enlightenment of poetry; The Preface to Painting Praise advocates the function that painting should have in "educating". This, of course, is Confucianism. But it is very important for Cao Zhi to clarify the social value and significance of painting art and affirm the position of painting art here. [8]
Cao Zhi clearly pointed out that painting can "rely on learning from others". Moreover, this kind of "caution" is not carried out in a schematic way, but through the artistic image of painting to arouse the emotional resonance of the viewer. He talked about the emotional reactions caused by painting, such as "holding up", "lamenting", "cutting teeth", "forgetting food", "resisting the head", "sighing", "glancing sideways", "Jiagui", etc. This is the different emotional response caused by different portraits, which touches the characteristics of painting art. This is the first time in the history of Chinese painting to contact this problem. It is consistent with Cao Pi's "Dianlun · Thesis" that the first article should have the author's temperament. In theory, both are the first to open the era of literary and artistic consciousness.

Historical evaluation


Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties

Chen Lin : Jun Hou is a talented person with great talent. He is armed with the weapon of Qingping's cadre. He blows the bell silently and makes quick decisions. This is a natural gift. It is not the same as those who look up. The sound and meaning are far away, and the clear words are wonderful. Yan Juehuanbing, for example, is still flying away from meteors, crossing mountains and seas, and the dragon heroes dare not chase them, and the inferior horses can get enough! [9]
Chen Shou : Chen Siwen is rich and beautiful enough to communicate with the back leaf, but he can't resist the remote defense and eventually carry the gap. [10]
Liu Xie : Wei Wu was honored as the Prime Minister, and his poems were elegant and loving; Emperor Wen emphasized the importance of vice monarch, and was good at poetry; Chen Si writes brilliantly with the pride of a young master; And his appearance is elegant, so he is handsome. [11]
Cao Zhi
Zhong Rong : It originates from the national style. Extremely high in backbone and colorful in words. Feelings are both elegant and resentful. The body is elegant and elegant. It is charming and unique. Alas! Chen Sizhi also wrote articles, such as Zhou Kong in human relations, dragon and phoenix in scales and feathers, zither and sheng in music, and Fu in female workers. Baldwig the lead and sucking the ink, he admires the chapters and reflects the afterglow with his own candle. Therefore, if the door of the Confucius family is composed of poems, the official duties will rise to the hall, the king will enter the room, and Pan Lu in Jingyang will be able to sit between the corridors and verandas. [12]
Yan Yanzhi : Liu Zhen and Zhang Hua are famous for their five characters; When the four words are side secret, Zhang Heng and Wang Can can. If my husband Chen Si Wang, it can be said that he has both.
author of an epochmaking work in phonology : If your husband is flat and beautiful, he will change his mind with emotion. He will never be heard again. As for Jian'an, Cao Jiming, the second ancestor, King Chen, stored algae in salty water, and Fu Nai wrote in love and was pledged in writing. From Han Dynasty to Wei Dynasty, for more than 400 years, talented people resigned and style changed three times. Xiangruqiao is a word of similarity in appearance. Ban Gu is good at reason. Zijian and Zhongxuan take temperament as the body and are good at beauty, which is unique at that time. [13]
Wei Shou : Cao Zhi believed in Wei Shizhi and Lu Ji was the best in the Jin Dynasty. Although they were parallel at the same time, they fought for a long way in different ways. [14]
Xie Lingyun : There is only one stone in the world. Cao Zijian monopolizes eight fights. [15]

Sui and Tang Dynasties

Wang Tong : Chen Siwang is a reasonable person. When the world gives way, people don't know it. [16]
Fang Xuanling : Catching the basic life of Dangtu, Wenzong is rising, the third ancestor leaves its high rhyme, the seventh son divides its beauty, Hanlin is always its essence, and Dianlun is detailed and gorgeous, the beauty of Binwei, and the beauty of the year. The only king of Chen is the one who thinks of the wind and moves gracefully, is ready for the classical Olympics, and hangs the sun and the moon. [17]
lo bingwang : ① He Shuo is a poet, Wang and Liu are the first; The talented men in Luoyang, Pan and Zuo are the first to awaken. If it is Zijian's cage, Shiheng is very famous at that time, and he is also a feather of Wenyuan and a tortoise mirror of poets. ② Wenchang is hidden in the imperial city, and has a long history of bright and talented people. Pan Lu's Ci Feng, Luo Yifei, and Zhang Cao's Imperial Court rise and fall.
Li Bai : Cao Zhi is a great talent in Jian'an, but he is worthy of praise. The world is bold and handsome, but the white is not sensitive.
Du Fu : ① Senior Cao Zhixiu, and later Zhang Zhi. ② Zi Jianwen's writing style is strong, and Hejian Sutra is preserved. ③ Yang Xiong is the enemy of materials, and Zi Jian is the parent of poems.
Cui Youfu : Cao and Liu are full of enthusiasm, while Pan and Lu are full of grace. In the past, I have never known. [18]

Song Dynasty and Song Dynasty

Ouyang Xiu : Those who compose poems are the Miao people who enjoy music. Su and Li of the Han Dynasty, Cao and Liu of the Wei Dynasty are the beginning. [19]
Zhang Jie : Zi Jian's poems are gentle, graceful, graceful, and cadenced, which cannot be judged as superior or inferior. It is not easy for ancient and modern poets to put Wang Chen and ancient poetry first.
Ye Shi From Wei Dynasty to Sui and Tang Dynasty, Cao Zhi and Lu Ji were the top scholars. The plant is wide and the work cannot catch the opportunity. The plant still has the body of Han Dynasty, and the machine is inferior and weak. Although the loom axis is self formed, it is isolated from the ancients, so that the brush and ink can be used for hundreds of years. What a pity! [20]
Liu Kezhuang : Cao Zhi replaced his talent with that of his father. He is still loved by others. Make it less clever, and win the Diyu backhand. Zhisu has no such idea, and he is deeply self restrained and retreating. Although Ding Yi and others are taking the blame, their words are not even planted. At the beginning of the Yellow River, the number was reduced. Fang wrote poems and bowed. The above table asked for self examination. The elder brother did not see it, but did not dare to abandon the meaning of obedience. The pawn was so kind and wise. Wen Zhongzhong said, "It is the best way to think about the king and give way to the world.". True and sincere. [21]
Fang Hui : Ten thousand people are calligraphers, and there is no King Cao Si. No one knows what to do Guan Yunchang [22]

Ming and Qing Dynasties

Li Mengyang : Sigh! Its voice is Wan, its situation is dangerous, and its words are indignant and full of sorrow. It is almost at the time of danger and suspicion!
Zhong Jingbo: "Zi Jian has seven steps. He is clever and has a misfortune. He doesn't mean to be a talented person, but is a fault of a talented person. You can't regret the creation by doing so. [23]
Hu Yinglin: Three Caos, Wei Wutai, Zi Huan, more than ten excellent Yuefu poems, none of them is Chen Sibi.
Wang Shizhen : ① Cao Gong was reckless and desolate in ancient times. Zihuan Xiaozao is the essence of Yuefu. Zi Jian is a talented and beautiful man. Although he has the highest reputation in ancient and modern times, he is inferior to his father and brother. Why? If you are too talented, you will be too eloquent. ② Zijian called on the emperor to inherit the Minglu, and the bright moon shone on the tall building, which was beyond the reach of all the people in Ye. Zhongxuan and Gonggan were far behind. [24]
Wang Shimao The ancients said, "Beauty is like food." I said that only Mao Qiang Xi Shi Zhao Jun, Tai Zhen, Cao Zhi, Xie Tiao, Li Bai and Wang Wei can be the candidates. [25]
Xu Shipu Although Zi Jian's poems are unique among the seven poets, and Dongpo's writings are ambitious for hundreds of generations, they are not always Meng Deming's generous, boundless, vigorous, and have their own image of creation. [26]
Wang Fuzhi : Cao Zijian laid out and decorated, established a class to earn people's promotion, and used this to send all the visitors who want to go there. It is easy to become famous, and the paper and brush are the same. Zihuan thought about the rhyme and climbed up to the top of others. His old friends were not happy with it, but were covered up. Zi Jian therefore overwhelmed Brother A and took his reputation away. In fact, Zihuan is a talented man. How can Zijian overcome him? Cao Zijian was separated from Zihuan by immortals and mortals. He was called Zijian, but he did not know that there was Zihuan. Generally speaking, this is the case. [27]
Feng Ban : As a poet through the ages, only Zimei can match Chen Siwang.
Wang Shizhen Since the Han and Wei Dynasties, there have been many people who have been famous for their poems for more than 2000 years. Only Cao Zijian, Li Taibai and Su Zizhan are the only people who have been named as immortal by Gu Suo. [28]
Li Guangdi : Only Cao Zijian and Zhong Da are the figures of Wei. Only Zhou Gongjin, the second Lu Zijing, is a person in Jiangdong.
Chen Zuoming : Zi Jian is good at sharp talents and the knowledge of Rao Zao Group, so he is elegant and unique. Not as good as Meng De's, but extremely poor, bolder than Zihuan. To achieve this, the three Cao Cao masters their own unique skills, which will be beyond the reach of future generations. [29]
Ding Yan : ① Since the beginning of the three hundred and nineteen poems, Zhuanmen has been on the right track since the Han Dynasty, and the first poem was built. The crown of Xun poet and the source of Yuefu. ② What he saw was great, not only in the eyes of poets. That is to say, the theory of poetry, based on knowledge and temperament, is the crown of the seven sons of Jian'an. It is not easy for later generations to learn, nor can they learn. [30]
Cheng Shuzhuo: Wei Shizhi's poems were flourishing at the beginning of his reign. Emperor Wu's talents were lost, and Zi Huan was elegant but hurt by his weakness; Elegant leadership, the poet's true colors, never push this gentleman. [31]


Wang Kaiyun: Looking at Chuanshan's poetry, he slandered Zijian very much. But he was brave enough to know that his poetry could not be high, and it was just ethereal and quiet. [32]
Huangjie: King Chen's changes in his country's style, his amazing Yuefu, his words of Qusong, and his poems based on Yang Ma's poems, were almost the same as that of King Chen six generations ago. [33]
Gu Shi: Cao Zhi is a giant of Wei literature, connecting the Han Dynasty at the top and the Jin, Song, Qi, Liang, Chen and Sui dynasties at the bottom. Li Bai and Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty all followed their example. [34]

Anecdotes and allusions


make polished impromptu speech

Cao Zhi“ make polished impromptu speech ”It is widely spread that "when beans are boiled, they burn Osmunda, and the beans cry in the kettle. They were originally born from the same root. Why is it too urgent to fry each other?" (See《 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 》)However, this poem is not found in Chen Shou Of《 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 》, first seen in Southern Dynasties Liu Yiqing Of《 A New Account of the Tales of the World ·Literature, Shishuoxinyu records Emperor Wei Wen Cao Pi Jealousy of Cao Zhi's talent, Cao Zhi ordered him to write a poem within seven steps, or he would be executed. Moreover, he had strict requirements for the poem: the theme of the poem must be brotherly love, but the whole poem cannot contain the word "brother". Cao Zhi recited in less than seven steps: "Boil beans to serve as soup, and drain beans to make juice. Osmunds burn under the cauldron, and beans cry in the cauldron. They are born from the same root, so why is it too urgent to fry each other?" But whether this poem was written by Cao Zhi is still controversial.

Elegy of Luoshen

For《 an anthology 》The fallacious notes in Zhu Qian In Yuefu Zhengyi, Cao Zhi used the legend of "Mi Xi's daughter drowned in Luoshui and became a god" to express his lack of talent in Gan Fu. - They are actually fiefs. Use of good actors“ - ”Communicate with "Zhen", and it will be attached《 On the Goddess of Luo River 》The love affair between Cao Zhi and Zhen, the wife of Cao Pi, Emperor Wen of the Wei Dynasty, is not only a stain on the past, but also on the mouth of future generations. Recently, some scholars have verified that the main purpose of the Ode to God Luo is that Cao Zhi mourns and misses his dead wife, Cui's daughter. The image of God Luo is the embodiment of Cui's daughter. However, there are some inadequacies in both statements, so the metaphor of the great righteousness of the monarch and his subjects is more popular. Zhu Dongrun Editor in chief《 Selected Literary Works of Past Dynasties in China 》As the saying goes, "This article is designed to express the admiration for the monarch in the guise of Luo Shen, reflecting the anguish of incompatibility."

Fanbei's authority

Cao Zhi
The origin of Chinese local Fanbei is said to be Cao Zhi, King Chensi of the Cao Wei Dynasty (today Shandong province Dong'e County At that time, I heard the voice of the heaven music in the sky, which was wonderful, profound, and deeply felt. So I recorded its syllables, combined with the "Prince Ruiying's Original Sutra", wrote the article and made the sound, and wrote the "Ode to the Prince" and "Ode to the Bodhisattva Son", which became the beginning of the production of the Buddhist chant in combination with the Han music and Sanskrit sound.
Beam《 gaosengzhuan 》Volume 13: Cao Zhi, the King of Chen Si, deeply loves the voice and law, and belongs to the sound channel. He not only knows how to hide the auspicious sound, but also feels the divine system of the fish mountain. So he deleted the rule of auspicious, which should be the origin of scholars. His voice is more than 3000, and there are two or four in the contract. (42 Deeds refer to 42 music chapters)
Fahua Xuanzan 》Volume IV: King Chen Siwang climbed the fish mountain, heard the rock and mountain chanting sutras, which was clear and elegant, and sounded far away from the common customs, so he imitated his voice and made Buddhist chants.
Fayuan Zhulin ·Baizan Chapter, Volume 36: Chen thought of King Cao Zhi in the Wei Dynasty... Every time he read the Buddhist scriptures, he often lingered and played, thinking that it was the highest level of Taoism. Then he made seven praises. The sound of ups and downs was tortuous, and the world satirized. When you taste the fish mountain, you suddenly hear the sound of Brahma in the sky. It is elegant and sad. The sound is moving. You can hear it alone for a long time, but all the officials can hear it. Planting deeply felt the divine principle, and making a perfect response to the Dharma, he imitated its sound festival and wrote it as a Buddhist chant. Compile the text and sound, and pass it to the later form. The Brahma voice came to the world from here. It is said that there are six contracts.
Because Cao Zhi created Fanbei, which is of far-reaching significance and has made great contributions, Shi Yongwu, a contemporary, praised his merits in his poem "Praise to the King of Dong'e": King Zhigong of Dong'e was born into the Palace of the King of Cao Wei, and the sounds of heaven and cloud connected with Zhu, and the fish mountain connected with the sky. Ruiying had to be pruned, seven step poem eight douxiong, peaceful and wonderful sound world, and Fanbei was the source of authentic Buddhism. [35]

Family members

full name
Wives and concubines
Cui Yan Daughter of elder brother. [36] The language of the Wei and Jin Dynasties 》According to the record, Cui's clothes were too gorgeous. Cao Cao saw her on the stage and thought she violated the ban on gorgeous clothes. After returning home, Cui was killed.
Princess Dong'e and Princess Chen. Cao Zhi Zeng Shang《 Xie Wife's Seal Change Form 》。
Cao Miao
Gaoyang Xianggong. His life story is not recorded in the history books, so few people know about it. His name appears in Cao Zhi's work "Feng Erzi Pays a Tribute to the Public".
Mu Xiang Gong, Ji Bei Wang. Western Jin Dynasty Juancheng Duke, Sanqi Changshi, Guozi offered wine.
eldest daughter
Cao Jinhu
It died prematurely after about 190 days of birth, so few people know about it. Its name appears in Cao Zhi's works《 Jinhu Mourning 》。
youngest daughter
Cao Xingnv
Born two years later than Jinhu, he died about 7 or 8 months later, so few people know his name, which appears in Cao Zhi's works《 Elegiac words from a travelling woman 》。
Eleventh grandson
Please Emperor Xiaozhao of Qi In Yushan, "Xingfuling Temple" is "carved with true beauty".

Commemoration for future generations

Cao Zhi's Tomb
Cao Zhi's tomb is located in Houqibu Village, Changzhi Township, east of Tongxu County, Kaifeng City, Henan Province. The tomb is on the south side of a 400 square meter pit in the village, surrounded by water from east to west, north to north, and south to the road. The tomb is 22.5m wide, 22m long and 3.4m high. Cao Zhi was once granted the title of King Yongqiu and had activities in Qi County.
Caozhi's tombstone was originally located in the Chensi King's Mausoleum Temple in Houqibu Village, which is now a school. The monument is 3.44m high, 0.76m wide and 0.22m thick. The inscription of the monument is "Records of Tongxu County Establishing Chensi King's Mausoleum Temple". It was written by Qiaoying, the magistrate of Tongxu County in the eighth year of Wanli (1580) of the Ming Dynasty. The county magistrate was good at benevolence, and Fan Shilin stood on the stone with 36 lines of inscription. The inscription records the location of the tomb, praising "Zi Jian is a talented poet with seven steps, and his article is the best of the Three Kingdoms". [45]

Film and television image

particular year
Film and television types
TV play/movie
Beijing Opera Film
Cantonese Opera Film
Chaozhou Opera Film
TV play
Gezi Opera
Gezi Opera
TV play
Gezi Opera
Xinluo God
TV play
shaoxing opera
Cao Zhi and Zhen Luo
TV play
Cao Cao
TV play
TV play
Zhong You
Musical drama
TV play
Xinluo God
TV play
TV play
reference material: [37]