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Inorganic chemical industry

Abbreviation of inorganic chemical industry
Inorganic chemical industry is the abbreviation of inorganic chemical industry, which takes natural resources and industrial by-products as raw materials. production sulphuric acid nitric acid hydrochloric acid phosphoric acid And other inorganic acids Soda ash caustic soda synthetic ammonia chemical fertilizer as well as inorganic salt And other chemical products. include Sulfuric acid industry soda industry Chlor alkali industry Synthetic ammonia industry Fertilizer industry and Inorganic salt industry Broadly speaking, it also includes Inorganic non-metallic materials And fine inorganic chemicals such as ceramics Inorganic pigment Production. The main raw materials of inorganic chemical products are sulfur sodium phosphorus potassium calcium Chemical minerals and coal petroleum natural gas as well as atmosphere water Etc.
Chinese name
Inorganic chemical industry
Abbreviation of inorganic chemical industry
The main raw materials are
Sulfur, sodium, phosphorus, etc
Origin time
Mid 18th century


Inorganic chemical industry
The main raw materials of inorganic chemical products are chemical minerals such as sulfur, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium (see inorganic salt industry), coal, oil, natural gas, air, water, etc. In addition, the by-products and wastes of many industrial sectors are also raw materials for inorganic chemical industry. For example, the coke oven gas in the coking production process of the iron and steel industry can be used to recover the ammonia contained in it into ammonium sulfate with sulfuric acid, and the sulfur dioxide in the smelting waste gas of chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite can be used to produce sulfuric acid.


Industrial by-products, such as coke oven gas in the process of coking production in the iron and steel industry ammonia It can be made by recycling sulfuric acid ammonium sulphate chalcopyrite Sulfur dioxide from smelting waste gas of galena and sphalerite can be used to produce sulfuric acid. Inorganic chemical industry Chemistry Industry is an early developing sector Unit operation The formation and development of.
The main products are basic products with wide applications Chemical raw materials Except for a wide variety of inorganic salts, there are few other inorganic chemical products. Compared with other chemical products, the output of inorganic chemical products is larger. As the cost of raw materials and energy accounts for a large proportion in inorganic chemical products, such as Synthetic ammonia industry Chlor alkali industry, yellow phosphorus and calcium carbide production all consume more energy. The emphasis of technical transformation will tend to adopt low energy consumption process and comprehensive utilization of raw materials.

Industrial characteristics

Compared with other chemical industry sectors, inorganic chemical industry has the following characteristics: ① It is an earlier developed sector in the chemical industry, laying the foundation for the formation and development of unit operations. For example, the production process of synthetic ammonia needs to be carried out under the conditions of high pressure, high temperature and the presence of catalysts, which not only promotes the technological development in these fields, but also promotes the production of feed gas, gas purification Technological progress in catalyst development and other aspects has also promoted the development of catalytic technology in other fields (see Development history of catalyst industry )。② The main products are mostly basic chemical raw materials with wide applications. Except for a wide variety of inorganic salts, there are few other inorganic chemical products. For example, the sulfuric acid industry has only industrial sulfuric acid, sulfuric acid for batteries, sulfuric acid for reagents Fuming sulfuric acid Liquid sulfur dioxide Liquid sulfur trioxide And other products; The chlor alkali industry only has caustic soda, chlorine, hydrochloric acid and other products; The synthetic ammonia industry only has synthetic ammonia, urea, nitric acid, ammonium nitrate and other products. However, main products such as sulfuric acid, caustic soda and synthetic ammonia are closely related to various sectors of the national economy, among which sulfuric acid once had“ Mother of Chemical Industry ”It is said that its output to a certain extent marks the degree of industrial development of a country. ③ Compared with other chemical products, the output of inorganic chemical products is larger. For example, the world sulfuric acid production in 1984 was 147.6Mt. From 1983 to 1984, the annual output of fertilizer in the world was 130.2Mt (calculated by effective ingredients), and the annual output of soda ash and caustic soda in the world was also more than 30Mt.

Industrial history

In the middle of the 18th century, due to the development of textile, printing and dyeing industries, the consumption of sulfuric acid increased rapidly. In 1746, the British J. Roebuck replaced glass bottles with lead chambers and built the world's first lead chamber sulfuric acid plant (see the history of sulfuric acid industry). At the same time, because the production of soap and glass requires alkali, and natural alkali cannot meet the requirements, the French Academy of Sciences asked for Alkali making Method, French N. Lubran proposed to salt For raw materials and sulphuric acid Action production Soda ash (See the development history of soda ash industry) Leblanc process In addition to making Soda ash In addition, it can also produce sodium sulphate , hydrochloric acid and other products. Sulfuric acid industry and soda ash industry became the first two industries of inorganic chemical production. In the 19th century, people realized that Organic fertilizer The nutrients provided for crops can no longer meet the needs. In 1842, the British J B. Routh established production calcium superphosphate This is the earliest phosphate fertilizer factory in the world (see the development history of fertilizer industry). because Leblanc process In 1861, E. Solvay, a Belgian, developed the Solvay process, also known as the ammonia alkali process (see Soda ash )。 With the development of papermaking, dyestuff, printing and dyeing industries, the demand for caustic soda and chlorine is increasing Causticization The caustic soda produced by the method can no longer meet the requirements. stay DC generator After successful manufacturing, it was used in 1893 salt The saturated aqueous solution is used to produce caustic soda and chlorine by electrolysis (see the development history of chlor alkali industry). By the end of the 19th century sulphuric acid Soda ash Inorganic chemical industry with caustic soda and hydrochloric acid as the main products.
Due to the needs of agricultural development and military production Organic fertilizer As the main source of nitrogen fertilizer, natural nitrate can no longer meet the demand, so it is urgent to solve the problem of using nitrogen in the air. At the beginning of the 20th century, many chemists actively engaged in the theoretical basis research and process condition test of ammonia synthesis. The German physical chemist F. Haber and the engineer C. Bosch successfully synthesized ammonia directly using nitrogen and hydrogen under high pressure, high temperature and the presence of catalyst (see the development history of synthetic ammonia industry). In 1913, the world's first 30 t/d ammonia plant was completed and put into operation in Germany, which was the first time in industry to realize the production process of directly synthesizing inorganic products from elements by using high pressure. By 1922, ammonia and carbon dioxide Synthetic urea has been industrialized in Germany. Due to the two world wars, arms production required a large amount of nitric acid, sulfuric acid and ammonium nitrate, which promoted the rapid development of these industries.
Since the 1950s, there has been fierce competition among enterprises. In order to reduce costs and consumption, they have striven to make progress in technology. For example, in the production of sulfuric acid, in the 1960s, a new contact process of secondary conversion and secondary absorption was developed, which improved the utilization of raw materials and reduced the concentration of SO2 in the tail gas (see sulphuric acid ); In chlor alkali production, in the 1970s Ion-exchange membrane electrolysis In urea production, in the 1960s carbon dioxide Gas stripping method and ammonia stripping method; In the production of synthetic ammonia, new processes with low energy consumption have been developed.
In the late 1960s, the scale of production units was further expanded, which reduced the capital construction investment (see chemical infrastructure) and product costs, and built a single series of units with a daily output of 1000~1500t ammonia; In the early 1980s, a large unit with a daily output of 2800t sulfuric acid was built. With the large-scale plant, the comprehensive utilization of heat energy has been greatly developed. The combination of process, heat and power systems has reduced the energy consumption per unit product and promoted Chemical System Engineering Development of.

application area

Inorganic chemical industry is a basic raw material material industrial product, which has wide applications and large demand. Its uses involve papermaking, rubber, plastics, pesticides feed additive Microelement fertilizer The information industry, electronic industry and various material industries in the fields of space technology, mining, oil extraction, navigation, and high-tech are also closely related to people's clothing, food, housing, transportation, light industry, environmental protection, transportation, etc

Development trend

Countries and regions with advanced production technology and widely distributed product markets are mainly in Western Europe, North America, Eastern Europe, Russia, China, Japan, etc. The United States the First World War Before, it mainly produces sulfuric acid Soda ash , caustic soda, etc., began to produce nitrogen fertilizer in the 1920s. For a long time, it has been in the leading position in the production and technology of inorganic chemical industry in the world. The Soviet Union the Second World War Later, the policy of giving priority to the development of chemical industry was implemented, and the output increased significantly. The output of synthetic ammonia and chemical fertilizer ranks first in the world, and the output of many other inorganic chemical products is second only to that of the United States. Japan is not rich in natural resources, and most of its raw materials are imported. After the Second World War, in order to solve the domestic food and clothing problem, it vigorously resumed fertilizer production, which promoted the production of sulfuric acid, soda ash, chlor alkali and other industries. The foundation of China's inorganic chemical industry was very weak in the past. Since 1949, the production of inorganic chemical industry has made great achievements in terms of output and technology. In 1984, the output of major varieties (see table), such as synthetic ammonia, chemical fertilizer and sulfuric acid, ranked second in the world, and soda ash and caustic soda ranked fourth and fifth respectively.
Because the cost of raw materials and energy accounts for a large proportion in inorganic chemical products, such as synthetic ammonia industry, chlor alkali industry, yellow phosphorus, calcium carbide (calcium carbide) production, etc., all consume more energy. The emphasis of technical transformation will tend to adopt low energy consumption process and comprehensive utilization of raw materials. The chemical fertilizer industry and the inorganic salt industry are industries with rapidly developed product varieties. They will further eliminate backward products and develop new products. Chemical fertilizer industry will become more concentrated in the future Compound fertilizer Direction development. With the continuous development of industry, more and more waste residue, waste liquid and waste gas are discharged from the production of sulfuric acid, synthetic ammonia, phosphate fertilizer, inorganic salt, etc. The harm they bring to the environment has attracted attention. In the future, effective measures will continue to be taken to solve the problem of "three wastes". Like other departments, inorganic chemical industry adopts advanced technology, efficient equipment and new Instrumentation In addition, in the design work, computer is being used to simulate and optimize the whole process (see Chemical System Engineering), and in production, microprocessor is used to monitor and adjust parameters, which will be one of the future efforts.