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People with Japanese nationality or ethnic origin
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Japanese generally refers to people with Japanese nationality or ethnic origin. It is mainly composed of Daiwa family It is also inhabited by Ainu people in Hokkaido, Japan. Japanese GM Japanese Kana and chinese characters It is a popular language in Japan. In the ancient Sui and Tang dynasties, the Japanese were deeply influenced by the culture of Han and Tang dynasties in China. They had strong Chinese elements in court system, etiquette, clothing, tea ceremony and other aspects.
Basic residents of Japan in East Asia. The main body is Daiwa family Another Hokkaido More than 25000 Ainu People. genus Mongolian East Asian type. Using Japanese, the language family is uncertain, and most scholars believe that it is an independent Japanese language family. It is greatly influenced by Chinese. The standard language is Tokyo dialect, which is promoted nationwide. Beliefs are common, and many religions are popular. mahayana Since it was introduced into Korea in the 6th century, it has rapidly spread throughout the country. Inherent Shintoism It is also very common, Meiji Restoration Later, it was designated as the national education, and it can be found in both urban and rural areas throughout the country shrine At the same time Confucianism Yangmingxue The profound influence of. Many people have a dual belief in God and Buddha, or believe in several religions at the same time. Generally, they follow Shinto rituals in terms of birth, marriage, festivals and other aspects of real life; yes funeral sacrifice ritual And other aspects follow the Buddhist belief. Popular among people Ancestor worship , believe in multi gods. Christianity was introduced into Japan in the 1640s, with believers accounting for about 1% of the country's population. Besides New religion 2、 Three hundred kinds.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Major ethnic groups
The Dahe nationality is the main nationality
Kana, Kanji
Asia East Asia
historical figure
Oda Nobuna Fengchen Xiuji Tokugawa Jiakang etc.

Ethnic origin

Emperor Yan
There is no final conclusion on the ethnic origin of the Japanese. Ancient books and records in China, especially《 shanhaiching 》There are several records in. The Classic of Mountains and Seas is one of the most important geographical documents and classics in human history. It records the mountains, landforms, products, and ethnic distribution in China and its surrounding areas, as well as the corresponding historical stories. The years involved include Zhou Dynasty Shang Dynasty Xia Dynasty Until the pre summer period (which can be traced back to 10000 years ago). Among them, the Northern Classic of Hainei, a document of the Zhou Dynasty, records that "the country is built on a huge scale Yannan , Wobei. The Japanese belong to the swallow. " The other chapters of the Book of Mountains and Seas record the Chinese people's many migrations to the islands in the East China Sea.
It is generally said in the academic circles that the residents of Nihon Island began about in the Neolithic Age. The earliest Japanese residents were Tungusians from the northern mainland. Later, Malays crossed the sea from the south. Since about the second half of the 1000 BC, China and Korean Emigrate to Japan. From the Neolithic Age to the second century BC in Japan, archaeologically known as the rope culture era, it used stone tools, bone tools, hunting, fishing, living in vertical caves, and unearthed female puppets.
About Japanese claiming And family The Japanese People )The source of, "Cihai" note said: Daiwa, another name for Japan, and, one of the five countries in this region Nara Prefecture It is the capital of Ping'an, which was the capital of all generations before (AD 794), hence its name.

habits and customs

The living habits of Japanese people are as follows:
Bow instead of shaking hands
Bowing is common in Japan etiquette People seldom shake hands with each other, and only occasionally shake hands when meeting foreigners.
Japanese have the habit of giving gifts
Japanese pay attention to etiquette and have the custom of giving gifts. However, they usually send some articles that have no use for them, so the recipient can send them again. The Japanese like Chinese silk, famous wine and traditional Chinese medicine. They also like some famous brands, but they are more disgusted with the fox badger pattern, because the fox is a symbol of greed, while the badger represents cunning. When visiting ordinary people's homes, only 15 petals of chrysanthemums can be sent, and only 16 petals of chrysanthemums can be sent to royal badges.
Good at learning and learning
The Japanese nation is a nation good at learning and learning. In 646 AD, Emperor Xiaode carried out the "Dahua Reform", absorbed a lot of Chinese culture, and sent“ kentoshi ”Go to the Tang Dynasty of China to study, promote the disintegration of the Japanese clan system, and lay the foundation for the feudalization of Japan. In 1868, the Meiji Emperor promoted“ Meiji Restoration ”, on“ Civilization ”Under the guidance of the thought of "soul and talent", a large number of European and American cultures were absorbed, laying the foundation for Japan to rapidly transform into a capitalist power.