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Henri Cartan

French mathematician
Henri Gardang, France mathematician , mathematician Eli Jiadang The son of Wolf Prize It's France Bourbaki School One of the representatives of [1]
Chinese name
Henri Cartan
Foreign name
Henri Cartan
date of birth
July 8, 1904
Date of death
August 13, 2008
University one is graduated from
Ecole Normale Superieure
Henri Cartan
Henri Gardang was born in France Nanxi In the 1920s, he began to study the function theory of single complex variable, and soon turned to Functions of multiple complex variables 1926 in France Ecole Normale Superieure Graduated, and received a doctor's degree in 1928. From 1928 to 1929, he taught in middle school for one year, and then taught in Lille University [1] He taught in Strasbourg from 1931 to 1935 and became a professor in the school in 1936. In 1931-1932, he proved the classical result that holomorphic domains must be pseudoconvex domains [1] In 1937, he introduced such important concepts as "filter" and "ultrafiltration" [1] the Second World War Later, he became a professor of Paris Normal University [2] From 1967 to 1970, he was the president of the International Mathematical Union. He has studied algebraic geometry, hierarchy theory and homology algebra, and some important works include Cohomology operation , Keeling Homology group and Group cohomology He has academic positions in several French universities, mostly in Paris Work.
Henri Cartan
Jiadang 1945 to Paris A seminar was held on the following topics: Multiple complex variable analysis , layer theory and Spectral sequence This seminar is right Jean-Pierre Serre Armand Bollier Alexander Grotendick and Frank Adams The later generation of mathematicians has far-reaching influence. So is he Burbaki Group Is one of the most active members [2]
Jiadanghe Samuel Ellenburger Co authored Homology Algebra( Homological Algebra )With moderate abstraction and Categorical theory To discuss.
He was in 1974 January 28th Selected Academy of France , on 1976 be awarded French National Scientific Research Center Gold Medal
In December 1985, Henri Jiadang was invited to Shanghai to attend the 50th Annual Meeting of the Founding of the Chinese Mathematical Society, and gave a report on Pell Fermat Equation [1]