
Astrological concepts
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Constellation refers to Astrology One of the indispensable components of the fixed star Combination. Since ancient times, human beings have divided fixed star With them myth It is called "constellation" when people or instruments in are connected. Constellations are the means to determine the sky position in almost all civilizations, and are widely used in the field of navigation. The division of constellations is entirely artificial, and different civilizations have different divisions and names. The constellations had no uniform precise boundary until 1930, International Astronomical Union In order to unify the complicated constellation division, the sky is divided into 88 official constellations with accurate boundaries, so that every star in the sky belongs to a specific constellation. These official constellations are mostly the medieval times Handed down ancient Greek Myth based. In contrast, there are some star combinations that are widely spread but not recognized as official constellations called Constellation , for example Big Dipper (See the list of stars).
In the three-dimensional universe, these stars may not actually have an actual relationship with each other, but their positions on the spherical surface of the celestial sphere are similar, while in fact they may be far away from each other. If human beings are Galaxy the other one solar system The sky we see will be completely different. Since ancient times, people have been very interested in the arrangement and shape of stars, and naturally linked some stars with similar positions to form constellations.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Mesopotamian civilization
Astrologically, the sky is swarming fixed star combination

Meaning and application

If we don't see each other in life, we will move like participants.
Du Fu On《 Presented to the Eight Guards 》It was mentioned that the two stars of Shen and Shang, one in the east and one in the west, will never meet. Ginseng is actually Orion And Xinsu, also known as business accommodation, is scorpio "Life does not meet, but moves like a participant" refers to these two places, Scorpio and Orion.
The rise and fall of stars or constellations were often used for navigation and time determination in ancient times. Ancient Egypt through observation Sirius Of Rising with the sun To determine the beginning of the year; In some areas, the ancient technology of determining the orientation through star observation is still preserved. [1] Constellations and their literary images often appear in the works of literati.
Although the importance of constellations has been relatively reduced in modern times, for astronomy lovers, constellations have not lost their charm. Through its fascinating legends, constellations play an extremely important role in the popularization of astronomy. Whenever significant astronomical phenomena occur, astronomers, science popularization workers and the media always set off an astronomical upsurge in society, especially among young people.

Origin of constellations

Mesopotamian civilization In order to facilitate the study and observation of many stars in the sky, astrologers divide the sky into several regions, each of which is a constellation. It is difficult to tell exactly when human beings began to have the concept of constellation. Such astronomical knowledge was understood by people long before historical records. [2] The names of constellations probably come from sailors who sailed early. The origins of constellations may be completely different among civilizations in different regions, but with the expansion and interaction of civilizations, the culture of constellations also includes the process of integration.
The earth is a nearly spherical celestial body. If you look at the sky from the earth, the sky is also a sphere (called the celestial sphere for short). The stars in the sky are like jewels embedded in the celestial sphere. For more than 1000 years BC, the ancient Babylonians randomly connected these gemstones and divided them into several regions for astrology and orientation. There were more than 30 regions in total, which was the embryonic form of the constellation. In 1928, the International Astronomical Union redefined the boundaries of constellations and divided the whole sky into 88 constellations, which are now known as constellations. [5]


270 BC Greek poet Alatos Written《 image 》47 constellations are mentioned in. It can be seen from the star regions recorded in the Object Image that precession of the equinoxes The reason is that the South Pole of the period described in the book is not consistent with the current South Pole, so it can be inferred that the stars recorded in the book were 2000 BC ago; At the same time, the blank area of the star record indicates that the observer should be around 35 ° to 36 ° north latitude. Therefore, some people believe that the practice of dividing the sky into constellations originated from Mesopotamia Of Babylon and Sumer During this period, the constellations of Greece and Egypt may have been introduced from this region.
On《 job 》It mentions several constellations such as the Great Bear and Orion; 12th century BC Nebuchadnezzar I The landmarks built in the era are carved with the patterns of Sagittarius, Scorpio and Serpentine. Ancient Greek poets Homer and Hesiod The Great Bear, Orion and the Pleiades star cluster (at that time, the Pleiades star cluster was regarded as an independent constellation, rather than a part of Taurus) were also mentioned in the works of. At the same time, Babylon had recorded the twelve constellations of the zodiac with cuneiform characters.
By the second century, Ptolemy In his《 Astronomy 》It records 1022 stars in 48 constellations, which is also the prototype of modern constellations. Later, many astronomers filled the space of Ptolemy with new constellations; In 1603, Bayer, 1690, Herville and 1752, Lakay named the constellations of the southern sky within two centuries. [3]


Works in the early Zhou Dynasty《 Zhou Rites 》Some names of the 28 constellations can be found in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The records about the 28 constellations and the four images were first seen in《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》。 There are many differences in academic circles about the origin time and place of the 28 constellations. According to tradition, the establishment of China's 28 Constellations system can only be traced back to the eighth to sixth century BC. The Warring States Period of archaeologists in Suizhou, Hubei in 1978 Tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng A painted box cover with the image of 28 constellations was unearthed in the tomb of, which is the earliest physical example of 28 constellations found so far.
In ancient China, Sanyuan near the North Pole was designated as the middle official, while the 28 Constellations were actually subdivided from the four elephants. The star area south of the 28 Constellations was called the outer official, that is, "middle official+four elephants+outer official", which was just one of the many star area division methods in ancient China. In addition, there are also many methods to divide the star into seven regions, such as "five beasts+middle officials+external officials", and "nine wild fields+middle officials+external officials", which are divided into 11 regions. However, the division method of "middle officials+four elephants" is widely spread.
In ancient China Star official To divide the sky. Sima Qian was the first to record the work of Xingguan Historical Records · Tianguan Book Among them, there are 91 stars and more than 500 stars. To the Sui Dynasty《 Bu Tiange 》283 star officials have been recorded in, and they belong to Sanyuan or Twenty eight nights one of. Three walls refer to the three regions surrounding the Arctic sky, namely Purple Placanticline Taiweiyuan and Tianshiyuan And in the circumecliptic and celestial sphere equator The next week is divided into Four images Each of the four elephants is subdivided into seven regions, collectively called the 28 constellations. In ancient China Lunar calendar Since the moon rotates around the earth once every month on the 28th day of the month, it is called "home" or "house" when it passes through one area every day. At the end of the Ming Dynasty Western learning spreads to the East Impact, Xu Guangqi Compiled《 Chongzhen almanac 》Added with reference to European astronomical data Near antarctic region 23 star officials.
There are different opinions on the order in which the starry sky is divided into three yuan, four xiang and twenty eight constellations. Astronomers in the Republic of China Gaolu In his book《 Astrological system 》Li believed that Sanyuan appeared first, then the Four Elephants, and the 28 Constellations appeared last. Former post Beijing Planetarium Astronomer who was the first curator Chen Zungui In his works, he believed that the four images appeared earlier, then divided into 28 constellations, and the three yuan was the last, and pointed out that the name of the three yuan was in the Sui Dynasty《 Danyuan Zibu Sky Song 》Only then, the shape of Sanyuan 28su was formed and continued to be used here.


  • The Indian 28 Constellations (Nakshatra, which means "moon station") are very similar to the Chinese 28 Constellations, and scholars believe that they both come from the same source. [4] Baloch, Madler, Schlegel, Zhu Kezhen, Xia Nai, Xincheng Xinzang and others claimed that the 28 Constellations originated in China; Weber, Chen John, Kinzel, King Smith and Edkin advocated the theory of Indian origin.
Different from the division of China's 28 constellations, India's 28 constellations replaced the cow's house in China's 28 constellations with the weaver girl, and replaced the woman's house in China's 28 constellations with the river drum (Niulang). The starting place of both is Jiaoxiu (चत्ऺाााााााााााााातततततााााााा), but later the starting place of India's 28 Constellations was changed to the Pleiades (कृ तततततततततत. The full name of the twenty seventh night appeared first in《 Sanskrit Script of Partridge Family 》。

Arab World

After the 9th century AD, Ptolemy was introduced to the Arab world. Ptolemy's works《 Astronomy 》It was translated into Arabic and named "The Great Theory". Alsuf On the basis of this book, he wrote the Star Book, which is known as one of the three masterpieces of Islamic observational astronomy (كككوككوككثثث). Most of the universal star names in the world today come from Arabic.

EZ Constellation

The original Babylonian base stars Run a constellation calendar made of four seasons, hoping to use it to divine and predict the fate of the country and people. In fact, this method of divination is similar to the ancient Chinese Ziwei Doudou. It is based on the relationship between the divined person and the movement of the stars to calculate all aspects of his life. Because the ancient human beings lived according to the changes of the astronomical phenomena, the natural disasters were irresistible, which caused the sense of human destiny; They found that the movement of the sun, moon and stars in the universe affected the rise and fall of all things, even the fate of people.
Astrologers believe that when everyone is born, each or every big or small planet in the solar system, including the sun, the moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, has different angles and distances, which has a significant impact; Each planet and its corresponding 12 constellations form a cause and effect relationship with each other, and have different effects on human characteristics. When these planets move, their behavior and destiny will also change.
The sun constellation is the most frequently mentioned in astrology. As long as you know a person's birth date, you can find out the sun constellation to which he belongs. The orbit of the sun is called the ecliptic. The ecliptic is divided into 12 regions, each of which is 30 degrees. These 12 regions are what we call the solar constellation. The 12 constellations start from the vernal equinox, that is, when the sun moves to the vernal equinox on or about March 20 every year, the order is as follows: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer leo Virgo , Libra scorpio sagittarius Capricornus aquarius Pisces Everyone belongs to one sun sign Because the time of the sun entering the house is different every year, if the birthday is at the junction of the constellations, you should check the astronomical calendar to determine the solar constellation to which it belongs, and it will never cross two solar constellations. Astrology believes that the solar constellation represents the natural personality, willpower and self-expression of people. Through the sun constellation, we can have a basic understanding of a person, but to really understand a person completely, in addition to the sun constellation, we also need to see the house where the sun sets and the angle with other stars. Even if the sun constellation is the same, the house where the sun sets and the angle are different, which will be affected by the sun constellation, so there are not only twelve categories of personality.
Moon constellation It is believed that the moon constellation is where the moon is at birth. The moon affects the tidal changes of the earth, and also affects human emotions, inner security, subconsciousness, spiritual level, family and family influence, personal habits, eating habits, preferences, potential, ideal, imagination, acceptance, adaptability, intuition and temperament. The moon symbolizes mother. Through the moon constellation, we can know our attitude towards mother and the influence that mother gives us, as well as our attitude towards other women. For men, it can show how we treat our wives. The Moon constellation affects the subconscious, not the external personality, but the formation of personality. The moon constellation is most obvious in childhood and primary school, and it will be hidden when you have some knowledge of life. Ascendant, Sun and Moon are the three constellations that have the greatest impact on personal character.
Ascending constellation is a constellation rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth, representing a person's personality, appearance and body shape. Usually around the age of 30, when a person is really mature, his daily behavior, character, preference and appearance are all affected by the rising star. To know your ascending constellation, you should calculate it from the specific date and time of birth, longitude and latitude of the place of birth, just like the Chinese traditional eight characters of birth. The Ascending Constellation is the beginning of the first house of the personal chart, which is particularly important, affecting nature, health, appearance and personal preferences, as well as destiny changes. From your personal chart, you can see that there are many stars in the sky. Different constellations are located in your life house, and the location of each star affects your destiny. If there are different constellations in your house of origin, they will have different meanings.
Mesopotamian astrology
Astral body
Three points
Lucky star
Bad star (orbit)
Lucky star
Evil Star (magnitude)
  1. one
    Yang means dominant and positive, while Yin means recessive and negative; Moving means qualitative change and standard; static means quantitative change and fixation; change means mutual change and change.
  2. two
    Taurus and Libra's lucky stars are centaur asteroids led by Kailong; The lucky stars of Gemini and Virgo are the aquatic asteroids headed by Zhu Rong; The lucky stars of Capricorn and Aquarius are mainly asteroids led by Ceres; The same goes for the evil star.
  3. three
    Astrology on the earth, the lucky stars of Sagittarius and Pisces are moon (i.e., Dion I); Astrology on the moon, the lucky star of Sagittarius and Pisces is the earth; Astrology on Mars, the lucky star of Sagittarius and Pisces is Earth, the lucky star of Capricorn and Aquarius is Phobos, etc; and so on; The same goes for the evil star. The same is true for stars arranged according to magnitude; This arrangement is based on the Earth, so it is only valid around Earth orbit. In astrology on the earth, the earth needs to be replaced by the moon.
  4. four
    Hades As a whole, overseas stars such as Helis are regarded as Taiyin system The star in the center, that is lunar The sun is regarded as an overseas star in the solar system.
  5. five
    360 ÷ 2 ^ 12 is the rotation period of the sun, and the rest are revolution periods; The revolution period of Pluto, Eris and other overseas stars is generally regarded as 360 ÷ 2 ^ 0 or 360 ÷ 2 ^ ∞ (that is, no revolution).
  6. six
    The theoretical life span of earth people is 180 to 183 years old, and the actual life span is about 165 years old.


astrology In Astrolabe It refers to a chart used to describe the various influences of the energy at different positions of the star on the organism at the birth of the organism. Taking the Earth in the solar system as an example, the structure of the astrolabe is usually in the following order from outside to inside: the congenital sector, the longitude sector of the ecliptic, the acquired sector, the astral sector and the geocenter. The congenital sector and the acquired sector are both marked with twelve star symbols that dominate the twelve sectors; According to different house divisions, the axis passing through the center of the earth on the astrolabe represents different meanings, but most house divisions use the horizontal axis to represent the horizon (twilight line), the left side is called up, the right side is called down, and the axis 23 ° 26 'from the horizontal axis is used to represent the prime vertical line, the left side is called the eastern point, and the right side is called the western point. Due to the existence of the Earth's ecliptic angle, the time of solar energy action (the length of day and night) is inconsistent in all latitudes, so that the rise and fall of latitude regions other than the equator on some equinox astrolabes do not form 180 ° (such as the Praxite equinox); However, because the intensity of the solar action (solar height) is proportional to time, some house division systems (such as the absolute house system), in order to facilitate measurement, use the eastern and western points instead of rising and falling (but it is still customary to use rising and falling to name the eastern and western points). Take the absolute isometric system as an example, represented by the horizontal axis Maoyou Line , the rising (equivalent to the eastern point under other palace divisions) and falling (equivalent to the western point under other palace divisions) of both ends will always form 180 °, represented by the vertical axis meridian , the zenith and the bottom at both ends will always form 180 °; The ascending, zenith, descending and bottoming of the absolute palace system are always vertical in theory. In fact, the earth is not an absolute sphere, so it can only be nearly vertical. Without special instructions, the future astrolabe refers specifically to the absolute isometric astrolabe.

Astral body

Astrological Astral body It refers to the objective existence and subjective image of unconsciousness in the universe, corresponding to real stars and virtual stars respectively. Real stars are also divided into primary real stars and secondary real stars: there are 12 primary real stars for the real star where the observer is located, which refers to the stars in a star system, the main planets in its 11 orbital orbits and their respective main satellites; The secondary real star refers to the secondary planet in the same orbit and the secondary satellite of the primary planet. Virtual stars are also divided into primary virtual stars and secondary virtual stars: there are only four primary virtual stars for the real star where the observer is located, which refers to the head of the acquired Aries house that describes the position of the star relative to the real star where the observer is located, namely the "mao star" (also called the rising point, corresponding to the mao time; The absolute equal house system is different from other traditional partial house systems. It has no concept of the eastern horizon. The rising point under the absolute equal house system is equivalent to the eastern point under other partial house systems. The head of Cancer Palace, namely, the "sub star" (also called the nadir point, corresponding to the sub time), and the head of Libra Palace, namely, the "unitary star" (also called the falling point, corresponding to the unitary time); The descending point under the absolute isometric system is different from the descending point under other fractional systems) and the head of the acquired Capricorn, namely the "Meridian Star" (also known as the celestial apex, corresponding to the noon); The secondary virtual star refers to the other eight zodiac heads that describe the position of the star relative to the real star where the observer is located, as well as the two intersections of the orbit of the satellite of the real star where the observer is located and the orbit of the star (such as the north intersection point and the south intersection point). Without special instructions, later stars refer to real stars.
Astral body
Virtual star
Xu Xing
Unitary star
Shen Xing
Meridional star
Mao Xing
Yin Xing
ugly actor
Child star
Without me
scorching hot
to show

Palace position

Astrological Palace position It refers to the twelve celestial regions after the ecliptic is evenly divided, which are divided into the congenital twelfth house (usually arranged counterclockwise in the outer circle of the astrolabe) and the acquired twelfth house (usually arranged counterclockwise in the inner circle of the astrolabe). Without special instructions, the later houses refer to the twelve houses of the day after tomorrow.
Palace position
Yang Shou
Auspicious star
Take care of all


Astrological phase It refers to the angle with tolerance less than 7.5 ° (i.e. 7 ° 30 ′) formed by taking the star where the observer is located as the vertex and taking the line from any other two stars (including virtual stars) to the vertex as the edge. Phase (i.e. angle) itself has no difference between good and bad, while stars have the difference between good and bad, so the good or bad of phase is determined by the good or bad of stars. Without special instructions, the later phase refers to the main phase.
Main phase
Secondary phase
Phase forming conditions
Phase forming conditions
Both stars are in the same house
Make up 24 split phases
The house of two stars is 180 °
2 split phase
The house of two stars is also 180 °
Make up 8 phases
The house of two stars is 150 °
2.4 Phase separation
The house of two stars is also 150 °
Supplement 4.8 phase separation
The house of two stars is 120 °
The house of two stars is also 120 °
4.8 Phase separation
The house of two stars is at 90 °
4 phase separation
The house of two stars is also 90 °
8 phase separation
The house of two stars is 60 °
6 phase separation
The house of two stars is also 60 °
24 split phase
The house of two stars is 30 °
12 split phase
The house of two stars is also 30 °
Empty phase
Other angles
The house of two stars falls at other angles
  1. one
    Phase separation is also called phase opposition; 2.4 Phase separation is also called plum blossom phase; 3 Phase separation is also called arch phase; Phase separation is also called punishment phase; Six phase separation is also called six phase combination.
  2. two
    Supplementary 4.8 phase separation is also called supplementary plum blossom phase; 4.8 Phase separation is also called plum blossom phase.
  3. three
    Under the absolute isometric system, the tolerance of all phases must be less than 7 ° 30 ', which is different from the British Astrology Institute.

Constellation symbol

Constellation time
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
The symbol of Aries symbolizes the head of the sheep, which is a pictographic method. Take out the most obvious horn and nose of the sheep; The myth of Aries can be associated with some characteristics, such as impulsiveness, freedom and courage. On the other hand, some people also point out that the symbol of Aries is a symbol of new green shoots, showing a new and thriving scene.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
The symbol of Taurus symbolizes the head of the cow, and also depicts the image of the cow with simple lines; According to the myth of Taurus, Taurus is gentle in appearance, but full of desire in heart. On the other hand, the round ox face shows ease and enjoyment, but the horn on it indicates that our temper may break out.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
The symbol of Gemini symbolizes twins. Compared with the first two symbols, it is more abstract; From the myth of Gemini, we can know the duality and internal contradiction of Gemini. In fact, Gemini represents not only duality, but also so-called pluralism. On the one hand, it can be seen that Gemini is broad, and on the other hand, it also implies possible superficiality.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
The symbol of Cancer symbolizes chest, which means that Cancer is related to chest; As can be imagined from the myth of Cancer, there is a feeling of home, and it is also related to jealousy. On the other hand, it was also pointed out that the symbol of Cancer is actually the carapace symbolizing Cancer, which also shows the self-protection characteristics and hidden habits of Cancer.
leo (July 23 - August 22)
The symbol of Leo symbolizes the tail of the lion, which fully shows the personality of Leo; The myth of Leo can be associated with the romantic and enthusiasm of Leo. It is easy to think of a lot of passion and compassion when you think of Leo's characteristics, but don't forget that the lioness is the one who goes hunting.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
If you look at the right half, you can see. In Virgo's myth, we can see the meaning of harvest. By associating Virgo's characteristics with Virgo, we can also find some, such as caution, caution, calmness and shyness. On the other hand, virginity also represents quietness and keenness.
libra (September 23 - October 23)
The symbol of Libra represents a scale. The Greek letter Ω represents measurement, and the "-" below represents the basis of measurement. In the myth of Libra, you can see the fairness of Libra. But from that Libra, we can see the basic idea of Libra's pursuit of balance. At the same time, the wavering Libra also shows Libra's hesitation.
scorpio (October 24 - November 22)
In the myth of Scorpio, you can know that Scorpio is the source of jealousy. From the male genitals, we can know Scorpio's desire for sex. On the other hand, some people think that the symbol of Scorpio is a symbol of scorpion's carapace and poison needle, showing the character of revenge.
sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
The symbol of Sagittarius is the arrow in the hands of the archer, returning to the form of a pictogram; Sagittarius's wisdom and pursuit of knowledge can be seen from Sagittarius's myth. The archetype of archer is the man and horse holding the bow and arrow. The horse in the lower part of the body symbolizes the pursuit of ideal, the man in the upper part symbolizes knowledge and wisdom, and the arrow in the hand shows the Sagittarius's pursuit of spiritual level.
Capricornus (December 22 - January 19)
The symbol of Capricorn symbolizes the head of a sheep and the tail of a fish, which are abstract but basically pictographic; From the myth of Capricorn, we can know the worry and fear of Capricorn. Capricorn is also called Goat, which is caused by the goat image on its upper body. It has a desire to climb up the mountain, but don't forget that Capricorn also has a fish tail that symbolizes feelings below the water.
aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
The symbol of Aquarius symbolizes the wave of water and air, which is concrete but abstract; From the myth of Aquarius, we can see that Aquarius likes freedom and individualism. The wave that symbolizes Aquarius is the representative of high intelligence. To think about the characteristics of Aquarius from the characteristics of the wave, it seems to be regular but has no specific image. It is an unpredictable constellation.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20) [6]
The symbol of Pisces symbolizes two fish, and one of them is a ribbon connecting them; The myth of Pisces can be associated with the escape of Pisces. The two Pisces fish swim in two directions, which not only shows the duality of Pisces, but also symbolizes the contradiction and complexity of Pisces.