Queen Mingde

Empress Ma of Mingde in the Eastern Han Dynasty
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Empress Ma of Mingde (40-79 years), whose name was lost by Shi, It is known as "Ma Mingde". [39] People from Fufeng Maoling (now the northeast of Xingping, Shaanxi), Eastern Han Dynasty Famous General conqueror of northern Viet Nam Daughter of Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty Liu Zhuang Queen of, [33] China's first female historian and the first queen who wrote books, [50] It is known as "the most virtuous empress of the Han Dynasty", [49] Later generations often associate it with Empress Hexi Deng Sui And called“ Ma Deng ”。
When my father died as a child, Mrs. Lin, my mother, became ill with grief and was in a trance. Ten year old Ma manages his family like an adult, and he also studies inside and outside, in good order. In the 28th year of Jianwu (52 years), he was elected to Taiuteri. In the 2nd year of Zhongyuan (57 years), Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty ascended the throne and granted Ma Ma the title of Noble person In the third year of Yongping (the 60th year of Yongping's reign), she was established as the queen. Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty was deeply impressed by Empress Ma's knowledge and talent, and often discussed military and state affairs with her. [29] In the 18th year of Yongping (75), Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty died, and Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty Liu Xuan He ascended the throne and honored Ma as the empress dowager. Empress Matthew talked about national politics with Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty every day, and taught the little princes scriptures at the same time. [30] In the fourth year of Jianchu (79 years), Queen Ma died and was buried with Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty Xianjie Mausoleum [33]
Empress Ma Mingde is known as the "Sage Queen" [51 ] He was knowledgeable and courteous, virtuous and benevolent, kind to others, respected the world, advocated frugality, assisted the Ming and Zhang emperors, restrained foreign relatives, and did not play favoritism, which became the cornerstone of political stability in Ming and Zhang dynasties“ Rule of the Ming Dynasty ”It plays a historical role that cannot be ignored; [32] meanwhile It is also the first practice in China《 Zhouyi 》The women with the essence of thought set an example for future generations with the spirit of self-improvement and great virtue, and became the model of Chinese sages in all ages. [50]
Empress Ma Mingde, the author of the book Xianzong Qiju Notes, created“ official in charge of recording the emperor' daily life ”This is the first of its kind. [33]
Queen Ma Ma Mingde [39] Queen Matthew [36] Empress Dowager Mingde [52]
Posthumous title
Queen Mingde
Eastern Han Dynasty
Ethnic groups
the han people
one's native heath
Maoling County, Fufeng County (today's Xingping, Shaanxi)
date of birth
39 years
Date of death
79 years
Place of death
Burial place
Main works
Xianzong Qiju Note
True name

Character's Life


Youli Family Affairs

Queen Mingde, Ma, whose name is missing [1] , General Fubo conqueror of northern Viet Nam My little daughter. Both parents died when they were young. His elder brother Ma Keqing Smart Yinghui died early. His mother, Mrs. Lin, became ill due to her grief, and was in a trance. Ma was only ten years old at that time. She managed her family affairs, managed and educated servants, and consulted and reported on internal and external affairs. She handled them like an adult. [2] At first, no one else knew about this situation. After hearing about it, they expressed surprise and admiration.

Entering the uterus

At first, Ma Yuan, Ma Ma's father, led the attack Wuxi Man Man, died in the army, General Hu Ben Zhonglang Liang Song 、 Huangmen Waiter Sinus concretion They took the opportunity to frame Ma Yuan. As a result, the Ma family declined and was bullied by dignitaries many times.
Cousin Ma Ma Yan Worried and angry, she told Mrs. Lin to break off her engagement with Dou and asked Ma to be admitted to Nayeting. So he wrote: "My uncle Ma Yuan died first and failed to repay the emperor's kindness, while his wife and children were saved by special favors. He loved and respected His Majesty as God treated his father. Since human nature has survived, he wants to pursue good fortune. I heard that the prince and the princes' concubines have not yet been matched. Ma Yuan has three daughters, the eldest daughter is 15 years old, the second daughter is 14 years old, and the youngest daughter is 13 years old. Their appearance, figure, hair, and skin are all above the top and middle level among women. They are filial and careful, gentle and polite. Hopefuls Phase engineering Come down to check and select qualified people. If he is lucky enough to be selected, Ma Yuan can also be comforted under the yellow spring. In addition, Ma Yuan's aunts and sisters are all Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty His concubine was buried in Yanling. The minister Ma Yan is lucky to get back to this life. He hopes to let my cousin be admitted into the harem by virtue of the relationship with his first aunt. "
So Ma was selected into Taiuteri at the age of 13. Serve the Queen Yin Lihua , close to the surrounding concubines, complete etiquette, and get along well with her from top to bottom. He is favored by Prince Liu Zhuang and often lives in the back hall of Liu Zhuang's bedroom. [4]

Honored as an honorable person

AD 57( Jianwu Zhongyuan Two years), Emperor Guangwu reigned as Guangwu Di Death, Crown Prince Liu Zhuang He ascended the throne as Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty. His immediate surname is Noble person At that time, Jia Shi, the daughter of Ma's half sister, was also elected to the harem and gave birth Liu Xuan (Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty).
Since Ma had no son, Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty asked her to bring Liu Xuan. He said to her, "People don't have to have their own sons, they just don't care and nurture them carefully." So Ma Ma nurtured Liu Xuan carefully, and worked harder than his own children. Liu Xuan is also filial and honest in nature, and the nature of gratitude is natural, so the mother loves her son, and there is no contradiction and estrangement. Ma often worried because there were not many descendants of Emperor Han and Ming, and he always recommended people who served the emperor, as if he was afraid that he might not be able to do so. The concubines in the harem often comfort and accept people who come to see the emperor. If he has been favored by the emperor for many times, he always improves the treatment of the favored concubines. [5]

Empress Celi

In the spring of A.D. 60 (the third year of Yongping), the relevant officials in charge went up to report that they wanted to establish Changqiu Palace , that is, to determine the candidate for the empress. Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty did not say. The empress dowager Yin Lihua said, "Ma Guiren's virtue is the first in the harem, so let's appoint her." So she made Ma the queen. [6]
Since she became the queen, she has become more modest, respectful, knowledgeable and able to recite《 I Ching 》, like reading《 spring and autumn 》、《 Poetry of the South 》, favorite《 Zhou Rites 》And scholar-statesman instrumental in institutionalizing Confucianism and civil-service examinations Works of. [7]

Assist in governing the country

At that time, it was difficult to assess what was said by the generals and discussed publicly by the ministers. Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty tried many times to let the Emperor Ma comment later. Empress Ma analyzed the purport and truth, and could deduce the truth of all opinions. When serving Emperor Han Ming, he always talked about national politics, which helped him make decisions, instead of asking him for his own private affairs. Therefore, Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty's favor and respect for her has been deepening and never failing. [29]
In 72 AD (the 15th year of Yongping's reign), Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty investigated the map and prepared to grant it to the prince. The fiefs granted to them were only half the size of other vassals. After the interview, Empress Ma said, "Your princes' fiefs are only a few counties. Isn't it too frugal from the system?" Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty said, "How can my son be equal to the son of the former emperor? Twenty million yuan is enough for the annual supply."
King of Chu at that time Liu Ying The number of prisoners arrested for crimes is very high. Empress Ma was worried that there were too many people involved in the case. She took the opportunity to talk about it and felt sorry. Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty had a feeling. He got up and wandered around at night, thinking about the words offered by Empress Ma, and finally many people were forgiven. [8]

To become queen dowager

The grandmother of Empress Mingde Ma was Song Yang's aunt. Later, she heard that Song Yang's two daughters were very talented, so she welcomed them into the palace to train and teach them. In 75 AD (the 18th year of Yongping's reign), these two women who had been trained by Empress Ma were successfully selected into the palace of Prince Liu Xuan, and they were very favored. [35]
Queen Matthew [9]
In 75 AD (the 18th year of Yongping's reign), Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty passed away, and Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty Liu Xuan ascended the throne and honored Empress Ma as empress dowager. All dignitaries should move to the South Palace to live. Queen Matthew is grateful for the parting and gives them princes Red ribbon , in addition, Che Sima, white Yuebu, three thousand ends, variegated Silk Two thousand horses, ten jin of gold. She wrote the Notes to the Daily Life of Emperor Xianzong in person, and deleted the content of her brother Ma Fang's involvement in medical affairs. Emperor Han Zhang asked her to say:“ eunuch My uncle Ma Fang has served for nearly a year all the time. Isn't it too much not to praise his outstanding deeds, nor to record his diligence? " The empress dowager replied, "I don't want future generations to hear about the late emperor's closeness to the family members of the harem many times, so I don't record it." [10]
Later Matthew asked for a good wife for Emperor Hanzhang, so Liang Both of his two daughters were elected to the palace and were honored by Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty“ Liang Guiren ”Later, Liu Zhao, the Emperor of Han He, was born to Emperor Zhang of Han Dynasty. [36]
AD 76( Initial construction In the first year of the year), Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty wanted to confer titles on several uncles, but the empress dowager would not allow them. In the summer of the next year (AD 77), there was a severe drought. The people who discussed the matter believed that it was because there was no foreign relatives. For this reason, the officials concerned told the Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty that they should follow the previous rules and regulations. The empress dowager issued an edict, saying, "All the people who talk about things are just trying to flatter me to get benefits. In the past, Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty granted five younger brothers of the empress dowager the same title on the same day. At that time, the yellow fog was full of, and I didn't hear of the auspicious response of rain sometimes Tian Xuan Dou Infant These foreign relatives, relying on respect and nobility, run wild and suffer the disaster of collapse, which has been widely rumored by the world. Therefore, Emperor Ming was careful to guard against the affairs of his relatives while he was alive, so as not to let them occupy an important position. When they granted their sons a state, they were only allowed to have half the size of Chu, Huaiyang and other countries. They often said, 'My son should not be the same as the son of the former emperor'. Now why do officials want to compare the present relatives to the ancestors' relatives! I am the mother of the world, but I dress in coarse silk and don't want to eat sweetly. The attendants around me also wear ordinary cloth clothes and don't have sachets and other accessories. This is to set an example for the people below. I thought that the relatives should be worried and admonished when they saw this situation, but they just said with a smile that the empress dowager always likes frugality. When I passed the Zhuolong Garden before, I saw the foreign relatives who came to greet me. They were carrying many servants, which could be said to be cars like flowing water and horses like dragons. The servants were wearing green armcoats with white collars and sleeves. Looking back, I saw that the driver who drove the car for me was far behind them. Intentionally not condemning and angry with them, but only cutting off their annual expenses, hoping to silently make them feel ashamed, but they are still lazy and have no idea of worrying about the country and forgetting their home. Knowing that no minister can match the monarch, let alone relatives? How can I go up against the will of the former emperor, undermine the virtue of my ancestors, and repeat the disaster of the destruction of Xijing! " It is not allowed to confer titles on foreign relatives. [11]
The Emperor of Han Zhang felt sad when he saw the imperial edict of the empress dowager, and asked again: "When the Han Dynasty rose, the uncles' relatives were granted marquises, just like the princes were granted kings. The empress dowager sincerely remained modest. How could the sons and ministers not reward the three uncles? Moreover, the uncle who served as the guard was old, and the other two uncles who served as the school captain were also seriously ill. If there was something that could not be concealed, the minister would be deeply sorry. The reward should be given at a good time when they are still alive, without delay. " [12]
The empress dowager replied, "I have considered this matter over and over again, and I want to make it the best of both worlds. Is it just to gain the reputation of modesty, and make the emperor suspect of not being gracious to his relatives to be knighted? In the past, Empress Dowager Dou wanted to make Wang Xin, the queen's brother, a marquis and prime minister Article Hou To say and accept dynastic title of Liu Bang According to the agreement, it is not the Liu family that cannot be marquis without military merit. Today, my Ma family has no contribution to the country. How can it be equal to the Yin family and Guo family, the empresses in the boom? It is often seen that the rich and noble families, with their officials, salaries and titles overlapping, are like a tree that bears fruit again, and its roots will be damaged. Moreover, the reason why people are willing to be marquis is simply to offer sacrifices to ancestors and beg for food and clothing. At present, the sacrifices of the foreign relatives' families are made with treasures that have received contributions from all sides, and the food and clothing are courtesy of the surplus funds collected by the royal palace. Is that not enough, but must we be granted a county seal? I have considered this matter carefully, so don't doubt it any more. The so-called filial piety should be based on comforting parents. Now the country has suffered from the disaster of variation for many times, and the price of food has risen several times, which makes people worry and feel uneasy day and night. Instead, they have to plan to be marquises to foreign relatives first, which goes against their mother's heart! I have always been upright and impatient, and I have the spirit in my heart. If the spirit of yin and yang is harmonious and the border is quiet, then the emperor will pursue his ambition. I will have maltose in my mouth, tease my grandson, spend my old age in peace, and no longer care about the national politics. " [13]

The empress dowager discusses politics

Queen Matthew often talked about national politics with Emperor Hanzhang every day; At the same time, he taught all the young princes, talked about the scriptures, described their life experiences, and made the harem harmonious all day long. [30]
Once, Xinping master's attendants accidentally caught fire, and the fire extended to the back hall of the North Pavilion. The empress dowager thought it was her fault and didn't enjoy her life. Was preparing pay homage Yuanling, who admitted that she had been careless in guarding, was ashamed of the cemetery and refused to leave.
At first, the mother of the empress dowager was buried, and the grave was slightly higher. The empress dowager said something about this. Her brother Ma Liao They immediately reduced the grave to an appropriate level.
If some of her relatives are modest, simple, kind-hearted and righteous, she will give good words and rewards them to property officials. If there is a slight mistake, she first shows a stern look and then condemns it. For those relatives who rode in luxury cars and wore luxurious clothes but did not obey the law, the empress dowager broke off their citizenship and sent them back to the countryside to farm. The chariots used by King Guangping, King Julu and King Lecheng were simple, without gold and silver decorations. Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty reported this to Empress Dowager Ma, who immediately gave them five million yuan each. So both inside and outside the palace were educated and dressed as one. The royal families and relatives were more frightened and cautious than Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty Yongping Years. So they set up a weaving room, planted mulberry and raised silkworms in Zhuolong Garden, and went to watch it many times for entertainment. [14]
In AD 79 (the fourth year of the founding year), the country had a bumper harvest of grain, Border There was no war, so Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty granted his three uncles Ma Liao Horse defence and Ma Guang by feudal lords All three refuse to accept it. They are willing to accept it Baron It is not a fief. When the empress dowager heard about this, she sighed that she would hate it for thousands of years, so her brother Ma Liao and others had no choice but to resign their titles and go home. [15]

He died of sleep sickness

In April of the fourth year of the founding year (79 years), Queen Matthew took the daughter of Song Yang, the nephew of her grandmother Song Guiren 's son Liu Qing He was made Prince, [35] [37] Soon, Queen Matthew was ill in bed, and she didn't believe witchcraft Little doctor, many edicts prohibit prayer and sacrifice. On June 30 of the same year, the empress dowager died, more than 40 years old, with the posthumous title of Empress Mingde. On the ninth day of July, he was buried in Xianjie Mausoleum with Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty. [16-17]

Key achievements

Empress Ma of Mingde in the Eastern Han Dynasty was the place of Emperor Xianzong of the Eastern Han Dynasty Compilation Xianzong Qiju Note is the earliest book in history dedicated to recording the daily words and deeds of the emperor, which also created“ official in charge of recording the emperor' daily life ”This new style of historical records. Since then, there have been specially assigned persons engaged in the compilation work. Empress Mingde Ma started writing about Shibi Ban Zhao Supplement《 The History of the Han Dynasty 》About 20 years earlier, she was called the first female historian in China. [18]

Anecdotes and allusions


Expensive but few children

Ma was once ill, and his mother, Mrs. Lin, asked someone to make divination for her. The diviner said, "It's very important that this woman can become an imperial concubine 。”
Later, Mrs. Lin lost a jewel worth ten thousand dollars. She asked the man who looked at her. The man pointed to a servant girl and said, "This man stole the jewel." After searching, she found that it was really like this. Mrs. Lin was so surprised that she asked him to look at his daughters. When he saw Ma, he was surprised and said, "I will be a courtess to this woman. However, although she is noble, she has few children."
Mrs. Lin asked, "Has she never had a son in her life?" The man who looked at her replied, "She has a son, but she died early. If she can raise children from other lives, she is better than her own." [3] [27]

heavy traffic on the street

heavy traffic on the street This idiom comes from Queen Mother Ma imperial edict The words in Chinese are simplified, and it is like a scene where buses and horses are going to bustle and bustle.
Empress Mingde (left) [19]
In the summer of AD 77 (the second year of the founding of the New Year), a great drought occurred. Some ministers said that because they did not seal foreign relatives, they asked to be granted uncle Ma. Queen Matthew disagreed and issued an imperial edict, saying, "All those who propose to be knighted to their relatives want to flatter me and get benefits from it. What does drought have to do with being knighted?" Then he said: "A few days ago, when I passed by the door of my mother's home, Zhuolong Garden, I saw people coming to my uncle's house from the outside to pay their respects. The cars kept going like flowing water, and the horses kept coming and going, like a swimming dragon, very ostentatious. Their servants were dressed neatly, with green clothes, white collars and sleeves. Look at our cars, they were far behind them. I tried to control myself without blaming them. They only know how to enjoy themselves and don't worry about the country at all. How can I agree to give them a higher rank? "
Later Han Dynasty ·The Record of Empress Ma of Ming De: When I passed the Guanlong Gate, I saw a stranger asking about the people living there. The car was like running water, and the horse was swimming around the dragon. The head of the horse was green. The leader was just looking at the emperor. It was not far away.

Hairdressing high bun

Empress Mingde is seven feet two inches tall, square mouth, and has a very long hair. After four layers of tall hair buns are raised, there is still excess hair, so she wraps the excess hair in a bun three times. She did not apply powder and indigo to her eyebrows, nor did she seek luxury in decoration, but there was a small gap in the left eyebrow corner, so she made up the gap like millet millet. She often complained of illness, and was proud all her life. [28]

Night dream flying insect

A few days before Ma was made queen, she dreamed that there were countless small flying insects falling on her body, drilling into her skin and flying out.

Cloth Queen

Empress Ma often wears thick clothes Silk , no hem on the dress. On the first day of the lunar new year and the fifteenth day of the lunar new year, all the concubines and princesses came to court. Seeing from a distance, Queen Ma's clothes were rough, and she thought they were fine silk. When she looked closer, she smiled. Empress Ma said on the pretext, "This kind of silk fabric is especially suitable for dyeing, so it was worn." The concubines all sighed after hearing this.

Not fond of traveling

Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty often went out to the palace Garden Park When leaving the palace, Empress Ma always reminds the Emperor of the Han Dynasty to be healthy and sincere. Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty went to the Zhuolong Garden and summoned all the talented people. The people below the King of Xiapi were all on the side and asked for the Queen to play with him. The Emperor smiled and said, "She is not fond of pleasure by nature. Even if she comes, she will not be happy." Therefore, she seldom follows him when he goes out for entertainment. [7]

an old man enjoys life with no cares

Idioms“ an old man enjoys life with no cares ”It was said by Empress Mingde Ma. Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government 》It records a passage that Queen Matthew said to Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty: "If the yin and yang are harmonious, the border is quiet, and then I will carry out my son's ambition, I should treat my grandson with pleasure, and I cannot resume the customs administration."
It means that if the heaven and earth are harmonious and the border is quiet, you can act according to your own wishes. I will just tease my grandson with sugar and stop interfering in politics. [34]

Character evaluation


General comments

Empress Mingde lived a modest and simple life, knowing books, etiquette, and justice. Because her actions played a very important role in the politics of Emperor Ming and Emperor Zhang, she was admired by later generations. Empress Ma not only created the example of empresses wearing cloth clothes, but also left the idiom "heavy traffic", which is an example for empresses to learn from. [20]
Continuation of Women's Biography 》She was praised as "a teacher for all women at home and a mother's wife at home". [21]

Evaluation of past dynasties

  • Han Dynasty· Ma Yan : "Be filial and careful, be polite and quiet." [22]
  • Wei and Jin Dynasties· Fu Xuan : "The queen of Mingde's horse, holding the chastity and wearing the vegetarian shoes, respected the six elements and obeyed the etiquette. As the mother of the queen, the emperor consulted Jue, the country relied on internal training, and the family should show its authority." [23]
  • Western Jin Dynasty· Levofen "Ma and Deng's concubines are also masters of Han." [40]
  • Southern Dynasties· Fan Ye Later Han Dynasty 》: ① "Kun only has a long history, and Yin is just like the beautiful marriage in the poem. The Book of Changes is called Gui Mei. Qi Qihuang is a man of noble character. He flatters me with his good philosophy, and accepts my heaven's salary. He is in charge of a class, and he is in charge of a orchid boudoir. He is also a man of good fortune. He is also known as a man of great virtue. He is a man of great stature, and his family gradually runs a river. He sees the scenery and shines, and the mountains are both steep. He who rides hard and has many obstacles will surely follow the path. He who is full of pride, who is blessed and who is faithful. He celebrates himself, and who is offended by his misfortune. [22] [24] ② "If your husband is virtuous and concubine, she will help the monarch in his administration, such as Ma, Deng and the Empress of Liang." [46]
  • Southern Dynasties· Xiao Zixian "If we make Ye Zuo cease at the same time, and Yin Taoism goes far away, then Ma and Deng will become romantic again." [42]
  • Northern Dynasties· Wei Shou Three Kingdoms Annals· Wei Shu 》:“( Queen Guo )He is frugal in nature and bad at music. He always admires Han Mingde and Ma Hou. " [48]
  • Northern Wei Dynasty· Cui Guang : "The ancient virtuous princess Lieyuan, whose mother is a noble family and country, has been training all over the world and preaching nine sects. She can uphold morality and follow benevolence and propriety. It is based on the skills of Ma Deng, the late Han Dynasty." [43]
  • Tang Dynasty· Fang Xuanling "Ma Deng was courteous and thrifty, and the Han Dynasty pushed Germany." [41]
  • Song Dynasty· Han Qi "The previous generation, like Ma and Deng Zhixian, was inevitably greedy for power." [45]
  • Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty "If the former emperors' houses were behind them, most of them would be the world's heroes. Gai selected virtue in the Kang Clan, and also ranked mediocrity in the first place. He created the Zhou Dynasty's capital, and promoted the Han Dynasty to show the achievements of horses and Deng." [44]
  • Ming· Hu Yinglin "After the Han Dynasty, the wise are half as good as the ungrateful. Lu is also evil. Ma Deng is enough to do it." [47]
  • Ming and Qing Dynasties· Wang Fuzhi : (1) "To be called the Sage of the Mother Queen, after Mingde and Ma, there was no end of words in ancient and modern times. When reading the imperial edict, if people will cry down, they will have a good name and be skillful in speaking... The damage caused by the relatives in Tokyo ended the Han Dynasty, and the country You died, starting from Ma, and later became it. Therefore, words are not enough to capture the heart, and praise is not enough to test the truth. Ma Hou's good name is successful, and works in speaking, so it is allowed to be a" philosopher woman ". The most outstanding of the wise women was that they did not realize it at that time, and later generations did not know it. They were more than willing to deceive the world, but they were not afraid! " [25] "Empress Deng regards Empress Ma as an outstanding person. Empress Ma is famous. Empress Deng is more realistic." [53]
  • Qing Dynasty· Cai Shiyuan "The most virtuous person in the Han, Tang and Song dynasties, Empress Mingde Ma in the Han Dynasty, Empress Dowager Zhiwen in the Tang Dynasty, Empress Dowager Xuanrengao in the Song Dynasty." [49]
  • Modern times· Cai Dongfan Thrift and high wind have been enough imperial, modest respect more see deep virtue; The East Capital Mother Fan can always be there. Why does the country belong to women. [31]

Historical records

Later Han Dynasty ·Volume 10 First Part of Empress Chronicle [22]

member of family




  • Ma Keqing [26]
  • Ma Liao , Fengshunyang Marquis, Guan Zhiwei. [26]
  • Horse defence , was granted the title of Marquis Yingyang, and was officially appointed as Guanglu Xun. [26]
  • Ma Guang , was granted the title of Marquis Xu, an official and a guard. [26]



Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty Liu Zhuang , the second emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Adopted son

Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty Liu Xuan , the third emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty.