
Regional name of ancient Europe
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Germania( Latin : Germania, German: Germania) is a place name in ancient Europe, located in Rhine East, including Ancient Rome The area west of the controlled Rhine River. Place names come from Gaulish , by The Republic of Rome Julius Caesar, the commander in chief, was first used to refer to the residents east of the Rhine River, meaning "neighbors".
Chinese name
Dividing line

historical background

There are many tribes in Germania germanic people Mainly, including Celtics Baltic Scythian and Mrs. Gusra In the following centuries, the tribal composition of the region was influenced by Ethnic integration and Ethnic migration The impact of several changes.
Before the 2nd century BC, people had a great deal of concern Northern Europe Little is known about the tribe. About 320 BC, from Massaria Explorer of Bithias Sail to Britain And the Nordic coast, becoming the first one that can distinguish Celts and Germans the Mediterraneans Julius Caesar against the Germanic, Roman and Gaul Between cultural difference It is described that although the Gauls are warlike, they are still civilized, while the Germans are barbaric and uncivilized people, posing a serious threat to the Romans and Gauls.
The most detailed information about Germania is Imperium Romanum historian Tacitus Of《 Germanic Records 》。


The ancient Romans divided Germania into two parts, namely Rhine To the west and south, occupied by the Romans Little Germania And east of the Rhine Greater Germania Little Germania is divided into two provinces Germania Inferior Province (equivalent to contemporary Low land countries And Upper Germania (equivalent to contemporary Switzerland And French Alsace Region )。 In 12 BC, the Roman emperor Augustus began to fight in Greater Germania, and appointed Germanicus and Tiberius Manage the region. By AD 6, the Romans had taken control Elbe River The Germanian region to the west planned to continue to conquer the whole region and incorporate it into the territory of the Roman Empire. In AD 9, the Germanic people Teutonborough Hill Campaign The defeat of the Romans in the defeat of the Romans, so that the plan of the Romans was dashed. Later, Augustus the danube To build the boundary of the empire.

Capital of the World

speer He was Hitler's imperial architect, who proposed reconstruction Berlin The plan is to build "Germania", the capital of the world. Germania has a three mile long boulevard, a row of huge buildings. It fully demonstrates Hitler's autocratic thought.
the Second World War It ended with the defeat of Germany, and finally the Nazi architect Albert Speer The grand architectural plan of.