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Fang Hongxing

Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Northeast University of Finance and Economics
open 3 entries with the same name
Fang Hongxing, male, Han nationality, was born in July 1972, started work in April 1996, and joined the Communist Party of China in June 1993. He has a postgraduate degree, a doctor's degree, and a professor, Doctoral supervisor , enjoy Special government allowance of the State Council Selected as the leading talents in philosophy and social sciences of the National "Ten Thousand Talents Plan", Millions of Talents Project National candidate Famous cultural experts and "four groups" of talents
incumbent Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President, [1-2] [6-7] National Accounting Postgraduate Education Steering Committee committee member.
Chinese name
Fang Hongxing
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Huanggang, Hubei
date of birth
July 31, 1972
University one is graduated from
Department of Economics and Trade, Hefei University of Economics and Technology (now University of Science and Technology of China)
Key achievements
Representatives of "New Generation Publishers"


From September 1989 to July 1993, Hefei University of Economics and Technology Department of Economics and Trade (now University of Science and Technology of China), undergraduate
From September 1993 to April 1996, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics accounting Major, Master
September 2001~June 2004, accounting major, Northeast University of Finance and Economics, doctor
In April 1996 Northeast University of Finance and Economics Press He has successively served as the department director, president assistant and vice president, and has been president since July 2001
In 1998, he served as a member of Sanyou Accounting Research Institute, Northeast University of Finance and Economics Finance and Accounting Research Center Internal control and risk management Researcher of the Research Center;
In 2004, he served as the director of Sanyou Accounting Research Institute
Later, he served as Deputy Secretary of the General Party Branch of the School of Accounting, Northeast University of Finance and Economics, President and Director of the Graduate Education Center of the School of Accounting. [2]
From July 2019 Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President.
The third group of leading talents in philosophy and social sciences of the National "Ten Thousand Talents Plan". [3]
Member of the 13th Liaoning Provincial Committee of the CPPCC [9]

Appointment and removal

July 2019, proposed Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Member of the Party Committee, member of the Standing Committee, Vice President. [2]
On December 27, 2021, National Accounting Postgraduate Education Steering Committee committee member. [4]
Proposed appointment on February 26, 2022 Provincial universities Head office. [5-6]
On the afternoon of July 28, 2023, the first plenary meeting of the 10th Committee of the Northeast University of Finance and Economics of the Communist Party of China was held in Room 703 of the Tuxing Building. The meeting elected Fang Hongxing as a member of the new Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Fang Hongxing as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee. [10]

Social Appointments

Academic part-time job: China Accounting Society Directors, China Cost Research Association Directors,
China Accounting Society Financial cost Executive director of the branch, editorial board member of several academic journals, etc
Social part-time jobs: member of the CPPCC Dalian Municipal Committee, etc

Publishing books

  • Author name Fang Hongxing
    Work time 2008-6-1
    Internal Control is a book published by Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press on June 1, 2008. The author is the Organizing Committee of Treadawy Committee. This book mainly describes the role and significance of internal control.
  • Corporate finance
    Author name Fang Hongxing
    Work time 2004-10-1
    This is a textbook of corporate finance that is popular all over the world. It reconstructs the basic framework of corporate finance with a unique perspective and a complete and powerful concept. Focusing on the main line of value evaluation with NPV analysis as the backbone and closely combining with the needs of financial management practice, the book selects the basic concepts and concepts of corporate financial management, financial statements and long-term financial plans, future cash flow valuation, capital budget, risks and rewards, capital costs and long-term financial policies, short-term
  • Research on Financial Reporting Structure of Public Companies
    Author name Fang Hongxing
    Work time 2004-6
    The research idea of Research on Financial Reporting Structure of Public Companies is around the main line of financial reporting structure of public companies. First, find theoretical support for this study from two aspects of new institutional economics and capital market efficiency theory, and then find institutional defects in financial reporting of global public companies from the failure of financial reporting in the real world; Then it is refined and summed up as the problem of the financial reporting structure of public companies, and defines the financial structure of public companies
  • International Accounting
    Author name Fang Hongxing
    Work time 2005-11
    This book is edited by Professor Choi (Joy), an American Korean born accountant. It is one of the world famous classic textbooks in the field of international accounting/comparative accounting. Professor Chang Xun, a senior accountant in China and professor of Xiamen University, not only praised this book, but also wrote many articles to promote it. This book is rich in subject matter and information, especially focusing on international accounting comparison and coordination, international management accounting and tax planning. In addition, the leading author has the oriental

Scientific research achievements

The main research interests are: financial reporting and Accounting control Theory, independent audit , Financial Economics, International Comparative accounting
On《 Accounting research 》And other academic journals Public publication More than 60 academic papers, 4 monographs, 8 translated works, nearly 20 professional books edited and participated in editing, and participated in provincial and ministerial level or above Scientific research topic 9 items.
Published in the past five years Representativeness work:
Enterprise Risk Management - Integrated Framework (COSO) (translated), Northeast University of Finance and Economics Press ,2005
Comparative International Accounting (English, adapted), Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press, 2005
Research on Financial Reporting Structure of Public Companies, China Finance and Economics Press ,2004
CPA Industry Regulation: An International Perspective (co authored), China Financial and Economic Publishing House, 2004
Corporate Finance (translated), China Machine Press ,2004
Accounting and Control Theory (translated), Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press, 2001
International Accounting (translated), Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press, 2000
Tax Accounting (chief editor), Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press, 2000
Representative papers independently published in recent five years:
Countries with economies in transition Of Public company Reform of financial reporting structure《 Finance and Accounting 》,2005(5)
The development and research of certified public accountants' assurance services《 Chinese CPA 》,2005(5)
The disclosure, analysis and interpretation mechanism of financial reports of public companies《 Accounting research 》,2005(4)
emerging market Financial reporting structure of public companies: reform and enlightenment《 Research on Financial Issues 》,2005(1)
Institutional competition Path dependence and the evolution of financial reporting architecture, Accounting Research, 2004 (1)
capital Structural theory Evolution, Review and Reflection, Research on Financial Issues, 2003 (7)
company financial accounting And reporting architecture: American model Analysis and enlightenment of《 Accounting research 》,2003(6)
internal controls , Audit and Organizational efficiency Accounting Research, 2002 (7)
Financial economics and its evolution《 Financial research 》,2002(5)
The distinction between finance discipline and Corporate finance Accounting Research, 2000 (6)

Character honor

Obtained China Accounting Society TCL Cup Excellent Paper Award and other academic awards
Fang Hongxing has twice obtained China Book Award , won more than ten provincial and ministerial book awards, and won the first“ National News Young and middle-aged experts who have made outstanding contributions to the publishing industry "and“ Liaoning Provincial Top Ten Publishers ", etc Honorary title At the same time, he is also a well-known young accounting scholar in China. He has published more than 60 academic papers, published more than 10 monographs and translated works in major academic journals nationwide, presided over and participated in more than 10 scientific research projects at the provincial and ministerial levels, and served as a director of the Chinese Accounting Society, a director of the China Cost Research Association, and a consultant expert of the Accounting Standards Committee of the Ministry of Finance Experts of the Auditing Standards Group of Chinese Certified Public Accountants and other important academic positions.

Division of work

Preside over the overall administrative work.
Office in charge (Legal Affairs Office) Audit Office Temporarily in charge of the Publicity Department of the Party Committee (News Center), International Exchange and Cooperation Division( Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Office) Finance Office , cross-border education center College of International Education (International Student Office), Training and College of Continuing Education Press. contact Surrey International College International Business School [8]