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Solar dermatitis

Disease name
Solar dermatitis, also known as acute sunburn or sunburn, is an acute injury caused by strong light exposure to the skin Skin reaction , the skin of the affected part shows Redness and swelling , burning, pain, and even Blister Burning pain , Skin Desquamation Some patients will still have symptoms headache fever , nausea, vomiting and other systemic symptoms.
This disease is common in late spring and early summer, and is mainly found in children, women, skiers and water surface operators. The degree of symptoms is related to light intensity, exposure time, skin color, physique, etc. [1]
Sunburn Acute sunburn
Common location
Face, neck, arm, back of hand and other parts
common symptom
General discomfort, fever, nausea, palpitations, etc
Non infectious
Whether included in medical insurance




According to a foreign statistical survey, about 34% of people have at least one sunburn.

High risk population

The disease is prone to occur in people with light skin color, and is more likely to occur in children, women, skiers and water surface operators.


On the one hand, the skin has received more than the tolerance Ultraviolet radiation On the other hand, it may be that the individual patient belongs to the skin prone to sunburn and is prone to sunburn after ultraviolet radiation.
Long term and long time exposure to high intensity ultraviolet radiation is a high risk factor for the disease.

Basic etiology

The skin receives too much light, Exposure time Too long. When the skin receives more than the tolerance ultraviolet rays , it is easy to cause the disease.
  • UV is ultraviolet ray, which can be divided into UVA, UVB and UVC according to different wavelengths. The spectrum of action of this disease is mainly UVB. The erythema caused by UVA is bright red, the erythema caused by UVA is dark red, and UVC can cause pink erythema of the skin.
  • Occurrence mechanism: Ultraviolet radiation causes various cells in the human dermis to release inflammatory mediators, causing vascular dilatation and increased permeability in the dermis. This reaction can occur while receiving intense ultraviolet radiation. Patients can have instant erythema, and then there will be complex reactions involving multiple factors of nerve, blood vessel and body fluid, leading to the occurrence of delayed erythema.

Predisposing factors

  • Excessive drinking may cause sunburn.
  • Skin that is too wet is more prone to erythema than dry skin.
  • Photosensitive drugs: patients exposed to tetracyclines (especially doxycycline), thiazide diuretics, sulfonamides, fluoroquinolones, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, retinoids, etc. will increase the risk of sunburn.


A few hours to more than ten hours after the patient received the sun, bright red erythema with clear boundary may appear at the sun exposure area, and blister rupture and erosion may occur in severe cases. Subsequently, the erythema color gradually darkens, scaling occurs, and pigmentation or regression may be left. The patient may have a burning or tingling sensation, which may affect sleep.

Typical symptoms


Time of occurrence

It usually occurs within a few hours to more than ten hours after the sun exposure. Acute sunburn symptoms can also occur quickly after the sun is too strong or exposed to the sun.

Occurrence site

Exposed to the sun.


Bright red erythema with clear boundary may appear in the sunlit area, and blister rupture and erosion may appear in severe cases.
Subsequently, the erythema color gradually darkens, usually subsides within 3 to 7 days, and then appears Desquamation , pigmentation or hypopigmentation may be left, and some patients only show Skin pigment Changes, showing immediate or Tardiness Pigmented sunburn.

Patient feeling

The patient may feel burning or tingling, which may affect sleep.

course of disease

Those with mild symptoms will recover within 2-3 days, and those with severe symptoms will recover within about a week.

Accompanying symptoms


Eye symptoms

Some patients may have concomitant eyes Conjunctival congestion Eyelid edema

Systemic symptoms

Patient may accompany fever , headache Chilliness , fatigue, nausea and general malaise may also occur palpitation Consciousness obstacle Even shock.

Medical treatment

  • When the patient is exposed to strong light, there are signs of redness, blisters, erythema, erosion and other symptoms at the irradiation site. If there are itching, burning and other feelings, the patient should seek medical advice immediately.
  • When the patient has symptoms such as fever, headache, chills, fatigue, nausea, and general discomfort, he should seek medical advice immediately.
  • If the above symptoms are aggravated, intolerable or even palpitations, please call 120 for help.

Visiting department

the skin department

Diagnostic basis

Questions doctors may ask patients:
  • Whether there is exposure history;
  • How long has it been since the onset of the disease;
  • Before coming to the hospital, did you handle it at home and how;
  • Whether similar situations have occurred before;
  • Whether the skin color of the exposed part is darker than before;
  • Have you ever used any medicine;
  • What vegetables and fruits have you eaten recently.
The diagnosis of sunburn is usually simple. The doctor carefully examines the skin of the patient with symptoms, and can diagnose according to the typical clinical manifestations of the disease site and the patient's strong sunlight exposure history. Determine whether the patient has taken medicine recently, taken it or contacted the exposed part Furacoumarin The experience of plants helps to clarify the cause of disease.

Relevant inspection


physical examination

  • Visual diagnosis: observe the condition of the patient's whole body or local skin with naked eyes, and observe whether the skin has symptoms such as redness, swelling, blisters, skin scaling, etc.
  • Palpation: find out whether there is burning at the diseased part of the patient.

Supplementary Examination

  • Patch test: apply the prepared test solution to the skin with appropriate methods, and observe whether there is hypersensitivity reaction after a certain time. It is often used for clinical detection of hypersensitivity reaction and contact dermatitis. It is helpful for doctors to judge whether it is an allergic reaction, eliminate possible causes, and facilitate further treatment.
  • Light test: irradiate a small piece of skin of the patient with natural sunlight, and make differential diagnosis according to the manifestation of clinical reaction, which is helpful for doctors to judge, eliminate possible causes, and facilitate further treatment.

differential diagnosis

This disease needs to be differentiated from the following diseases.

Excessive sunburn reaction

in use Phototoxicity Drug or local photosensitizer Excessive sunburn reaction may occur after the substance. The clinical manifestation is similar to that of solar dermatitis, and the exposed part has tingling or burning sensation. It can be identified by knowing whether the patient has used phototoxic drugs and whether there are plants exposed to furacoumarin.
Phototoxic drugs, such as Tetracyclines (In particular doxycycline ), thiazines diuretic Sulfonamides Things Fluoroquinolone Drugs NSAIDs retinoic acid Such drugs will increase the risk of sunburn.
A plant of furacoumarin, such as celery and wild herbs Parsley , Niufangfeng Pigweed , small fennel , fennel Hogweed Celery , windproof Grapefruit , lemon Moriaceae Fig Etc.

Non Japanese injury reaction

There are many idiopathic illuminances skin disease Photodermatosis )The clinical manifestations of the disease were similar to those of sunburn. Polymorphous solar eruption
The clinical manifestations are similar to those of sunburn, but polymorphous sunburn occurs hours or days after sunburn itch nature papule And blisters, showing Symmetrical distribution It will disappear after several days, and it is most serious in spring and early summer, and may recur in the next year. It can be differentiated according to the history and clinical manifestation of the disease. Solar urticaria
The clinical manifestation is similar to that of sunburn, but it is solar Urticaria After sun exposure, the wheal will appear and disappear within a few hours. Light test can be used to differentiate the diagnosis. use Natural sunlight Irradiation of small pieces of the patient's skin can cause erythema or wheal, which will subside rapidly after stopping irradiation, namely solar urticaria. Systemic lupus erythematosus
Erythema may also appear after exposure to the sun, mainly involving the sun exposed areas, arms and hands, but the skin at joints is often not affected. Skin biopsy can be used for identification, which requires professional judgment of doctors. Contact dermatitis
Contact dermatitis a stimulus History, Skin lesion It occurs at the contact site and has nothing to do with sunlight. It can be identified according to whether there is a history of sunlight and exposure.


Slight sunburn can subside by itself in a few days.
Treatment includes treatment for skin Symptomatic treatment And pain control, mainly by local external medication, patients with systemic symptoms need oral medication.

General treatment

  • For sunburnt parts, further contact and repeated exposure to the sun should be avoided to avoid infection or secondary damage.
  • For mild and moderate sunburn, aloe based gel and local moisturizing cream can be used to apply or wet compress to relieve pain and discomfort.
  • When blisters appear, gently bandage or cover with gauze to prevent infection and avoid breaking the blister, because breaking the blister will slow down the healing process and increase the risk of infection.
  • If the blister breaks, it should be washed carefully with mild soap and water, and then covered with a wet dressing, such as normal saline or gauze soaked with Vaseline.
  • When the blister breaks and the skin peels off, dry tissue pieces can be removed and applied with antiseptic ointment or hydrocortisone cream.
  • Drink more water to replenish body fluid and prevent loss.


Generally for external use Calamine lotion and Glucocorticoid 3% for serious cases Boric acid water Wet compress However, it is necessary to prevent boric acid absorption poisoning during large area wet compress. People with systemic symptoms can take orally Antihistamine Hydroxychloroquine vitamin C NSAIDs In serious cases, systemic glucocorticoids can be used.

Pharmaceutical chemical name

Calamine lotion.
  • Main treatment: It is used for acute itchy skin diseases, such as urticaria and prickly heat.
  • Medication: For local external use, shake well when using, apply appropriate amount to the affected part.
  • Contraindication: This product should not be used on the skin with exudate.

Pharmaceutical chemical name

  • Main treatment: for nasal congestion, insect bites, skin chaps, mild burns, burns, abrasions, sunburn and skin itching caused by colds and colds.
  • Drug contraindication: This product contains methyl salicylate, which is not suitable for long-term use by infants. This product should not be used in large areas.
  • Precautions for use of other drugs: Do not use them on skin ulcers. Avoid contact with eyes and other mucous membranes (such as mouth, nose, etc.). In case of burning, redness and swelling at the application site, stop taking the medicine, wash the local medicine, and consult a doctor if necessary.

Pharmaceutical chemical name

  • Main treatment: for solar dermatitis, contact dermatitis, papular urticaria, eczema, neurodermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, skin pruritus, acne, mosquito bites, etc.
  • Medication: external use. Dip a cotton ball in a proper amount of liquid medicine and apply it to the local affected area, and massage slightly for better effect.
  • Adverse reaction: the product is irritating to mucosa and skin lesions.
  • Drug contraindication: It is forbidden for patients with acute dermatitis with erosive exudation.


  • Pharmacochemical name: ibuprofen sustained-release tablets.
  • Main treatment: used to relieve moderate pain.
  • Drug contraindication: This product and other antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs are prohibited. It is forbidden for patients with active gastrointestinal ulcer.
  • Precautions: This product is a symptomatic medicine, which should not be used for pain relief for more than 5 days, and antipyretic for more than 3 days. If the symptoms are not relieved, please consult a doctor or pharmacist.


  • Drug chemical name: Chlorphenamine Maleate Tablets
  • Main treatment: This product is applicable to skin allergies: urticaria, eczema, dermatitis, drug eruption, skin pruritus, neurodermatitis, insect bite, and solar dermatitis. It can also be used for allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, drug and food allergy.
  • Medication: oral medication.
  • Adverse reactions: The main adverse reactions were lethargy, thirst, polyuria, sore throat, drowsiness, weakness, palpitations, skin ecchymosis and bleeding tendency.
  • Precautions: Do not drive a machine, car, boat, engage in aerial work, mechanical work, or operate precision instruments during taking medicine.

Pharmaceutical chemical name

  • Main treatment: disinfectant and antiseptic, used to flush small wounds and mucous membrane.
  • Medication: external flushing or wet compress.
  • Adverse reaction: slight irritation occasionally. This product can see itching, rash, flushing, allergic reactions and other adverse reactions.
  • Drug contraindication: This product is forbidden for patients with large area of skin damage.
  • Precautions: If there is burning, itching, redness and swelling at the application site, stop taking the drug, wash the local drug, and consult a doctor if necessary.


  • Chemical name of drug: hydrocortisone ointment
  • Medication: topical.
  • Adverse reactions: long-term use can cause skin atrophy, telangiectasia, pigmentation and secondary infection. Allergic reaction is occasionally seen.
  • Drug contraindication: infectious dermatosis is prohibited.
  • Precautions for use of other drugs: it is not suitable for large area and long-term use; The symptoms are not relieved after 1 week of medication, please consult a doctor.

surgical treatment

This disease generally does not require surgical treatment

TCM treatment

There is no evidence based treatment of the disease in traditional Chinese medicine Medical evidence Yes, but some TCM treatment Or drugs can alleviate symptoms. It is recommended to go to a regular medical institution for treatment under the guidance of doctors.


  • self-healing
one kind Self limiting disease , usually within a few days, it can disappear by itself.
  • harmfulness
May increase Skin cancer Risk.




The daily life management of the disease focuses on sunscreen and prevention of the disease through sunscreen.
Through avoiding light, wearing protective clothing and extensive application of spectrum sunscreen cream It can also increase the skin's tolerance to sunlight under the guidance of doctors.

Home care

  • Patients with sunburn should avoid further exposure to the sun to avoid infection and secondary sunburn.
  • Patients should seek shade or reduce light.
  • Infants less than 6 months old should avoid direct sunlight.
  • Avoid going out from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in the time period with the strongest sunshine intensity every day. If you go out, you should do a good job of sunscreen. If you go out, you should wear protective clothing, such as long sleeves and wide brimmed hats, and apply spectral sunscreen with high sun protection coefficient as recommended by your doctor.
  • In case of sunburn dermatitis, try to wear loose and soft clothes to avoid rubbing the affected area, and use mild and non irritating cleaning products to clean the affected area.
  • The patient can summarize by himself and observe whether the occurrence of dermatitis is related to the food, cosmetics, drugs, etc. contacted. If any, it is better to avoid contact.

Daily life management



The disease generally has no dietary taboos. Normal diet is enough. The diet should be light and nutritious to ensure adequate protein vitamin Etc. incident Plant solar dermatitis % of patients should avoid using Photosensitive food , such as celery, fennel, celery, grapefruit, etc.


Moderate exercise to avoid overwork. Avoid rubbing the skin lesions during exercise. When the skin lesions are damaged, stop the exercise properly.

life style

It is enough to ensure normal living. Patients should have regular lifestyle and avoid fatigue.

Emotional psychology

Properly care about the psychology of patients, and seek the help of doctors when necessary.

Daily condition monitoring

Observe the state of skin erythema, the degree of itching, and whether there are systemic symptoms. If there are serious systemic symptoms, seek medical advice immediately and take emergency measures.

Special precautions

Avoid going out when the sun is strong Strengthen protective measures In terms of diet, it is also necessary to avoid using Photosensitive substance Food, leading to increased possibility of the occurrence of the solar dermatitis.


  • When the sun is sufficient, try to avoid outdoor activities from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., or reduce the time for outdoor activities to avoid exposure to the sun.
  • Sunscreen can be applied on exposed parts or sunshade can be used, such as hats, long sleeved clothes, sunshade umbrellas, sunglasses and other items for protection.
  • If you are outdoors, it is recommended to use sunscreen with sun protection factor (SPF) above 15 routinely. If you have severe photosensitivity, you should use high-efficiency sunscreen with SPF greater than 30. The sunscreen should be used at least 20 minutes before the sun exposure.
  • Take part in outdoor sports to improve the skin's tolerance to sunlight. [1-7]