
European German historical place names
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Prussia (Ancient Prussian :Prūsa; German: Preu ß en; English: Prussia; Latin : Borussia), Europe Historical place names , on Germany North, usually from 1525 to 1701 Duchy of Prussia (From 1618 to 1701 Brandenburg Prussia Form), 1701-1918 Kingdom of Prussia as well as Freistaat Preuen
Unification of Germany front, Brandenburg Prussia and Austria be otherwise similar Germany Holy Roman Empire The two most powerful states in China were one of the European powers at that time, in the middle of the 19th century Kingdom of Prussia obtain Danish-Prussian War Austro-Prussian War and Franco-Prussian War The victory of Austrian Empire Extraneous Germany Established in 1871 German Empire
Prussia sometimes Germany Modern spirit, culture and order [1] , which gave birth to early Germany Militarism , also help Germany protestantism Get rid of Austria Habsburg Dynasty The rule of.
On February 25, 1947, the United Nations The Governing Council issued the 47th decree declaring the Prussian Free State to cease to exist.
Chinese name
Foreign name
major city
Koenigsburg Potsdam , Danzig, Steddin, Poznan Breslau Katowice etc.
National Day
January 18, 1701
National anthem
Long live winner's crown
official language
German Prussian
Mark silver coin
Time zone
Political system
Absolute monarchy
population size
About 43 million
Major ethnic groups
German Polack
Major religions
Lutheran Church
land area
352260 km²
National Motto
Sum cube (each deserves its own)
Time of existence
1525-1947( Germany Cancel Prussia)

Historical development


Early history

Legally speaking, this place does not belong to Germany Holy Roman Empire The boundary of Brandenburg Marquis merge Duchy of Prussia Brandenburg Prussia As a whole The First Reich of Germany Part of.
In the early Middle Ages, Prussia was a wild place, and the ancient inhabitants were ancient Prussians Prussian belong to Baltic group , and Latvia People and Lithuania People belong to the same race. In 928, Brandenburg was already Duke of Saxony Henry, the bird catcher, built the city and later inherited and changed hands among different families.
In the 12th century, the German colonial movement began to enter the Baltic East coast area.
In 1170, Pomerania Sobi of Slau The Duke established his first colony in Prussia, namely Danze Nearby Oliva Monastery In 1224, the monastery was burned down by the ancient Prussians.
In 1226, Kingdom of Poland Duke Conrad, son of the king and head of Mazowia( Teutonic Knights Members) were also attacked by the ancient Prussians, taking this as an opportunity, Teutonic Knights Launched the Eastern Expedition in Prussia for nearly 200 years, and successively established Tolen Malinburg The fortresses of Kurm, Elping, etc. conquered the areas inhabited by Prussians, and Prussia became the territory of Teutonic Knights. The Germans, Poles Lithuania People and other European races came to immigrate. The Teutonic Knights forced him to convert to Christianity and use German.
Teutonic Knights Prussia under the rule belongs to the papal territory in name, but the pope only enjoys the nominal Suzerainty In order to attract settlers, the Teutonic Knights Hanseatic League The law has built a series of Free market
1370 poland The royal family died in 1386 stephan bathory His daughter, Hedwig, married the Grand Duke of Lithuania, Poland and Lithuania After that, they launched a series of attacks on the Teutonic Knights who guarded their sea outfall.
On July 15, 1410 Battle of Tannenberg The Teutonic Knights were defeated by the joint forces of Poland and Lithuania and were forced to sign The first Tolem Peace Treaty In addition to the compensation of 6 million grosshins, it also placed Danzig under Polish sovereignty.
In 1466, the Teutonic Knights were defeated again Thirteen Year War , on The Second Tolem Peace Treaty Forced cession includes Danze And Malinburg West Prussia These areas are known as "Royal Prussia". The Teutonic Knights retained the remaining territory of Prussia, but were forced to serve the Polish king and become Polish Vassal state
After the 16th century, the Prussians assimilated to the Germans Prussian It also gradually disappeared.
In 1512, Albert from Brandenburg was elected Teuton Knights Head of the delegation. In 1525, he announced his conversion to Lutheran religion, thus cutting off the nominal patriarch of the Knights Rome The Vatican then announced that it would Teutonic Knights Secularization, changed to Duchy of Prussia (Dukal Prussia), Albert himself Albrecht von Brandenburg-Ansbach-Preussen , become submissive to poland A secular monarch under supreme power.
Albert Frederick, the son of Albert, died childless, so the Principality of Prussia was married by his eldest daughter Brandenburg John Sigmund of Hohenzollern family )Inherited, established Brandenburg Prussia principality. This is Hohensorum Dynasty The foundation has been laid for future development.
1660 Sweden - poland In the war, Brandenburg elected the monarch Friedrich Wilhelm Via《 Treaty of Oliva 》It cancelled Poland's suzerainty over Prussia, gained recognition of the sovereignty of the Principality of Prussia from Sweden, Poland and other countries, suppressed domestic hierarchical meetings, and established a centralized political system

Founding the People's Republic of China

In 1701, Friedrich III, the general election candidate of Brandenburg, Friedrich Wilhelm The son) supports the direction of the Austrian Habsburg King Bourbon Dynasty of France Declare war in exchange for the title of king. On January 18, Friedrich III Was crowned in Konesburg as King Of Prussia Frederick I (Friedrich I), and from then on Kingdom of Prussia More than 200 years of distinguished history.

Rise and expansion

As a result of inheriting the military autocratic tradition of the Teutonic Knights, the Prussian army has always been disciplined Educational quality Be famous, especially Friedrich II (i.e Frederick the Great )It is famous for its bravery and fighting ability. He inherited the throne in 1740 and attacked Silesia seven months after assuming the throne, which triggered War of the Austrian Succession
Through the war, Prussia gained the rich industrial area of Silesia in Austria. Friedrich II It established the personal honor of "military genius" and turned Prussia into a military country. Frederick II also Voltaire They accepted Enlightenment Thought, improve the judicial and educational system, encourage Freedom of religious belief And foster the development of science and art.
By the time Frederick II died in 1786, Prussia had become one of the powerful countries in Europe, and its administrative institutions were the most efficient and honest in Europe.
After Frederick William II, the nephew of Frederick II, succeeded to the throne, Direct purchase Has Ansbach principality and Bayreuth Hou Guo also divided Poland for the second and third times.
French Revolution After the outbreak, Prussia participated Anti French Alliance However, he was defeated by the French army and was forced to allow France to annex Prussia to the west of the Rhine in 1795. Its son Friedrich Wilhelm III (enthroned in 1797) in October 1806 Anti French War And was immediately defeated in Jena Napoleon , forced to flee to Konesburg.
In 1807, Prussia and France concluded a peace treaty at Tilsit on the Neman River, and Prussia ceded 160000 yuan square kilometre Land, including most of the territory of Poland (second, second Divide Poland three times Income, and First Partition of Poland The southern half of the acquired territory), and Elbe River All the territories west of China, and paid 130 million yuan in compensation franc
After the defeat in 1806, the Prime Minister of Prussia Carl Stein began to carry out reforms. The measures include letting citizens participate in politics to awaken his nationalism Emotion; Release serfs; implement local self-government Reorganization of central government institutions.
In 1809 Berlin Founded Frederick William University( University of Berlin )At the same time, Gerhard von· Shanhorst Begin to reform the Prussian army. Since then, Prussia's patriotism has risen.
In the winter of 1812, Napoleon The army retreated from Russia, and Prussia joined again the following year Anti French Alliance , declared war on France on March 17, 1813, and on October 24, the combined forces of Prussia, Austria and Russia Blucher Under the command of Gnessenau Leipzig A crushing defeat French Army
In 1815, the general army Waterloo Defeat the French again.
according to congress of vienna The territory of Prussia was adjusted from Memel The river extends to the Rhine and becomes German Confederation The only power in which German speaking residents predominate, and European powers one of.
In 1834, Prussia established Deutscher Zollverein With the exception of Austria and Hamburg, all German states joined the alliance.
1848 European Revolution During this period, Pu Wang Friedrich Wilhelm IV (Friedrich Wilhelm IV) announced the establishment of a "liberal government". convene Constitutional Assembly And refused to accept the“ German Emperor ”Title. But after the end of the European revolution in 1848, Friedrich Wilhelm IV That is, return to autocratic rule.
1857 Friedrich Wilhelm IV Suffering from mental illness, he took his brother William as regent.
1861 Friedrich Wilhelm IV On his death, the Regent ascended the throne, saying William I
On September 22, 1862, William I appointment Bismarck Serve as Prime Minister. After Bismarck came to power, he began to plan Unification of Germany Great cause. Bismarck advocated the establishment of Austria "Little Germany" excluded.
Prussia defeated in 1864 Denmark , capture Schleswig Holstein. 1866 Austro-Prussian War Defeat Austria and withdraw it from Germany. Prussia annexed Hanover , Frankfurt and other places, and was established in 1867 North German Confederation 1871 Franco-Prussian War Defeat France, unify Germany, establish German Empire Prussia continued to exist as a great nation that played an important role in the empire.
Franco-Prussian War
William I, on January 18, 1871 Kingdom of Prussia 170th anniversary, in France Palais de Versailles The Mirror Hall ascended the throne and became German Empire The emperor of Kingdom of Prussia Leaded German Empire (Deutsche Kaiserreich), the so-called Deutsches Reich (Das Zweite Reich)。
In 1888, William I Son of Friedrich III He died after 99 days in office, his grandson William II He ascended the throne and became the third generation emperor of the German Empire. Under its rule, Germany the First World War It ended in failure.
On November 7, 1918, the revolution took place in Bavaria, and its king abdicated. Berlin The revolution broke out immediately, demanding the German emperor to abdicate. At that time William II stay Belgium German Army in Spa Base camp He personally commanded the battle. After learning of the revolution, he tried to give up the title of the German emperor and retain the title of the Prussian king, but the army commander Hindenburg advised him to abdicate completely.
To avoid more upheaval, German Chancellor Prince Maximilian of Baden The prince announced the abdication of the German emperor on the afternoon of November 9, and handed over the post of prime minister on the same day German Social Democratic Party leader Friedrich Albert William II in exile Netherlands German Empire and Kingdom of Prussia Destruction. On November 11, Germany surrendered to the Allies.

History from 1919 to 1947

because Berlin happen Spartak Regiment And the Social Democratic Party provisional government In 1919, Albert Weimar The National Assembly was convened and the Provisional Act of the German Republic was passed on February 10, namely Weimarer Verfassung According to the Weimar Constitution, Prussia became a state in Germany, namely“ Freistaat Preuen ”(Freistaat Preussisch;), which implements local autonomy, is the territory of the former Prussian Kingdom.
In 1920s, the government of Prussia Free State was mainly German Social Democratic Party And the Catholic Central Party. In 1932, Nazi Party To gain an advantage in the German Parliament and Prussia elections, Hermann Goering Became the Speaker of the German Parliament and the Speaker of the Prussian State, and mastered Prussia Ministry of the Interior And the police. The Nazi Party came to power on January 30, 1933, and then abolished the German system of local self-government, Prussian Constitution Abolished, State Councils and Legislature Dissolved, reserved only Administrative unit
the Second World War Medium, Allies and Soviet Union After many meetings, the leaders of German Army Corps and Juncker nobility Germany's autocratic and aggressive ideology Place of origin Must be eliminated. President Roosevelt of the United States Tehran Conference It was said that "Prussia should shrink and weaken it as much as possible", while Churchill believed that "Prussia, the criminal core of German militarism, must be separated from the rest of Germany". Yalta Conference and Potsdam Conference It is established that East Prussia Incorporated into Poland and the Soviet Union, and abolished the Prussian system in Germany after the war Principle opinion.
On February 25, 1947, the Allies faced Germany Military control The Allied Kontrol Kouncil officially ordered the abolition of Prussian institutions. (Decree No. 46) The territory of the former Prussia was merged into Poland and the Soviet Union, as well as Britain, France, the United States and the Soviet Union occupation zone The property of the former Prussian government was shared by the allies and the Soviet Union.
1949 German Democratic Republic After its establishment, Brandenburg and Saxony Anhat, as well as the eastern half of Mecklenburg West Pomerania, were established in the former Prussian territory within its territory (in 1952, Democratic Germany abolished the state-level system and changed into a special region). stay Federal Republic of Germany , the states established in the former Prussian territory include North Rhine Westphalia and Schleswig Holstein In addition, Lower Saxony Rhineland Pfalz Hessen Baden -Futenburg and Saarland Neidu Have original Kingdom of Prussia and territory of Prussia. Incorporated at poland and Soviet Union In the Prussian territory of.

Development path

Among the German states, Prussia is the only force that can compete with Austria. Prussia is one of the most important countries in Germany with the widest territory, the strongest strength and the most important position. Since the 17th century, it has been influencing the whole history of Germany.
Prussia developed by expanding its territory.
The rulers of Prussia are Hohenzollern family As early as the 10th century, the Hohensorum family ruled Switzerland A castle on Mount Soren in the north. In the 12th century, the representatives of this family became Nuremberg The lord of the city.
Representative of the family in 1415 Frederick I from Holy Roman Emperor Where Brandenburg territory and elector Title of. Brandenburg is located in the northeast border of Germany, often fighting with neighboring Slavs, so its army has gained rich military experience.
In the religious reform in the 16th century, Brandenburg Elector Having accepted Lutheranism and seized the land and property of the Catholic Church, Brandenburg became an important Protestant country.
By the beginning of the 16th century, the Elector Marquis John Sigmund, in the name of his wife, had acquired the territory of the Duke of Klefts in the lower reaches of the Rhine River and the marquises of Marque and Ravensburg.
In 1618, the Elector won the vassal state of Poland—— East Prussia Therefore, he jumped from the Brandenburg Elector to the Brandenburg Prussian Elector. In order to obtain East Prussia, he would not hesitate to pay tribute to the Polish king.
Thirty Year War At the end (1648), the Elector Friedrich Wilhelm Annexation of the East Pomerania And several small territories in the Weser River basin and the Elbe River basin. In the same year, he took the opportunity of the new king of Poland's accession to the throne to get rid of his minister to Poland Genus relationship
By 1701, the emperor elect Frederick I And participated in War of the Spanish Succession Is a condition, from Holy Roman Emperor There, the title of King of Prussia was obtained. Thus, the Brandenburg Prussian Elector became the King of Prussia.
stay Seven Year War Prussia also captured Silesia from Austria.
1772 partition poland When West Prussia Gdansk And Tolen), thus connecting Brandenburg with East Prussia. The original territory of Brandenburg was only 23751 square kilometers. By 1772, the territory of the Kingdom of Prussia had increased to 194891 square kilometers.
The rise of Prussia has its economic premise.
It is on the basis of economic prosperity after the 17th century that this country can become strong and prosperous. There are two reasons for Prussia's economic prosperity:
First, Brandenburg's geographical location economic development Favorable. Transfer of trade routes from Mediterranean to Atlantic Along the coast, although it caused the decline and stagnation of the entire German economy, it promoted the economic prosperity of Brandenburg. The transfer of trade routes forced individual regions of South Germany and China Germany to seek trade exports to the North Sea coast, and Brandenburg became the only way.
Second, Hohensorum Dynasty The policy of protecting industry and commerce promoted the economic development of Prussia. To increase revenue As early as the reign of the Elector Frederick William (1640-1688), he began to reward industrial and commercial development.
1685 French government After the cancellation of the Edict of Nantes, the Huguenots fled abroad. Frederick William ordered to take in French exiles and give them preferential treatment. By 1703, about 20000 French Huguenots and 13000 Protestants from other countries had settled in Brandenburg. They are mainly skilled handicraftsmen and capable businessmen, so they bring capital and technology here. These new immigrants established Wollens And cotton weaving Handicraft workshop , process and produce silk velvet , candles, silk ribbons, etc. However, under the conditions of the existence of serfdom, the source of free labor is very limited. In order to solve the labor problem, Frederick William used criminal And prisoners tramp And beggars as labor force for new industries. His grandson Frederick William I (1713-1740) Continue to implement this policy, and he gave special rewards Military industry , such as Woolen cloth Industry.
Prussia grew from small to large, from weak to strong, and also because it pursued a militaristic policy.
When Frederick William, the Elector, ascended the throne Thirty Year War Brandenburg was occupied by the Swedish army. He personally realized that the army was the foundation of the country, so he decided to learn from Sweden and establish a standing army
In 1653, he and Juncker nobility Reach an agreement: allow Juncker to exercise police power and Jurisdiction Juncker agreed to levy a "military tax" on the Electors in order to create a standing army. In this agreement, the Elector also agreed to let Juncker serve as an officer of the Standing Army. From then on, Juncker had an indissoluble bond with the Prussian army. Since Frederick William, Prussia has become a powerful military machine. During the reign of Frederick William I, the number of Prussian troops almost doubled to 85460, equivalent to 4% of the national population. In Europe, Prussia ranks 13th in terms of population, but the number of its troops ranks 4th. Three quarters of the country's fiscal revenue is spent on military affairs. Blind obedience is practiced in the army. Juncker born officers can whip their soldiers at will. Some soldiers often commit suicide because they are ill treated by officers. Military discipline is very strict in peacetime, but when it comes to wartime, officers connive at soldiers burning, killing and looting.
Prussian militarism is closely linked with the Juncker class. The Juncker class actively supports the militaristic policy because it has brought them many benefits. First, by implementing militarism and aggressive expansion, they can obtain new real estate. Second, with the expansion of national territory, administration office It also expanded, which provided more opportunities for Juncker's children to become officials. Third, strengthen military force , and correspondingly increased the number of officers, thus providing more officer positions for Juncker's children.
The Juncker class has a strong Economic power Their economic strength is based on serfdom. German“ Serfdom Second Edition ”It is most outstanding in Prussia. From the 16th century to the first half of the 17th century, the farmers in Prussia, especially in the area east of the Elbe River, were again herded. They were completely tied to the land and forced to provide Servitude rent And service rent. The serfs worked on the lord's land for 4-6 days a week. In 1710, an official wrote in his report: "Land rent, labor service, taxes, soldiers stationed and Tribute fu It is difficult for the people to sustain the constant increase of such factors; The serfs were always poor and getting poorer. As always, they had no choice but to flee... "
Prussia's bureaucracy was also established by the strength of the army.
Originally in some areas of Prussia Right to tax In the hands of the level meetings in each territory, but Frederick William collected taxes by force. He once sent troops to threaten with force, forcing Klefts and Markus to accept new taxes. Then he turned this new tax into a fact Permanent Tax revenue, thus depriving the main authority of the hierarchy meeting - the right to collect taxes. Finally, since taxes in various regions were mainly used for military expenditure, he handed over tax affairs to the military, and set up a military headquarters under which military affairs were set up Finance Office And send officers to various places to be responsible for collecting taxes. These officers work by means of military orders, and soon Scope of work It expanded to the whole economic field and pushed aside the existing administrative institutions in various regions, including the conferences of various territorial levels and municipal self-government authorities.
Through the military headquarters, Frederick William established a unified bureaucracy administrative system The soul of this system is the army.
In 1723, he set up the "Financial, Military and Royal Territory Supreme General Management Office" directly under the king as the highest administrative body to manage the country. The "Cao King" managed the country by managing the army, believing that an autocratic monarch best understood what his people needed. He once said, "I am a monarch, so I can do whatever I want." Under his rule, Prussia developed into a highly centralized autocratic country, with military camp style discipline and ranking system Dominate the whole civil life By this time, the so-called "Prussian spirit" had taken shape, and its formula was Absolutism Add militarism.

historical background

Germany is a nation Opening and closing indefinite Country. The Holy Roman Empire is a loose alliance of lords with a false name. At most, there are thousands of states in the country; After hundreds of years of hard work, Germany finally achieved the first national reunification from Prussia in 1871. However, due to the failure of the two wars, the country split again, and it was not until 1990 that Germany reunified again. It can be said that a German history is a Ethnic split , the history of unification, re division and re unification. In this sense, Ethnic issues (or to seek national unity) has become a common practice throughout Germany Modern History A main line of. Why do we say that the rise of the Prussian Kingdom is of historical significance? It is because the great cause of German reunification was ultimately completed by Prussia. So, what kind of "magic power" did Prussia, which was surrounded by a great power in Europe and surrounded by many princes in Germany and had a small population and territory, gradually grow from weak to strong and develop step by step?
From 1618 to 1648, Continental Europe The feudal monarchs in Germany carried out a protracted "Thirty Year War". This war enabled the British bourgeoisie to escape the intervention of European feudal monarchs and win, but it made Germany decline completely. As the main battlefield of this cruel war, five out of six villages in Germany were destroyed, and the population was reduced by more than one third. Farmers became destitute, struggling with hunger and death. The war is over After that, Germany was still just a nominal "country" that was fragmented, dilapidated and full of princes. According to the Westphalia Peace Treaty, France and Sweden, the winners of the Thirty Year War, have the right to guarantee the independence of German states in internal affairs and diplomacy, and each state has full rights to sign treaties with any European country. In this way, the division of Germany was finally determined. To what extent did Germany split after the Thirty Year War? There is a set of data that can explain the problem: there were 360 independent states and 1500 semi independent territories in Germany at that time. The vast majority of states have very small territory. For example, in Westphalia, each state has an average of more than 20 square miles. But the monarchs of all these states are very conceited, and they have established their own complete autocratic system regardless of the size of their states, National institutions Sound, but also have an army. Sometimes an army consists of only 12 soldiers.
In this unprecedented situation of ethnic division, a Prussian society with order, authority of the central government, efficiency of the government, and combat effectiveness of the military is very different. It should be noted that in modern Europe, the rise of any country was not a gentle, gentle and graceful journey. In the turbulent era of the law of the jungle, Prussia was doomed to use fire and sword to pave its way to the king from the very beginning.


(1) Pursue Pioneer politics , pay attention to national defense construction
burgeoning Kingdom of Prussia It is a small country with a weak family, and is nicknamed by the great powers“ Iron can An earthenware pot in the pile "is always in danger of national ruin and family ruin. Therefore, since the founding of the Prussian Kingdom in 1701, the rulers of all dynasties have taken strengthening the army as their main means of survival and development.
Prussian Militarism Very outstanding, 1740 Friedrich II After his accession to the throne, under his iron hand rule for more than 20 years, the number of the general army has soared from 70000 to 200000, accounting for 9.4% of the national population, Military expenditure The expenditure will cost 4/5 of the total government budget every year. At that time, Prussia was only the tenth largest in area and the thirteenth largest in population in Europe, but its army ranked the fourth in Europe. And this figure is the successor of Frederick II William II The number of people there has increased to 235000. Someone once described Prussian militarism as follows: "For other countries, the country owns an army; for Prussia, the army owns a country."
Prussia's militarism is so distinctive that its belligerence directly contributed to the later Bismarck“ Iron and blood policy ”And then became two times World War Reason for.
(II) Juncker Long term control State power And become the only class capable of leading the cause of national reunification
Prussia is a Juncker country, where the strength of the civil class is very weak. On the one hand, because of the destruction of the war handicraft industry The development is slow, and its Economic aggregate They account for less than 10%, and their market is largely dependent on feudalism Princes and nobility Of Living consumption And government military expenditure; On the other hand, when Britain and France had already overcome guild When the tradition of, Germany However, the handicraft industry is still under the control of the guild, the ancient laws and regulations are still strictly implemented, and all paths that can promote competition and innovation are mercilessly blocked by feudal shackles. Economic dependence As well as the inherent weakness of their own strength, the German bourgeoisie was politically cowardly and subservient to feudal power.
The peasants were also powerless to resist the powerful feudal autocratic monarchy. Great peasant 's war , but was finally brutally suppressed, and Thirty Year War Is completely destroyed peasant class The last resistance force, the landlord became the only master in the countryside, and the serfdom system that forced farmers to perform labor became a universal system in Germany, which was particularly prominent in Prussia.
Marx and Engels planned to unite scattered workers' organizations in Germany into a national political organization In order to advance the revolution. However, this condition does not exist in Germany, which is economically backward and politically dispersed. At that time, the German working class was still very immature, and most of them were still handicraftsman And basically follow bourgeois class Yes. And because of the powerful feudal forces Bourgeois liberals The 1848 revolution was suppressed throughout Germany, and the labor movement was at a low ebb for a long time.
Since neither the bourgeoisie nor the peasants are able to accomplish the great cause of German reunification, their strength is still very weak proletariat And it is far from mature politically, so this task falls to the Prussian nobility historically landlord class Juncker.
(3) The royal power is strong, while developing on the premise of preserving Juncker's feudal privileges capitalism
Juncker economy controls the country Economic lifeline Junker landlord Monopoly the export of grain, free of payment at the same time Export tariff stay Prussian Army Juncker occupied all the officer positions. Prussian Serfdom Unlike early serfdom, it was commodity production Development results. As food and various agricultural products become increasingly important commodities and prices rise, agricultural production Become profitable. So the Junker landlord began to seize the farmers' land and merge it into a big farm market development Capitalist commodity production.
Serfdom is only embodied in Prussia National system In one aspect, its deeper significance lies in highlighting Prussian highly centralized Absolute monarchy Features. And this one Political system Guarantee is indispensable for the rise of any modern European power. Peter I Governed Russia So, Louis XIV The same is true of France, and Prussia is no exception.
After the failure of the revolution in 1848, although Prussia was not like Austria That restores the pure monarchy Instead, it maintained the alliance between the landlord class and the big bourgeoisie, but the nobility remained in the alliance Leadership The king still has supreme authority. Although Parliament exists Upper House The House of Lords is composed of dignitaries appointed by the king, while the House of Commons( House of Representatives )With the help of unequal Three-tier electoral system It ensured the majority status of the nobility and the big bourgeoisie. Therefore, the autocratic monarchy of Prussia continued and even consolidated under the guise of democracy.



Serfdom strengthened Juncker's political dominance

from social development From the perspective of Production mode The serfs not only worked for the landlords for free, but also provided their own livestock and farm tools. Their property was arbitrarily deprived, and there was nothing Personal freedom , imprisoned in the landlord's farm and not allowed to move. It is generally believed that the existence of serfdom will seriously hinder the development of productive forces. However, if we put this system in the historical background of Prussia's rise, we will find something unusual. Today, people can criticize Frederick II for "strengthening the military Juncker landlord" in Prussia dictatorial system It is a historical retrogression, but it ignores the most basic fact that the pillar of the Prussian kingdom was the nobility, and the strength of the nobility was to occupy vast land and exploit serfs. From this point of view, there would be no Juncker without serfdom, and without Juncker's support, the powerful Prussian monarchy would only be empty words.

Pursue Mercantilism and Pay Attention to Economic Development

The main rivers in Germany that go northward are as follows Rhine Weser River Elbe River Oder River It flows through the territory of Brandenburg, which gives Prussia an advantage in economic development geographical position The rulers of Prussia also regarded industry and commerce as an important wealth canal , bridge and road construction, unification Monetary system , Implementation Protective tariff To develop the economy. At the same time, Prussia also paid attention to developing overseas markets. In 1788, it had exported more than 11000 tons of pig iron to Britain. By the 1880s, Prussia had established three trading companies: mediterranean sea East Trading Company, China Trading Company and Bangladesh Trading Company.

Encourage immigrants to take in Protestants

Martin Luther's religious reform and the victory of the German Protestant Union in the Thirty Year War made Prussia a paradise in Europe to escape religious persecution at that time. By 1703, about 20000 Huguenots had moved from France to Brandenburg to settle down, accounting for 1/9 of the city's residents at that time. These people were skilled craftsmen or businessmen with certain capital. As a result, French industry and commerce suffered heavy losses, while Prussia benefited. In addition to French immigrants, there are also a large number of immigrants from other countries entering the country. According to statistics, by 1740, Prussia had a population of 2.4 million, of which foreign immigrants alone accounted for a quarter, up to 600000. Brandenburg was the hardest hit area of the Thirty Year War, and immigrants injected great vitality into its revival, which made Prussia realize earlier than other German states Economic recovery And soaring.

Rulers have a strong sense of hardship and less fall into corruption

And then European royal family The prevailing extravagance was quite different. Several generations of Prussian rulers were almost masochistic and lived a frugal life of Puritanism, in order to save valuable military and government expenditure. such as Friedrich II 's father William I (It was two people with the later emperor of the same name.) During his reign, Prussian diplomatic envoys were "famous" in Europe for their poverty and filthiness. And the distinguished members of the royal family, whether princes or princesses, Or It was the princess and even the king himself, whose food was poorly cooked, and the food was simple and meager, almost to the point of hunger. As thrift has reached the point of stinginess, people call William I the "Beggar King" behind his back.
His successor Frederick II was more like the King of Yue Gou Jian He is tough and hardworking, and he only sleeps four hours a day. You should take care of everything in person. He also called on the people to be diligent and thrifty and set an example to absolutely prohibit the extravagance of the court. He usually only wears soldier's clothes, and only has one dress in his life. Twenty years after the death of Frederick II, Napoleon stay Battle of Jena Defeat the general army and arrive at the Potsdam Of Friedrich II In front of the tomb. For Napoleon Horsewhip Pointing at the tombstone, the generals under him said, "If he were alive, we would not stand here".

The ruling class can follow the trend and promote various reforms in a timely manner

The ruling class of Prussia is not just like the feudal aristocracy in other European countries, who blindly follow the beaten track and stubbornly refuse all changes. They are good at sizing up the situation and pushing forward the reform from top to bottom (of course, they are also forced by the situation), and firmly control the leadership of the reform, so that they not only conform to the historical trend, but also prevent themselves from being sidelined. And Austrian Habsburg Dynasty The process of reform is different. Most of Prussian monarchs were able to adhere to the reform, rather than abandon the achievements of their predecessors halfway, which not only ensures the continuity And make the whole country maintain the upward momentum all the time.
Take Prussia's serfdom reform as an example, Napoleonic Wars During this period, Prussia suffered a series of disastrous defeats and nearly lost its country. The defeat of the war and the signing of the humiliating peace treaty made Prussians see the decline of the serfdom society more and more clearly from the contest between feudal Germany and capitalist France. A batch of them are deeply influenced by Britain and France bourgeois ideas Influential men of insight cried out for reform of the old feudal order. Under such severe circumstances, Prussia began a difficult reform. In October 1807 Baron Stein Promulgated the policy of liberating farmers“ October edict ”, making Prussia finally feudal serfdom A major step has been taken on the road of transformation to a bourgeois society.
However, the first round of reform was not complete, which made the bourgeois liberals in Prussia very dissatisfied with Juncker's continued occupation of a large amount of land and manpower, so they had a chance to Backward The Republic opposes monarchy. In order to collude with each other and coordinate interests so as to consolidate political power, Junker landlord class In March 1850, the government promulgated the Law on Adjusting the Relationship between Landlords and Farmers, which finally completed the serfdom reform that began in 1807. As a result of the reform, the capitalists got what they needed to develop large industries Cheap labor The bourgeoisie is satisfied with the monarchy; By collecting high ransom from serfs, a large amount of land and wealth were quickly accumulated to Juncker In their hands, the landlord class also made windfall profits; However, only farmers went bankrupt one after another, lost their land and livestock, and became semi proletarians in large numbers, and then became employed workers in capitalist factories and Juncker Manor. This "experience" of the Prussian ruling class was later in 1861 Tsarist Russia The reform of serfdom provided an excellent "model" to follow.

The Awakening of German National Consciousness

The rise of Prussia, the most important factor is the human factor. Since the 16th century, due to division, Germany is not a Political entities , and German nation It is also considered as a nation without vitality. It was this long-term humiliation and contempt that inspired the German enterprising spirit of self-improvement and internalized it as the source of strength for the rise of Prussia.
It is also because of this spirit that they are encouraged to learn advanced things from foreign countries and vigorously set up education. In this regard, the achievements of the Kingdom of Prussia are most praised by later generations - to implement nationalism Education, compulsory since 1717 in Prussia national education Is the first implementation in the world compulsory education Country. It is worth noting that Frederick II promulgated the School Regulations in 1763, forcing children aged 5-14 to go to school, and appointed veterans as principals to approve students military training All these have laid a solid foundation for Prussia to form a highly disciplined and high-quality army in the future. In 1809, Humboldt became the highest education officer in Prussia system of education The reform has become Germany's science Cultural development The foundation stone of University of Berlin , as the world's first New universities , which affected all countries in the 19th century Higher Education development.
In Prussia, military service and education are regarded as citizens Basic obligations According to statistics, Germany's Illiteracy rate It is the lowest level. German people can read, write Computing power Go, or scientific theory In terms of practical application, we should be ahead of European countries.

Be good at using diplomatic means to maximize the interests of the country

Either Frederick II, the early King of Prussia, or the later Prime Minister Bismarck They were recognized as one of the most astute diplomats at that time. Although these people can be described as "treacherous, greedy and treacherous" in order to achieve their own goals, it is undeniable that without their superb diplomatic skills, it is difficult to imagine Prussia could survive and grow in Europe surrounded by great powers.
The most basic diplomatic strategy of Prussia is to unite allies and isolate opponents. For example, the customs union It is a great achievement of Prussia - it not only promotes the economic development, but also makes the whole Germany start to move closer to it politically, which not only strengthens Prussia's ability and determination to lead the reunification of Germany, but also gradually pushes Austria out of Germany politically and economically, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone. The customs union is somewhat similar to the European Union, which was established in 1993. Through political and economic integration, each (state) country finally moves towards a unified national community. Prussia is good at attracting German states. As a member of the customs union, these states get material benefits from it. In addition, their development level has not reached even close to Prussia's level, so Prussia has become the center of aspirations of the bourgeoisie in these states. These capitalists regard Prussia as their avantgarde in economy and their backer in politics in the future. In this way, Prussia began to leap to the leading position of Germany.

The French Revolution and the Napoleonic War

The military victory of 1805-1807 made Napoleon occupy and control most of Germany, and the Kingdom of Prussia acted as the vassal of France against Britain and Russia. In order to safeguard and realize the interests of the French big bourgeoisie, Napoleon implemented military occupation At the same time of political domination and diplomatic manipulation Bourgeois revolution We have vigorously implemented a series of reforms in the local area. Such as abolishing the privileges of the church and the nobility; Abolish serfdom and relieve peasants of their feudal obligations to landlords; Get rid of the old Rules and regulations , cancel guild regulations, etc.
Although Napoleon's bourgeois reform in Germany failed to persist due to frequent wars and the strong obstruction of anti French forces, this has had a profound impact on the future development of Germany. It was Napoleon who vigorously cleaned up the feudal separatist forces and fostered the growing capitalist relations that enabled Germany to have a real sense of modem industry It also made the German national bourgeoisie get considerable development. Therefore, Engels once said: "Napoleon is the creator of the German bourgeoisie... He is the representative of the revolution in Germany, and is based on revolutionary principles Disseminator , is old feudal society The grave digger ".
To sum up, it is through such a special development path that Prussia can rapidly rise and complete the unification of modern Germany in just a hundred years, so Prussia sometimes becomes the synonym of German spirit and culture“ Prussian Road ”In a sense, the history of the evolution of is also constantly giving us warning and enlightenment.

domestic and foreign affairs



The ancient Prussian region only includes the western Prussian region south of modern Lithuania, west of the mouth of the Visva River in northeast Poland, and the western Prussian region centered on Danze, as well as the former eastern Prussian region (now Russia Kaliningrad )The territory of. Occupied Prussia in 1295 Teutonic Knights Bought Pomerania and Danzig. In 1308, the Newmark region was purchased from the Brandenburg Elector, and Prussia borders the Holy Roman Empire. In the 15th century, Danzehe West Prussia Ceded to Poland.
1618 Duchy of Prussia Incorporation Brandenburg In 1701, when the Kingdom of Prussia was founded, its territory was the capital of the Kingdom of Prussia Berlin As the center, including Brandenburg Pomerania , Newmark and Altmark, and Hohensoren Sigmalingen in southern Germany. In the 18th century, Prussia successively obtained the former Pomeranian Posen , Silesia, etc. After dividing Poland three times, Prussia gained new East Prussia , South Prussia, Danzig, Tolen, and Kingdom of Poland The western and central parts of China, including Warsaw. In 1806, after Prussia was defeated by Napoleon, it was forced to cede Poland, where France was founded Grand Duchy of Warsaw Napoleon After the defeat, in 1815 congress of vienna Prussia lost territories such as Bayreuth, Ansbach, Nazhatel (joining Switzerland), East Frisland, Hildesheim, etc, Grand Duchy of Warsaw Except for a small area in the west centered on Posen, it was annexed by Russia. As compensation, Prussia obtained Kingdom of Saxony Two fifths of the territory, and western Germany Hanover , the diocese of Minster, Westphalia and Rhineland on both sides of the Rhine, and Sallouis Salbruken And other territories.
In the 19th century, after war, Prussia successively annexed Hesse Rhine Shile Suyige Holstein Frankfurt and other kingdoms, principalities and free cities. By the time the German Empire was established in 1871, the Kingdom of Prussia had 22 provinces, including Bavaria, Baden Wuteng Castle Most of the present German territory, West Poland and North Poland, as well as Franco-Prussian War Won from France Alsace and Lorraine
After the First World War, Posen Province, West Prussia and Danzig, formerly the Kingdom of Prussia, were ceded to Poland, the Mehmer region was ceded to Lithuania, the northern part of Schleswig was returned to Denmark, and the southern end of Rhineland was incorporated into Saar District, Alsace and Lorraine Return to France. After the Second World War, according to the Ode Ness River line set by the Allies East Prussia Silesia and Pomerania were merged into the Soviet Union and Poland; The western part of Prussia was merged into West Germany, and the central part was merged into East Germany. In the geographical sense, the organizational Prussia no longer exists.

external relations

In 1862, Bismarck Take office Kingdom of Prussia Prime Minister and foreign secretary After that, they launched a campaign against Denmark Austria The war. In 1867, led by Prussia Rhine 22 German countries and 3 free cities to the north North German Confederation And became France's strong enemy in Europe. napoleon iii He tried to prevent the reunification of Germany through war, and Bismarck was also determined to achieve the reunification of Germany through war.
In July 1870, Napoleon III declared war on Putrajaya. After the war began, France lost one after another“ Sedan Battle ”Napoleon III led 100000 troops to surrender. In November, the Confederation of South Germany signed a joint treaty with Prussia, which stipulated that France ceded Alsace and Lorraine to Germany with an indemnity of 5 billion francs. After three years of payment, the German occupation forces began to retreat. In May, the two countries officially signed《 Frankfurt Peace Treaty 》And establish the above contents. In order to ensure the success of victory against France, Bismarck organized a new anti French alliance after the war, and in 1873 established the German Austrian Russian“ Three Kings Alliance ”New Strategic pattern , historical title“ Bismarck system ”。
In the Franco Prussian War, Germany was unified. In the center of Europe, a powerful and aggressive German empire appeared near Russia, France, Britain and Austria, which began to decline, making Europe's Balance of power Start to waver. However, Britain, France, Germany, Austria and Russia are still the major powers that dominate Europe and even the world, and they are still a multipolar state of competition. Therefore, the "Frankfurt pattern" is also called "Frankfurt Multipolar pattern ”。 This pattern has been maintained for about 40 years!

Imperial lineage


brief introduction

Kings of Prussia
Kingdom of Prussia (German: K ö nigerich Preu ß en) is an important era in German history. The head of state called the King of Prussia (German: K ö nige von Preu ß en), and all Prussian kings belong to Hohensorum Dynasty (HausHohenzollern, German).
1701, then Brandenburg elector Concurrent Albrecht von Brandenburg-Ansbach-Preussen (German: Markgraf von Brandenburg-Herzögevon Preußen )Supported by Friedrich III of Austria The Habsburg Dynasty declared war on the French Bourbon Dynasty in exchange for Holy Roman Empire emperor Leopold I Recognition of Duchy of Prussia (German: Herzogtum Preußen )Was elevated to the kingdom of Prussia. On January 18, Frederick III was in Konesburg (today's Russia Kaliningrad )He was crowned King Frederick I of Prussia. Since then, he has actively participated in the War of Spanish Succession, continued to expand the territory, obtained Lingen, Morse, Upper Galden, Neuenberg and other places, and also bought Teclenburg and Quedrinburg For Prussia European hegemony Lay the foundation. From then on, Prussia Kingdom has a glorious history of more than 200 years.
In 1850, German Confederation The parliament once gave the king of Prussia the title of emperor, but was refused. 1871 Franco-Prussian War After that, a unified German Empire (German: Deutsches Kaiserreich ), January 18, 1871 King of Prussia William I In France Paris Suburban Palais de Versailles Coronation scale“ German Emperor ”(German: Deutsches Kaiser )Therefore, the King of Prussia was also the Emperor of the German Empire.
In 1990, East and West Germany merged, which was called Germany.
On February 25, 1947, the United Nations The Governing Council issued the 47th decree declaring Prussia officially dead and no longer exists.
The following are the kings of Prussia. Prussia was upgraded to kingdom during the reign of Frederick I. Because he promised to help the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I, the emperor gave him the title elector He was made king. Prior to that, Prussia had established the Principality of Prussia, which was subordinate to Poland, and later merged with the Brandenburg Electorate.

King List

Frederick I (German: Friedrich Wilhelm von Hohenzollern) 1701-13
Frederick William I (German: Friedrich Wilhelm I) 1713-1740
Friedrich II Frederick the Great )(German: Friedrich II) 1740-1786
Fredrich Wilhelm II (German: Friedrich Wilhelm II) reigned from 1786 to 1797
Friedrich Wilhelm III (German: Friedrich Wilhelm III) 1797-1840
Friedrich Wilhelm IV (German: Friedrich Wilhelm IV) 1840-1861
William I (German: Wilhelm I) 1861-1888
Friedrich III (Hundred Day Emperor) (German: Friedrich III, full name Friedrich Wilhelm Nikolaus Karl) reigned in 1888
William II (German: Wilhelm II) 1888-1918

successor to the throne

William II 1918-1940
Louis Ferdinand Prince 1951-1994
Georg Friedrich Prince from 1994 to

Territorial changes

The ancient Prussian region only includes the contemporary Lithuania To the south poland Northeast Vistula River To the west of the estuary Danze Centric West Prussia Region, and Russia Kaliningrad primary East Prussia Territory of the region. The Teutonic Knights who occupied Prussia in 1295 bought Pomerania Hedanze region. In 1308, he purchased the Newmark area from the candidates of Brandenburg Elector Holy Roman Empire It borders on the mainland. In the 15th century, Danzig and West Prussia were ceded to Poland.
The Principality of Prussia was incorporated into the Brandenburg Electorate in 1618. When the Kingdom of Prussia was founded in 1701, its territory was the capital of the Kingdom of Prussia Berlin As the center, it includes Brandenburg, Pomerania, Newmark and Altmark, as well as Hohensoren Sigmalingen region in southern Germany. In the 18th century, Prussia successively Sweden poland and Austria Obtained the former Pomerania, Posen, Silesia and other regions. Divide Poland three times Later, Prussia acquired New East Prussia, South Prussia, Danzig, Tolen, and the western and central parts of the Kingdom of Poland, including Warsaw Region. In 1806, Prussia was defeated Napoleon Later, it was forced to cede Poland, where France was founded Principality of Warsaw After Napoleon's defeat, in 1815 congress of vienna First, Prussia lost Bayreuth Ansbach Nashatel (later added Switzerland ), East Frisland Hildesheim And other territories, except the western part of Warsaw Posen A small piece of territory at the center was annexed by Russia. As compensation, Prussia received Kingdom of Saxony Two fifths of the territory, and western Germany Hanover Munster The diocese, the east and west sides of the Rhine Westphalia and Rhineland , Sallouis Salbruken And other territories.
In the 19th century, after war, Prussia successively annexed Hesse Rhine Shile Suyige Holstein Frankfurt and other kingdoms, principalities and free cities. By the time the German Empire was established in 1871, the Kingdom of Prussia had 22 provinces, including Bavaria Baden Wuteng Castle Most of the present German territory outside of West Poland and North Poland.
the First World War Later, the former Prussian Posen West Prussia and Danzig were ceded to Poland, Memel Regional cession Lithuania Shile Suyige Northern return of Denmark The southern end of Rhineland is incorporated into Saar District. the Second World War Later, according to the Oder River set by the Allies- Ness River Line East Prussia , Silesia and Pomerania were incorporated Soviet Union and poland The western region of Prussia was incorporated West Germany , incorporated in the middle East Germany , geographically Organic system Prussia no longer exists. On February 25, 1947, the 46th decree issued by the United Nations Management Committee declared the official demise of the country in the name of Prussia and was not recognized.

Educational culture

In addition to building military equipment and completing the great cause of German reunification, the Kingdom of Prussia cultural education His contribution to the world is also praised by later generations. In order to implement nationalist education, in 1717, the Kingdom of Prussia began to implement compulsory national education, which was the first country in the world to implement compulsory education, and also laid a solid foundation for Prussian high-quality army in the future.
1809 Wilhelm von Humboldt After taking office as the highest education officer of Prussia, he began to reform the educational system of Prussia, which became the cornerstone of Germany's scientific, technological and cultural development in the next 200 years,
Founded in 1810 University of Berlin Is the first newly established university, which has influenced the development of higher education in the 19th century all over the world.

The road to unification

In 1834, Prussia established Deutscher Zollverein , except Austria And Hamburg, all Germany All joined the alliance.
In 1848, during the European Revolution, King Pu Friedrich Wilhelm IV The establishment of a "liberal government" was announced. He held a constitutional meeting and refused to accept the title of "German Emperor" and the Constitution presented by the German National Assembly. He intended to force the majority of the states to accept Austria as the Communist Party of the Union while Austria was busy fighting the gap of revolution.
In 1850, under the threat of Russian and Austrian forces, Frederick William IV gave up his plan to dominate and obediently returned German Confederation Within.
In 1853, Crimean War Outbreak, the Russian Austrian alliance that has lasted for nearly 50 years collapsed, and the two sides turned against each other; Plus 1852 by napoleon iii Established Second Empire He was particularly hostile to Austria and planned to give a blow, so in front of Prussia, a free international space suddenly appeared.
In 1857, Frederick William IV suffered mental disease And his younger brother William was the regent.
In 1861, Frederick William IV died and the Regent ascended the throne, saying William I
In 1862, he military streamline The budget and tax issues required conflict with the Congress, and the former ambassador to France Bismarck With his advice. Bismarck expressed support for military reform and said that if he was appointed Prime Minister, he would do everything to force the army reform and new Military service system On September 22, William I appointed Bismarck as Prime Minister.
After Bismarck came to power, he began to plan the grand cause of German reunification. Bismarck advocated the establishment of "Little Germany" excluding Austria. Prussia in 1864 and 1866 successively Danish-Prussian War Defeated in Denmark And on Austro-Prussian War Defeated in Austria And led in 1870 North German Confederation And the German states in the south Franco-Prussian War China defeated France. William I ascended the throne on January 18, 1871 (the 170th anniversary of the founding of the Kingdom of Prussia) in the Mirror Hall of Versailles, France, and became German Empire The German Empire headed by the Kingdom of Prussia was announced.
Since Prussia has 2/3 of the population and 3/5 of the territory of the German Empire, and far exceeds other European kingdoms and principalities in the empire in military, economic, industrial and other aspects, the German Empire has become an expanded version of the Kingdom of Prussia. Each state enjoys autonomy in internal affairs and finance, but gives diplomatic, military (except Bavaria), customs and other powers to the German Empire central government Prussian history was incorporated into the history of the German Empire.

On the Rise

In complex modern Europe, Prussia was once a very small country, just a member of the broken German Federation, poor and backward, and once became a vassal state of Poland. When Europe erupts industrial revolution Prussia was still a Agricultural country It also maintained the serfdom, and its industrialization process was later than that of Britain and France inland country , not much overseas trade , surrounded by European powers at that time. However, from the 18th century, Prussia rose rapidly in less than 100 years, first becoming a European power, and then unifying Germany, becoming a military power , on World War I Its industrial strength also exceeded that of Britain and France. How did Prussia rise?
Let's solve this mystery: the four monarchs who really influenced and promoted the rise of Prussia - the general election candidate Frederick William, Frederick I, Frederick William I and Frederick II. The achievements of these four rulers laid a good foundation for Prussia's strength.
It was Frederick II, who was honored as the "Great Emperor", who really made Prussia enter the ranks of European powers. After Frederick II ascended the throne, he was diligent in political affairs and worked hard for governance. He gets up at four or five every morning and works hard on politics until late at night. His life was very simple. He asked his officials to strictly abide by the law, and found that corrupt practice , punish severely. Therefore, in Europe at that time, corruption was prevalent in other countries, and only Prussian officials were incorruptible.
In order to make Prussia a great power, Frederick II can be said to have adopted the most direct and undisguised way, that is, war. During his lifetime in power, Frederick II captured a large amount of land and greatly strengthened the national strength through two famous wars - the Silesian War and the Seven Year War. In 1772, Frederick II colluded with Austria and Russia to carve up Poland, seizing 36000 square kilometers of land. A senior French official Mirabo )We have to exclaim: "Other countries have an army, while Prussia has an army!"【 Militarism
In addition to the war, diplomatic means are also one of the important methods of Frederick II. Especially when the expected goal of the war is achieved, Frederick II will immediately sign a peace treaty with the enemy to ensure the success of the war, such as the Treaty of Breslau in 1742. But once the situation turned against Prussia, Frederick II immediately tore up the peace treaty and threw himself into the battlefield. In this way, through constant war and diplomatic means to seize territory, Frederick II established the personal honor of "military genius", and he turned Prussia into a military power.
Frederick II also received enlightenment ideas from Voltaire, improved the judicial and educational system, encouraged freedom of religious belief, and supported the development of science and art. By 1786, Prussia had become one of the powerful countries in Europe, and its administrative institutions were the most efficient and honest in Europe.
On August 17, 1786, Frederick II died and was honored as the "Great Emperor". He had no son after him, and was inherited by his nephew, Frederick William II.


If you ask World War II What is the most thoroughly liquidated word in the reflection after the end? You may remember fascist nazi Or is it Japanese Militarism In fact, the real answer is a very strange word - Prussia. [1]
Prussia is Europe Historical place names The Prussian Kingdom established here was once the most powerful state in Germany. In the 19th century, the Kingdom of Prussia passed the Dynasty War After unifying Germany, the King of Prussia was crowned German Emperor. Prussia realized the long cherished wish of the Germans to complete national reunification. However, if you take a map of Europe in the 21st century, people can't find Prussia, because Prussia was thoroughly liquidated by the Allies after World War II, and there was no hair left. [1]
In fact, the word had already been used by the Allies before the end of World War II blacklist In 1943, the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union met for the first time in Tehran, British Prime Minister Churchill was busy cursing: "Prussia is the source of all evil!" American President Roosevelt also said: "Prussia should make it as small and weak as possible." Also at this meeting, the leaders of the three countries had reached a consensus: Germany can be allowed to exist after the war, but Prussia, as a part of Germany, must be erased from the map. [1]
After the end of World War II, the Allies who did what they said took the capital of East Prussia Koenigsburg And its surrounding areas were compensated to the Soviet Union and renamed Kaliningrad. The remainder of East Prussia was allocated to Poland. As for Prussia to the west of Oder Ness River, it was divided into four parts with other German territories, which were occupied by the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France respectively. In the occupied German land, all things that can remind people of Prussia were erased, the place names were changed, the people were expelled, and the palaces were demolished. What's more, in the Soviet controlled East Prussia region, the tombs of some famous Junks (Prussian nobles) were demolished and filled. [1]
On February 25, 1947, the Allied Control Commission that occupied Germany issued No. 46 Provisional law And announced that "the central government of Prussia and its subordinate organs at all levels will be dissolved from now on". On the same day, the United Nations Management Committee issued the 47th decree, declaring that "the country in the name of Prussia has officially perished and is not recognized". In theory, these two laws are still in effect. According to these decrees, Germany was not even allowed to reorganize a state in the name of Prussia - although the unified Germany still occupied part of the territory of West Prussia in history. [1]
Hatred often comes from fear. Why is the word Prussia so feared, even defined as "the source of all evil"?