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Jingshan, Caoxian County, Shandong Province
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Jingshan is located in Shandong Province Caoxian , also named Chuqiu , also known as Pi (Pi) Mountain, where Jingbo, the capital of the Shang Dynasty, is located. [1] Located in Shandong HeZe Caoxian Forty Miles to the Northeast Liangdui Jingshan Site In the time of Xia Yu, Jingshan was called Sangtai. In the middle and late summer, it was inhabited by Chu people and called Chu Hill. In the Zhou Dynasty, the Song people occupied it and called it Wucheng. In the Qin Dynasty, it was called Wucheng County, and when Xiang Yu was the overlord of the Western Chu, it was renamed Chuqiu County. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Chu Hill was called Jingshan again, with Jingshan Pavilions in Jingshan. The Liang family built a village in Jingshan, named Jingyang Village, which was later renamed Liangdangui (Earth Hill). [1]
Chinese name
Sangtai Chuqiu Pi Mountain
A place where commerce flourished and the capital of Shang and Bo
Forty Miles to the Northeast of Cao County, Heze City, Shandong Province


brief introduction

Jingshan in the Shang Dynasty
Jingshan, also known as Chu Hill, is where Jingbo, the capital of the Shang Dynasty, is located. Located in Shandong HeZe Forty miles to the east and north of Caoxian County Beam pile The Book of Songs · Ode to the Shang Dynasty is the music of sacrificing the temple to the ancestors of Yin, who became Tang and Wuding; Also in Yin Wu, there are: "The destiny of heaven is many, and the capital is set up in the achievements of Yu", "The wings of Shang Yi, the pole of the four directions", "Zhibi Jingshan, pine and cypress pills". Jingshan and Jingshan refer to Jingshan, the capital of the Shang Dynasty. The sentence in Liezu means that there are big rivers around Jingshan. The sentence of "Yin Wu" means that God ordered Shang Tang, the great monarch, to set up the capital in the place where Xia Yu started his business; The king of the Shang Dynasty was ordered to be the pole of the four directions; When climbing Jingshan Mountain, pines and cypresses are tall and upright.
In the time of Xia Yu, Jingshan was called Sangtai. In the middle and late summer, it was inhabited by Chu people and called Chu Hill.
In the Zhou Dynasty, the Song people occupied it and called it Wucheng. In the Qin Dynasty, it was called Wucheng County, and when Xiang Yu was the overlord of the Western Chu, it was renamed Chuqiu County. In the Sui Dynasty, Chuqiu belonged to the Jishi County (the county was located in the southeast of Cao County, Heze City, Shandong Province today), so it was changed to the Jishi County Chuqiu County During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Chu Hill was called Jingshan again, and Jingshanpu was set in Jingshan [1]


Chuqiu Site
Jingshan, also known as Pishan, was a famous mountain that symbolized prosperity in the Shang Dynasty. It was recorded in the Guoyu · Zhouyu that "the prosperity of the Shang Dynasty was also strong, and Taowu was second to Pishan". Bo, the capital of Shang and Tang dynasties, was known as Jingbo because of Jingshan. Before the Shang and Tang dynasties ended in the Xia Dynasty, they met with princes in Jingshan and wrote the Tang Oath, which recounted the sins of Xia and Jie, and was known in history“ Jing Bo's Life ”。 Shangtang is called "Wuweiwu" here, and Wucheng is called on the northeast side of Jingshan Mountain, which originates from here. Shang Tang Eliminates Summer Later, in the severe drought, King Tang dressed in plain clothes and rode on a white horse, "cut his hair and cut his hands", climbed up the Jingshan mulberry forest in person, and regarded himself as a sacrifice. He blamed himself for his inadequacy, prayed for rain, and before he could finish speaking, the rain fell, and the drought was relieved.
Jingshan Mountain is located in the north of Chuqiu County
In the Shang Dynasty, there were old name for part of the Yellow River in Hebei and Shandong Tributary (name Huanggou Water), there are tall and straight pines and cypresses on the mountain. There are many historical records about this. The Book of Songs · Ode to the Shang Dynasty is the music of offering sacrifices to the ancestors of Yin, Tang and Wuding. Among them, the "Lie Zu" says: "It is suitable for Yin to receive orders from the people who live in the river." Among them, the scenery, namely, the Jingshan, means that all around the Jingshan are rivers; In Yin Wu, there is a saying: "Zhibi Jingshan, pine and cypress pills." It means climbing Jingshan and seeing the tall and upright pines and cypresses. In the Zhou Dynasty, Jingshan belonged to the State of Song. Later, it was renamed Chuqiu. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Chuqiu It is also called Jingshan, and is located in Jingshan Pavilions. The Liang family built a village in the south of Jingshan, named Jingyang Village, later renamed Liangdangdui [1]
In recent years, the Lianggudui Village Committee in Cao County, Shandong Province has mobilized the masses and all sectors of society to develop and construct the Lianggudui Jingshan Site. It has built more than 600 square meters of courtyard walls, planted more than 3000 green trees, flowers and plants, and built the Jade Emperor Hall, Mount Tai Hall, Old King Hall, Three Palaces, Dragon King Hall, Vulcan Pavilion, and Buddha Hall, with a total construction area of more than 450 square meters.


Liangdui Jingshan Site According to the survey, the site covers 92 meters from north to south and 124 meters from east to west. The plane is a slightly long ellipse from southeast to northwest. The pile above the ground is reduced due to the mass borrowing. At present, Jingshan Yongdui is 33 meters north of the south, 39 meters east and west, with a total area of 1287 square meters and a height of about 5 meters. It is dark gray in soil color, and several cypresses are planted on it. It is basically intact.
In the spring of 1976, the Heze Cultural Relics Team tried to dig the west side of the site, opened a 25 square meter exploration, and unearthed a large number of pottery fragments from various periods. From these specimens, the relics of the Longshan period include clay checkered grey pottery pots, chiseled tripods, vessel covers, cauldrons, Lei, pottery spinning wheels, and stone sickles; In the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, there were bag shaped tripod feet with coarse rope lines, red pottery pots with fine sand, grey pottery fountains with fine sand, Yan, pots, basins, zun, and clay grey pottery pots; In the Han Dynasty, there were clay thin rope shaped pottery pieces.
Jingshan Site contains cultural relics of Longshan, Shang, Zhou, Han and other periods, with rich cultural connotation. In 1977 Shandong Provincial Revolutionary Committee It was announced as a provincial key cultural relics protection unit. [1]