Chronological order

One of the sequence of article narration and explanation
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Time sequence is one of the common narrative and explanatory sequences of articles.
That is to say, introduce the order of explanation of a thing according to the order of the development process of reason. The development and change of everything can not be separated from time, as shown in Production technology , product production Working methods , historical development, character evolution, character growth, animal and plant growth, etc. should be in chronological order. For example, there is an article in the middle school textbook《 Production of cloisonne 》, which is based on Cloisonne In the production process of "making tire -- Filigree ―― Firing ―― Dot blue ―― enameling ―― polish ―― gold-plated ”The chronological order of.
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Chronological order
Foreign name
Time sequence
One of the common narrative and explanation sequences of articles

Sequence Overview

If it is properly used in the article, it can play a finishing touch, explain clearly and make the reader clear at a glance. Therefore, the chronological order of the article is also a unique skill. The commonly used description order is Spatial order Logical order Etc.
Time sequence mainly includes: early morning, dawn, morning, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, evening, midnight, midnight
It is used for large span, such as one year ago, one month ago, but not one day later, Future tense Not chronological.
There is another difference Azimuth order This is about several things, and one thing is the order of development, with 5 or 6 sentences in succession.


Time sequence: make the article more organized, can clearly show the context of things, and can also play the role of finishing touch.

Other order


1、 Narrative order

1. Paraphrase : According to the development order of events, also called events Development sequence
Function: clear organization and venation
2. Flashback : (Write the results first, and then explain what happened before) For example: Back, One Step, One Step More
effect: Set suspense , attract readers
3. Interlude : (When narrating, interrupt the clue, insert another related event, and then continue the narration on the original line.) For example:《 Antelope wood carving
Function: introduce......, showing; Explain the above/pave the way for the development of the following plot/ambush/contrast to highlight the center

2、 Description order

1. Chronological order Arrange the explanation order according to the time sequence. This order is often used to explain the development and change of things
Example:《 China Stone Arch Bridge Zhaozhou Bridge Lugou Bridge =From ancient to modern, the first paragraph of Nature's Language (the seasons change)
2、 Spatial order : As per Spatial orientation This order is often used to explain the shape and structural features of things. The tour order is a kind of spatial order
For example:《 the palace museum 》From south to north
Time, space, program sequence
Note: To grasp the spatial order, we should pay attention to some nouns that mark the location, or verbs that mark the order of sightseeing

3、 Logical order

Arrange the order of explanation according to the logical relationship of things. This order is often used in reason exposition .
common Logical order yes:
① From primary to secondary :《 China Stone Arch Bridge 》Paragraph 9 Reason for achievement ② From simple to complex:《 China Stone Arch Bridge 》Zhaozhou Bridge Lugou Bridge
③ From general to specific :《 China Stone Arch Bridge Stone arch bridge China Stone Arch Bridge Zhaozhou Bridge Lugou Bridge ④ From Whole to Part: The Full Text Structure of Suzhou Gardens
⑤ From Phenomenon to Essence :《 Dinosaurs are everywhere 》Antarctic fossils continental drift ⑥ From result to cause:《 Flattened sand Quartz quartz - Planetary impact
In addition, there are: from characteristics to uses, from general to special, from causes to results, from the middle to the outside, from small to large, and so on. In short, as long as it is clear that it is not time and space order, it is generally logical order [1]