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Comprehensive magazine sponsored by Family Magazine
Tourism is a comprehensive book mainly for the tourism industry magazine , sponsored by Family Magazine, whose main purpose is to reflect the survival state of the tourism industry.
Chinese name
Family Journal Group Family Magazine

brief introduction

<Tourism>is a cutting-edge magazine sponsored by Family Magazine Group. By 2006, Family magazine had a history of 25 years, and was the cultural comprehensive journal with the largest circulation and the most extensive influence in China. Family Journal Group was established in February 2002,
It is the first periodical group in China and the only periodical group in China so far. Family Journal Group has a series of sub journals.
China's tourism industry is recognized as a sunrise industry with the fastest development, the greatest potential and the best prospects in the world. In line with the rapid development of China's tourism industry, Family Magazine founded Tourism. At present, this is the only industry journal in China that is specifically targeted at the tourism industry and focuses on the elite group of tourism industry. As the mainstream media representing the interests of China's tourism industry, the perspective, perspective, taste, value judgment and value orientation of Tourism Circle are highly consistent with the tourism elite. "Tourism" covers a large number of tourism figures, tourism events and tourism enterprises, cheers for those who pursue success and self realization in the tourism industry, and eulogizes for those who win, grow and develop healthily.

Journal content

The main content of Tourism is to report people, events and enterprises. The reported figures and enterprises are all outstanding in the tourism industry. "Tourism" records and tells their work experience and business cases in a realistic way and in plain and fluent language, and sings the theme of elite figures and enterprises in the tourism industry. The current columns include scenic spots, hotels, travel agencies, governments, ideas, comments, observations, characters, events, financial intelligence, etc. It reflects the thoughts, work and life of the main strata in the tourism industry, and reflects the changes and development of excellent tourism enterprises.

Target group

The target audience of Tourism is the main force to promote the development of China's tourism industry. A very important part of them is the leaders, managers, operators, contractors, investors or owners, professional managers of tourism enterprises and the teams closely related to them. They are smart, diligent in thinking, brave in innovation, dare to challenge and pursue success; They are mature, good at accepting new things, happy to experience fashion trends, and full of vitality; They are indomitable, capable and charismatic, and constantly lead and promote the development of the enterprise; They, the mainstay, pay attention to public welfare, current events and look forward to the future. There is no doubt that the target audience of Tourism World is one of the most valuable people in Chinese society.

Periodical distribution

"Tourism" benefited from the large readership and perfect distribution network of family magazine. As soon as it was published, the magazine covered more than 30 provinces and cities nationwide, and quickly reached the tourism management departments, hotels, catering industry, travel agencies, tourist attractions, hot spring resorts, leisure and entertainment areas, rural tourism areas, tourism commodity industry, tourism transportation industry, tourism education institutions Nearly 40000 domestic tourism institutions, such as tourism training institutions, and hundreds of international aviation and foreign tourism institutions in China. Many tourism enterprises subscribe to Tourism World for all departments and key employees and make it a required publication. The circulation of Tourism World is increasing, which fully shows that the content of Tourism World has been accepted and affirmed by the industry.