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Fang Yi

[fāng yì]
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Former President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Former Vice Premier of the State Council
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Fang Yi (February 26, 1916 October 17, 1997), also known as Fang Qingji, Fang Jingji, Fujian Xiamen People; He joined the Communist Youth League of China in January 1930 and became a member of the Communist Party of China in 1931 [1]
Fang Yi is an outstanding leader in China's foreign economy, science and technology [2] He has successively served as President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Vice Premier of the State Council, State Councilor, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, Secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee, and Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. [1]
Fang Yi is an alternate member of the 8th and 9th CPC Central Committees, a member of the 10th, 11th and 12th CPC Central Committees, a member of the 11th CPC Central Political Bureau, a secretary of the Secretariat, and a member of the 12th CPC Central Political Bureau [2]
On October 17, 1997, he died in Beijing at the age of 81 due to invalid medical treatment. [2]
Chinese name
Fang Yi
Fang Qingji Fang Jingji
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Xiamen, Fujian Province
date of birth
February 26, 1916
Date of death
October 17, 1997
Key achievements
Outstanding leader of China's foreign economic front
Outstanding leaders in China's scientific and technological front

Character's Life

He used to be the secretary of the Communist Youth League branch and district party committee in Xiamen and Zhangzhou, the secretary of the Central District Party Committee of the Communist Youth League in Xiamen, the head of the Publicity Department of the Municipal Party Committee, and the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. Under extremely difficult conditions, we carried out three years of arduous armed guerrilla warfare, and made outstanding contributions to the development of revolutionary forces and adherence to guerrilla warfare in the south.
At the end of 1934, he was arrested in Shanghai. After the outbreak of the Anti Japanese War, in August 1937, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China rescued him from prison and was ordered to work in Hubei. He successively served as a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee, the Minister of the People's Movement, and the Secretary of the East Hubei Special Committee.
In February 1939, he served as a member of the Party Committee of Hubei Henan Anhui District. In April of the same year, he served as a member of the CPC Jiangsu Anhui Provincial Committee. In May, he served as the Secretary of the Temporary Former Enemy Committee in the East of Jinpu Road. In July, he served as the director of the Political Department of the Fifth Detachment of the New Fourth Army.
After March 1940, he successively served as the secretary of the provincial party committee in the east of Jinpu Road, the deputy director and director of the joint defense office in the east of Jinpu Road, the member of the party committee in the Huainan Jiangsu Anhui Border Region, and the director of the administrative office in the Huainan Jiangsu Anhui Border Region.
After October 1945, he successively served as the vice chairman of the Jiangsu Anhui Border Region Government, a member of the Central China Branch of the CPC Central Committee, the deputy director of the East China Financial and Economic Office, and the vice chairman of the Shandong Provincial People's Government. During the War of Liberation, he was mainly responsible for the financial and economic work in East China, and did a lot of organization and leadership work in logistics manpower, financial resources, and material supply.
From August 1949 to February 1952, he served successively as Vice Chairman of Fujian Provincial People's Government, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and Second Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.
In March 1952, he successively served as a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, a deputy mayor of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, a deputy secretary and secretary of the Party Leadership Group, and concurrently served as the secretary of the Municipal Financial and Economic Work Committee and the director of the Municipal Financial and Economic Committee, in charge of the city's financial and economic work and comprehensive planning.
In September 1953, he served as the Deputy Minister of the Central Ministry of Finance.
In August 1954, at the invitation of the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, he was sent to Vietnam by the Central Committee of the Party to help work. In 1956, he served as the representative of China's Economic Representative Office in Vietnam.
In 1961, he served as Deputy Director of the State Planning Commission of the State Council, Director of the General Administration of Foreign Economic Liaison and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group.
1970 Minister of Foreign Economic Liaison Department [8]
In 1977, he served as Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Director of the National Science and Technology Commission.
After 1978, he became Vice Premier of the State Council, Director of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and State Councilor.
In 1980, he served as Secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee.
From March 1988 to March 1993, he served as the Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the CPPCC and the Party Leadership Group of the National Committee of the CPPCC Members. [3] [6] [8]
In October 1997, he died in Beijing at the age of 81 due to invalid medical treatment. [2]
He was an alternate member of the 8th and 9th CPC Central Committee, a member of the 10th CPC Central Committee, and a member of the 11th and 12th Politburo of the CPC Central Committee [8]

Character evaluation

Comrade Fang Yi is a tried and tested loyal communist fighter and proletarian revolutionary, an outstanding leader of China's foreign economic and scientific and technological fronts, an alternate member of the 8th and 9th Central Committees of the Communist Party of China, a member of the 10th, 11th and 12th Central Committees, a member of the 11th Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, a secretary of the Secretariat, and a member of the 12th Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Former Vice Premier of the State Council, Vice Chairman of the Seventh National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Comrade Fang Yi devoted his life to the Party and the people, made outstanding contributions to national independence and people's liberation, and the cause of socialist revolution, construction, reform and opening up, and made immortal contributions.
Born in a poor family in Xiamen, Fujian Province, Comrade Fang Yi accepted the idea of progress when he was young, resolutely joined the revolution and established a firm belief in communism. He joined the Communist Youth League of China at the age of 14 and became a member of the Communist Party of China at the age of 15. During the Agrarian Revolutionary War, he once served as the secretary of the Communist Youth League branch and district party committee in Xiamen and Zhangzhou, the secretary of the Communist Youth League central district party committee in Xiamen, the director of the Publicity Department of the municipal party committee, and the secretary of the municipal party committee. During the period of the underground revolutionary struggle and armed struggle of the Party in southern Fujian, as the special commissioner of Xiamen Central Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, he went deep into Anxi, Nan'an and Yongchun for many times, mobilized the masses, organized the Red Army guerrillas, smashed the enemy's many "encirclement and suppression" and blockades, and persisted in carrying out arduous armed guerrilla warfare under extremely difficult conditions, To make outstanding contributions to the development of revolutionary forces. In the autumn of 1934, Comrade Fang Yi was arrested when he went to Shanghai to accept the task of the Party. He was tortured in the Kuomintang prison and never exposed the underground organization of the party, demonstrating the integrity and lofty integrity of the Communists.
During the Anti Japanese War, Comrade Fang Yi braved hardships and dangers and fought bravely against the enemy. In August 1937, he was ordered to work in Hubei, and successively served as a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Hubei Provisional Provincial Committee, head of the Ministry of Civil Movement, and secretary of the East Hubei Special Committee. Training anti Japanese backbone in Huang'an County, starting to establish and restore the Party organization, preparing to build anti Japanese armed forces, deeply mobilizing the masses, and publicizing the Party's anti Japanese proposition and united front policy. In October 1938, he led the formation of the anti Japanese guerrilla advance team in eastern Hubei in Huanggang area, and fired the first shot at the enemy's rear in Huanggang. In February 1939, Comrade Fang Yi served as a member of the Party Committee of Hubei Henan Anhui District and participated in the establishment of the anti Japanese base in eastern Anhui; In July, he served as the Director of the Political Department of the Fifth Detachment of the New Fourth Army. After March 1940, Comrade Fang Yi successively served as the secretary of the provincial party committee in the east of Jinpu Road, the deputy director and director of the joint defense office in the east of Jinpu Road, the member of the party committee of the Huainan Jiangsu Anhui Border Region, the director of the Huainan Jiangsu Anhui Border Region Administrative Office, and the director of the Huainan Administrative Council. During this period, Comrade Fang Yi participated in leading the Huainan army and people to smash the "mopping up" of the Japanese puppet army and counter the provocative attack of the Kuomintang diehards, participated in commanding the Battle of Half Tower Gathering, led the political power construction, financial and economic construction, cultural and educational construction and training of local cadres in the Huainan Anti Japanese Base Area, and made immortal contributions to the establishment, consolidation and development of the Huainan Base Area.
During the War of Liberation, Comrade Fang Yi served the overall situation and made outstanding achievements. He has successively served as the Vice Chairman of the Jiangsu Anhui Border Region Government, a member of the Central China Branch of the CPC Central Committee, the Deputy Director of the East China Financial and Economic Office, and the Vice Chairman of the People's Government of Shandong Province. He has done a lot of work for the financial and economic work in East China, as well as ensuring the supply of human resources, financial resources, and material logistics, and contributed to the overall victory of the Huaihai Campaign, And make important contributions to the cause of liberation of the Chinese people and the establishment of New China.
At the beginning of the founding of New China, Comrade Fang Yi worked in Fujian and Shanghai successively, and did a lot of fruitful work for the recovery of local production and the development of the national economy. From 1949 to 1952, Comrade Fang Yi served successively as Vice Chairman of Fujian Provincial People's Government, Member of the Standing Committee of Fujian Provincial CPC Committee and Second Deputy Secretary of Fujian Provincial CPC Committee, mainly responsible for financial and economic work. He conscientiously implemented the Party's various principles and policies, rectified the financial order, strengthened taxation, balanced fiscal revenue and expenditure, stabilized prices, and quickly opened up the financial and economic situation of the province. He focused on agricultural production and highway construction, advocated and personally participated in the construction of Gutian Hydropower Station, trained a large number of hydropower cadres, prepared to build several local enterprises, and carried out industrial and commercial adjustment. In March 1952, Comrade Fang Yi was transferred to work in Shanghai. He successively served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the CPC, a deputy mayor of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, a deputy secretary and secretary of the Party Leadership Group, and concurrently served as the secretary of the Municipal Financial and Economic Work Committee and the director of the Municipal Financial and Economic Committee, in charge of the city's financial and economic work and comprehensive planning. He was good at combining the Party's policies with the actual work, adjusting measures to local conditions and seeking truth from facts, which effectively promoted the recovery and development of Shanghai's economy.
In September 1953, Comrade Fang Yi was transferred to the post of Deputy Minister of Finance of the Central People's Government. He conscientiously implemented the financial policies of the Party and the six financial policies proposed by Comrade Deng Xiaoping, made contributions to strengthening the financial management of New China, and did basic work for establishing enterprise financial systems and establishing a unified accounting system nationwide. In August 1954, at the invitation of the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Comrade Fang Yi was sent to Vietnam by the Party Central Committee to help work. In 1956, he was the representative of China's Economic Representative Office in Vietnam. Comrade Fang Yi has been in Vietnam as an envoy for seven years, and has done a lot of work to help Vietnam recover from the war trauma and develop its economy.
Comrade Fang Yi is a pioneer of China's foreign economic cooperation. In 1961, he returned from Vietnam under a transfer, and served successively as Deputy Director of the State Planning Commission and Director General of the General Administration of Foreign Economic Liaison, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, Director and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Foreign Economic Liaison Commission, Minister and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Liaison. From the formulation of foreign aid policies and ways to the organization and implementation of foreign aid projects, he put forward many important suggestions to Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai. Under the leadership of Premier Zhou Enlai, Comrade Fang Yi participated in the formulation of the eight principles of China's foreign economic and technical assistance, and faithfully implemented them in practical work. During the "Cultural Revolution", Comrade Fang Yi adhered to principles, endured humiliation and fought tit for tat with Lin Biao and Jiangqing counter revolutionary groups. Under the circumstances of being framed and brutally persecuted, he still completed the arduous task of foreign assistance and maintained the national honor with the care and support of Premier Zhou Enlai. He has been in charge of foreign aid for a long time, and has done a lot of work to support the oppressed ethnic groups in their struggle for liberation, help the newly independent countries maintain their national independence and develop their national economy; It has made indelible contributions to strengthening solidarity and cooperation between China and the vast number of developing countries, promoting the development of China's foreign relations and improving its international status.
After the "Cultural Revolution", Comrade Fang Yi successively served as the Vice President, President, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the National Science and Technology Commission, Vice Premier of the State Council, and State Councilor. He worked hard all day long and contributed to the development of science and education. After arriving at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in January 1977, Comrade Fang Yi united a group of members of the Party Group to bring order out of chaos and rectify the scientific research order in the scientific and technological circles, so as to redress the persecution of hundreds of famous scientists, a large number of scientific and technological personnel and cadres. He assisted Comrade Deng Xiaoping in preparing for the National Symposium on Science and Education, resolutely implemented Comrade Deng Xiaoping's instructions, criticized the mistakes of "two whatevers" in the scientific, technological and educational circles, and promoted the education sector to restore the college entrance examination system that year. He personally led the organization of the National Science Conference and the drafting of documents. It was Comrade Deng Xiaoping's important speech at this meeting that stressed that the key to the four modernizations is the modernization of science and technology. Science and technology are productive forces, and the vast number of intellectuals are part of the working class, ushering in the spring of science in China.
After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, Comrade Fang Yi insisted on emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and vigorously promoting the reform of science and technology and education management system. With the approval of the CPC Central Committee and under his leadership, the National Science and Technology Commission was restored and re established, new guidelines and development plans for scientific and technological work were formulated, and a number of major scientific projects and key research projects were deployed. The Chinese Academy of Sciences and its affiliated institutions took the lead in abolishing the "Revolutionary Committee" in the country and implementing the director responsibility system, which soon led to new developments in scientific research. The Chinese Association for Science and Technology, which was forced to suspend its activities during the "Cultural Revolution", has been revitalized. He attached importance to basic education, advocated accelerating the construction of higher education, developing scientific research in colleges and universities, actively promoted the re establishment of the academic degree and academic title system, and served as the first director of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council. Comrade Fang Yi insists on the policy of opening to the outside world in scientific and educational work. He resolutely implemented Comrade Deng Xiaoping's instructions, reformed the management system of studying abroad, promoted international cooperation in science and technology, sent a large number of overseas students and trainees, and made a significant contribution to breaking the closed field of science and education, going abroad, and promoting opening up. In order to promote the close integration of scientific and technological research with economic construction, the transfer of laboratory achievements to production, military achievements to civilian use, achievements in advanced regions to backward regions, and foreign achievements to domestic use, he has led hundreds of scientific and technological workers to Panzhihua, Baotou, Jinchuan and other places every year for nine consecutive years since 1978 to conduct field visits in the well, The research on the comprehensive development and utilization of symbiotic mineral resources has achieved remarkable results, which not only promoted the substantial increase of rare earth and nonferrous metal output, but also accelerated the development of alloy steel and low-alloy steel, reaping huge benefits. Comrade Fang Yi paid special attention to the research on technology policy and supported the National Science and Technology Commission, together with the National Planning Commission and the National Economic Commission, to carry out research on technology policy in more than ten fields in China, such as energy, transportation and communications, providing intellectual support for promoting the development of related industries.
After 1988, Comrade Fang Yi served as the Vice Chairman of the Seventh CPPCC National Committee; In 1992, he served as Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the CPPCC National Committee, presided over the daily work of the CPPCC National Committee, and made contributions to consolidating and developing the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China. [7]

Commemoration for future generations

In 2008《 Fang Yichuan 》And《 Collected Works of Fang Yi 》, published and distributed by the People's Publishing House. Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Jia Qinglin Write a preface to Biography of Fang Yi. [4]
In May 2017, Panzhihua City held the premiere of "Fang Yi and Panzhihua", a collection commemorating the 100th anniversary of Comrade Fang Yi's birth. Fang Xiaorong, the son of Comrade Fang Yi and the director of the Council of the International Tourism Investment Association, and his wife Cao Zhijian, as well as Zhang Yan, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the launching ceremony. [5]