San Francisco

United Administrative Region of City and County of California, USA
open 10 entries with the same name
zero Useful+1
San Francisco, formerly known as "San Francisco" and "San Francisco", The official name is City and County of San Francisco (often abbreviated as S.F), which is an important economic and cultural center in Northern California and the Bay Area, [59] It's the United States California the pacific ocean The coastal port city is world famous tourist attraction California The fourth most populous city. [1-3] At the same time, it is also the only city county district in California. [59] San Francisco is close to world famous technology Industrial area silicon valley Is one of the world's important technology R&D bases and West Coast of the United States important financial center , also the United Nations The birthplace of《 Charter of the United Nations 》)。 [1] [4-5]
San Francisco has a Mediterranean climate San Francisco Bay Metropolitan San Francisco Bay Area , famous scenic spots include Golden Gate Bridge and Fisherman's Wharf The climate is warm in winter and cool in summer, and there are plenty of sunshine nearby American National Park (e.g Yosemite National Park )And California Wine Place of Origin Napa Valley , often known as "the most popular city among Americans". [1] [6] The Spanish found this place in 1769 and joined the United States in 1848. In the middle of the 19th century, it developed rapidly in the gold rush. Overseas Chinese called it "Jinshan", which was later different from Australia Melbourne (New Jinshan) was renamed "San Francisco". [1] As of July 2018, San Francisco has a population of about 880000, including 180000 Chinese, which is one of the regions with the highest density of Chinese in the Western Hemisphere. The total number of Chinese is second only to New York [2-3]
according to U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis According to the data, the gross regional product of San Francisco in 2022 will be 252.186 billion dollars, [57] The total amount of RMB converted at the annual average exchange rate is 1696.230 billion yuan, [58] In 2022, the GDP of the San Francisco Auckland Berkeley metropolitan area will be 729.105 billion dollars. [56]
The GFCI-35 Global Financial Center Index ranks 5th in the world in terms of comprehensive competitiveness and 740 in terms of financial index. [62]
Chinese name
San Francisco
Foreign name
San Francisco
City and County of San Francisco
San Francisco San Francisco
Administrative Region Category
City County Integration
U.S.A California
geographical position
600.6 km² [8]
Government residence
San Francisco
Area Code
Postal Code
climatic conditions
Mediterranean climate
population size
880000 (July 2018)
train station
San Francisco Railway Station
License plate code
US $252.186 billion [57] (2022)
London Breed
Time zone
Airport code
City flower
Global Financial Center Index
5th [62] (GFCI-35)

Name Source


Chinese name

San Francisco
as for San Francisco The name "San Fran" is a homophonic literal translation of the first two syllables of the English name of the city. Many people live here Cantonese For example, Sun Yat sen, who was born in Guangdong, mentioned the city in his books and letters.
Homophony literal translation ② : San Francisco
San Francisco was once Spain A common place name in the area under its rule, derived from the founder of the Franciscans, the famous Catholic saint San Francisco (Also translated into Chinese“ St. Francis ”, Italian "San Francesco d'Assisi", English "Saint Francis of Assisi").
Translated by: San Francisco
This was America in the 19th century Gold rush In the early days, Chinese laborers migrated to the United States and lived here, which was called "Jinshan", but until Australia Of Melbourne After the discovery of gold Melbourne Make a difference and call San Francisco "San Francisco".


For a long time, the Chinese translation of the city of San Francisco has been slightly confused in use without a clear official policy.
VOA and U.S. Department of State All use "San Francisco". Today, most of the foreign affairs units in the city with official Chinese titles use the name "San Francisco", for example Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in San Francisco stay The People's Republic of China In the official documents and maps of San Francisco, it is often called "San Francisco", but the Chinese version of the official website of the San Francisco Municipal Government (SFGov) and its subordinate municipal units at all levels uses two different translations, "San Francisco" and "San Francisco", without consistent standards, and this phenomenon is generally reflected in the usage habits of the Chinese communities living in the city.

Organizational evolution


Early development

Europeans arrived in 1542 San Francisco Bay Area In the 16th century, Jiujin Mountain area belonged to Spain Of Alta California Territory. Spanish general Don Gaspar de Portola led his subordinates to explore the terrain in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1769. On March 28, 1776, Spanish explorer Juan Bautista de Anza selected two construction sites locally, one for military purposes and the other for missionary purposes. However, the actual construction was supervised by two companions of Anza, Lieutenant Jose Joaquin Moraga and Father Francisco Palou. JoseJoaquin Moraga was responsible for establishing the Presidio of San Francisco, a military base, which has been changed into a fortress park. Francisco Pal ó u was responsible for the establishment of the church. He named the place Assisi's San Francisco Mission San Francisco de Asis, commonly known as Mission Dolores. All administrative affairs in the district are managed by the church.
In 1821, Mexico since Spain With independence, Upper California became a Mexican territory. After independence, the power of the church in Mexico gradually weakened, and the land owned by the church was gradually planned to be privately owned. William Richardson from England was in the west of the peninsula in 1835 (that is, now located in Chinatown and Financial district The first private house was built in the corner of the garden at the junction. With the help of others, Richard began to plan the street market near the residence and called this area Yerba Buena. After the outbreak of the war between Mexico and the United States, America Navy Brigadier General John D. Sloat came here and occupied the city in the name of the United States in 1846. On January 30, 1847, Captain John B. Montgomery renamed the city San Francisco.

Na Min Jian Shi

San Francisco, formerly known as Yewabuena, also known as San Francisco, was called San Francisco by overseas Chinese in 1847 Mexican with Spanish It was named after only 800 residents at that time. It was originally a colonial stronghold of Spain, but was later taken over by Mexico, US Mexico War At that time, it was occupied by the US military. In January 1848, when a carpenter was building a sawmill in Sacramento Valley, he found gold in the current driving the waterwheel. The news spread like wildfire, triggering a gold rush all over the world. San Francisco's population surged by 25000 in just three months. Many of them are sold here as coolies to dig gold mines and build railways in case of hardship. Since then, a large number of Chinese workers settled here, and they called the city San Francisco (to distinguish Australia's new Jinshan). San Francisco's greatest strength is the enthusiasm of immigrants, which is an intoxicating culture; Italians, Brazilians, Spaniards, Chinese, etc. with distinctive characteristics are scattered in different communities California On this land.

Gold rush

In January 1848 California After Sutter's Mill in the northeast discovered gold, the news spread quickly. In August of the same year, the news of the discovery of gold in California spread to New York in the east, and many people from all over the country who wanted to become rich overnight began to pour into the port of San Francisco. Since 1849, California Gold rush It really started. There was an endless stream of people who took ships from other parts of the United States and other countries, or came to California from the interior to realize their dream of gold mining. The passengers, sailors and even captains on board immediately went to Sutter Square after getting off the ship. At that time, sailing boats were everywhere in San Francisco Port, and the population in the urban area soared overnight. This also increased the population of San Francisco from 500 to 150000 between 1847 and 1870. Later, the so-called San Francisco 49 people were those who came to San Francisco from all over the country in 1849 to get rich overnight. At that time, in addition to speculators from all over the world who came to realize the dream of gold mining, many people opened stores in San Francisco to provide supplies needed by gold miners. At that time, some companies still existed, including manufacturing Levis Jeans (1873) Levi Strauss (Levi Strauss), Ghirardelli Chocolate Shop (1852), FOLGERS Coffee (1850), Wells Fargo Bank (1852), Bank of California (1864). Before the discovery of gold in 1848, California still belonged to Mexico. In February of the same year, Mexico US Mexico War After the defeat in China, California became a territory of the United States. California was officially established in 1850 US Federal Government The 31st state, San Francisco is the original county. The San Francisco Federal Mint was established in 1854, mainly making gold coins for circulation in the market. The gold rush made San Francisco the United States at that time Mississippi River The largest city to the west.

San Francisco earthquake

San Francisco earthquake
At 5:12 a.m. on April 18, 1906, a magnitude 8.25 earthquake occurred in San Francisco. Due to the burst of gas pipe, there were many fires all over the city. The fire quickly turned the city into a sea of fire, with dazzling flames and towering smoke clearly visible 80 kilometers away. The fire burned for three days, and San Francisco was in ruins. In this earthquake, 3200 people were killed, 250000 people were homeless, 514 streets and 28000 buildings were burned and collapsed. However, after such a disaster, San Francisco has been like a phoenix in the fire, and has rebuilt a newer and more modern city in less than six years. 1915 world 's fair It was held in San Francisco, marking that San Francisco has been completely revived from the ruins. [9]

Pacific Expo

San Francisco to celebrate the connection Atlantic And Pacific panama canal The completion, on the other hand, shows the new city appearance rebuilt after the 1906 earthquake, and in 1915, it was held in today's Bingang District Panama -Pacific World Expo. San Francisco was rebuilt very quickly after the earthquake, and was destroyed during the earthquake city hall In 1915 world 's fair At the time of the event, the impact of the earthquake was completely invisible. At that time, in order to speed up the reconstruction project in San Francisco, many buildings omitted the seismic design and ignored the vigilance brought by the original earthquake, which also led to the damage of many buildings caused by the 1989 earthquake. From February 20 to December 4, 1915, the World Expo extends from Mason Fort in the east to the art palace in the west. At that time, the magnificent buildings of the Expo were almost all demolished after the exhibition, leaving only the art palace and the buildings behind the science museum, the Japanese tea garden (which has been moved to Belmot City), and the Bill Graham City Hall
1936 Connecting San Francisco and Auckland The Bay Bridge between San Francisco and Marin County was completed in 1937 Golden Gate Bridge Completed in 1939, the Golden Gate World Expo was held in Treasure Island in 1945 the United Nations 51 founding members signed in San Francisco《 Charter of the United Nations [4-5] In 1951, the Allies and Japan signed the so-called《 San Francisco Peace Treaty 》, officially ending the war against Japan. In 1978, then Mayor Masconi and city councillor Harvey Milk Was shot in the town hall.

Preeta earthquake

At 5:04pm on October 17, 1989, located in the Santa Cruz Mountains, 97 kilometers south of San Francisco San Andreas Fault Sliding, a 6.9 magnitude earthquake occurred, located in the same area seismic belt Of San Francisco Bay Area It also caused many casualties.
The source of San Francisco's waterfront area was built by filling earth after the 1906 earthquake. When the earthquake occurred, the soil became liquid. The land swayed up and down with the seismic wave, causing damage to many houses and causing fires. The double deck bay bridge is located at Auckland The upper road of the section is broken, and the most serious one is located in Auckland, connecting the double deck Nimitz of the Bay Bridge expressway The upper floor of the car completely collapsed, killing 42 people in the car. At that time, the candlestick stadium south of San Francisco was preparing to hold San Francisco Giants and Oakland Athletics American professional baseball world tournament The earthquake spread all over the world via TV, so the World Series was postponed for ten days. This earthquake was later called the Great World Series Earthquake or the 1989 Earthquake.
The earthquake resulted in the diversion and reconstruction of Nimitz 880 Intercontinental Expressway, which was not completed until 2000 after 11 years. Although the Bay Bridge was rebuilt and opened one month after the earthquake, the Auckland section of the Bay Bridge must be reconstructed for safety reasons, and the new section will be completed in 2013. Across the San Francisco Dock Area, connecting the Bay Bridge and Golden Gate Bridge The 480 double deck highway was demolished after the earthquake, and the 480 highway was demolished, making the port dock area revitalized. The open space planning restored the prosperity of the port dock area at the beginning of the 20th century. The daily passenger capacity in the first two months after the disaster increased from 220000 passengers to 330000 passengers. At that time, the shuttle transport ships in the Bay Area, which had been canceled for many years, were reopened after the earthquake Alameda Auckland Berkeley The route connecting San Francisco. The earthquake killed 57 people and damaged 12000 houses around the city. As a result, the future urban plan of San Francisco has been greatly changed. Many buildings must be strengthened or rebuilt. The impact of large earthquakes has always existed. [42]

external relations

In 1957, San Francisco and Osaka establish Sister city Relationship.
October 2, 2018, Japan osaka The mayor, in the name of the mayor, sent a letter to the mayor of San Francisco, the United States, informing him of the cancellation Sister city Relationship. [8]
On the morning of September 28, 2018, Ms. Bride, Mayor of San Francisco, joined hands with Wang Donghua, Consul General of China in San Francisco, to raise the five-star red flag in the city hall to celebrate The People's Republic of China 69th anniversary. Mayor Bride also announced that October 1, 2018 is the Sino US Friendship and Tradition Day in San Francisco. [10]
San Francisco before sunset


Economy of San Francisco City and County in 2017-2022
particular year
total [63]
Real growth [64]
US $172.992 billion
7.08% [65]
About 1168 billion yuan
US $189.221 billion
About 1252.2 billion yuan
US $207.372 billion
About 1430.6 billion yuan
US $217.05 billion
About 1497.1 billion yuan
US $251.782 billion
About 1624.4 billion yuan
US $252.186 billion
About 1696.2 billion yuan
Economy of San Francisco Metropolitan Area in 2017-2022
particular year
total [66]
Real growth [67]
US $526.583 billion
About 2976.1 billion yuan
US $569.522 billion
About 3768.7 billion yuan
US $606.633 billion
About 4184.9 billion yuan
US $611.744 billion
About 4219.6 billion yuan
US $697.498 billion
About 44999 billion yuan
US $729.105 billion
About 4904 billion yuan

geographical environment


Location context

Satellite map of San Francisco (San Francisco)
San Francisco is located in San Francisco Peninsula (37 ° 48'0 "N, 122 ° 25'0" W) on the west coast of California, USA, with an area of 121.73 square kilometers, surrounded by water on three sides, and beautiful environment. It is a mountain city.

topographic features

San Francisco is located in the main earthquake area of California. The largest earthquake in history was in 1906, before which there were large earthquakes in 1851, 1858, 1865 and 1868. The most recent earthquake was in 1989, when a few feet wide crack appeared in the downtown streets, including the route of the Shanghai Bay Bridge. The urban area is typical Hilly area There are many straight up and down streets in the city. There are three most famous hillsides in the city: Nob Hill, Russian Hill and Telegraph Hill. [11]

Climatic characteristics

San Francisco Peninsula is surrounded by water on three sides and is influenced by the Pacific Ocean California Cold Current San Francisco is a typical cool summer type mediterranean climate Due to the long-term influence of sea breeze, the daily high temperature in San Francisco in summer is usually only about 20 ℃, and only one week a year will exceed 30 ℃ due to the strong land breeze. September is the warmest month. At the same time, since the temperature of the Pacific Ocean is between 10-15 ℃ for years, it may also drop below 10 ℃ at midnight in summer. San Francisco is close to the sea and Golden Gate Strait The second half of the night and the morning are mostly affected by fog, but there is little rainfall in summer. The rainy season is from January to April. Although it is cold in winter, there is little snow.

Real estate situation

Throughout the local real estate market, San Francisco has experienced ups and downs. Since the late 1990s, San Francisco and even the whole world have started an upsurge of Internet era and network companies. Any company associated with the Internet will have one If Com is the suffix, it will attract the attention of venture investors around the world. Internet start-ups began to attract a large amount of hot money for investment, and employed a large number of professionals, growing rapidly. The local real estate market experienced a radical growth of about 100% from 1995 until the bursting of the real estate bubble in 2001. Between 2001 and 2002, house prices fell by nearly 10%.
However, soon, due to the stimulus factors such as low interest rate housing loans provided by banks and the real estate speculation boom prevailing in the United States at that time, house prices rose again. This has led to a 50% increase in house prices up to 2007.
The financial crisis from 2008 to 2009 caused house prices to plummet by about 25%.
Since 2012, the real estate market in San Francisco has recovered. As of 2018, the housing price in San Francisco has increased by 60-70% in the past few years, which is largely due to the huge demand for real estate driven by technology start-ups.
In August 2018, the median rent of a two bedroom apartment in San Francisco was $3090 and the median rent of a one bedroom apartment was $2460, up 0.7% from the previous month and 1.1% from the same period in 2017. Compared with the national median rent in the United States, the median rent for a two bedroom apartment is more than twice the national median rent (the median rent for a two bedroom apartment in the United States is $1180). In this city, only about 12% of households can afford to buy a house. A local real estate company in San Francisco said that in the first half of 2018, the median house price rose by $200000, the highest increase in at least 25 years.
At the beginning of 2017, a survey company conducted a survey on homeless people in San Francisco, and more than 1000 people were surveyed. These respondents live in emergency shelters, transitional housing, streets, cars, abandoned buildings and other places. When asked why they do not have their own long-term residence, 56% of the respondents said they cannot afford the high rent. [12]


List of Highest Buildings in San Francisco
Height (m)
Number of floors
Completion time
Saifushi Tower
Salesforce Tower
three hundred and twenty-six
two thousand and seventeen
The 1070 foot high Salesforce Tower erected in San Francisco in 2018 directly turned the local skyscraper (Pan American Pyramid) into history. [13]
Transamerica Pyramid
two hundred and sixty
one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two
The building was started in 1969 and completed in 1972.
181 Fremont
181 Fremont
two hundred and forty-five
two thousand and seventeen
It is a 54 story, 244 meter high world-class high-end commercial and residential skyscraper built in the south of the San Francisco market area.
555 California Street
555 California Street
two hundred and thirty-seven
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine
Trader Joe's San Francisco Store is a supermarket in San Francisco, USA.
345 California Center
345 California Center
two hundred and twenty
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six
Sign buildings.
Millennium Tower
Millennium Tower
one hundred and ninety-seven
two thousand and nine
Designed by Handel Architects.
Linkong Mountain Summit
One Rincon Hill
one hundred and ninety-five
two thousand and eight
Park Tower
Park Tower
one hundred and eighty-four
two thousand and eighteen
Sign buildings.
50 Fremont Center
Fremont Center
one hundred and eighty-three
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five
Sign buildings.
101 California Street
101 California Street
one hundred and eighty-three
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two
Sign buildings.


census bureau It is estimated that by the middle of 2018, the population of San Francisco was 883305, an increase of 9.7% compared with 2010, and nearly a quarter of the population Manhattan The population density is the second largest city in the United States.
San Francisco has a very diverse population, of which Africa Latino 41.9% of the population accounted for less than half, far lower than 92.5% in 1940; The main Hispanics in the city are Mexico 7.4%, El Salvador 2.0%, Nicaragua 0.9%, Guatemala 0.8%, and Puerto Rico 0.5%

Famous schools

University of California, Berkeley (English: University of California, Berkeley for short), located in Berkeley, San Francisco Bay Area, was founded in 1868 [43] Berkeley is a world famous public research university, ranking 4th in the US News World University ranking from 2022-2023 [44] In 2023, ARWU ranked fifth in the world universities [45] In 2024, QS World University ranked 10th [46] , ranking among the top 4 universities in the United States [44-46] Many Chinese scientists have worked or studied in Berkeley, such as Nobel Prize winner Li Zhengdao [47] Zhu Diwen [49] Li Yuanzhe [50] Qian Yongjian [52] , well-known scholar Chen Shengshen [55] Qiu Chengtong [48] , Yao Jizhi [51] , Wu Jianxiong [53] Qian Yingyi [54] Etc.
Stanford University
Stanford University (English: Stanford University), or Stanford for short, is a private university in the United States and recognized as one of the most outstanding universities in the world, ranking 2018-19 USNews World University Ranking No. 3, and No. 2 in the academic ranking of ARWU world universities from 2018 to 2019. [14-16] Stanford University is located in California Of Palo Alto Within the city, located in San Francisco Bay Area Southwest, near silicon valley [17-19] The assets owned by Stanford University rank among the top universities in the world, covering an area of 33 Square kilometers , is the sixth largest university in the United States. [17] [20] Compared with the eastern United States Ivy League (English: Ivy League) Especially Harvard University Yale University Although Stanford University has a short history, it can compete with Ivy Famous schools compete with each other. [14] [16] According to the United States《 Forbes 》Stanford University ranked second in the list of American universities with the largest number of billionaires in 2010. The number of billionaires reached 28, second only to Harvard University [17-19]
Incoming reading Stanford University The competition is very fierce. There are 42497 applicants in the 2015 academic year, Admitted Only 5.0% of them took biology, followed by economics, psychology, English and political science. [17-19] [21] Stanford University is well funded, Teaching equipment It is also extremely abundant. The library has more than 6.7 million books and more than 40000 periodicals. [17-18] [22] There are more than 7000 computers for students to use, as well as a number of computer rooms and computer centers to provide services for students. Students can use the network to contact teachers and students on campus. [17-18] In addition, the campus Sports facilities There are also many. There are stadiums, golf courses and swimming pools that can accommodate 85000 people, fully reflecting the benefits of a large campus. [17-18]
Stanford University Located about 35 miles south of San Francisco, Palo Alto has a dry climate. [17-19] It used to be a rich and fertile agricultural area. Since the 1950s, due to the intensive rise of high-tech industries, it has created the world's key scientific and technological city "Silicon Valley" (English: Silicon Valley). Palo Alto, one of the birthplaces, has become the core of Silicon Valley. [23-24] In addition, the world's leading Stanford University School District is located here and has favorable living conditions such as pleasant climate and convenient transportation, which makes the local land price and house price surprisingly high. In addition to high-tech leadership and hot business activities, Palo Alto, with about 60000 residents, also has more than 100 years of historical culture and many historic sites and relics, so the integration of old and new is also a major feature of this city. [23-24] Palo Alto has many parks and green spaces (at least 34) and vast open green spaces. In addition, it is located in the bay area and has abundant natural landscape and recreational resources. Therefore, although the land price of this city is high, it also provides a relatively high-quality living environment, suitable for work and residence.
University of San Francisco (English: University of San Francisco) is located in San Francisco, known as the "Gateway to the West Coast". Founded in 1855, it is an excellent comprehensive university with a hundred year reputation. It has 17 undergraduate majors and 9 graduate majors. At present, there are more than 8000 students from 57 countries studying here. In the list of universities selected by American magazine USnews and world report in 2007, the University of San Francisco ranked 112 out of more than 3600 universities in the United States. Its business school was Wall Street Journal It is rated as one of the 100 best business schools in the world, and its entrepreneurship major ranks first in California (more than Stanford University University of California Berkeley and other world famous schools). The University of San Francisco is the representative of the American career development university. Its undergraduate education is famous for its entrepreneurial spirit, and is known as the cradle of Chinese chairmen. (Vice Chairman of China Resources Land Wang Yin , Managing Director of JPMorgan Shan Weijian They are all alumni of the school.) Postgraduate education is famous for its innovative spirit. It is an American university that offers a master's degree in financial analysis. Sports management ranks third in the United States. The entrepreneurship training course introduced by computer master's degree enjoys a high reputation in Silicon Valley. In the non academic field, the University of San Francisco also ranks among the best in small class teaching and diversified campuses. General Secretary Jiang Zemin paid a special visit to the University of San Francisco during his visit to the United States.



Entry and exit

San Francisco International Airport (Airport code: SFO) located at San Bruno , 14 miles from the city center. Auckland and San Jose There are also international airports. San Francisco Airport is divided into three connected areas: South Area, International Area and North Area. The upper layer leaves the port and the lower layer enters the port. The arrival hall of the airport has a full range of services such as shops, car rental, hotel registration and tourist information. The international airport bus departs from the lower level of the airport to the central hotel area, and the destination is marked in blue. Private round-trip buses have departure points on the upper and lower floors, and the destination is unlimited. The drive from the airport to the city center is about half an hour during non peak traffic hours.
Amtrak Railway connects San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle and Chicago There is a train ticket office at Yuewan Terminal at 425 Mishin Street. San Francisco Railway Station is adjacent to the Fourth Avenue and Zhenjiao Street, and it is also the terminal of the California Railway Line to San Jose.
Greyhound ”Long distance passenger transport operates highway routes from San Francisco to all parts of the United States. Although the speed of "Green Turtle" passenger transport is slow, it is relatively cheap and there are many routes. The coach departs from the main bus station on Mission Street. The No. 1 Highway in the south of San Francisco is the most beautiful highway from Los Angeles to San Francisco. It is faster to take the 101 National Highway parallel to it. The National Highway 101 in the north of the city passes through the Golden Gate Bridge from south to north from Eureka. Interstate 80 runs southwest from Sacramento through the Bay Bridge.

Urban traffic

Bus: operated by MUNI, it is the cheapest means of transportation in San Francisco. The ticket price for children is $1.25 and that for adults is $2.00. You can transfer to the bus in 1.5 hours without limit, which is very economical. [25] The main routes are: No. 8, through the bus terminal, Market St, near Fisherman's Wharf, near Chinatown, and the municipal government. It is the best route to visit the city of San Francisco. You can also transfer to several other bus routes. Route 38 runs along GEARY Street across the urban area from east to west, to the Pacific Beach in the west, Seal Rock. The No. 30 trolley bus can reach Chinatown, Union Square, and go south under Pierce or Scoff Street. At Lombard Street, you can change to No. 28 bus to the Golden Gate Bridge. Route 5 crosses the city from east to west Jinmen Park No. 1 trolley bus runs in east-west direction, and can turn to No. 49 to City College through Chinatown.
Cable car
The most distinctive means of transportation in San Francisco is one of the tourist hotspots. There are three routes from Powell Street to Fisherman's Wharf, which are often used by tourists. The cable car moves slowly, and it takes 1-2 hours to get on. The fare is five dollars.
BART Metro
There are three stops on Market Street leading to Auckland (English: Oakland), Berkeley (English: Berkeley) and Fremont.
Old tram
In the downtown area of San Francisco, you can see many types and colors of PCC antique tram, walking along Market Street and Binhai Avenue. These antique trams run between CASTRO District and Fisherman's Wharf on the northeast coast of San Francisco. The tram has a very special and antique shape, which is particularly popular with tourists and brings nostalgia.
Since 1950, most of the original expressways have been replaced by boulevards after they were abolished. Some lines have been built with modern trams, which are environmentally friendly and convenient, and also add some flavor to San Francisco.

Urban characteristics

San Francisco is California It is an important port city, where people from all countries live and various cultures converge. Chinese people account for 12% of the total population of San Francisco, and black people also account for the same proportion Filipino Japanese Nicaraguan , Spanish Italian Vietnamese and Samoan
Native wine
Spanish missionaries first brought grapes to California, making the wine manufacturing industry established in the gold rush era, and achieved success in the 1970s. 90% of American wine is produced here, and the best quality is concentrated in Napa Valley and Sonoma Valley Of more than 270 wineries. California The history of viticulture in Napa Valley and Sonoma Valley is a history of the integration and development of viticulture art in European countries in the new continent. Most areas of Napa Valley and Sonoma Valley are planted with Chardonnay white grapes and Cabernet red grapes. World famous wineries such as Mam and Freshenne are producing here. Flagship wineries are located on both sides of Highway 29 in Napa Valley. They have magnificent buildings, ranging from luxurious castle style buildings to post-modernism fuel tank buildings. The history of Bollinger Vineyard on the left side of the valley can be traced back to 1876; There is a Greek like temple in Sterling Vineyard, whose architecture shows the humor of a new generation of upstarts of wine merchants; Pikes Distillery is an art palace style distillery. There is a theater inside, and the lawn is decorated with various sculptures, among which the Dionysus sculpture - "the Dionysus is in full charge" is particularly eye-catching.
Characteristic coffee culture
San Francisco looks like a copy of Europe, because there are too many coffee shops here. The old Jinshan people's love of coffee is almost crazy. They tend to measure their life with coffee spoons. There are at least 40 ways to make coffee, and about 250 kinds of coffee recipes are worth trying. San Francisco people are used to taking the coffee shop as the center of the community, where they make friends, listen to poetry, and read alternative publications. Silangyu and newspaper reading are the basic components of coffee culture, and specialty coffee is the essence of coffee culture. In addition, lemon juice, vanilla, etc. are also very popular among San Francisco people. They are good seasonings for coffee.
Characteristic transportation system
The urban area of San Francisco is connected with the surrounding towns by bridges. Colorful low rise buildings are built on the mountain. There are 42 hills and hills in the city, and many streets are quite steep. The most distinctive scenic spot is that the steepest part of the "Jiudaowan" curve reaches 20-45 degrees, and it is not necessarily possible to climb the slope at full power. The buses in these areas can only use a special cable car. Driving here really requires some driving skills. The world-famous San Francisco tram system is composed of Scotland Designed by engineers in 1873. The cable car rides on the continuously moving steel cable, which is placed on the center line of the street. The whole line is circular, and its power is provided by the tram on Mason Street. The driver controls the movement of the vehicle through a pincer lever, and the average running speed is 30-40 kilometers per hour. San Francisco's tram still has three lines in operation. The most popular lines are the Powell Mason Line and Powell Hyde Line, both of which use one-way vehicles. Although the tram in San Francisco is sometimes crowded, people are still used to taking it. The tram provides an irresistible charm. At sunset, jumping on a time-honored wooden cable car is like a ticket to visit the life of San Francisco 100 years ago.
The location of the film
San Francisco has become an incomparable "movie star" in this century. Films with city location always choose San Francisco as the location. It has inspired many directors. Whether it is a famous blockbuster or a commercial soap opera, it has a graceful demeanor. Today, San Francisco is called "North Hollywood ”On the one hand, there are many film teams in the city every month; On the other hand, San Francisco itself has become the center of the film industry. Obviously, San Francisco is a "movie star" who will never retire.
Characteristic industrial structure
The economy of San Francisco is dominated by the service industry, and the financial industry and international trade are also very developed, accounting for about Employed population Industry accounts for only 15%. There are more than 26000 wholesalers and retailers in the city. San Francisco is the financial center of the western United States, with 40 banks and 147 branches. It is also the pacific ocean Shore Stock Exchange and one of the largest banks in the United States Bank of America The headquarters of. San Francisco's industry is dominated by traditional clothing, food and printing. The emerging aerospace, automobile assembly, electronics, oil refining and other industrial sectors have also made great progress. In addition, San Francisco's suburban agriculture is also very developed, rich in vegetables and subtropical fruits, and is also an important flower producing area. By 2022, San Francisco's industrial sustainability will rank sixth in the Asia Pacific region. [38]
Cultural Activity Center
At the same time, San Francisco is also a cultural city with 18 colleges and universities. For example, it was founded in 1855 University of San Francisco And created in 1899 San Francisco State University Both are institutions of higher learning with a long history. There are also world-famous Curran Theater and Golden Gate Theater in the city. North Bay has a beach about 9 kilometers long, which is the activity center of all American artists. San Francisco is suitable for traveling all year round. Winter is usually humid, summer is foggy and there may be many weather changes in a day. The urban area is much cooler than other parts of California.
Open and tolerant culture
From February 12 to March 11, 2004, the newly appointed mayor Gavin Newson And other officials began to issue same-sex marriage certificates, becoming the focus of same-sex marriage in the United States. A total of 4161 same-sex couples received marriage certificates before the California Supreme Court ruled against the law. A survey shows that most local residents are "very satisfied" with living in San Francisco, including 87% of homosexuals, 81% of heterosexuals, 77% of Asians, 77% of African Americans and Hispanics, and 81% of whites.
This reveals the fact that San Francisco is a city that truly advocates "diversity". Here, homosexuals calmly put rainbow flags on the roof and live next to heterosexuals; Here, people can see street performers who win with their shapes. Some paint their whole bodies colorful, and some dress up as witches, clowns and even black ghosts; Here, people can see young people with red and green hair swaggering across the street and openly kissing gay couples in the street. In this land, any novelty will not attract the attention of others, and everyone is a model of uniqueness.
San Francisco
San Francisco's magnanimity is a kind of natural temperament, which is a casual natural expression in all aspects of urban life, such as food, architecture, music, etc. Here, all over the city Victorian House Although it is pleasing to the eyes, the Greek and Roman style "art palace", the Chinatown gate carved with dragons and phoenix, the quintuple tower of the Japanese city with authentic oriental flavor, and the restaurant painted with Italian paintings on the north beach are also dazzling; Here, there are all kinds of artistic performances that people expect in big cities. World class ballet, elegant classical music, Broadway musicals, and sentimental jazz all blend into the urban rhythm of San Francisco. All this is true of American writers william saroyan Said, "If you are alive, San Francisco will not make you tired; if you are dead, San Francisco will bring you back from the dead."
It is this inclusive urban spirit that breeds hundreds of people Nobel Prize Winner [7] , created silicon valley Thousands of miraculous success stories.
Dynamic hotel market
San Francisco is the number one hotel market in the United States. Due to its mild climate, beautiful environment and excellent living quality, San Francisco has always been known as one of the best residential cities in the United States. At the same time, San Francisco is also the top choice in North America tourist city And exhibition key city , has the best hotel market in North America.
In 2011, about 16.3 million tourists from all over the world visited San Francisco, contributing more than 8.5 billion dollars to local revenue
The existing 398 hotels (about 51900 rooms) in San Francisco cannot meet the market demand of diversified economic development such as local tourism and exhibition industry, and thousands of hotel rooms are in short supply.
From 2011 to 2016, the hotel's single room revenue (RevPar) increased by 19.7%, and the occupancy rate reached 80.2%.
social welfare
According to US media reports on April 6, 2016, San Francisco, the United States, recently passed legislation on maternity leave with full pay, becoming the first city in the United States to provide maternity leave with full pay. [26]
The bill stipulates that parents of newborn babies can enjoy six weeks of paid maternity leave, and only some government staff and private enterprise employees can enjoy paid maternity leave benefits. The provisions of this new law not only make San Francisco the first city in the United States to provide full pay maternity leave, but also marks a new step in addressing income inequality. [26]
In 2006, San Francisco became the first city in the United States to implement paid sick leave. In 2014, it approved a minimum hourly wage of $15. [26]
environmental pollution
In February 2018, NBC (NBC) spent three days investigating 153 blocks in downtown San Francisco. They found excrement, garbage and needles for injecting drugs. Mayor London Breed planned to launch the "excrement patrol team" plan, which is expected to cost 750000 dollars. Several workers and two trucks were employed to patrol "shovel excrement" and clean the road every day, Avoid people's complaints. [12]


San Francisco is rich in products. The rich seafood dishes at Fisherman's Wharf have always been a reserved feast in San Francisco. San Francisco's food tastes are also diverse, and Chinese restaurants are an important part of them. San Francisco boasts the most authentic Chinese food in the United States, Chinatown It has always been the world of diners.
Consistent with the ethnic distribution in San Francisco, the places where various ethnic groups gather always have their own food culture. The Italian community "Beitan" is naturally the best choice for tasting Italian food.
Mexican cuisine It is another major cuisine in San Francisco. When transplanted to San Francisco, these foreign cuisines inevitably encountered some "improvement", which formed the local California cuisine.
Coffee in San Francisco is a major part of its food culture. Coffee shops on the street are as common as fast-food restaurants, and a wide variety of coffee products have once become the research object of people who are keen on this way.
Because there are many immigrants in San Francisco, and immigrants of different nationalities come from different sides, forming a small country like Chinatown. Restaurants full of exotic flavors are born. In addition to authentic California cuisine, there are many foreign cuisines. With rich local materials and references from foreign cuisine, San Francisco chefs use new recipes to prepare delicious food that conforms to the laws of nutrition science. San Francisco has a large number of chefs who break the traditional rules and are multilingual tongue twister Like the menu, it is indeed a paradise of delicious food.
To taste fresh seafood, you need to go to Fisherman's Wharf, a seafood treasure house. You can buy fast food seafood from rows of stalls near the signs of Fisherman's Wharf, such as Seafood sandwich Boiled Crab Etc.
San Francisco's most distinctive dishes are Dunkis Crab and Old bread The two most famous food streets in San Francisco are Chinatown and Italian Food Street( Beitan )。
stay Europe and America In the leading Chinatown, there are numerous Chinese restaurants. In addition to dinner, breakfast here is also very rich and exquisite.
Beitan has Little Italy The Columbus Avenue in the center of North Beach is full of fashion embellished with green, white and red represented by Italy Italian restaurant And cafes.
In addition, Russian cuisine Brazilian cuisine Cambodia Cuisine Vietnamese cuisine As well as Greek food and Swedish food, it can be enjoyed by gourmets all over the world. Local newspapers and the San Francisco Manual of the San Francisco Municipal Tourism Bureau also have restaurant guides.



Folk festivals

San Francisco has festivals every month.
San Francisco Festivals
The annual minority festival in San Francisco starts from the Chinese Spring Festival - the specific date depends on the Chinese lunar calendar. The main celebration programs are setting off firecrackers, pasting Spring Festival couplets, and holding nationwide Chinatown Miss campaign and dragon lantern parade.
Ireland Descendants celebrate St. Patrick's Day with religious activities, good wine and a parade with banners on March 17 (or the nearest Sunday). Although Easter is not a legal holiday in San Francisco, San Francisco people still hold corresponding celebrations. The "San Francisco Bay Area Music Award" was awarded to local musicians in March.
North America The oldest San Francisco Film Festival also opened in April.
May 5 is the festival for friends of Sinkedema to commemorate the Mexican victory over the French army in 1862. The climax of the celebration is to crown the festival queen at the Civic Center.
On the last Sunday in June, the parade of "Gay and Lesbian Freedom Day" held a rainbow flag from the financial district along Market Street to Castro District.
July 4 is American Independence Day As a national festival, fireworks will be set off at Kress Square and Golden Gate Bridge. The tram bell ringing championship was held in Federal Square and Bowk Street Square.
August is a quiet month. In September, the San Francisco Expo opened in the city center, while several other expositions were held in Folsom Street and Castro Street. On the last weekend of August, the San Francisco Blues Festival opened at Fort Mason.
October 12 is Columbus Day, commemorating the discovery of the New World by the Genoese explorer in 1492. At that time, Italian folk celebrations will be held in Beitan. Traditional celebrations include a religious ceremony at St. Peter's and St. Paul's Church in Washington Square and a procession to the Fisherman's Wharf to pray for a bumper harvest of fishing. The last day of October is Halloween, which is a great opportunity to hold a party pumpkin lantern Pumpkin pie , office workers also put on bizarre Halloween costumes.
On November 2, the Mexican community held a commemoration Day of the Dead It is said that the spirits of ancestors will return on this day, and Mishen District will hold a night ceremony to send spirits. The San Francisco Jazz Festival opens in November. The fourth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving It is also an unofficial rehearsal of the program, and Christmas shopping is about to begin.
During the Christmas season in San Francisco, department stores decorate their shop windows with special delicacy, and the New Year is a good opportunity for people to celebrate.
Chinese Celebrity Charity Commendation Day
Commendation date
Commendation place
October 29, 1995 US
San Francisco
Zhang Xueyou Day Certificate
San Francisco
The Mayor of San Francisco designated October 16 as' Dawn Day 'and awarded the' Honorary Mayor 'Award
San Francisco
The annual September 8 is designated as "Run Run Shaw Day" to commend his contributions to social welfare.
1993, 2002
San Francisco, Governor of California
San Francisco, the United States, has designated April 18 as "Anita Mui Day" to recognize her charitable contributions to the local Chinese community. In 2002, he was awarded the honor of "Outstanding Charity Artist" by the Governor of California.
San Francisco, USA
The San Francisco government has designated October 17 as "Lin Zhiying Day".
San Francisco
Twins Day: In order to praise Twins' kindness, the San Francisco Municipal Government designated September 14 as "Twins Day". (Twins Day homophonic to San Francisco) awarded a memorial certificate of commendation.
California Congress, California Congress, concert scene
Jolin Tsai Day, the California Congress designated November 29 as Jolin Tsai Day. The art font on the welcome note reads: The California government, which has always encouraged the professional performing arts industry to recognize Jolin Tsai's achievements in singing and dancing, as well as her reputation in the Asian entertainment industry. The California community welcomes and wishes her for her visit. Jolin Tsai was also the first Chinese artist to hold a full concert in California.

culture area

San Francisco Chinatown
Different regions of San Francisco have different cultural styles:
A place where Chinese people gather is like a "street market" (or "vegetable market", to be exact) in China, but many tourists come every day.
The Castro
Castro District, the world's most famous gay settlement, is a gay concentration point, similar to Greenwich Village in New York.
The birthplace of hippies in the 1960s.
Hunters Point
The industrial area is very warm.
Mission District
The most sunny place in San Francisco was originally mainly Mexican restaurants and bars. There are many world famous restaurants, as well as many Spanish speaking Mexicans in South America. It is reported that a considerable part of them are illegal immigrants.
LGB Pride Parade
The San Francisco Gay Pride Parade, the most popular tourist activity in San Francisco, is held every year on the fourth Sunday in June at Market St.
Noe Valley
Most of the houses are large Victorian style houses, and the residents are generally young.
North Beach
In the area near the North Bank District, Italy District and Chinatown, the most famous is the garlic restaurant ("The Stinking Rose"). All dishes have a lot of garlic.
Pacific Heights
Both Nob Hill and Nob Hill are the most expensive residential areas in the city. Here you can see the panoramic view of San Francisco.
Potrero Hill
Near the industrial zone, you can see the Bay Bridge and some ports in Auckland on the opposite bank from the mountain.
South of Market(SOMA)
In the area south of Market Street, bars, clubs and artists also have many expensive new apartments.
Richmond District
Russia , Brazil, Arab culture And there is a street Clement Street where Chinese live, so this area is also called "Xinhua Port". The Golden Gate Park is separated from the sunset area, and the Ocean Beach is separated from it.
Sunset zone
Some people think that the Sunset Area is a new Chinatown, because most of the shops here are Chinese shops, and there are also many overseas Chinese and Chinese residents. This area is located in World War II There are many retirees who moved in in the 1930s or 1940s.
The Tenderloin
There are many adult shops and cinemas in the poorest and most chaotic area of the city. Drunkards, drug addicts and beggars are often seen on the road, and they are also hotbeds for various crimes. But it is on the edge of the tourist area and the commercial area, and the wealth difference is very striking.
* ,
Architecture of Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco


NBA team
Golden State Warriors , in 2019 from Auckland Move to San Francisco, the main venue Datong Center Stadium The project was started in 2016 and put into use on September 6, 2019.
NFL team
49 people in San Francisco, the home court is San Francisco Levi's Stadium , completed in 2014.
MLB team
OWL team
In July 2022, the American College of Sports Medicine, together with a foundation, assessed the "American Fitness Index" of 100 major cities in the United States. The data showed that San Francisco was one of the cities with the highest proportion of residents with poor mental health. [36]

famous scenery


Introduction to Scenic Spots

San Francisco is a holiday paradise. The cultural and historical landscape is pleasing to the eye, the food in the restaurant is amazing, and the grand hotel is more magnificent than you can imagine. There are also all kinds of theatrical performances and sports expected by tourists in major American cities. The strongest voice of San Francisco is the enthusiasm of immigrants, which is an intoxicating cultural mixture: distinctive Italians, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese and South Asians and other different settlements dotted in California

San Francisco

San Francisco

San Francisco Skyline [39]
Overlooking San Francisco from the air, the city is as neat as a transistor radio: exquisite Victorian buildings, parks in all directions, seaside sightseeing areas, skyscrapers with exquisite decoration, reflective glass reflecting the gorgeous street view, and winding high-speed roads stretching into the towering business district. The bustling streets of Chinatown make tourists taste Chinese culture in a condensed form, California Legion of Honor Palace It makes people feel as if they have come Paris Sam's Palace, the grandeur of the city hall is astounding, and the M.H. DeYoung Museum shows the magnificent American art to tourists. There are towering trees in the vast park, and the "plank road" in Santa Cruz has a long history. Ferry shuttles through the bay, heading for Alcatraz The tram meanders through the mountains, with the Golden Gate Bridge surrounded by thick fog in the background. Passing through the invigorating bridge and heading south to Highway 1, the redwoods of California come into view.
San Francisco Bay Bridge [40]
List of attractions: Golden Gate Bridge , Gulf Bridge, cable car Pan American Pyramid (Also translated as "The American Pyramid", "The American Pyramid", English: Transamerica Pyramid), the City Hall, M.H. Deyang Memorial Hall great basin national park, sequoia , Santa Cruz Coit Tower , Art Palace, Union Square and surrounding prosperous areas Yosemite National Park , Ma Yao Africa Paradise, Twin Hills Chinatown Asian Art Museum Handicraft Folk Art Museum, Seal Rock and Cliff House silicon valley Fisherman's Wharf , Gulf Cruise Lombard street Jinmen Park Japan Town, Alcatraz Island, etc.
San Francisco Art Palace [41]
The famous scenic spots in San Francisco include: Golden Gate Bridge Fisherman's Wharf Lombard street , Chinatown Alcatraz Island Angel Island Treasure Island Jinmen Park Municipal Center San Francisco Art Palace Alamo Square Gemini peak Beitan Etc.

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge Built in 1937, with a cost of 35.5 million dollars, it is one of the largest single span suspension bridges in the world. The Golden Gate Bridge is 2780 meters long, and the height from the sea surface to the center of the bridge is about 67.84 meters. There are two 227m high towers at both ends of the bridge. Steel columns stand at both ends of the orange bridge of the Golden Gate Bridge, connected by thick steel cables. The midpoint of the steel cables sags, almost close to the bridge body. The steel cables and the bridge body are connected by thin steel cables. The whole Golden Gate Bridge looks simple and magnificent. In memory of the designer engineer Strauss, people placed his bronze statue beside the bridge. On the day of the completion of the Golden Gate Bridge, 200000 people happily walked across the bridge to celebrate the day. Golden Gate Bridge is one of the busiest bridges in the world. Every day, about 100000 cars rumble across the bridge.
Jinmen Bridge is one of the world's famous bridges, known as a miracle of modern bridge engineering. The designer of the Golden Gate Bridge is the engineer Strauss. People place his bronze statue beside the bridge to commemorate his contribution to the United States. The Great Bridge stands on the Golden Gate Strait, more than 1900 meters wide, in California, USA. The Golden Gate Strait is the entrance of San Francisco Bay, with steep sides and deep channel. It was a British explorer in 1579 Francis Drake Found and named by him.

Fisherman's Wharf

Fisherman's Wharf (English: Fisherman's Wharf) used to be the berthing dock for Italian fishermen (Pier 39), but now it is the most popular place in San Francisco, bustling all year round. The crab sign at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Taylor Street is the symbol of Fisherman's Wharf. Visitors from all over the world come to San Francisco to enjoy a fresh and delicious seafood feast. There are also Ocean Park Museum near the dock.
Fisherman's Wharf (Pier 39)
The logo of Fisherman's Wharf is a circular billboard with big crabs. Once you find the "big crabs", you will arrive at Fisherman's Wharf and the preferred place to taste seafood in San Francisco. The coast near Fisherman's Wharf is rich in delicious crabs, shrimps Abalone Squid Sea urchin salmon Mackerel and Codfish The best time to taste seafood is between November and June of the next year. At this time, when coming to Fisherman's Wharf, people can eat the best Dungeness Crab. The method of seafood cooking is very simple. Braised in soy sauce, pepper and salt, which will damage the original flavor of seafood, have been replaced by blanching. Without the cover of seasoning, the freshness, tenderness and cooking heat of seafood are vividly reflected, and the degree of delicious is hard to express.

Lombard street

Lombard street It is a feature of San Francisco. The section from Longba Street to Levin Street is a steep downhill. In order to prevent traffic accidents, the municipal authority has specially built flower beds. The car can only circle down here at a speed of no more than 5 miles per hour. Therefore, this section of street is called "the most curved street in the world". Most tourists come to San Francisco to test their driving skills. The flower beds on both sides of the driveway are full of roses, and every household on both sides of the street also raises flowers and plants grass at the door. When the flowers are in bloom, they look like a piece of flannelette hanging in a slant from a distance. It is beautiful, and the good name of "Flower Street" comes from this.

San Francisco Chinatown

San Francisco Chinatown Chinatown is the largest Chinatown in American cities, with a history of more than 120 years. At the entrance, there are dark green Chinese arches and a pair of stone lions, which are written in the big characters of Sun Yat sen's "The world is for the public". It is the symbol of Chinatown and also Chinese civilization The symbol of. The main street is Grant Street, and there are many souvenir shops and Chinese restaurants with Chinese characteristics on both sides. People who come here for sightseeing and shopping are always crowded. Stockton Street, parallel to Grant Street on the west side, is a shopping street for local Chinese people. Historically, the expansion of the Chinese community was strongly blocked by the municipal government. For example, in 1870, a bill aimed at strictly controlling the housing and work of Chinese was introduced. The fire caused by the 1906 earthquake burned down Chinatown The municipal government planned to drive the Chinese out of this area to develop real estate. Fortunately, this plan was finally aborted under the strong resistance of all Chinese. Chinatown It is still safe to stay next door to the most prosperous financial district, but it is almost impossible to continue horizontal development, so we have to find ways in height. You can see many buildings with strange shapes here, which were not built in the same era. For example, Mazu Temple in Tianhoumiao Street was built on the roof of the barber shop and laundry.

Travel Tips

Travel time
San Francisco is suitable for traveling all year round. It is usually wet in winter. Summer is foggy and the weather may change many times in a day, which is much cooler than other parts of California.
Shopping Directory
When shopping in the United States, you will find that there are many super large shopping centers with elegant environment in the United States. They are not only shopping places, but also a cultural phenomenon. In the morning, the elderly will walk in the shopping mall, the children will come to the recreation room of the mall to play after school, and young mothers will come here to spend a happy weekend in the form of shopping. In addition, there are restaurants Cinema, it can be said that the shopping center in the United States is more like a fully functional leisure place. such business model It has been promoted worldwide.
When shopping, you might as well visit several stores. In general large malls, there will always be price reductions on a regular basis, and the store will hang a "on sale" sign. In this case, you can buy satisfactory things for only a fraction of the original price.
Special food
From December to January of the next year, it is the golden time to eat crabs. At the famous Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, various charity activities called "Annual Crab Feast" will be held from December, aiming to raise large amounts of funds for local political parties and charities. For residents and tourists who like crabs, they can feast their mouths on them.
Swan Oyster Depot
2013 is the 100th anniversary of the opening of Swan Oyster Restaurant. The Swan Oyster Restaurant, which has always been committed to the perfection of seafood delicacies, has a very small space. Only 12 bar high chairs are placed in the restaurant. It is a bit surprising to enter the restaurant for the first time. However, the lively and fresh oysters, crabs, live shrimps and delicious seafood chowder soup will satisfy every customer in line. In fact, Swan Oyster Restaurant, as a seafood restaurant with excellent value for money, has made customers forget the terrible "grand occasion" like a long queue for delicious food.
Market Restaurant (English: A Market Restaurant)
In the market restaurant located at the inland river wharf, there is a famous chef named Mark Simon. His specialty dishes have many fans in San Francisco. The most famous dishes are rare crab cake and fresh meat salad made with green papaya, grapefruit slices, peanuts and cilantro leaves as ingredients. In order to ensure the best taste and freshness of the dishes, all the dishes in the market restaurant are made of the freshest crabs of the day, and the taste will be very authentic.
Anchor and Hope
The anchor of hope claims to have all the fish on the east and west coasts of the United States. The anchor of hope restaurant has very rich dishes. The special crab burger and seafood soup made of treasure crab are the most delicious food I have ever eaten in San Francisco. It is worth mentioning that it is located in a building with great contrast between inside and outside. The exterior wall is decorated with dry gravel, while the interior gives a modern sense of fashion and avant-garde.
Nettie's Crab Shack
Netty's Crab Cottage, located near Marina Pier, is also a very famous restaurant in San Francisco. He once boasted of Haikou and said that his crabs were the "deeds" of the most delicious local varieties, which also made this restaurant famous. The delicious food provided by Netty's Crab House is countless. The most famous dishes are crab rolls, crab salad, avocado, beetroot and special eggs. Every food makes customers linger. At the same time, there are many desserts with retro sentiments in Betty's Crab House. Candy pudding, hot apple crisp and pear crisp are the top desserts in Betty's Crab House.

Best travel season

San Francisco is suitable for traveling all year round, and there are festivals every month.
Japanese community sakura festival San Francisco Film Festival
In 1862, the Mexicans defeated French Army anniversaries of important events
"Gay and Lesbian Freedom Day" parade
San Francisco Expo, Blues Festival
Commemoration of the Mexican community Day of the Dead , San Francisco Jazz Festival Thanksgiving

City Honor

In October 2018, the 17th "Global urban competitiveness The ranking list was released, and San Francisco ranked ninth.
In November 2018, World City Ranking Release, San Francisco entry First tier cities in the world ranks.
On October 10, 2019, C40 City The Climate Leadership Alliance Mayors Summit was held in Denmark capital Copenhagen Seven categories of "City Awards" were awarded: San Francisco won the C40 City "Innovative Change" Award. [27]
November 12, 2019, "2019 Global urban economy The list of competitiveness was released, and San Francisco ranked seventh. [28]
2019 Global Sustainable competitiveness Top 20, ranking fifth in San Francisco. [29]
December 26, 2019, ranked 2019 Global Top 500 Cities No. 11 on the list. [30]
In April 2020, it was selected into the "2020 World Famous Summer Cities". [31]
In September 2021, the San Francisco Bay Area 2021 Zhongguancun Forum Published Natural index -Scientific research cities ranked fourth in 2021. [33]
March 24, 2022, ranking 31st“ Global Financial Center Index ”Seventh place. [34]
In March 2022, selected“ List of the world's top ten cities with the most sense of future ”, ranking seventh. [35]
In November 2023, the San Francisco San Jose metropolitan area International Science and Technology Innovation Center Index First place in 2023. [60-61]

Other information

In June 2019, San Francisco, California, USA became the first city to ban the sale of electronic cigarettes. [32]

Monkeypox epidemic

On July 28, 2022, Mayor of San Francisco London Bride Announce the entry of San Francisco Health emergency The statement said that the San Francisco Department of Public Health had confirmed that there were more than 260 cases of monkeypox in the city, accounting for nearly one third of the cases of monkeypox in California. [37]