
[fāng fǎ]
Chinese words
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Method is a Chinese word, which has a wide meaning. It generally refers to the means and Behavior Methods have different interpretations and definitions in philosophy, science and life. [4]
Chinese name
Foreign name
means And Behavior
fāng fǎ
Word meaning
Method is used to simulate the ability, action or behavior of a class. It is usually a noun

Definition of words



1. (Name) refers to the ways and procedures to solve problems. [1]


Side by side: square+method [1]

example sentence

Work~very good. (as the subject) [1]

Basic explanation

(3) Now refers to the way, step, means, etc. adopted to achieve a certain purpose
Software programming language If you define a function as part of a class definition or bind it to an object, the function is called a method

Citation explanation

  1. one
    The method of measuring square. Mozi Tianzhi Zhong: "Those who are in line with our principles are called the square, and those who are not in line with our principles are called the square. They can be known from both sides. What is the reason for this, then the method is clear."
  2. two
    way; Doorway. "The Hundred Yu Sutra": "The elder son is good at reciting the method of catching a boat in the sea: if he goes into the whirlpool of the sea and returns to the exciting place, he should catch it, if he is right, if he is living." Tang Hanyu's "Farewell to Han Shi Yu's Home": "[Han Chonghua] makes it easy to farm nearby... and runs for it. It is suitable to teach him the method, so he is two years old." "Zhu Zi Yu Lei" Volume 117: "Bofeng is talented, hard to learn, and there are ways to guard officials and manage affairs." Bing Xin's "Return to the South": "(I) There is no other way except to give everything to God."
  3. three
    Alchemy. In the poem "Shuhuai" written by Zhang Ji of Tang Dynasty, "Don't seek methods from immortals, but ask about the hardship and emptiness from monks." It also refers to technology; skill. The seventh chapter of the Biography of Heroes: "(sword) is more than eight feet long. The elder brother can dance like a flower wheel. Only the treasure sword can be seen in the air, but no one can see it. This method was learned from there." The words of Zhang Yunjin's "Guizhi Fragrance" in the Qing Dynasty: "The method of making soup is to leave a good story, but it is said that Sister Song is in the middle of the road."
  4. four
    Law. "Preface": "The method of thinking in images is the basic method of poetry and all literary creation." Ba Jin's "Exploration Collection - Exploration III": "My exploration is different from that of ordinary writers. I have never thought about creative methods, expression techniques and techniques." [2]

Methods and means


Difference from means

Methods and means are indispensable intermediary elements for people to successfully handle affairs or managers to achieve management goals. Because they play basically the same role in the process of handling affairs, people often confuse them and replace each other. In fact, the forms of the two are quite different, and a scientific manager should distinguish them.
1、 China has long used the word "method"
More than 2400 years ago, Mozi He said, "Today, the man of the wheel (the craftsman who makes the cart) will measure the roundness and roundness of the world by using his rules. The man who says that we should follow our rules should say that it is round, and the man who does not follow our rules should say that it is not round, So We can know whether it is round or not. Why? Then the round method is clear. The craftsman also practices his own right and will measure the square and square of the world. China Japan Those who are not in line with our rules are known as the square, and those who are not in line with our rules are known as the square. Why? Then the method is clear(《 Mozi · Tianzhi 》)。 It can be seen that there are no fixed rules for the original method or circle method, but they are all generated from the work of carpenters. As people are relatively simple in doing things, they can achieve the effect of doing things as long as they operate according to the rules and measuring tools. Therefore, people tend to attach more importance to the latter in terms of methods and means or tools of doing things.
2、 Methods and means
1. Means
From Marx means of labour It can be seen from the analysis that the greatest feature of means is that they exist in solid form, that they are "one thing or a complex of things", and that they act on objective objects through their own mechanical, physical and chemical properties. (《 Capital 》Volume I, page 173) Man first used the processed stone as his material means of activities, so the means are also called tools, namely human organ Extended tool. Today it is also called hardware or hard equipment, such as various machinery equipment Components, parts and devices constituting the computer.
2. Methods
Although the method is also called the means of activity, it is not a materialized means, but human cognition objective world And the sum of certain ways, approaches and procedures that should be followed to transform the objective world. Therefore, Hegel called method as a means of subjective aspect. He said: "The method is also a tool, which is a means of the subjective aspect. The subjective aspect is related to the object through this means..." (Lenin's Abstract of Hegel's "Logic" can be found in Lenin's Complete Works, Vol. 38, page 236) The British philosopher Bacon called the method "the tool of the mind", and his work on the method was named New Tool, It is believed that the method is a light to illuminate the road in the dark, a signpost in every path, and its role is to "provide hints or warnings to reason." (Bacon:《 New tools 》, cited Philosophy of Western European Countries in the 16th and 18th Century, published by Sanlian Bookstore in 1958, page 9). Therefore, if the method is also to be regarded as a tool or means, it can only be regarded as a tool or means to expand the human brain, that is, today's software, such as the program system that commands computers to calculate, judge, and process information.
3、 Source of the word "method"
Some people say that the word "method" comes from Greek It means "along" and "along the road", indicating the correct way or path people choose for their activities. The word "method" is not only used early in China, but also consistent with the Greek word "method". When they say "method", they mean "methodical behavior."(《 Chinese Dictionary 》Volume 15, page 230) "Dharma is the trace of wonderful things Management concept Or words, it takes a lot of effort to go to the West to find the answer, which can be said to be a kind of self abasement.
4、 Examples of methods and means
Example 1 The sharp knife used by the cook is Effective solution The ox's means or tools are what people emphasize: "If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools." (The Analects of Confucius - Wei Linggong Chapter). That is, as people often say, "the skill is not as good as that of the guy". To do a good job, you need to have a handy tool. The cook knows the structure of the cow like the palm of his hand, can "follow its logic", and uses the gap between the bones of the cow to make the knife, so that it does not need to sharpen the knife once in 19 years, and the efficiency of solving the cow is very high, which undoubtedly depends on the method of solving the cow (see Zhuangzi· Health maintenance Third, Lv's Spring and Autumn Annals Volume 9: Mastery). This is also what people say, "There must be laws, and then we can succeed."“(《 Annotations of Mencius 》)Only by certain methods can we succeed.
Example 2 A wise doctor always applies the right medicine to the patient's condition. Methods such as fluoroscopy and laboratory tests to find out the cause of disease, as well as medication, injection and acupuncture are all means of treatment. As an excellent doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, should we take proper treatment or Counter treatment Whether to treat the root cause or the symptoms first, which therapy should be used: sweating, vomiting, lowering, harmonizing, clearing, warming, eliminating and tonifying. How to best mix the selected drugs according to the monarch (the main drug), the minister (the drug that assists and strengthens the main drug efficacy), the assistant (the drug that assists the main drug to make its drug nature or toxicity not too biased), and the agent (the drug that leads the drug power to the disease site) is a prescription for treating diseases. Therefore, if a doctor wants to obtain the curative effect of treating a disease, it is not enough to have medicine alone, and it is not enough to have medicine without prescription. To do any thing well effectively, we must combine methods with means.
5、 It is common to confuse methods with means
Example 1 In dictionaries and management books, methods and means are often annotated without distinction. For example, "means" are "methods and measures taken to achieve a certain purpose"(《 unabridged dictionary 》1977 Microfilm , page 1450) or "specific methods to achieve a certain purpose"(《 Modern Chinese Dictionary Revision , published by the Commercial Press in 1999, page 1161). It is said that "method" is "the means to deal with things." (Xinhua Dictionary) (published by the Commercial Press in 1980, page 111) The method and means are annotated with each other, and can be seen everywhere in management works, which are listed briefly.
Example 2 Mao Zedong emphasized Working methods For the importance of handling affairs, it is rare to give an example of crossing the river by bridge and boat. He said, "We should not only propose tasks, but also solve the problem of how to complete them. Our task is to cross the river, but we can't cross without a bridge or boat. Without solving the problem of bridge or boat, crossing the river is empty talk. No resolvent The problem, the task is just a nonsense "(Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Vol. l, p.134) In China's management science, whenever we talk about methods, we have to cite the above examples, and think that bridges and boats are the way to cross the river. In fact, this is an improper statement. The bridge and ship are the physical attributes that people use to achieve the task of crossing the river. In fact, they are the material intermediary factors that people work effectively, that is, means. How to cross the bridge and how to use the boat is the way to achieve the task of crossing the river, that is, the spiritual intermediary factor for people to work effectively. For example, an experienced commander, when leading a large group of people to cross a simple bridge, will always step down to take the command, change the formation into one or two lines, and let the formation that the bridge can bear pass, so as to prevent the resonance caused by overweight or walking forward from causing the collapse of the bridge. Similarly, when crossing the river by boat, the number of paddles on the boat, the number of people crossing the river by boat and the route of the boat should be determined according to the size and structure of the boat, the width of the river, the speed of the water flow, and the size of the wind and waves. These are all methods of using boats.
learning method It is a method to quickly grasp knowledge through learning and practice. Because it is related to the efficiency of learning and mastering knowledge, people pay more and more attention to it. There are no uniform regulations on learning methods. Due to different personal conditions, the selected methods are also different. Among them, some specially summarized learning and training methods of special orientation, such as: shorthand Speed reading can inspire and draw lessons from other learners.

Technical definition

In people's purposeful actions logical relationship To complete a specific task. The collective whole formed by these actions with specific logical relations is called a way for people to do things.
According to this definition, people form a method every time they act purposefully. However, most of the word "method" in people's actual language has gone through an abstract process, that is, every confirmed method is an action in a collection of several work processes combinational logic The generalization of some common characteristics of, and the action process with some common logical characteristics form a method. This generalization highlights some features of the process and ignores others. Therefore, we define the method as follows:
[Definition] In the action set of several work processes, if Action logic With common feature set A, we say that these processes adopt method A.
This definition can also be expressed as: Let F be a set of processes for people to do things, and A be a set of process characteristics Feature set If A is included, we can say that the processes in the F set adopt method A. (Special: F only contains one element).
Generally speaking, the so-called method is the way in which a series of actions are related in the process of doing things. One way is to summarize the particularity of this kind of association. In English, Way means "way", "way" and "method". In Chinese, "way" and "way" are also commonly used.
stay method study It is usually an area of doing things for people. For example, the method in management is called management , the method in prediction is called Prediction method Methods or substances used in physical research physical property The method of is called Physical methods Quality Assurance Method scale used in Quality management method agricultural production The method of irrigating the field is called Irrigation method , etc.
A complex activity contains many parts and links, and each part and link has its own method. For example, there are quality management methods, marketing methods information transfer Methods, decision-making methods, personnel management methods, etc. state control With economic planning Methods Financial budget Methods Legislation Methods Administrative methods , etc. There are ways of living, learning, making friends, consuming, etc. in each of our lives. So, yes human activity The research of various methods in Technical science The basic and core tasks of. system evaluation As Human management In one field of activities, various methodologies have been formed, such as establishing Indicator system Method, method of weight formulation, index synthesis method lay down a criterion Methods Survey test Methods Effectiveness Methods of analysis, etc.
One of the methods synonym It's technology. It gives people the impression that the method is more popular and the technology is more elegant. In the 21st century, people increasingly like to use the word technology. For example, the prediction method is called Prediction technology Management method is called management technology, experimental method is called experimental technology, etc. [3]

Psychological research methods

  1. one
    Experiment design: laboratory experiment
  2. two
    Psychophysical method: natural experiment 3 Observation method: self observation method
  3. three
  4. four
    Oral record
  5. five
  6. six
    Semantic difference method
  7. seven
    Interview method
  8. eight
    Archives law: biographical law
  9. nine
    Simulation method
  10. ten
    Psychostatistics : multivariate analysis, factor analysis, etc
  11. eleven
  12. twelve
  13. thirteen
  14. fourteen
    Competency test
  15. fifteen
    Intelligence tests: IQ, intellectual age, Binet Simon Scale, Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Schoolchildren, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Preschool Children, Gesell Infant Development Scale, Bailey Infant Development Scale, Neonatal Behavior Assessment Scale, Denver Development Screening Test, Moba Scale, Figure Painting Test, Leiter International Operation Scale, Bander Visual Gestalt Test, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Pinpei Operation Scale, Military Group Intelligence Test, Special Aptitude Test, Sishore Music Talent Measurement, Mayer Art Judgment Test, etc.
  16. sixteen
    Personality test: Children's Personality Questionnaire, California Personality Questionnaire, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Questionnaire, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Edwards Personal Preference Scale, Apparent Anxiety Scale, Thematic Apperception Test, Rorschach Ink Stain Test, Moral Education Research Test, etc.
  17. seventeen
    Holstead Retan neuropsychological battery test ① social measurement ② case study ③ development study ④ cross-cultural research ⑤ psychological instruments: tachistoscope, solid mirror, color wheel, flash fusion device, bar frame regulator, depth perception instrument, audiometer, pain meter, memory drum, lie detector, Skinner box, maze, Lashley platform, etc.

Philosophical method

There are general methods and specific methods in philosophy. Each science has its own specific methods. The category of method in philosophy is different from Specific science The specific method of is also different from the general method in different fields. It is the most general method about nature, society and thinking! Methodology This means the method in.

Relevant definitions

(1) Definition of Modelling
In a broad sense, the method is the condition for solving the problem [solving the problem is to make the problem change and make it reach the required standard]. The essence of a method is a framework with its own nature. The nature of this framework determines how the problem to be solved will change with the change of the energy of the problem to be solved.
Different methods have different frameworks for solving problems, so different methods have different efficiency in solving problems.
(2) Definition of Modelling
In a broad sense, the method is the condition for solving the problem [solving the problem is to make the problem change and make it reach the required standard]. The essence of a method is a framework with its own nature. The nature of this framework determines how the problem to be solved will change with the change of the energy of the problem to be solved.
Different methods have different frameworks for solving problems, so different methods have different efficiency in solving problems.

Related quotes

Learning does not mean imitating something, but mastering skills and method 。 —— Golgi
All people take happiness as their goal; No exceptions, no matter what they use method Everyone is moving towards the same goal—— Pascal
Computer on Mathematical research Will play an increasingly important role; With the help of computer Solving mathematical problems will inspire people to seek better and simpler method It also deepens people's understanding of the essential characteristics of mathematics and promotes the development of computer-based artificial intelligence—— Zhou Haizhong