Bask in autumn

Agricultural customs
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Sun drying in autumn is a typical phenomenon of agricultural customs region Features. Living in mountain area Because of the complex terrain and few flat land in the village, the villagers had to use bamboo strips to dry or hang crops on the front and back of their houses, their windowsills and roofs, which evolved into a traditional agricultural phenomenon over time. This kind of villagers hang in the sun crops The special lifestyle and scene of painter Photographer Pursue creative materials, and create a poetic title of "basking in autumn". "Bask in autumn" as Huangling The cultural foundation is the daily farming customs of villagers, the presentation of farmers' harvest joy, and the unique "most beautiful Chinese symbol". [3]
Chinese name
Bask in autumn
geographical indication
Southern mountainous area
Intangible Cultural Heritage Level
Intangible Cultural Heritage at County Level
Agricultural customs

brief introduction

Sun autumn, "autumn" refers to harvest crops and fruits. In fact, the phenomenon of drying is not "exclusive" to autumn. It is displayed all year round, but in the autumn harvest season, it is more abundant and more "romantic". Song Zuying, a famous singer, used to sing "Sunshine Autumn" for his hometown's "Sunshine Autumn", and Wuyuan's folk song "Sunshine Autumn" has been sung in certain areas for many years.
The custom of basking in autumn in many parts of the country has gradually faded Jiangxi Wuyuan Of Huangling In the ancient village, the autumn sun has become a "grand occasion" for farmers to celebrate the harvest, Huangling Mountain in Autumn cover Ministry of Culture Rated as“ The most beautiful China After the symbol ", it evolved into rural tourism Promoted "totems" and business cards. Huangling holds the autumn sun culture festival in Chongyang every year, attracting hundreds of thousands of people to Wuyuan Appreciating autumn Shooting.



Huangling Mountain in Autumn

Hanging on the cliff Huangling The ancient village is not three feet flat. For hundreds of years, the villagers have been accustomed to "communicating" with the rugged terrain with a peaceful mind. natural condition However, the limitations of“ Basking in autumn ”Custom painting.
Hundreds of Anhui style buildings in Huangling Ancient Village Ancient dwellings On the slope with a drop of 100 meters, it is orderly. Every time the sun rises, the whole mountain village is full of Hui style dwellings Adobe brick The combination of colorful harvest fruits on the outer wall and the sun rack and the round sun plate will paint the world's "autumn sun" agricultural landscape Local culture The sun shines on the mountain in spring Water bamboo shoot Dry vegetables, fruits and vegetables in summer; Autumn sun drying Pepper , Chrysanthemum morifolium; Winter sun Preserved fruit , local customs... all the year round.
It can be said that Huangling Ancient Village is not only a favorite of nature, but also a masterpiece of humanity, and also a piece of beautiful jade left by the creator in the world. It is a paradise for artists and photographers all the year round.

Autumn in Stone Pond

Anhui Shexian County Xiakeng Town Shitan The production and living phenomenon of "drying in autumn" is also well preserved. In autumn, a large number of fresh vegetables, melons and fruits need to be dried and stored, forming a spectacular scene. A few weeks before and after the frost falls every year, it is the time of autumn when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. The corn, pumpkin cornel Peppers, lanterns and persimmons were harvested one after another, and the beauty of the fields gradually faded, while another scenery appeared under the clear sky: In the yard The open space in front of the door, the roof of the farmhouse, and all kinds of fruits will be dried by you. The sun mat is paved into colorful ones palette , showing the most proud demeanor before returning to the warehouse.

Autumn sun festival

Autumn sun festival In some places, also known as "Xishai Festival", the Han nationality traditional festival one of. On the sixth day of the sixth lunar month, Han folk legends Dragon King of the East China Sea Every year on this day, people come out of the water to dry their clothes. People also wash and dry their clothes on this day for luck, so this day is called Washing and drying festival Clothes drying festival Book Drying Festival , Sutra drying festival, etc.
On June 6 every year Huangling At the beginning of the "Shai Qiu Festival", because the weather is very hot, coupled with the rainy season, the climate is humid, and everything is prone to mildew. People also wash and dry clothes on this day for luck. With the maturity of fruits and vegetables, Huangling has entered the peak season of autumn sun every September 9, and a festival of autumn sun culture is held.

Bask in autumn songs

Song Zuying "Sunshine in Autumn" song of
from Kuang Houqin Create the lyric content of "Yao family has a burning love for autumn and loves to hang the golden autumn in the sun" [1] Bask in autumn 》The creation of is from the accumulation of life. Song Zuying sang for his hometown and won the silver award of the "Fourth China Broadcasting Award" of the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television in 1997. [2]
Wuyuan 's autumn folk song
Bask in autumn
(Lyrics: Wang Jianshi)
Large baskets and small ones go upstairs. (Yiya!)
Sweet potato Baolu Golden millet,
Sun dried Tea seed Good oiling.
Have money to buy a small flowered jacket,
Sister, don't worry about the Spring Festival. (Yiya!)
We should catch up with the sun in autumn,
Large and small markets cover tile ditches, (Yiya!)
Red pepper Old pumpkin with peas,
Dry the glutinous grain to make wine,
Deliberate salting jar Whelk sauce
Lang, you should drink enough in the first month. (Yiya!)
Slope to slope, hill to hill,
It will be planted in March and harvested in August. (Yiya!)
Work hard on the mountain and water the garden carefully,
There are abundant crops every year,
Sesame blossoms high , sister, sister (Lang, Lang), happy heart, happy heart (Yiya!)
You come here to enjoy the autumn,
My dear son!
I'll start with your singing,
My dear sister!
You come here to enjoy the autumn,
My pro!
I'll start with your singing,
My dear sister!
Folk songs, folk songs The more singing, the warmer the heart,
Sunrise sings till after dusk. (Yiya! Yiya!....)