Erich Honecker

German politicians
zero Useful+1
synonym Honecker (Honecker) generally refers to Erich Honecker
Erich Honecker (German: German United Socialist Party General Secretary and German Democratic Republic Chairman of the State Council.
Unification of Germany and Germany Later, he fled to Soviet Union , but because of the new Russia Political relations, Erich Honecker was soon extradite Repatriation to Germany. He was charged Treason And his presence Cold War His actions, especially the killing of 192 Germans who tried to escape from the Honecker regime. However, since Honecker suffers from cancer , so it is released.
Erich Honecker was soon in exile Chile He died at the age of 81. [1]
Chinese name
Erich Honecker
Foreign name
Erich Honecker
Ethnic groups
date of birth
August 25, 1912
Date of death
May 29, 1994
University one is graduated from
Moscow International Lenin School
Key achievements
resistance Nazi Party Become the leader of East Germany
one's native heath
Germany saarland
Representative works
Memoirs of Honecker
Political parties
German United Socialist Party

Character experience


Childhood and youth

Erich Honecker's father, Wilhelm Honeyer (1881-1969), was a miner and married Caroline Catharina Weidenhof (1883-1963) in 1905.
After marriage, they had six children:
Katharina KThe (1906-1925)
Wilhelm (Willi) (1907-1944 Hungary Death)
Frieda (1909-1974)
Erich Honecker, Gertrud Hoppst? Dter (1917-1947) and Karl Robert (1923-1947).
Erich Honecker, on August 25, 1912 saarland (Neunkirchen) was born in Max Braun Street, but his family soon moved to Wiebelskirchen under the jurisdiction of Neunkirchen.
Erich Honecker is a youth of the socialist youth organization Spartak Regiment (Jung Spartakusbund Spartakus Bund). In 1926, he joined the Komunistischen Jugendverband Deutschland, and in 1929 he became the local leader of the federation.
From 1928 to 1930, Erich Honecker was engaged in the work of roof decoration helper and began to study roof decoration, but he did not finish it.

political life

In 1930, 18 year old Erich Honecker joined German Communist Party His political godfather Otto Niebergall was later a member of the German Communist Congress. From 1930 to 1931, Erich Honecker Moscow International Lenin School. After returning home, he served as the German Socialist Youth Federation saarland Regional leaders.
Since 1933, the work of the German Communist Party can only be carried out underground in Germany. At that time, however, the Saar area was not under the jurisdiction of Germany. Erich Honecker was briefly detained in Germany and soon released.
In 1934, Erich Honecker came to Saarland to oppose the merger German Empire (Deutsche Reich). Due to the failure of the German referendum on January 13, 1935, Erich Honecker went into exile in France. In August, Erich Honecker returned under an alias Berlin
In the revolt, Erich Honecker worked side by side with Herbert Wehner, a cadre of the German Communist Party (who joined the Social Democratic Party after the war). In December 1935, Erich Honecker was Gestapo Arrested until 1937, Erich Honecker was detained in the Moabit prison in Berlin in the name of investigation. In 1937, Erich Honecker was sentenced to 10 years in a heavy prison, so he was held in Brandenburg Gordon Heavy Prison until March 6, 1945.

After World War II

After being released from a heavy prison, Erich Honecker served as the founder and chairman of the Free German Youth Alliance until May 27, 1955. He organized three German youth gatherings Deutschlandtreffen der Jugend held in Berlin since 1950. At the same time, he was absorbed into the first German youth gathering a month later German United Socialist Party Central Committee.
In 1956, Erich Honecker experienced Communist Party of the Soviet Union The 20th Party Congress Khrushchev About removing Stalinism 's speech.
Erich Honecker was built in August 1961 Berlin Wall The decision and organizer of.

East German leaders

With the withdrawal of Ubrich's economic and political theory from the central government, Erich Honecker's social and political theory was chosen. Erich Honecker claims that his theory is the unity of economic politics and social politics.
After getting the Soviet leader Brezhnev After his support, Erich Honecker was elected as the secretary of the Central Committee of the German Unified Socialist Party (SED) on May 3, 1971 as the successor of Walter Ublich, and then was elected as the general secretary of the German Unified Socialist Party (SED) in 1976.
Erich Honecker also served as the President of Staatsrat der DDR Inne (as the successor of Willi Stoph) from October 29, 1975. Erich Honecker's personal staff is Frank Joachim Herrmann, who has studied journalism, and his long-term secretary is Elli Kelm.
The main diplomatic achievements of Erich Honecker during his administration were as follows: he reached a basic agreement with the Federal Republic of Germany (Grundlagenvertrag) and participated in the Helsinki The negotiations held by the Committee for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Democratic Republic of Germany were the United Nations Acceptance as a Member State.
Deng Xiaoping Meets with Honecker on a Visit to China (1986)
Erich Honecker was killed in Tokyo during his visit to Japan in May 1981 University of Japan Honorary doctorate was conferred. Erich Honecker was presumed to have escaped the mason in Wandlitz on December 31, 1982 Paul Essling (Paul Essling). Erich Honecker's car was damaged from the side during the assassination. Erich Honecker was international olympic committee The Olympic Gold Medal was awarded.
Brezhnev and Honecker: The 30th Anniversary of 1979 Democratic Germany
In terms of internal affairs: Erich Honecker has outlined the trend of freedom and harmony in the field of culture and art. On the contrary, he has cancelled nationality through regulations (e.g. Wolf Biermann) and passed Stasi (National security agency) to suppress the domestic opposition. In terms of economic policies, Erich Honecker stepped up to promote the state and the centralized economy. In the severe economic situation, Democratic Germany had to accept hundreds of millions of credit loans from the Federal Republic of Germany, so that the basic living standard could be maintained.
On September 7, 1987, Erich Honecker visited the Federal Republic of Germany bonn By the Federal Prime Minister Cole A grand reception. During his visit to the Federal Republic of Germany, he visited Dusseldorf , Ubota, Essen , Trinidad and Bayern, and on September 10, he also visited his birthplace in Saarland. The visit was actually planned as early as 1983, but it has been blocked by the leaders of the Soviet Union.
In 1988, Erich Honecker paid a state visit to Paris, France. Erich Honecker's biggest goal, which he ultimately failed to achieve, was to pay an official visit to the United States. For this reason, he improved his relationship with the Jewish War Commission (J ü dishen Weltkongress) in the last year of his stay in Democratic Germany as the opening door.
Erich Honecker has received almost all the important medals of honor in Democratic Germany, including the Karl Marx Orden, the first class medal of honor for the motherland (den Vaterl ä ndischen Verdienstorden mit Ehrenspange), Banner der Arbeit、 Held der Arbeit and the highest medal of honor of the Soviet Union Order of Lenin (Leninorden)。

After the upheaval in Eastern Europe

Erich Honecker
With the political crisis and changes, Erich Honecker officially resigned on October 18, 1989 (officially: due to health reasons).
On October 17, 1989, Erich Honecker convened all members of the Politburo (including G ü nter Mittag and Erich Mielke who opposed him) to hold a meeting of the Politburo. At this meeting, Mielke declared that Erich Honecker must be responsible for the formation of the defects of most democratic Germany, and Mielke even threatened to say; "If Erich Honecker does not resign, he will give the news that Erich Honecker has lost his reputation." In this case, Erich Honecker had to make a decision to resign.
On December 3, 1989, Erich Honecker was expelled from the German Unified Socialist Party.
In 1992, he joined the newly formed German Communist Party
In November 1989, the Supreme Court of Democratic Germany launched an investigation into Erich Honecker's abuse of power and treason, for which he was detained and released a day later.
Next, Erich Honecker and his wife temporarily settled in the home of Christian priest Uwe Holmer in Lobetal. After that, Erich Honecker and his wife lived in the Soviet hospital in Beelitz Heilsttten until March 13, 1991, when they flew to Moscow
stay August 19 Incident After. President of Russia Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin He no longer protected his former allies, so Erich Honecker exiled to the Chilean Embassy Salvador Allende Gossens After his downfall, he took in a large number of Chilean political elites. According to the memory of Margot Honeckers, wife of Erich Honecker, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Syria They also invited Erich Honecker.
because Federal Germany Erich Honecker was repatriated to Germany on July 29, 1992. Although he has liver cancer However, he was tried in court because of his order to shoot fugitives on the border between Germany and Germany. The defense of Erich Honecker is famous East Berlin Attorney Friedrich Wolff. Despite the opposition of many victims of Democratic Germany, Erich Honecker's trial was not finally ended due to his health, but was put on hold by the Berlin Constitutional Court in 1993.


On January 13, 1993, Erich Honecker flew to Chile to reunite with his daughter Sonja, Chile's son-in-law Leo Y á ez and grandson Roberto.
Erich Honecker suffered from liver cancer on May 29, 1994 in Chile Santiago He died at the age of 81.

Personal life

Magath Fitch married Onnak in 1953 until his death. The two of them have a daughter (named Sancha). Fitch was also the Minister of Education of East Germany (1963-1989)
From 1947 to 1953, Erich Honecker and his second wife Edith Baumann, a cadre of the Free German Youth League, had a daughter Erika during their marriage (1950 -). In December 1952, his third wife Margot Feist (married in 1953) gave birth to his daughter Sonja.

well-known saying

"If the reason for the establishment has not been eliminated, Berlin Wall It will last for about 50 years, even 100 years! " (Berlin, 19 January 1989)
"It's not a bull, it's not a donkey, it can stop socialist Operation. " (Berlin, 7 October 1989)