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Radio station

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Radio stations broadcasting language and music programs
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A radio station that broadcasts language and music programs. Including broadcast control center, launching pad and corresponding ancillary facilities.
American KDKA radio station It is recognized as the first real radio station in the world. It was born in Pittsburgh in 1920 and took the lead in broadcasting at a scheduled time every day. It was the first radio station to receive an experimental license from the federal government. Because it made a series of breakthroughs, such as the first report of a sports match (a boxing match) and the first broadcast of live theatrical performances, it was soon recorded in history.
Chinese name
Radio station
KDKA radio station
Broadcast control center and transmitting station
Premiere time
November 2, 1920
KDKA radio station The first broadcast of was on November 2, 1920, which was an amazing success. It broadcast the news that Warren Harding defeated James Cox and was elected president. People in Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia
I listened to the broadcast.
At that time, all the staff of this radio station were Westinghouse employees and all of them were volunteers (Westinghouse still owns KDKA radio station from then on until now). They started broadcasting at about 8:00 every night since the first broadcast. The broadcast content includes local news, inviting artists to perform on the spot, reading stories for children before going to bed, etc.
The early working conditions of this radio station were also quite poor. Charles Ruch, a Westinghouse retiree, has a mother-in-law KDKA radio station The violinist in the early broadcast often came to work by minibus. In the first church live broadcast, the engineers of the radio station wore choir robes and went to the local church with equipment. The first studio of KDKA radio station is in a small house on the top of the Westinghouse Building on the 8th floor. A tent was also set up on the roof for musicians to rest temporarily, but it could not isolate the sound of actors practicing from time to time. At other times, a moth flew into the actor's mouth, forcing him to stop singing. But this kind of glitch did not seem to prevent the rapid increase in the number of listeners. Because at that time, many radios were made by each family. People thought that their machine was out of order and needed to wait for a while until the music started again.