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Mingguang Hall

[míng guāng diàn]
Chinese words
Mingguangdian is a Chinese word, pronounced m í ng gu  ng di à n, which is interpreted as a general reference to palaces.
Chinese name
Mingguang Hall
míng guāng diàn
"Three Supplementary Yellow Paintings - Han Palace"


(1). The name of the palace in the Han Dynasty.
(2) . It generally refers to palaces.


"Three Supplementary Yellow Paintings, Han Palace": "Weiyang Palace has a Guigong in the west and a Mingguang Palace in the middle. All the gold and jade beads are curtain foil. The moon beads are everywhere, and the golden majesty and jade steps are bright day and night."
Tang Censhen's Third Elegy of Duke Du: "Remembering the Mingguang Hall yesterday, we will inherit the grace of the Emperor." Song Zhang Xiaoxiang's "Partridge Heaven · Gifts Money to Hengzhouzi Mountain" said: "The monarch and marquis will serve the Mingguang Hall together, and act as the Hengcha Sea Immortal." [1]

Palace name


Name of Han Guigong Palace

The palace in Han Chang'an Guigong is located at the site of Han Chang'an City in the northwest of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. The Book of the Han Dynasty - Biography of Wu Wuzi: Wang Dan of Yan "wanted to kill himself because he welcomed the Empress Ji Zhu's wife in the Mingguang Hall, and said, 'The old soldier Cao is a family!'". That's it. Volume 2 of the "Three Supplementary Yellow Paintings" cites "Guan Fu Ji": "The Gui Palace is in the north of Weiyang, with the Mingguang Palace in the middle and the earth mountain, and the second way is from the central and western parts of the palace to the Penglai Mountain of the Jianzhang Shenming Platform." It also cites "San Qin Ji", which says: "There is the Gui Palace in the west of Weiyang Palace, with the Mingguang Palace in the middle. All the gold and jade beads are curtain foils, and the moon beads are everywhere. The gold and jade steps make the night bright."

Luoyang Palace in Northern Wei Dynasty

The former site is in the old city of Han and Wei Dynasties in the northeast of Luoyang, Henan Province. Wei Shu · Xiaozhuang Ji: In the third year of Wutai (530), "the great general of Tianzhu, Er Zhurong, and Shangdang Wang Tianmu came to the court from Jinyang. In 1898, the emperor killed Rong and Tianmu in Mingguang Hall".