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Nonradiative transition

The process by which an atom transfers the energy generated by excitation to the surrounding environment through atomic collision and other forms
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Non radiative transition is a process in which an atom transfers the excited energy to the surrounding environment (lattice) through atomic collision and other forms. An atom emits or absorbs photons and changes from one energy level to another, which is called a radiative transition. Only when the two energy levels of the atom meet the radiative transition selection rule can it be generated between these two energy levels Radiative transition In other words, atoms can only emit or absorb photons between certain energy levels. If an atom changes from one energy level to another only through the process of collision with the outside world or other processes of energy exchange with the outside world, and does not emit or absorb photons, it is called a radiation free transition.
Chinese name
Nonradiative transition
The energy generated from excitation is given to the surrounding environment
External collision
Atoms emit or absorb light


For example, in a gas discharge tube, an atom at the low energy level E1 may get energy from the outside and be excited to the high energy level E2 by colliding with other atoms or free electrons. Conversely, atoms at high energy level E2 may also transfer energy to the outside world and return to low energy level E1 by colliding with other atoms or tube walls. In this kind of process, the atom only changes its internal energy value by colliding with the outside world, which has nothing to do with the absorption or emission of photons.


Vibration relaxation (VR); Internal conversion (IC); Inter system transition (ISC); External conversion (EC)