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State Key Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis and Preparation Chemistry (Jilin University)

Laboratory established in 2001
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State Key Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis and Preparation Chemistry rely on Jilin University The laboratory was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2001 and officially opened to the public Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences Xu Ruren Professor served as the first director of the laboratory, Feng Shouhua academician, Huo Qisheng Professor has successively served as the laboratory director. [1]
The current laboratory director is Li Guangshe Professor. Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhang Hongjie The researcher is the current director of the Academic Committee.
Chinese name
State Key Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis and Preparation Chemistry (Jilin University)
Jilin University
Date of establishment
Laboratory director
Li Guangshe [1]

Project achievements

Since its establishment, the laboratory has made a number of major and breakthrough research achievements, and has made remarkable achievements in the research of molecular engineering of functional systems, hydrothermal and solvothermal synthesis chemistry, new microporous crystals and microporous crystal single crystals, low dimensional phosphate materials, solid strongly related materials, inorganic host guest assembly, new catalytic materials, etc. The laboratory's scientific research achievements have won two second prizes and two third prizes of the National Natural Science Award. In 2001, the laboratory research team was rated as an innovative research group of NSFC. In 2004, the laboratory was awarded by the Ministry of Science and Technology key state laboratories Advanced Collective Taurus Award. [1]

Development objectives

The development goal of the laboratory is to build a high-level teaching and research center of inorganic synthetic chemistry and preparation chemistry, and form a research team with high comprehensive quality, reasonable structure and vitality. In recent years, through the "211 Project" and“ 985 project ”Construction and rapid development of laboratory research conditions. [1]

Exchange and cooperation

Based on the operating mechanism of "openness, mobility, association and competition", the laboratory welcomes experts and scholars at home and abroad to conduct cooperative research in key laboratories. [1]

Contact address

State Key Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis and Preparation Chemistry, Jida
Address: 2699 Qianjin Street, Changchun, Jilin [1]
Post code: 130012