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Pleiades Cluster Telescope

A Japanese national observatory located in the United States
The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, located at the Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii, USA Pleiades Cluster Telescope It is the largest single-sided reflector in the world, with a diameter of 8.3 meters adaptive optics System. This is the dome of the telescope.
Chinese name
Pleiades Cluster Telescope
2000 metric tons

Product features

This is an 8 meter optical/ Infrared telescope It has three characteristics: first, the mirror surface is thin, through active optics and adaptive optics High imaging quality is obtained; Second, it can realize 0.1 ″ high-precision tracking; Third, the cylindrical observation room is used to automatically control ventilation and Air filter So that the removal of thermal turbulence can reach the optimal conditions. This telescope adopts Serrurier truss, which can keep the main frame and the secondary frame parallel during movement. The telescope is famous for its Open cluster —— Pleiades It was named and started to be built in April 1991. In January 1999, scientific observation was officially started.

Astronomical discovery

The Pleiades Telescope first captured images around stars
This composite image combines the space images of star GJ 504 and its vicinity taken by the Pleiades Cluster Telescope in two bands, including the orange (1.6 μ m) image taken in May 2011 and the blue (1.2 μ m) image taken in April 2012. After image processing and removing the dazzling starlight, the planet GJ 504b around it finally emerged [1]
The Pleiades Telescope Discovers the Smallest Mass Exoplanet
According to ETtoday News, the international team of astronomers recently used the "Pleiades Cluster Telescope" in Hawaii to take the first picture of an exoplanet orbiting the bright star GJ 504.
This exoplanet, GJ 504b, challenges the current theory of giant planet formation. Because its size is equivalent to Jupiter, and its mass is about four times that of Jupiter However, the distance around the star is almost 9 times the distance from Jupiter to the sun. These parameters make scientists think that this is an "out of theory" planet, and it is also the smallest exoplanet that we have observed through telescope direct imaging. It is about 57 light years from the earth. [2]
Pleiades Pictures taken by telescope
This is a gorgeous and clear infrared image of S106 star forming region taken by the Pleiades Star Cluster Telescope. S106 is 2000 light-years away from Earth. The largest star in the center of the region is called IRS4, which has a history of 10000 years and its mass is 20 times that of the sun. In addition, astronomers have found that many stars have lower mass than the gemini stars in this region, which is likely to be brown dwarfs. [3]