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Time cost

Mass production difference of the value of a certain amount of capital at different time points
Time cost refers to the difference between the value and mass production of a certain amount of capital at different time points. The time cost is exactly called“ Time value of money ”It refers to the mass production difference of the value of a certain amount of funds at different time points.
Chinese name
Time cost
Foreign name
Time cost

Concept extension

The time cost is exactly called“ Time value of money ”It refers to the mass production difference of the value of a certain amount of funds at different time points. As we all know, in the commodity economy Under the conditions, even if there is no inflation, the same amount of funds at different time points Value It is also not equal. Today's 1 yuan is not equal to the future 1 yuan. The former is more than the latter economic value Large. The appreciation of funds over time in the use process is Time value of money
Several different interpretations of time cost:
1. Time cost It refers to what customers must spend to get the expected goods or services Time conversion The price of success.
2. Time cost It refers to the time cost to reach a specific agreement.
3. Time cost It not only refers to the loss of time itself, but also refers to the loss of waiting time Internally caused Market opportunities Is missing.
4. Time cost It refers to the expenses that should be paid due to the occupation or use of funds and materials to achieve certain production purposes.
Manager time cost It is the cost caused by the time invested by managers in management, that is, the time resources of managers cannot be used for other purposes because they are used for management Maximum possible loss


Time cost vs Customer satisfaction Relationship with value
Time cost is customer satisfaction and value Subtractive function , on Total customer value With the same cost as other costs, the lower the time cost, the total cost The smaller the“ customer delivered value ”The larger. Take service enterprises for example, customers are restaurants, hotels, banks, etc service trade When providing services, it is often necessary to wait for a period of time before entering the formal purchase or Consumption stage , especially in business fastigium Even more so.
stay Service quality In the same case, the longer customers wait to purchase the service, the greater the time cost, and the greater the total cost of purchase. At the same time, Waiting time The longer it is, the more likely it will cause customers to be dissatisfied with the enterprise, thus increasing the possibility of giving up buying halfway. vice versa. Therefore, in order to reduce the time cost of customer purchase, Business operator Must have a strong sense of responsibility and prior preparation for the provision of goods or services, and make careful arrangements in terms of the breadth and density of business outlets; At the same time, strive to improve work efficiency On the premise of ensuring the quality of products and services, reduce the time expenditure of customers as much as possible and reduce the purchase cost of customers, so as to create more for customers“ customer delivered value ”. Strengthen the enterprise Product market competition An important approach to competence.