Tourism demand

Life vocabulary
zero Useful+1
Tourism demand refers to people's desire to travel Tourism products Of requirement It can be divided into: effective or realistic tourism demand; Inhibited tourism demand Potential tourism demand And delayed travel demand). It also refers to the amount of tourism products that tourists are willing and able to purchase with a certain monetary capacity within a certain period of time. In short, it is the demand of tourists for tourism products. The meaning of tourism demand can be understood and grasped from the following levels, that is, tourism demand is represented by tourists' Desire to buy Tourism demand is represented by tourists' Purchasing power Tourism demand is shown as Tourism market One of Effective demand
Chinese name
Tourism demand
Demand for tourism products
Life vocabulary
Directivity, integrity, diversity, sensitivity, etc

basic feature



Tourism demand Directivity It includes the time orientation of tourism demand and the regional orientation of tourism demand. The time orientation of tourism demand means that tourism demand has a strong Seasonality The regional orientation of tourism demand means that tourism demand has a strong cold and hot nature in space.


Tourism demand entirety It means that people's demand for tourism activities is multifaceted or serial, that is, the demand for travel, travel, housing, food, shopping, entertainment and other aspects.


Tourism demand susceptibility It refers to people's sensitive response to changes in the travel environment environmental change Inclusive politics social environment Also includes natural economy Environmental Science.


The diversity of tourism demand refers to people's differences in tourism destination selection, tourism mode, tourism grade, tourism time and tourism type.

Regularity analysis

1. Tourism requirement And Tourism products Price changes in the opposite direction Tourism price It affects the tourism demand Basic factors In a certain period, when traveling product price When the price of other products and services that are substitutes changes, people's demand for tourism products will change. When the price of tourism products rises relatively, the demand for tourism will decline; When the price of tourism products falls relatively, the demand for tourism will rise. It can be seen that when other factors affecting tourism demand remain unchanged, people's demand for tourism products will change in the opposite direction with the rise and fall of tourism product prices in a certain period.
2. Tourism demand and Discretionary income become Positive direction Changes In a certain period, people's disposable income is limited. When prices change, a certain amount of disposable income purchasing power There will also be changes. For example, when the price of tourism products drops, although the disposable income has not changed, the actual disposable income is increasing, which enables people to expand the income of tourism products at the original level requirement The income effect of this price change shows that there is a close relationship between people's disposable income and tourism demand. Generally speaking, in Other factors remain unchanged In this case, there is a positive relationship between discretionary income and the demand for tourism products, that is, the more discretionary income, the more demand for tourism products, especially the increase in the number of trips or days of travel abroad, and vice versa.

Basic classification

According to different attributes, tourism needs can be divided into four categories - physical needs, human needs, divine needs and Social needs

Physical requirements

Physical demand is the largest part of tourism, which meets the experience of almost all human senses - vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, dynamic experience and quiet experience.

Human needs

Human needs mainly include four aspects—— Emotional experience (such as honeymoon, sentimentality, loneliness, kinship, friendship), scientific and intellectual experience (such as internship, pastoral life, scientific research, intellectual games, etc.), sports experience (sports, adventure, extreme challenges, etc.), business experience (such as expansion, cooperation, negotiation, conference, exhibition, etc.).

Divine needs

Mainly Religious experience Religion always attracts people in a special way, and cultural relics and architectural landscapes related to religion also attract people in a unique way.
With the physical, human and divine needs as the three major categories of frameworks, continue to subdivide, we know how many needs, there will be how many ways of recreation - and this is the core issue of tourism design.

Social needs

Social needs mainly include two aspects: economic needs and cultural needs. because tourist industry The rise of tourist resources Has begun to pay more attention to it as a way to improve people's living standard One of the ways. At the same time, tourism is also the best means to promote the local culture. In a subtle way, she remembers the local image in the form of symbols in the minds of tourists, so as to improve the local social popularity.

influence factor

First, the impact of resource factors, including the existing social throughput The scale of or the number of existing resources and their growth rate, and the utilization efficiency of existing resources.
Second, Aggregate demand Influence of factors Aggregate supply The change of level is restricted by the level of total demand.
Third, the influence of price factors. Generally speaking Supply It changes in the same direction as the price.
Fourth, the impact of policy factors, mainly Industrial organization policy and Industrial structure policy
Fifth, the impact of environmental factors. Travel in life brings people a sense of spiritual satisfaction, but also a release of pressure. This demand has been pushed to a new high point in the rapid pace of life.
1. Discretionary income
3. Tourism product price
4. Factors of tourist source( Economic situation And development trends, government policies and attitudes Demographic factors
5. Local factors of tourism destination( Tourism supply price level , government policies and residents' attitudes)
6. Interaction factors between tourist source and destination (distance Currency exchange rate , political factors Technical factors

Development trend

(1) In general Development trend Although in recent years world economy Although the market foundation for tourism development is still solid Development speed Still higher than global economy population Growth rate (2) On regional development In comparison, Europe and America The share of Asia Pacific The share of China's tourism industry is growing rapidly Tourism It is generally believed that "the most promising Tourist destination ”。

Coping strategies

(1) On Development mode We should pay more attention to sustainable development. (2) On Tourism product development In terms of operation, more attention should be paid to diversification, characteristics and supporting development of hardware and software to meet the different tourism needs of different groups of people and the constantly increasing tourism demand in general. (3) In the choice of tourism destination, tourists pay more attention to safety and health protection. (4) On Tourism promotion On the other hand, more and more investment and new means have been made, all of which aim at effectively attracting guests to travel. (5) On Tourism services More attention should be paid to standardization, personalization and emotion. (6) In dealing with international competition, we should pay more attention to strengthening regional cooperation.

Management Measures

[Chapter Name] Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 is to promote the health of China's tourism industry sustained development These Measures are formulated to strengthen the management of tourism planning and improve the level of tourism planning.
Article 2 Preparation and Implementation Tourism development planning The Measures shall be observed.
Article 3 Tourism development Construction planning Should be implemented Tourism development planning Development of tourism resources and tourism project construction Should meet the requirements of the tourism development plan and comply with the management of the tourism development plan.
Article 4 Tourism development planning should adhere to the principles of sustainable development and market orientation, pay attention to the protection of resources and environment, and prevent pollution and other problems Public nuisance , adjust measures to local conditions, highlight characteristics, make rational use, and improve the social, economic and environmental benefit Article 5 State Tourism Administration To be responsible for the management of national tourism development planning; Local tourism bureaus at all levels shall be responsible for the planning and administration of tourism development in their respective administrative areas.
[Chapter Name] Chapter II Scope of Tourism Development Planning Article 6 Tourism development planning It is formulated according to the history, current situation and changes in market factors of tourism target system , as well as the arrangements made for the elements of tourism development under specific development conditions to achieve the target system. Article 7 The tourism development plan shall determine whether the tourism industry national economy Position and role of the tourism industry, propose the development goals of the tourism industry, draw up the development scale, element structure and spatial layout of the tourism industry, and arrange the tourism industry Development speed To guide and coordinate the healthy development of tourism. Article 8 Tourism development plans are generally medium - and long-term plans with a duration of more than five years. Article 9 Tourism development plans can be divided into national tourism development plans, trans provincial regional tourism development plans and local tourism development plans according to the scope. Article 10 Tourism development plans at different levels and in different scopes should be linked up and coordinated with each other, and follow the principle of subordination of the lower level to the higher level and partial subordination to the overall situation.
[Chapter Name] Chapter III Compilation of Tourism Development Planning Article 11 Tourism development planning The preparation of should be based on National Economic and Social Development Plan Based on economic growth and Related industries To adapt to the development of. Article 12 Tourism development planning shall be in line with national land planning Overall land use planning Urban master plan Etc regional planning It should be coordinated and comply with the national Capital construction plan Relevant provisions of. Article 13 Tourism development planning should be related to scenic spots, nature reserves and culture Religious sites Cultural relics protection unit And other professional planning. Article 14 The National Tourism Administration is responsible for organizing the preparation of the national tourism development plan, the trans provincial regional tourism development plan and the key points determined by the state Tourist routes Development planning of tourist areas; The local tourism bureau shall be responsible for organizing the preparation of the tourism development plan of its own administrative region. Article 15 National Tourism Administration Tourism planning and design The relevant provisions on the administration of unit qualifications shall recognize the qualifications of the units that prepare tourism development plans and publish them to the public. Article 16 The compilation of a tourism development plan shall reflect the national economy and social development Market prospect Resource conditions environmental factor Conduct in-depth investigation to obtain accurate basic data , from market demand Go, pay attention ecological environment And the protection and continuation of cultural and historical heritage, and actively adopt advanced planning methods and technical means. Article 17 The contents, methods and procedures of the compilation of tourism development plans shall comply with the requirements of the State on the standardization of tourism planning. Article 18 Tourism development plans shall include the following basic contents: £¨ Comprehensive evaluation Resource conditions and basic conditions for the development of tourism. (II) Comprehensive analysis Market demand, scientific measurement market size And reasonably determine the development goals of tourism. (3) Identify tourism development strategy And clarify the key development areas and tourism products time series And space layout. (IV) overall balance Function combination and overall arrangement of tourism industry element structure resource development Relationship with facility construction. (5) Determine the principles of environmental protection and propose scientific protection and utilization places of historic figures and cultural heritage natural landscape Measures. (6) According to the tourism industry Input and output Relationship and market development And determine the scale and speed of tourism development. (7) Propose Implementation plan Policies and measures. Article 19 The results of tourism development planning shall include Planning text , planning charts and attachments. program advocacy And basic data.
[Chapter Name] Chapter IV Approval and Implementation of Tourism Development Planning Article 20 Tourism development planning It is formulated and approved at different levels. The National Tourism Development Plan shall be formulated by the National Tourism Administration. Cross provincial regional tourism development planning, organized by the National Tourism Administration Tourism Administration It shall be prepared and examined and approved by the National Tourism Administration after soliciting opinions from relevant local people's governments. The local tourism development plan shall be submitted by the local tourism bureau to the local people's government for approval and implementation after soliciting the opinions of the tourism bureau at the next higher level. Section Article 21 National priorities tourist city The local people's government shall give a reply on the implementation of the tourism development plan of, after soliciting the opinions of the National Tourism Administration and the tourism administration of the province (autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government). National priorities Tourist routes The development plan of the tourist area shall be solicited by the National Tourism Administration Tourism Administration The implementation will be approved after comments. Article 22 The economic, social and environmental aspects of the tourism development plan shall be carried out before it is submitted for approval Feasibility demonstration , travel by all levels Administrative department Organize expert review and solicit opinions from relevant departments. Article 23 The tourism administrative departments at all levels may adjust the tourism planning according to the changes in market demand and report it to the local people's government and the tourism administrative department at the next higher level for the record. However, major changes involving the status, development direction, development goals and product pattern of the tourism industry must be reported to the original approval unit for approval. Article 24 After the tourism development plan is approved, the tourism administrative departments at all levels shall be responsible for coordinating the relevant departments to incorporate it into the land planning Overall land use planning And urban master planning. Tourism development planning Identified tourism development Construction Project , according to the national capital construction procedure The provisions of the National Economic and Social Development Plan shall be incorporated into the national economic and social development plan. Article 25 Training materials and publicity materials for tourism planning must conform to the tourism planning formulated by the National Tourism Administration technical specifications Requirements.
[Chapter Name] Article 26 of Chapter V Supplementary Provisions These Measures shall be interpreted by the National Tourism Administration. Article 27 These Measures shall come into force as of the date of issuance.