
Switzerland's second largest city
zero Useful+1
Geneva (French: Gen è ve; English: Geneva), State of Geneva Subordinated cities, located in Lake Geneva Southwest corner, yes Switzerland The second largest city in the Federation. [1] On the lake Big fountain It is the symbol of Geneva. The lakes and mountains of Geneva are attractive all the year round, and it is also a gathering place of international institutions around the world International city
As a world famous international city World War between, League of Nations The headquarters of. The high visibility of Geneva in the world mainly benefits from these international organizations or offices, including Red Cross Society Headquarters world health organization the United Nations Geneva Office, etc.
Geneva, with its profound humanitarianism Traditional and colorful cultural activities, major conferences and exhibitions, coveted food, fresh suburban scenery, and many tourist projects Sports facilities And is famous all over the world. Geneva is also the clock capital of the world, and the clock industry and banking industry are two of Geneva Big economy Pillars. [2]
stay World's Best Residential City Geneva ranked second in the world 2019 Global Top 500 Cities No. 65 on the list. [3]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Administrative Region Category
Geneva, Switzerland [1]
geographical position
Southwest corner of Lake Geneva, bordering France
15.92 km² [1]
Area Code
Postal Code
one thousand and two hundred [1]
climatic conditions
Marine climate, the lowest temperature in January is - 1 ℃, and the highest temperature in July is 26 ℃ [1]
population size
194400 [1] (as of 2013)
Cocutrin Airport (English translation), and Croutland International Airport (French translation)
train station
Gare Cornavin
Population density
11226.3 persons/km2 [1]
Sandrine Salerno [1]

Historical evolution

Geneva's new brand: "Geneva - our own world"
According to data, as early as 10000 to 20000 BC—— Ice Age Later, there were people living in the current Lake Geneva Of Rhone (Rhone) Both sides of the estuary.
The name of Geneva comes from BC Celts The ancient city built here. For the first time in Geneva Latin Appears in Caesar's book《 Gallic War 》He's right Gaul War View. This name may initially be associated with Liguria Genua (now Genoa )The city is the same, which means "knee", that is, the special of Geneva geographical position In a corner; However, the origin of the name Geneva is more likely to be based on the birth of a Radical (Genawa is located on Lake Geneva, the source of the river; perhaps Geneva means "the birth of water").
By Ancient Rome After the conquest, Geneva became part of the "Provincia Romana", Gallia Narbonensis. In 58 BC, Caesar surrounded the westward Helveti in Geneva.
In the 9th century Burgundy Capital.
Although Geneva has always been a Burgundian Franks and Holy Roman Empire In fact, Geneva was ruled by its bishop until the Reformation, when Geneva became a republic.
Geneva urban traffic map - the latest erlinyou version
Because of the religious reform led by Calvin and others, Geneva is often referred to as "the Roman Protestant". In the 16th century, Geneva was the center of Calvinist Protestantism; Geneva in the Old Town St. Peter's Cathedral Calvin's own church.
England mary i Vigorous persecution during the period protestant Therefore, a large number of new teachers fled to Geneva, including the later supervision of translation Geneva Bible William Whittingham and his collaborators Miles Coverdale, Christopher Goodman( Christopher Good man), Anthony Gilby, Thomas Sampson and William Cole.
For the people of Geneva, the event was a symbol of their independence. It marks the end of the desire of several dukes of Xavi to annex Geneva as their capital north of the Alps. The event of climbing the city was the end of their series of attacks across the century. The last attack took place from December 11 to 12, 1602. It is said that the citizens resisted fiercely and even made pots and pans Kitchenware As a weapon hurled at the aggressor, the Duke failed to succeed, so this day was designated as City Climbing Festival Every year in the old city of Geneva, there will be a parade of horses, artillery and soldiers dressed in the costumes of the time to celebrate.
From the late 19th century to Switzerland Travel became Britain noble The fashion we pursue. They first came to Geneva with their entourage and wealth, which made Switzerland a tourist country. These led to the proliferation of the already famous watch shops and jewel and precious metal merchants in Europe at that time, which also established Geneva as the Commercial city Status.
 Geneva Geneva Geneva Geneva Geneva

geographical environment


geographical position

Geneva is located at 46 ° 12 north latitude – 6 ° 09 'east longitude and flows into the southwest corner of Lake Geneva Rhone Place. It borders France in the south, east and west, and has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times.
From the map, Geneva is from the territory of Switzerland Superior process Out, the narrowest place in the middle is only 4km, and the land in many places is shared with France, Kwantlan international airport Half of them also belong to France.
Geneva covers an area of 15.86 square kilometre , and the whole State of Geneva 282 square kilometers, including two quilts Wozhou (Vaud) the surrounding land (C é ligny). The border between Geneva State and Switzerland Other states are bordered. Of the 107.5 km boundary line, 103 km is bordered by France; to the north is Ontario (Ain), south is Haute Savoy (Haute-Savoie)。

topographic features

Geneva Satellite Map
Geneva is surrounded by two mountains, The Alps Mountains and Jura Mountain mountain range. Geneva Altitude 373.6 meters, that is, the last Ice Age The altitude of Pierre du Niton, the largest of the two remaining boulders protruding from the lake. This stone was chosen by General Guillaume Henry Defor for all Swiss surveying Reference point

Climatic characteristics

Marine climate , January of the whole year Minimum temperature – 1 ℃, July Maximum temperature 26℃。 [4]


The second largest river in Geneva is called Alvo River And flows into the Rhone River in the west of the city center. Genus and State of Geneva The lake covers an area of 38 square kilometers and is often called a "small lake".

natural resources

jet d'eau
Geneva industries where water, gas and electricity are owned by the state government service company (SIG) to the region of the State of Geneva. Most of the drinking water (80%) is extracted from Lake Geneva; The remaining 20% comes from the groundwater formed by the infiltration of the Alvo River.
30% of Geneva Power demand Produced locally, mainly by three buildings Rhone On Hydropower station Yes (Seujet, Verbois and Chancy Pougny). In addition, 13% of the state's electricity comes from Les Cheneviers' waste burning plant. The rest of the electricity demand (70%) is provided by other Swiss states and other European countries; SIG only purchases from Renewable energy Electricity produced, especially not bought nuclear reactor and fossil fuel Electricity generated by combustion.
Two thirds of Geneva and the state are connected Natural gas pipeline And the Swiss company Gaznat Western Europe Purchase natural gas.
SIG also provides telecommunications services to a group of citizens through its "Voisin, Voisine" program, which is mainly distributed in the Charles District.
University of Geneva Built by Calvin in 1559 The oldest university one of. Geneva also has the world's oldest International schools One, Geneva International School, with League of Nations It was built in 1924. The world's most prestigious international relation One of the schools, the Institute of International Relations, has also settled in Geneva. There are also other international schools, such as the Geneva English School and Lancy International College (founded in 1903).

Population and nationality

In August 2013, the population of Geneva was 194458, State of Geneva 438500 people in total. In 2000, a total of 645000 people lived in Geneva and its surrounding areas, including the population of France and Vaud. The population of Waupaca is divided into 145200, Geneva natives (33.1%), 123400 Swiss in other states (28.2%) and 169000 foreigners from 180 different countries (38.7%). Including dual nationality holders, 54.4% of Geneva residents hold foreign passports.
According to the survey in 2000, although Geneva has always been regarded as a Protestant city, the people living in this state are more Catholic believers (39.5%) than Protestants (17.4%). 22% of citizens said they do not believe in any religion. The rest are divided into Muslims (4.4%), Judaism (1.1%), other religions.



international organization

Geneva was once League of Nations (1920 – 1946), first in Wilson Palace, and then moved into the Palais des Nations
Many multinational companies, such as P&G The company, Sereno, Firmenich and Givaudan all have their European headquarters in Geneva.

Geneva Convention

Geneva Convention 》It is a series of agreements on the protection of civilians and war victims concluded in Geneva, Switzerland, from 1864 to 1949 international covenant The general name of. 1862 Swiss henry dunant In "The Memory of Shafililo", he described the tragic situation of Shafililo battle in the French and Italian war against Austria in 1859, so as to arouse the attention of the world to the problem of rescuing the sick and wounded in wartime, and promote countries to establish rescue groups. Founded in 1863 Red Cross Society The Geneva International Conference organized by the organization hopes to "neutralize" the wounded and medical personnel. [5]
On August 22, 1864, Switzerland France Belgium Netherlands Portugal Signed in Geneva by 12 other countries《 Geneva Convention on the Improvement of the Condition of the Wounded and the Sick in Armed Forces in the Field 》。 The Convention stipulates that Military hospital And the neutral status of medical personnel, and wounded and sick soldiers should be received and cared for regardless of their nationality. The above conventions were revised and supplemented twice in 1906 and 1929, forming the Geneva Convention on Improving the Treatment of the Wounded and the Sick in Time of War and《 Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War 》。 [5]
On August 12, 1949, at the meeting held in Geneva by representatives of 63 countries, the original two conventions were expanded into four conventions, namely, "Improving the Situation of the Wounded and the Sick in Armed Forces in the Field" Geneva Convention 》(geneva convention for the amendment of the condition of the broken and sick in armed forces in the field)《 Geneva Convention for the Improvement of the Situation of the Wounded, the Sick and the Shipwrecked in Armed Forces at Sea 》(geneva convention for the amelioration of the condition of wounded, sick and shipwrecked members of armed forces at sea, Geneva Convention No. 2)《 Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War 》(geneva convention relative to the treatment of principles of war) and《 Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War 》(Geneva convention relative to the protection of civil persons in time of war). [5]
As of 1994, there were 187 countries and regions Which became the Geneva Convention in different ways Parties The Convention is considered to be internationalism people Daofa An important part of Rules of conduct Authority of legal document The Geneva Conventions entered into force on 21 October 1950.
China acceded to the Convention in 1956 and made four reservations to the Convention: Protector The substitution of "" must be approved by the home country of the protected person; prisoner Or after civilians are transferred to another country, the original detaining country should not be relieved of responsibility; occupation zone The protection of civilians outside the Convention should also be applied; War criminals shall not enjoy the status of prisoners of war. [5]
On June 10, 1977, two additions to the four Geneva Conventions were signed in Geneva protocol And entered into force on December 7, 1978. In 1864 Geneva Convention On the basis of that, after several amendments and supplements in 1906, 1929 and 1949, it developed into the four Geneva Conventions of 1949, namely:
Geneva Convention on Improving the Situation of the Wounded and the Sick in Armed Forces in the Field
The first Geneva Convention of 1949: there are 64 texts and two annexes. The main contents are: to confirm the principle that the wounded and sick on both sides of the enemy should be treated humanely without distinction under any circumstances; It is prohibited to inflict any harm or atrocity on the life and person of the wounded and sick, especially murder, torture, biological experiment or intentional omission medical assistance And care; The medical unit and its buildings, equipment and personnel shall be inviolable, but there shall be obvious Red Cross with white background or Red Crescent And the red lion and the sun logo. [5]
Geneva Convention on Improving the Situation of the Wounded, the Sick and the Shipwrecked in Armed Forces at Sea
That is, the Second Geneva Convention of 1949: there are 63 texts and one annex, which are amendments and supplements to the Tenth Hague Convention of 1907. It covers the scope of application, protected objects basic principle It is the same as Convention 1, but in combination with the characteristics of naval warfare, it provides for the protection of the wounded and sick in naval warfare Hospital ship Special principles and rules for its personnel. The Convention is only applicable to the forces on board ships. The landing forces are still subject to the principles and rules stipulated in the First Geneva Convention. [5]
Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War
The Third Geneva Convention of 1949: there are 143 texts and 5 annexes, which are amendments and supplements to the 1929 Convention of the same name. It has expanded the scope of application and protected objects of the Convention. The main content is: prisoners of war are in enemy countries State power Under the jurisdiction rather than under the authority of the individual or military unit who captured him, the detaining country should be responsible for the prisoners of war and give them humane treatment and protection; Personal belongings of prisoners of war, except weapons horse In addition to military equipment and military documents, they should still be kept by prisoners of war; The accommodation, food and health care of prisoners of war should be guaranteed; Prisoners of war may be detained, but shall not be imprisoned except for criminal and disciplinary sanctions; No prisoners of war may be ordered to engage in dangerous or humiliating labor; After the war stops, the prisoners of war shall be released or repatriated without delay; Under no circumstances shall a prisoner of war give up one or all of the rights conferred by the Convention; In case of doubt as to whether a person has the status of a prisoner of war, such person shall enjoy the protection of this Convention without a decision of the competent court. [5]
Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War
The Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949: a total of 159 texts and 3 annexes. In the annexes of the Hague Convention 2 of 1899 and the Hague Convention 4 of 1907, there are only some scattered provisions for the protection of civilians (see Hague convention )。 The Convention supplements and develops these provisions. Its main contents are as follows: enemy civilians under the authority of one party to the conflict should be protected and treated humanely, including granting safe departure and safeguarding the basic rights of civilians who have not been repatriated; It is forbidden to destroy undefended towns and villages; It is prohibited to kill, coerce, maltreat or expel peaceful residents; Prohibition of corporal punishment and torture; The person, family, honor, property religious belief And customs should be respected; Collective punishment and hostage taking are prohibited.
The four above-mentioned conventions were signed by China Soviet Union , the United States, Britain, France and other 61 countries signed in Geneva and came into force on October 21, 1950. By August 1994, a total of 187 countries and regions had become members of the Geneva Conventions by means of ratification, accession or notification of succession State party [5]


Geneva's economy is mainly a tertiary industry. This city has an ancient financial industry, especially private banking business (approximately $1 trillion in assets under management) and International trade financing
Geneva has a long tradition of tabulation( Calatrava Ref Patrimony Traditionnelle Rolex Etc.). Geneva Municipal Government and Switzerland federal government The jointly established clock detection unit (established in 1886) carries out non mandatory detection on clocks produced in Geneva, and those who pass the inspection can carve on the movement Geneva stamp The watches with Geneva marks are basically of high grade.
Two major flavor and fragrance manufacturers in the world Firmenich And Chihuaton's headquarters and main Production facilities It is located in Geneva.
Many multinational companies have their international headquarters in Geneva, such as Japan Tobacco International Mediterranean Shipping Company Gunwal Group, General Validation STC SITA Vitol、Weatherford International。
Many multinational companies, such as P&G DuPont Both will have their European headquarters in Geneva. HP Europe Africa and Middle East The regional headquarters is located in Meilan, near Geneva.
Every March at Geneva International Airport Next to the Palexpo Exhibition and Convention Center in Geneva Geneva Motor Show It is also one of the world's important auto shows.




Palais des Nations
The main newspaper is the Geneva Tribune, which was founded by James T. Bates on February 1, 1879 and has about 187000 readers. Le Courrier, founded in 1868, was initially run by Catholics, but has been operating independently since 1996. Le Courrier, who is mainly concentrated in Geneva, also tried to Switzerland The expansion of other French speaking states. Swiss Times (headquartered in Geneva) and Swiss French morning paper There are many readers in Geneva.
Mainly covering Geneva television channel There is Swiss French TV station TSR.


The main sports teams in Geneva are Selvet Football Club Servette FC, a football club, was founded in 1890. Sevette is the only Swiss football club that has participated in the top league since the 1930s and has never been demoted; In 2005, management problems led to the bankruptcy of the parent company, which divided the club into two teams, and the newly established team needed to be demoted back to the League A for competition.
There is another ice in Geneva Hockey Club – Geneva Sevette Hockey Club (Gen è ve Servette HC), playing in the Swiss National Ice Hockey League A (Nationalga A).

science and technology

Located near Geneva, Switzerland, across the border between Switzerland and France, CERN is an important particle research institution in the world, focusing on simulation research Big Bang The initial state after.
The agency Large Hadron Collider Built in a circular tunnel 100 meters underground with a total length of about 27 kilometers, it is the largest tunnel in the world Particle accelerator , for research The origin of the universe And various Elementary particle The characteristics and interactions of.
In 2010, Large Hadron Collider Successful completion of proton beam collision and lead Ionic acceleration And collision test. Then the collider Shutdown maintenance
On January 31, 2011, CERN announced that the Large Hadron Collider will continue to operate from February to the end of 2012. [4]
In 2022, Geneva ranked 8th in the global science and technology innovation center. [7]


Geneva Cornavin Bus Terminal
Public transportation Services include buses and tram Provided by Geneva Public Transport (TPG). In addition to being responsible for the transportation of the city center, its network spreads all over the state, and also extends to the surrounding French towns. The onboard public transport provided by the Mouettes genevoises connects the two sides of the lake and is mainly used for tourism.
Provided by Swiss Federal Railway Corporation (SBB-CFF-FFS) Regional The train service connects the main Gare Cornavin railway station in Geneva with the airport and several outside the city puddle jumper Station. Railway and SNCF (SNCF) pattern of road distribution China Unicom, including direct Paris and Marseille Of High speed train TGV )Line. The train has not been used Urban internal traffic But CEVA plan (Cornavin Eaux Vives Anne masse )Work has started This plan, originally conceived in 1884, will connect the city's main railway station Public hospitals , Ovev Hub (Easy Lives) and France Annamas. From the main railway station to La Praille marshalling station A line It already exists, and will extend from the underground to the hospital and Ovev, and then connect the existing line to France. In addition, Geneva is also connected to Switzerland A1 expressway And the highways in France.
Geneva International Airport (A é roport international de Gen è ve, Cointrin) is an important part of Switzerland Aviation hub There is a railway connecting with Kornawan Railway Station.
Flight to Geneva: AZ791 AZ578 、AF129、 AF2442


Flower Clock by Lake Lemang
Geneva is Switzerland It is a famous tourist resort with many places of interest. There are famous International Monument to the Reformation , St. Pierre's Cathedral Grand Theatre , Art and history museum University of Geneva Etc. In many museums in Geneva, there are many collections of China, Japan Greece And ancient countries like Rome Precious cultural relics , on Watch Museum (Watch Museum) can find the history of people's efforts to find time.
Hillock European architecture Simple and dignified. On both sides of the street are antique shops with round yellow and green signs. The city built on the edge of Lake Geneva is the new city of Geneva.
Overlooking the Alps
Lake Geneva Looking far from the bank, you can see the The Alps and jura The snowy peaks of the mountains—— Mont Blanc The snow top is misty and vast Lake Lemang , full of mountains all year round Snow water , as clear as a mirror. In the lake, a shining sword goes straight to the clouds Living water park , Rose Park British parks Pearl Park and Botanical Garden, the artificial beauty of Lake Geneva natural beauty It is incomparable to each other. go through Rula Mountain The winding path reached the top of the mountain. It's dignified to cross the ancient city wall St. Peter's Cathedral
Geneva's famous landscapes include the flower clock, the Museum of Art and History, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museums and Palais des Nations The most striking symbol of the city is a fountain in Lake Geneva,
The most famous building in Geneva is the Palais des Nations the United Nations The headquarters in Geneva. Located at Lake Lemang Ariana Park on the right bank covers an area of 326000 square meters. Building decoration It embodies the characteristics of "all countries" everywhere. The exterior of the street is built with Italian lime, Huahe Rhone and Jura Mountain Of limestone , France, Italy and Sweden Marble produced. The brown linen carpet on the ground is produced from the Philippines Member States donated various decorations and furnishings. The famous Spanish painter Paose Maria Sete described the war of conquest and the celebration of peace Group painting Most striking, the United States commemorates woodrow wilson Presented by the President Armillary sphere , the Monument to the Conquest of the Universe Soviet Union In memory of his space technology Donation of achievements in the field. There are also sculptures created by Derwina Sands to commemorate the International Year of the Child and pine, cypress and other fine trees donated by member countries.


New Year's Day (January 1 and January 2); Good Friday (Friday before Easter); Ascension Day (One day after Holy Spirit Day); Switzerland National Day (August 1); Halloween (November 1); Christmas (December 25); Boxing Day (December 26).


French is common in Geneva, and English is also very popular.


A corner of Geneva
According to some food guides, Geneva has the most restaurants per capita in the world. In this famous international city, there are more than 1100 restaurants different styles , unique taste. In the downtown area, you can feast your mouth on delicious food from all over the world without walking far away. Of course, please don't forget to go to the local flavor restaurant Country Hotel And Lakeside Luxury Hotel, accompanied by Geneva Wine Taste the local four seasons special dishes Swiss White Wine It is not only mellow and fragrant, but also very distinctive. There are also fruit drinks containing alcohol. Marc is more famous, Kirsch,Pflumli,Williamine。
Due to cultural differences, Switzerland provides a variety of unusual cooking for everyone. In French, German and Italian speaking areas, French, German and Italian influence is quite strong, but the quality is good. Each region has its own characteristics; French speaking area Cheese hotpot And Raclette; German speaking sausage barbecue and Baked potato Cake; In Grau pennsylvania regional Dried beef Slice and Ham And the Italian characteristics of Danchino. Pastry and sweet food Snacks are world famous. Switzerland Grape It's very good, especially when you want wine in a region rich in grapes - always ask for local wine. Swiss Beer It is also first-class. Liquor Good taste, but high degree, such as Marc, Kirsch Pflumli, Williammine are the most famous.


Geneva, with its profound humanitarianism Traditional, colorful cultural activities, major conferences and exhibitions, coveted food, fresh suburban scenery, and many tourist projects Sports facilities And famous in the world.
Geneva is also the capital of clocks in the world banking Become the two major cities in Geneva Spiritual support Geneva is also a major venue for artistic performances. International performers regularly perform music and operas in major theaters.
Geneva is the crossroads of the world. More than 200 important international institutions are located in Geneva, including the United Nations Headquarters in Europe, the International Labour Organization, the Universal Red Cross, etc boy scouts The headquarters and Women's Alliance for Peace and Freedom can be described as an international political, economic and cultural center. Every year, hundreds of conferences, exhibitions and celebrations are held here, attracting visitors from all countries. It is known as the "Capital of Peace".
Geneva Flower Clock
Geneva's famous landscapes include flower clocks, art and history museum International Red Cross And the Red Crescent museum and Palais des Nations (European Headquarters of the United Nations). The most striking sign of Geneva is a fountain in the Lake of Geneva. The old city of Geneva is also a unique tourist attraction. You can walk in its narrow streets or Go to see St. Peter's Cathedral. [6]
Jet d "Eau: located at Lake Geneva It can spray water 140 meters high. It is the symbol of Geneva and the pride of local people.
Flower clock: it symbolizes that Switzerland is a clock industry Central place It is the longest flower clock in the world, which is placed in the Jardin Anglais by the Lake Geneva second hand Its second hand is 2.5 meters long, and the distance between each second point is 27 centimeters. Superficial Inclination In clockwork Precision It plays an important role. The clock has a circumference of 15.70 meters and a diameter of 5 meters. This flower clock is decorated with 6500 plants of various colors.
Geneva Map
The European Headquarters of the United Nations: Group tourism Arrangements.
International Red Cross Museum : In memory of Geneva born henry dunant The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was established. You can learn about the activities of the Red Cross Society through video and other ways, and also provide Chinese voice Guide Commentary Service for convenience Chinese tourists
St. Pierre's Cathedral: a cathedral built in the 12th century Romanesque The buildings with three styles of Gothic, Greco Roman are integrated in the old city Iconic buildings It tells people a long and complicated history. Underground archaeology The museum is the largest archaeological museum in Europe.
International Museum of Religious Reform: The religious reform centered on Calvin has made Geneva famous. The museum was built in the Holy Land of the Reformation—— Cathédrale St-Pierre It took 45 years from planning to opening. In May 1536, the Declaration of the Reformation in Geneva was officially carried out here. The museum makes full use of the internal decoration in 1719, and is equipped with the latest audio-visual equipment and technology to introduce the religious revolution to tourists. Museum passed Underground passage It is connected to the Archaeological Museum under St. Pierre's Cathedral and is part of Espace St. Pierre.
Maison Tavel: It is the oldest private collection museum in Geneva. A wide variety of folk utensils and exquisite town models are displayed here, which vividly reflects the history of the town and people's life.
Geneva Swiss Architecture
Rousseau Memorial: Jean Jacques Rousseau Place of birth. It is located at No. 40, Grand Rue, the old city.
Calatrava Ref Watch Museum (Patek Philippe Museum): It shows people the history of world clocks and watches, various precious watches and exquisite Enamel collection. Ariana Art Museum : The collection here is one of the few in Europe Ceramic ware and Glass crafts
Art History Museum: the only encyclopedic museum in Switzerland, covering all western art from ancient times to the present. In this magnificent building with an area of 7000 square meters In the building , showing the history and art works of archaeology, including those from The Renaissance Works of great masters from the era to the modern era.
Putipale Art Museum: collected 1880 – 1930 French Impressionism Of works Private art gallery
Geneva lakeside: The lakeside park in summer will be in full bloom with more than 10000 flowers. From July to August, various free concerts are held here.
Geneva International Auto Show : One of the most famous automobile exhibitions in the world, held in March every year.
Fete de Geneva: festivals and parades are held at the end of July and the beginning of August every year.
Panzhihua Festival: The weekend closest to December 11 and 12 every year is one of the most distinctive folk festivals in Geneva.