new economy

economic phenomena
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New economy means new economic form Socially dominant Industrial form The difference of determines the society economic form Is different. In different historical periods, the new economy has different connotations. The current new economy means innovation sex knowledge Dominant in knowledge and creative industry becoming the leading industry Smart economy form. [1-4]
Chinese name
new economy
information technology On the basis of revolution and institutional innovation
Sustained economic growth and low inflation Rate, etc

Interpretation of New Economy

The so-called "new economy" refers to the sustained economic growth and low economic growth based on the information technology revolution and institutional innovation Inflation rate , Low unemployment rate coexist, economic cycle It is a new economic phenomenon whose stage characteristics are obviously weakened. In addition, a domestic financial magazine is also called New Economy. [1-4]


The so-called "new economy" is based on the information technology revolution and Institutional innovation Sustained economic growth and low Inflation rate , Low unemployment rate coexist, economic cycle A new type of economic phenomena
Since the 1990s, American economy There are rare Sustainability High speed growth. Under the leadership of the information technology sector, the U.S. economy has grown by 4% since April 1991, while the unemployment rate has dropped from 6% to 4%, Inflation rate It is also declining. If food and energy are excluded, the US consumer goods inflation rate in 1999 was only 1.9%, an increase of 34 years minimum value
This economic phenomenon has been described as "new economy". United States《 Business Week 》An article at the end of 1996 believed that the main driving force of this "new economy" in the United States was the information technology revolution and the economy Globalization Wave


The term "new economy" first appeared in the United States《 Business Week 》In a group of articles published on December 30, 1996. New economy means economic globalization In the background, information technology (IT) Revolution and Information technology revolution An economy driven by high-tech industries.
New economy is brought by informatization Economic culture achievements. The new economy has low unemployment, low inflation and low financial deficits High growth. Generally speaking, the new economy is the economy that we have been pursuing "sustainable, rapid and healthy" development. [5]


The "new economy" of the United States has many new features different from the past, mainly in the following five aspects:
(1) Sustained economic growth
Since its recovery in April 1991, the U.S. economy has continued to grow for more than 120 months, far exceeding the average period of 50 consecutive months of post-war U.S. economic growth. It has become the third longest period of post-war U.S. economic growth since the U.S. economy first emerged from the world in the early 1990s economic crisis Since Annual average growth rate Exceed Japan, Germany and other major competitors, thus turning the United States around Economic growth rate In the 1970s and 1980s, the United States lagged behind Japan and Germany global economy The strength of.
(2) The number of employed people keeps increasing, and the unemployment rate steadily drops
With the United States since the mid-1980s economic structure Adjustment and layoff as one of its main contents“ Enterprise restructuring ”, USA structural unemployment Increasingly prominent, Employment situation Sharp deterioration. The unemployment rate of the United States rose to 6.7% in 1991, and the employment situation continued to deteriorate in 1992. The annual unemployment rate reached 7.4%, Unemployment As many as 9 million people. Since 1993, the employment situation in the United States has begun to improve, and the unemployment rate has steadily declined to 4.3% in December 1998, the lowest level in the United States in 30 years.
(3) The price increase remained at a low level, and the government has long faced inflation Stress is eliminated
Consumer Price Index From 1992 to 30, there has been no rebound, only 1% in 1998. gross domestic product Austerity of price index From 4.3% in 1990 to 2% since 1993, the index grew by only 1.5% in the fourth quarter of 1997 and 1.8% in the whole year, the lowest point since 1965.
(4) export trade Strong growth momentum
In the past 10 years, the United States labour productivity Significant improvement and labor force Cost advantage Enhanced the ability of American products to international market Competitive power on. Between 1991 and 1994, the labor productivity of the U.S. manufacturing industry increased by nearly 12 Percentage point , surpassing Japan and Western Europe Increase in countries.
While the labor productivity of the United States increased rapidly, its unit labor cost grew slowly in the 1990s. As a result International competitiveness The significant increase enabled the United States to regain its first place in the world in semiconductor, car and other fields in the early 1990s.
(5) The federal budget deficit has decreased year by year
As the Clinton administration adopted a strong policy of increasing taxes and reducing spending, the federal fiscal deficit of the United States gradually decreased from 289.2 billion dollars in 1992 to 116.8 billion dollars in 1996. The federal fiscal deficit accounted for Gross National Product The proportion of GDP also dropped from 4.93% in 1992 to less than 3% in 1996. In 1997, the actual federal budget deficit of the United States was only $22.6 billion.
In February 1998, US Congress Finally passed the financial proposal of the Clinton administration Budget balance The plan aims to eliminate the federal budget deficit by 1999. In fact, US Federal Government In 1998, it reached 72.8 billion US dollars Fiscal surplus
There are three main characteristics of the new economy. First, enterprises are paying more and more attention to transforming value from tangible Asset transfer reach intangible assets On. Enterprise expansion Compared with the old economic era, we pay more attention to the use and control of intangible assets, and also pay more attention to the value brought by intangible assets.
For example, Marriott The company is the world Famous hotel The management group, which never builds its own hotel or owns any hotel entity, is only responsible for hotel management. At the same time, companies like SaraLee not only create brands, but also want to own brands. They are brand holders. Such companies not only do not organize production, but also rarely invest capital into fixed assets They pay more attention to brand management.
Secondly, the value is transferred from the enterprise that provides products to the enterprise that not only provides products but also provides low-cost and highly personalized products, or can provide solutions to problems.
For example, the world famous DELL company sells computers that can be assembled according to the requirements of each customer to achieve a high degree of personalization, while its price is relatively low; IBM They provide customers with solutions to problems. They have a complete set of processes to solve various difficult problems encountered in the use of products at any time, and accept various inquiries from customers.
Finally, enterprises can easily data management come cost reduction This is another important feature of the new economy. Jack Welch used to Marketing personnel Saying "change or perish" at the meeting is not a pleasant way for a GE person, but it really works. It is often said that "embrace the network, not just a web page". To embrace the network, rather than just giving a web page, means that having a web page does not mean that networking has been achieved, but web pages network marketing The foundation of. [6]

Global context

Not only the United States, Western Europe The economy is showing similar signs. For a long time, growth has stagnated, labor use has been limited, and government budget Europe has been plagued. What is gratifying is that now it begins to show Economic vitality After years of economic stagnation growth rate Over 3 per cent in 1999. Unemployment was once a problem Continental Europe One of social problem Today, its unemployment rate has also dropped below 10%. eurozone second Big economy In France private sector The employment opportunities created also reached the best level in 30 years. from Helsinki reach Lisbon Companies everywhere are investing heavily in new information technology.
Therefore, it is located in Frankfurt Of Goldman Sachs chief economist Thomas Mayer concluded: "There is no doubt that a new economy is taking shape in the euro area." He said that the rapid growth of knowledge-based enterprises and the complete deregulation of telecommunications and other markets clearly showed this.
It should increase capital and labor like the United States productivity 。” He added, "The key is whether the new economy can gain a firm foothold in Europe, and whether the growth has enough stamina, as the United States did investment boom 。” Saint Etienne, a consultant expert in Paris, estimates that if there is an investment boom, the new economy will grow rapidly and replace the "old world", and Europe is expected to usher in a new era of prosperity.
The new economy Asia There is also a dawn. Although two or three years ago, East Asia And Southeast Asia The outbreak is widespread in all countries and regions financial crisis , but has emerged from the crisis. Both the government and the private sector are full of optimistic hopes for the new economy. After more than two years of crisis, managers and decision-makers of large companies are eagerly looking forward to the expansion of information technology, the development of the Internet and globalization Our business activities can bring huge returns. The most exciting topic at many board meetings is personal computer Smart phone Three in one integration with e-commerce and its great impact on productivity and consumption in the region.
New Economy Series
No one will think that the economy of these countries can be transformed overnight, but Asia also enjoys the advantage of latecomers, that is, it only needs to import new products that have proved effective from the United States economic model So as to greatly promote the economic sustained development In short, the new economy originated from the United States, but the wave of new economy has swept the world.

Connotation and essence

Like the spring tide, when the first spring of the century came Economic circles People and enterprises together focus on this economic phenomenon: the new economy originated in the United States. Being concerned and studied by so many people in such a short time has itself proved the value and significance of the existence of the new economy.
What is the new economy, and whether it surges in and out like a tide. Whether it is like a bubble, filled with vision in an instant, and vanished in an instant. What does the emergence of the new economy mean, mean and reveal. People are discussing, guessing and looking for answers.
There are different opinions on the connotation and essence of the new economy.
The United States, the first to promote the idea of "new economy"《 Business Week 》When defining the term, he said: "'new economy' does not mean that inflation has died, nor does it mean that we will not have another recession, or that the economic cycle has been eliminated; nor does it mean that stock market It will get rid of self adjustment and rise forever, just as the bean stalk will rise to the sky. Naturally, it does not mean that the Asian financial turmoil will not affect the United States ",
"When we talk about the 'new economy', we mean two trends that have emerged in recent years. The first trend is economic globalization, and the second trend is the information technology revolution."
There are many controversies about the meaning of "new economy". Some scholars believe that the key to scientific interpretation of "new economy" is to grasp that the U.S. economy is moving from Traditional economy —— industrial economy To a new type of economy—— knowledge economy In transition. Because the current economy is undergoing fundamental changes and transformation. Therefore, the economic phenomena, economic characteristics, economic concepts and economic theory Change is inevitable. The "new economy" of the United States has begun to show the typical characteristics of the knowledge-based economy, which is mainly reflected in the tremendous contribution of the information technology revolution to the economy and the development of the Sustainability
Some scholars believe that the so-called "new economy" is in essence a knowledge-based economy, which is different from the previous Traditional industry by pillar industry , with natural resources The new economy is the main support. This new economy High tech industry As the pillar intellectual resources Is the main support.
Some scholars also believe that the meaning of the "new economy" in the United States needs further discussion. First, since the "new economy" is formed by relying on economic globalization and information technology revolution, it is a unique economic phenomenon in the United States at this stage, or developed country Will gradually form an international economic phenomenon. Secondly, is the "new economy" of the United States a phenomenon that has existed for a period of time or a long-term stable phenomenon. Once the economic growth slows down, inflation intensifies or the unemployment rate rises sharply, will the "new economy" disappear. Thirdly, in terms of economic globalization and economic openness, Britain and France are no less than the United States. Why are the unemployment rates in the United States low, while those in Britain and France high. Why did the United States form a "new economy", while Britain and France did not form a "new economy". If these issues are not explained clearly in theory, the true meaning of the "new economy" is still difficult to reveal.
Some economists, such as the famous American economist Krugman, hold a negative attitude towards the "new economy". They believe that some changes in the economic life of the United States are caused by temporary factors, and there is no fundamental Power The economic cycle will still recur.
Attended the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum twice, and became the first Harvard Famous Chinese entrepreneurs Haier Group CEO Zhang Ruimin He believes that the so-called new economy should be based on digital knowledge network technique A sustainable economy based on innovation and driven by new science and technology.
Famous economist Fan Gang In fact, "new economy" is endowed with different meanings in different occasions. At first, the new economy was used to refer to the recent state of the American economy: Scientific and technological progress High long-term growth, low inflation and low unemployment on the basis of globalization; This makes the traditional description of unemployment and inflation reverse Correlation The so-called“ Phillips curve ”No longer applicable (hence the "new" economy). But then, with“ Network Unit ”Many people at home and abroad are calling the so-called "new technology industry" or "technology sector" represented by the information and network industry "new economy" on many occasions, while others“ Traditional industries ”It is called the "old economy".
Based on the above statements, we can reach a consensus that the so-called new economy is mainly represented by the US economy Economy of developed countries The concept derived from the foundation is that it is an economic state of sustained high growth, low inflation, rapid scientific and technological progress, high economic efficiency, and global resource allocation.
Although the new economy is a new concept based on the economic development of the United States in the past decade, it relies on two cornerstones of dependence and development: technological revolution The global informatization brought about by the Global economic integration Its role and influence have long gone far beyond the borders of the United States. Therefore, the new economy is not the patent of the United States economy, and its far-reaching impact and Development trend It is likely to become the mainstream form and operation mode of future global economic development.
The reason why the new economy is "new" stems from the new revolutionary significance of the information and technology revolution, which is the driving force behind its emergence and development. Unlike any previous technological revolution, the information technology revolution has not changed the way humans use natural resources. Although its influence will inevitably lead to human's influence on natural resources Utilization But it is realized by changing the transmission and storage mode of human information. For a long time, under the cover of low labor productivity, insufficient information has affected human beings economic activity Has been ignored, since industrial revolution Since then, several technological revolutions have greatly improved human productivity, Information bottleneck And gradually expand and widen,
The most influential philosopher in the 20th century Karl Popper With an advanced vision, information was first separated from the real world as the third element of the world, which is juxtaposed with matter and consciousness. This proves from the height of philosophy that the information technology revolution has a profound and significant impact.
The rapid development of information technology is not only a revolution in the way human information is transmitted and stored, but also puts forward innovative requirements for the way human economy and society are organized information superhighway These products of the information age are affecting the production and life of human beings in an all-round way. The information age has just come, the impact of the information technology revolution on human beings has just shown signs, and the new economy has just shown its light. A newer, more beautiful, faster Information World In the near future, it will be shown in front of people.
Therefore, we can think that the essence of the new economy is informatization and globalization, and the core of the new economy is high-tech innovation and a series of innovations in other fields driven by it. The realistic environment for the emergence of the new economy is global economic integration. The advancement of information technology revolution and the development of new economy will inevitably lead to the global integration process Speed up. The new economy is an unprecedented scientific and technological type in the history of human economic development Innovative economy
Baidu New Economy Forum

Difference between old and new economies

The difference between the old and the new economy
We are at the turn of the century, and the old economy will eventually be better adapted New era The new economy needed to replace. So, what are the specific differences between the old and the new economies that we are talking about. Obviously, the most fundamental difference between them is that the old economy based on manufacturing is characterized by standardization, scale, modeling, efficiency and hierarchy, while the new economy is based on information technology and pursues differentiation, individualization, networking and speed.
Next, let's take a look at the more profound differences between the marketing of the new and old economies. The old economy relied on its own products to organize and develop. It focused on profitable direct transactions operating performance The company pays attention to the interests of shareholders, conducts marketing with marketing, and usually creates brands with advertising. Although it aims to attract customers, it lacks Customer satisfaction It is always over committed to consumers, but it is difficult to fulfill the promises made by themselves. [7]
The marketing of the new economy is very different from this. Although the new economy also focuses on the level of business performance, the new economy itself relies on strong Customer group To support and develop, it pays more attention to the lifelong value of customers and the interests of shareholders, focuses on people first in marketing, creates brands through practical actions, and strives to maintain and develop Customer resources New economy requires enterprises to own Customer satisfaction and Customer retention rate At the same time, we can always realize our commitments to customers.
Illustration: New economy spreads in all fields [8]
Illustration: New economy spreads in all fields [8]

development history

On January 10, 2022, the "14th Five Year Plan" of Chengdu's new economy was announced: 32 new tracks will be laid out, and the revenue will exceed 2.5 trillion yuan by 2025 [9]