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Life utility software
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The schedule (aCalendar+) is a practical life software.
It is to arrange my daily affairs and time in a planned way so that I can live and work in a planned way. At the same time, improve the efficiency so as to achieve the goal of daily clearing.
Software name
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Software with the same name

Software version: Schedule (aCalendar+) v0.12.3beta
Software type: practical life
Charge tips: completely free
Software level: ★★★☆

Software Introduction

The schedule (aCalendar+) is Android A fast calendar The feature of the software is that it can display relevant pictures in the calendar, so that you can view them intuitively.

Software features

  1. one
    Intuitive software operation interface;
  2. two
    Can view daily, weekly, monthly and birthday;
  3. three
    Full screen components;
  4. four
    Import birthday photos of related contacts from your address book;
  5. five
    Birthday editing function;
  6. six
    Support native Android calendar;
  7. seven
    Moon phase and constellation birthday;
  8. eight
    Optimized text display.

Schedule control

Calendar Objx
Current version: 3.00.15
Product function: calendar/schedule
Available platforms: VC6.0/VB6.0

Product Introduction

FarPoint's Calendar Objx 3 includes the scheduling function, provides all control functions required for research and development, and displays or selects the date/time. At the same time, Calendar Objx includes calendar control, clock control, memo and schedule control, which can generate flexible calendar or odometer features in the program interface.

Product characteristics

  • The fpCalendar control has a new compact display format, which can display the date, month, year or individual data information (date, month, year order) in a row at the same time. You can easily modify your date data through the drop-down operation. If you only want to display individual data, you can specify the order in which the date, month, and year are displayed in the row.
  • In the fpCalendar control, the default data value is the current system time information (determined by the settings of the windows control panel). You can specify the masking color of the unit picture in the fpCalendar control. Some images with the same color pixel can be transparent.
  • You can specify how gridlines are displayed and whether they are displayed. You can display only horizontal gridlines, vertical gridlines, all or only the title of gridlines.
  • FpCalendar provides two new properties. When the mouse passes over a cell, you can obtain the enumeration and string value of a corresponding cell. For example, if the mouse passes over a day in the date table, the MouseOverValue property value will be returned as the date property of the day in the format of "YYYYMMDD". The MouseOverElement property value is "4", which means that the mouse pointer style passing the date is the fourth style.
  • You can choose not to display the month title, year title, or both in the calendar.
  • The fpCalendar VBX and ActiveX controls contain standard Visual Basic MouseDown, MouseMove, and MouseUp events.
  • The fpCalendar control provides new functions and methods to list repeated and specified dates, and to reset the properties of the date when the program is running.
  • FpCalendar follows the week marking method of ISO8601 standard.
  • The color attribute of Calendar Objx 3.0 adopts the default color setting of the system.
  • The ActiveX control of Calendar Objx supports data binding in ActiveX Data Objects (OLE DB), DAO and RDO modes.
  • Calendar Objx 3.0 ActiveX is a single threaded control.
  • The fpCalendar control adds new cell forms: repeat date, specified date, and button title.
  • In the fpCalendar control, when a date is selected, the setting information of the lower level cell layer is not inherited at the same time. In Calendar Objx 3.0, you can use the InheritOverride property to select a date and inherit the setting information of the lower level cell layer.
  • The fpCalendar control provides five automatic styles (traditional, modern, active, streaming, and flat), through which you can create the appearance of a regular style calendar. You can also modify the automatic style according to your preference.