time domain

Describe the relationship between mathematical function or physical signal and time
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time domain (Time domain) is the description mathematics function or Physics signal The relationship to time. For example, the time domain waveform of a signal can express the change of the signal with time.
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time domain
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Time domain


time domain Yes Description mathematics function or Physics signal The relationship to time. For example, the time domain waveform of a signal can express the change of the signal with time.
If considering discrete time The value of the function or signal in the time domain at each discrete time point is known. If considering Continuous time , the value of the function or signal at any time is known.
When studying signals in time domain, we often use Oscilloscope Convert the signal into its time domain waveform. [1]

Conversion between time domain and frequency domain

In electronics Control system and statistics Medium, frequency domain frequency domain )It means that function or signal When analyzing, analyze its sum frequency Relevant parts, not and time Relevant parts, and time domain One word is relative.
A function or signal can pass through a pair of mathematical Operator Transform between time domain and frequency domain. for example Fourier transform A time-domain signal can be converted into the corresponding amplitude and phase at different frequencies. Its spectrum is the performance of time-domain signal in the frequency domain, and the inverse Fourier transform can convert the spectrum back to the time-domain signal.

Spectrum analysis of time-domain signals

Take the signal as an example time domain The graph below can show how the signal changes with time, while the graph below the frequency domain (generally called spectrum )It can display the frequency and proportion of the signal distribution. In addition to the size of each frequency, the frequency domain representation will also have the size of each frequency phase , using the size and phase information, we can Sine wave Given different sizes and phases, the original signal can be restored after addition.
In frequency domain analysis Spectrum analyzer To convert the actual signal into the frequency spectrum in the frequency domain.

Frequency characteristics of time domain system

The characteristics of many physical components will change with the frequency of the input signal. For example, the impedance of the capacitor becomes larger at low frequencies, and smaller at high frequencies. On the contrary, the impedance of the inductance becomes larger at high frequencies, and smaller at low frequencies. One Linear time invariant system Its characteristics also change with frequency, so it also has its characteristics in frequency domain, frequency response The figure of is its representative. frequency response It can be regarded as the change of output signal amplitude when the input signal amplitude of a system is the same but the frequency is different. It can be seen that the output frequency of the system is larger.
Some systems are defined mainly in frequency domain, such as low pass filter Only signals below a certain frequency are allowed to pass.

Amplitude and phase

Whether it is laplace transform Z conversion or Fourier transformation The spectrum generated by it is a complex function of frequency, representing the amplitude of a signal (or system response) and its phase However, in many applications, the phase information is not important. If the phase information is not considered, the spectrum information can be expressed only in terms of amplitude (or power density) at different frequencies.
power spectral density It is a frequency-domain representation method that is often used in many aperiodic signals and does not meet the square integrable requirements. As long as one signal is consistent Generalized stationary stochastic process The corresponding power spectral density can be calculated.

Time-domain to frequency-domain method

Many transformations are used to analyze signals in the time domain, and are generally regarded as methods of frequency domain analysis. The following are the most common transformations and their application fields:

