Journalism and Media

Subject terminology
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The major of journalism and media originated from the Department of Journalism of the University of Missouri, the first specialized journalism and communication department in the world in 1980. Most of them integrate a wide range of liberal arts education and special courses in professional fields, such as advertising, radio, film and television, newspapers, magazines and public relations.
Chinese name
Journalism and Media
Foreign name
News media majorNews
Opened on
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication
How to use mass media to disseminate information
Employment planning
Four categories

Professional Introduction

Over the years, the continuous updating and development of communication media has made the communication profession a popular profession that covers a wide range of areas and continues to expand. The frequent intersection, integration and separation of disciplines in this major often make the definition of the major unclear.
Generally speaking, the major of mass communication is set up in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication or the School of Communication of the university. Students of this major are specialized in learning how to use mass media (such as newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television stations, etc.) to disseminate written, auditory and visual information, including advertising public relations Methods and technologies of film and television production. in recent years, Mass media The development of cable TV satellite TV Computer World Wide Web and other new means of communication have expanded the coverage of this major.
In 1908, the world's first specialized journalism and communication department—— University of Missouri The Department of Journalism was established. Today, there are news and Mass communication There are more than 450 professional colleges and universities. The Press and Mass Communication Professional Qualification Review Committee of the United States approved about 90 education projects. Most of the qualified projects have integrated a wide range of liberal arts education and special courses in professional fields, such as advertising, radio, film and television, newspapers, magazines and public relations. About three quarters of the courses are liberal arts and science courses, including psychology Sociology , politics, literature, history, economics and other disciplines to enable students to have a broader understanding of modern society. However, the major setting of each school is very different. Some schools offer courses involving various mass media, while others only offer one or two of them. In western media colleges, they usually include the following majors: Advertising, Film and Video, Interactive Multimedia Technologies, Journalism, Mass Communications, Media Studies, Photo Media, Public Relations Communications and Culture, Visual Arts, Digital Media, etc.

Employment planning

The media craze in the world has created a vast employment space in the media industry, and also made the treatment of excellent media talents with "overseas returnees" background higher, even reaching the level of annual salary of hundreds of thousands of yuan, becoming "gold collar" class. According to the five categories of media majors, the employment directions of graduates mainly include:
·News media
Such as traditional news Network News News photography
Career direction: you can work in various large, medium and small newspapers and news publishing houses, as well as radio
Television media The press work. In addition, he can also work in advertising, public relations, publishing and other fields.
·Marketing advertising media:
Such as advertising, marketing, cultural policy, cultural research
Career direction: you can work in both government departments and private enterprises
Including consumer marketing, sales, brand managers, advertising design, advertising implementation, marketing consulting, etc.
· Mass media:
as mass media Public relations
Career direction: can become a professional public relations personnel in enterprises, governments, communities, educational institutions
Hotels, medical and welfare institutions, cultural exchange organizations and other industries to find ideal jobs.
·Media publishing:
Such as desktop publishing, media products, films and media research
Career direction: photography, editing, digital editing, sound effect processing, interactive game design, CD media system
Work, network design, etc.

Overseas application analysis

American media majors have high requirements for GPA and language. Generally speaking, GPA must be at least 3.4, and TOEFL 105 or above can meet the minimum requirements of the top 20 schools. Judging from the steps taken by the school to review students, GPA It is very important. The school will first review the scores and list the students with excellent scores as the first choice. If the results meet the school scholarship review criteria, they will be directly included in the scholarship review scope. In the case of high or low scores, look at the professional background of students. At this time, students with excellent professional background can stand out. Therefore, it is very important to have a good result. In addition to conventional GPA and GRE/ TOEFL In addition, work, internship experience and future career planning are also important. From the perspective of professional background, the American media major attaches great importance to the research and planning projects that applicants participated in during their school years. From the design and concept of these projects, we can see the potential ability and innovation awareness of applicants. Through internship and practical work experience, you can understand the applicant's career planning and interested fields. Many schools will make clear requirements for this in their application materials.