Xinchang County

County under Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province
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synonym Xinchang (Administrative division) generally refers to Xinchang County (a county under Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province)
Xinchang County, Zhejiang Province Shaoxing City , located in the east of Zhejiang Province, the south of Shaoxing, and the east of Ningbo Fenghua District Ningbo Ninghai County It borders Taizhou in the south Tiantai County Border, southwest and Jinhua City Dongyang City Jinhua City Pan'an County Border, west, north and Shengzhou City Bordering with Shengzhou City Xinsheng Basin The county covers an area of 1213 square kilometers. [13] By the end of 2023, Xinchang County has 411700 permanent residents, with an urbanization rate of 65.1%. [20]
Xinchang County was established in 908 AD, with the geomorphic feature of "eight mountains, half water and half farmland", which is a typical mountainous county. Xinchang is Zhejiang high-quality development and construction of common prosperity demonstration area One of the first pilot areas. Has become Home of Bearing in China The county is a strong pharmaceutical county, a textile machinery base, a large cold matching county and a production base of auto parts. It is a national demonstration county for scientific and technological progress, a national science and technology trade (biomedicine) base, and a national torch plan pharmaceutical industry base. Xinchang is the birthplace of Chinese landscape poetry and landscape painting The Road to Tang Poetry in Eastern Zhejiang The essence of Buddhism trip and tea ceremony. Xinchang is Hometown of Famous Tea in China Ten key tea producing counties, national tea standardization demonstration counties, and national tea science and technology innovation demonstration counties, "Dafo Longjing" has successively won the honors of national agricultural famous brand products, top 100 regional public brands of agricultural products in China, and top 10 regional public brands of tea in China. [13]
In 2023, the gross domestic product (GDP) of the whole county will reach 60.667 billion yuan, an increase of 8.0% over the previous year at constant prices. By industry, the added value of the primary industry was 2.501 billion yuan, up 3.8%; The added value of the secondary industry was 30.130 billion yuan, up 7.2%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 28.036 billion yuan, up 9.4%. The added value structure of the tertiary industry was 4.2:51.3:44.5. The per capita GDP is 141851 yuan (calculated by the registered population), which is converted into 20130 dollars at the annual average exchange rate. [16] [21]
Chinese name
Xinchang County
Foreign name
Xinchang County
area number
three hundred and thirty thousand six hundred and twenty-four
Administrative Region Category
East China
geographical position
Zhejiang Province Shaoxing City southeast
1213 km²
Area under jurisdiction
4 streets, 6 towns, 2 townships
Government residence
No. 190, Renmin Middle Road
Area Code
Postal Code
three hundred and twelve thousand and five hundred
climatic conditions
Subtropical monsoon climate
population size
426500 [21] (Permanent population by the end of 2023)
train station
Xinchang North Station [19]
License plate code
Zhejiang D
60.667 billion yuan [16] [21] (2023)

Historical evolution

Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period , Xinchang County successively belongs to The more , Wu Chu And other countries, Qin dynasty Genus Kuaiji County Han dynasty It was under the jurisdiction of Kuaiji Prefecture until the Tang Dynasty Shanxian County Part of.
the tang dynasty At the end of the year, warlords separated themselves and supported their troops. In the third year of Qianning in the Tang Dynasty (896), Qian Liu conquered Yuezhou , establish Wu Yue State King Wu Yue Qian Liuyin Capital Qiantang River It's a long way to Wenzhou. People come and go from southeast of Shaanxi and exchange special resources frequently. There is no post station along the way Five Dynasties In the second year of Liang Kaiping (908), Xinchang County was set up in 13 townships in the east of Shanshan.
Yuan dynasty , under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces Shaoxing Mansion
the Ming dynasty , under the jurisdiction of the Zhejiang Chief Executive, Si Ningshao Road.
the Qing dynasty Xinchang belongs to Shaoxing Prefecture and is subordinate to Zhejiang Province Ningshaotai Road
Republic of China Zhejiang Province has an administrative supervision district, and Xinchang County has successively belonged to the second and third districts.
On May 22, 1949, Xinchang was liberated Shaoxing District (based in Yuecheng).
In 1952, Xinchang Ningbo Area
In January 1958, it was removed from Xinchang County and merged into Shengxian County [2]
In December 1961, Xinchang County was restored.
In September 1964, Shaoxing District was re established, which governs Xinchang and other counties. [2]
In May 1968, Shaoxing District was renamed Shaoxing District, and Xinchang County was subordinate to Shaoxing District.
In July 1983, Shaoxing was abolished, and Shaoxing City was established under the jurisdiction of the province. Xinchang County was subordinate to Shaoxing City. [2]
Dali silk

administrative division


Division evolution

At the beginning of the establishment of Xinchang County, there were 13 townships.
In the Song Dynasty, the county was still the township, and the countryside was the village. In the sixth year of Dazhong Xiangfu (1013), 13 townships were merged and Xiangui Township was added. According to Jiatai's Kuaiji Annals, Xinchang County has 8 townships, including Wushan, Fengle, Caiyan, Xiangui, Shanzheng, Xinchang, Anren and Shouyi, with a jurisdiction of 26 li.
In the Yuan Dynasty, there were 39 prefectures and 42 prefectures in Xinchang County.
In the Ming Dynasty, it was made of ten households with a head of armour, a hundred households with a length of li. It was 40 li in the early Ming Dynasty. During the Chenghua period, it was merged into 32 li. In the fifth year of Longqing (1571), it was set as 30 li.
At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, following the Ming system, the county had 30 capitals. The following line (figure) system. There are townships under the county. There are township directors, who set up maps. There are map directors to manage the affairs. There are also map directors, who are in charge of the scale book of this map. Below, there are sub villages. The village has its head. It collects land taxes and remit money. In the 10th year of Yongzheng era (1732), there were 3442 Zhishunzhuang villages in 8 counties of Shaoxing Prefecture, including 482 in Xinchang County. In the first year of Xuantong (1909), local autonomy was implemented. Counties were divided into townships. In the next year, the capital system was abolished. The electoral voting law was adopted. Areas were divided. Towns with a population of more than 50000 and townships with a population of less than 50000 were called. The whole county is divided into five districts, namely the city, east, south, west and north, with a total of 835 villages. The urban area governs 32 villages in the county and its suburbs, the eastern area Wozhou Town, 350 villages, the southern area Caiyan Township, 217 villages, the western area Chengtan Township, 153 villages, the northern area Huangze Town, 83 villages.
In the early Republic of China, this system remained unchanged. In the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928), the National Government announced the County Organization Law, and implemented the village system. The county was divided into districts and villages. A village is composed of more than 100 households, and a joint village is composed of several villages with less than 100 households; Take more than 100 households as one mile. In the 18th year of the Republic of China (1929), Xinchang County was divided into 320 villages. In March of the next year, it was divided into six districts, namely, the city, east, south, west, north and east. In the 19th year of the Republic of China (1930), the National Government issued the Rural Autonomy Implementation Law, which changed the village into a township, with 5 households as neighbors, 5 neighborhoods as villages, more than 100 villages as townships, and more than 100 street markets as towns. In the 21st year of the Republic of China (1932), the whole county was divided into 4 districts, 12 towns, 208 townships, 2210 lvs and 11799 neighbors. In June of the 23rd year of the Republic of China (1934), Baojia system was implemented, and Baojia was set up below the villages and towns. According to the statistics of the next year, the county is divided into 4 districts, with 42 townships (towns) under its jurisdiction, 625 households and 6170 households. In December of the 28th year of the Republic of China (1939), the whole county was changed from 42 townships to 37 townships with 527 guarantees. In the 30th year of the Republic of China (1941), a new county system was implemented and the number of towns and villages was adjusted. In July of the 31st year of the Republic of China (1942), Xinchang County was occupied by the Japanese army and its population decreased. The number of Baojia was reduced to 523 Baojia and 5738 Baojia in the 33rd year of the Republic of China (1944). In the 35th year of the Republic of China (1946), it was divided into three guidance areas, which were reduced to 30 towns (3 towns, 27 townships) and 522 townships.
In May 1949, Xinchang County was liberated. The whole county was divided into 5 districts, with jurisdiction over 30 towns and 520 guarantees. In June, the Baojia system was abolished and the county was divided into districts, townships and villages. In December 1950, Huishan District was established in Huishan Township, Zhiren Township, Bahe Township and Caichun Township in the south and Jingping Township in the west. In this way, the whole county is divided into 6 districts and 36 towns. In May 1950, in order to facilitate land reform and farmers' participation in politics, small towns and townships were designated as districts. In September 1950, the county was divided into 6 districts, 70 towns and 533 villages. In June 1952, nine townships with large cities were set up and small general districts were set up. In the same year, Chengguan Town was changed into a town directly under the county, and the urban area was renamed as suburban area. In April 1956, in order to meet the needs of the agricultural cooperative movement, the district and township were merged, and the whole county was reduced to 36 townships, and the number of villages increased to 536. In September 1958, the government and commune system was implemented. The county organized 9 people's communes, with 72 production brigades and 507 production teams under its jurisdiction. After the revocation of Xinchang County in November 1958, the commune was incorporated into Shengxian County. In January 1959, the production brigade was renamed as the management area. The original Xinchang County had 9 people's communes and 52 management areas. In July 1959, the management area of Xinchang Brigade was changed to a town system.
In April 1961, the commune was restored to the district level administrative system to manage the establishment of communes in the district and administer the production brigade. After the restoration of Xinchang County in December 1961, three brigades, namely, Huangze Town and Lanzhou, Mache and Qianwang, belonging to Ou'an Commune in Xinchang County, belonged to Shengxian County, and three brigades, namely, Dongchen, Xichen and Tangjiazhuang, belonging to Haoshi Commune in Shengxian County, belonged to Dunshan Commune in Xinchang County. The county has jurisdiction over 8 districts, 1 town, 48 people's communes and 818 brigade. In June 1962, the district office was revoked and the commune was directly under the county. In 1968, the district was restored.
In August 1971, Zaoyuan, Huyi, Maojia and Shujia Brigades of Shengxian Zhongnan Commune were incorporated into Xinchang Chengtan Commune, and Daaodi Brigade of Huangze Town in Shengxian County was incorporated into Xinchang Mengjiatang Commune; The Houwan Brigade of Xinchang Shantou Commune is under the jurisdiction of Shengxian Zhongai Commune, and the half hill production team of Xinshan Brigade of Xinchang Chengtan Commune is under the jurisdiction of Shengxian Haoshi Commune. Since then, Xinchang County has remained unchanged. In 1979, Luxi commune and Jiefang commune in Changzhao reservoir area were merged and called Changzhao commune. At the end of 1979, the county had 1 town (Chengguan Town, which governs 16 neighborhood committees), 8 districts, 44 people's communes, and 733 brigades.
In 1983, the commune was changed into a township, and the villages below the township were changed into villages. The brigade was changed into a villagers' committee, and 759 villagers' committees were under the jurisdiction of the county. From 1985 to 1989, 8 townships were successively changed into built-up towns. The whole county is divided into 8 districts, namely suburb, Chengtan, Jingling, Huishan, Ru'ao, Dashiju, junior general and Shaxi, governing 9 towns (of which Chengguan Town is directly under the county), 39 townships, 777 villages and 3479 villagers' groups.
In May 1992, the whole province carried out the removal of districts and expansion of towns and villages. Eight district offices in Xinchang County were removed, and 48 towns were removed and merged into 18 (11 towns and 7 townships), with 777 villages under its jurisdiction.
In November 2001, Daming Town, Bamao Town and Guayingshan Village of Chengnan Township were merged into Chengguan Town, with 9 towns and 7 townships in the county. In December 2002, 22 residential areas in Chengguan Town were formed into 12 communities, namely, Qixing, Gushan, Tea Pavilion, Bell Tower, Meihu, Shizhong, Dongxi, Huliantan, Chengnan, Fengshan, Linjiang and Lincheng. In 2004, there were 416 administrative villages in the county, instead of 777. In 2005, the village committee of Dafo Temple was abolished. In August 2006, Chengguan Town was cancelled and divided into three streets, namely Nanming, Yulin and Qixing. Changzheng Township and Jingping Township were cancelled and merged into Ru'ao Town and Jingling Town respectively. In 2008, Nanyan Community was established in the west of the county seat.
In 2014, Qixing Community was divided into Xiling Community. In 2017, Huliantan Community was divided into Xindong Community. In 2018, Fengshan Community was divided into western suburban communities. In 2019, Yudong Community will be set up in the east of the county seat, and Xiling Community will be divided into Binjiang Community. The number of administrative villages in the whole county has been merged from 415 to 253, including Meizhu Town, Chengtan Town, Xinlin Township, Dashiju Town, Wozhou Town, Shuangcai Township, Huishan Town, Qiaoying Township and Xiaojiang Town.
In 2020, Seven Star Community will be divided into Yanxi Community and Nanyan Community will be divided into Nanxing Community. By the end of 2020, the county will have 12 township streets (6 towns, 2 townships and 4 streets), 20 communities, 253 villages and 13 rural residential areas. In 2022, Linjiang Community will be divided into Qingshan Community, Xiling Community into Heyue Community, and Binjiang Community into Sanxi Community. By the end of 2022, the county will have 12 township streets (6 towns, 2 townships, 4 streets), 23 communities, 253 villages, and 13 rural residential areas. [15]

Zoning Details

Xinchang Map
By the end of 2019, Xinchang County had jurisdiction over 4 streets, 6 towns and 2 townships: Yulin Street Nanming Street Qixing Street Chengtan Street Huishan Town Wozhou Town Xiaojiang Town Shaxi Town Jingling Town Ru'ao Town Chengnan Township Dongming Township [1]
By the end of 2022, Xinchang County has 12 township streets (6 towns, 2 townships, 4 streets), 23 communities, 253 villages, and 13 rural residential areas. [15] The People's Government of the County is located at No. 190, Renmin Road, Nanming Street.

geographical environment


Location context

Xinchang County, located in the southeast of Shaoxing City, governs Nanming Street, 83 kilometers away from Shaoxing, 132 kilometers away from Hangzhou, and 95 kilometers away from Ningbo. East of the county Fenghua Ninghai , south rooftop , adjacent to the southwest Pan'an Dongyang , Northwest and Shengzhou Bordering. The county is 52.3 kilometers from east to west and 36.9 kilometers from south to north, between 120 ° 41 ′ 34 ″~121 ° 13 ′ 34 ″ east longitude and 29 ° 13 ′ 55 ″~29 ° 33 ′ 52 ″ north latitude. The county covers an area of 1213 square kilometers. [13]
Xinchang County

topographic features

Xinchang County is a mountainous and hilly county dominated by mountains, forests and dry lands, known as "eight mountains, half water and half farmland". The altitude of the main peaks is more than 600 meters, and the highest peak is a small general Bodhi Peak , 996 meters above sea level. The Siming Mountains enter from the northeast, from Xiaojiang to Shaxi Mountain. Tiantai Mountains The two branches enter from the south central part of the country, and the Tianmu Mountain area, which was called "the main mountain of one city" in ancient times, stretches to Anding Mountain , forming the eastern mountain from Ru'ao to Huishan. Joint inspection Dapan Mountains Entering from the southwest, the area around Anshan and Xikeng in Jingling Town forms the southern mountainous area of Jingling. The central part is hilly platform, generally basalt platform with an altitude of 250 meters to 500 meters. The large range includes Huishan, Dashiju, Mengjiatang, Dunshan, etc., and the edge is steep mountains. [13]


Xinchang Subtropical climate It is located in the middle and northern subtropical transition zone, mild and humid, with four distinct seasons. Rain and heat are synchronized in early spring and summer, while sunny and hot in midsummer, light and temperature complement each other in autumn and winter, and there are many disastrous weather. At the same time, it has typical mountain climate characteristics, with obvious differences in horizontal and vertical directions. The four seasons are long in winter and summer and short in spring and autumn. In spring, the cold and warm air masses move forward and retreat in the county. It is suddenly cold and hot. The weather is changeable and rainy. The precipitation is large, accounting for 26%~35% of the whole year. 3. Appears in April“ Cold in late spring ”。 In early summer, often“ Plum Rain ”The precipitation is large, sometimes "plum rain" occurs early in late May. During the midsummer from July to August, the subtropical high pressure of the Pacific Ocean enters the country. The weather is sunny and hot, forming“ Summer drought ”Typhoons, violent storms and torrential rains often cause disasters, accompanied by precipitation to relieve drought. In the afternoon, there are often local thunderstorms, hail, gale and rainstorm. The precipitation accounts for about 37% of the whole year. In early autumn, the cold and warm air masses collide. It is often cold and rainy. After mid autumn, affected by the small high pressure in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the autumn is high and the air is cool. "Autumn drought" is common, and "small sunny spring" occurs in October. The precipitation accounts for 14%. In winter, the high tide passes through the northwest valley plain (basin) and enters the Sanjiang River Valley. The temperature drops sharply, and the precipitation accounts for 23% of the whole year. [13]
In 2023, the average water quality of the "three rivers" junction of the New Changjiang River, Chengtan River and Huangze River will reach the Class II surface water quality standard. The 14 water environment quality assessment sections at the municipal level all meet the requirements of Class II or Class III functional areas, and the section compliance rate is 100%. The water quality of drinking water sources in county towns and villages and towns meets the requirements of Class II functional areas, and the rate of reaching the standard is 100%. The comprehensive air quality index of the whole county is 2.95, and the PM2.5 concentration is 21 μ g/m3, which is optimized by 1 μ g/m3 on a year-on-year basis, reaching the best level over the years. [21]


Xinchang County has three major rivers, namely Chengtan, Xinchang and Huangze. The county has a drainage area of 1209 square kilometers, 73 tributaries of different sizes, a length of 455.6 kilometers, and a river network density of 0.38 kilometers per square kilometer. Chengtan River, Xinchang River and Huangze River flow into Cao'e River in the northwest in a folded fan shape. [3]
Chengtan River It is the main stream of Cao'e River and originates from Jiangong Ridge in Pan'an County. It was called Tengxi at first, and Jiaxi at Wuzhangyan Reservoir. It entered the country 1 km northwest of Shiniankeng, Huishan Town. It flows through Jingling, Chengtan and other places from south to north, and flows into Shengzhou City at Baidu Creek, with a total length of 91 km. In Xinchang, 44.1 kilometers, the drainage area is 388.63 square kilometers, accounting for 31.8% of the total area of Xinchang County. The upstream and downstream rivers are about 80-140 meters wide respectively. More than 60% of the cultivated land and more than 70% of the population of Xinchang County are concentrated on both sides. [3]
New Changjiang , a tributary of Cao'e River, originates from Huading Mountain of Tiantai, passes through Shiliang Waterfall, Cisheng of Shiqiao Township to Dazhu Garden, flows through Shanghai Village of Xiaojiang Town, and is called Maoyang River and Huangtan River; It runs through the middle of the county to the northwest, passes through Wozhou Town, Bamaopian of Yulin Street, and reaches half a kilometer northwest of Houxi Village to Shengzhou City, with a total length of 67.3 kilometers. 48.9 kilometers in Xinchang, with a drainage area of 433 square kilometers, accounting for 36.3% of the total area of Xinchang County; The average river width is about 60 meters, and the natural fall is 173 meters. There are Changzhao Reservoir , also known as Wozhou Lake, is a provincial scenic spot. [3]
Huang Zejiang , formerly known as Wangze Stream, originated from Naifan Ridge in today's Xiaojiang Town, and was originally called Jugen Stream, after passing through Wozhou Town to Zhu'an, it was called Guangxi, after passing through Qin Village in Yulin Street, it was called Hengxi, after passing through Changshan Village, it was called Huangze River, after entering Shengzhou, Huangze, Pukou and Cao'e River, with a total length of 70.6 kilometers. 50.6 kilometers in Xinchang. The drainage area is 378 square kilometers, accounting for 30.9% of the total area of Xinchang County; The average river width is about 70m, and the natural fall is 257m. Its upstream is Qiaoying Reservoir [3]
Glimpse of Xinchang County

natural resources


mineral resources

There are many kinds of mine resources in Xinchang County, mainly including fluorite Granite lignite , oil shale Silver ore There are also blue stripes called "Jiangnan Bishi". Fluorite mine (pyrophyllite) has been developed for more than 70 years. The prospective reserves of granite are more than 100 million cubic meters, ranking first in Shaoxing. [3]
In 2023, the comprehensive energy consumption of industrial enterprises above designated size will reach 318300 tons of standard coal, up 5.9% over the previous year; The energy consumption of industrial enterprises above designated size per 10000 yuan output value is 0.0713 tons of standard coal per 10000 yuan, up 0.74% over the previous year; Energy consumption per unit of industrial added value above designated size decreased by 2.7%. [21]

water resource

The average annual runoff in Xinchang County is 947 million cubic meters, 771000 cubic meters per square kilometer, 2370 cubic meters per capita, close to the average level of Zhejiang Province. Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, by 2010, one large (II) reservoir with a total storage capacity of 189 million cubic meters has been built; Two medium-sized reservoirs with a total capacity of 48.91 million cubic meters; 13 small (I) reservoirs with a total capacity of 26.428 million cubic meters; There are 124 small (II) reservoirs and 503 mountain ponds. The construction of small hydropower stations began in 1956. After the reform and opening up, Xinchang County has launched large-scale small hydropower projects and gradually realized rural electrification. In 1986, it took the lead in realizing rural electrification in Zhejiang Province; By 2010, 119 small hydropower stations had been built in Xinchang County. The total installed capacity is 51520 kilowatts, and the annual power generation is up to 160 million kilowatt hours. [3]


As of 0:00 on November 1, 2020, according to the results of the seventh population census, there are 419036 permanent residents in Xinchang County sixth nationwide population census Compared with 380444 people, 38592 people increased in ten years, an increase of 10.14%. Among the permanent population of Xinchang County, the male population is 215185, accounting for 51.35%; The female population is 203851, accounting for 48.65%. The sex ratio of the total population (100 women, male to female ratio) is 105.56, which is higher than 104.46 of the sixth national population census in 2010. [12]
By the end of 2022, Xinchang County has a total registered population of 428900, including 218400 males and 210400 females, accounting for 50.93% and 49.07% of the total population respectively. Of the total population, 185100 are urban and 243700 are rural. The annual birth population was 1935, with a birth rate of 4.51 ‰; 3524 people died, with a mortality rate of 8.22 ‰; The natural growth rate is -3.71 ‰. [16]
By the end of 2023, Xinchang County has 411700 permanent residents, with an urbanization rate of 65.1%. [20]
In 2023, according to the annual population report of the Public Security Bureau, the total registered population of the county at the end of 2023 is 426500, including 216800 males and 209700 females, accounting for 50.84% and 49.16% of the total population respectively. Of the total population, 185800 are urban residents and 240700 are rural residents. The annual birth population was 1967, with a birth rate of 4.60 ‰; 4179 people died, with a mortality rate of 9.77 ‰; The natural growth rate is -5.17 ‰. [21]




In 2022, the GDP of Xinchang County will reach 56.475 billion yuan, an increase of 5.0% over the previous year at comparable prices, ranking first in the city. By industry, the added value of the primary industry was 2.523 billion yuan, up 3.3%; The added value of the secondary industry was 29.063 billion yuan, up 5.5%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 24.890 billion yuan, up 4.8%, and the added value structure of the tertiary industry was 4.5:51.5:44.1. The per capita GDP of the whole county is 131473 yuan (calculated by the registered population), which is equivalent to US $19547 at the average exchange rate. [16]
In 2022, the investment in fixed assets of Xinchang County will increase by 15.2%. In terms of industries, investment in the secondary industry increased by 36.6%, while that in the tertiary industry increased by 6.3%. In terms of structure, private investment increased by 22.4%, transportation investment increased by 12.6%, investment in ecological protection and public facilities decreased by 30.5%, and investment in high-tech industries increased by 22.3%. 40 projects with a total investment of 15.1 billion yuan were newly added, including 16 provincial key projects. [16]
In 2022, the total financial revenue of Xinchang County will reach 6.797 billion yuan, down 8.6% over the previous year; The general public budget revenue reached 4.165 billion yuan, down 7.3%, accounting for 61.28% of the total financial revenue; Tax revenue reached 3.049 billion yuan, down 12.1%, accounting for 73.21% of general public budget revenue. The general public budget expenditure of the county reached 7.107 billion yuan, including 5.026 billion yuan of livelihood expenditure, accounting for 70.72% of the budget expenditure. Expenditure on health, education, social security and other livelihood related items increased by 23.51% and 0.46% respectively. [16]
In 2023, the gross domestic product (GDP) of the whole county will reach 60.667 billion yuan, an increase of 8.0% over the previous year at constant prices. By industry, the added value of the primary industry was 2.501 billion yuan, up 3.8%; The added value of the secondary industry was 30.130 billion yuan, up 7.2%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 28.036 billion yuan, up 9.4%. The added value structure of the tertiary industry was 4.2:51.3:44.5. The per capita GDP is 141851 yuan (calculated by the registered population), which is converted into 20130 dollars at the annual average exchange rate. [16] [21]
New look of Xinchang County

primary industry

In 2022, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in Xinchang County will reach 3.378 billion yuan, an increase of 3.6% at comparable prices. Among them, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and service industry increased by 1.2%, 14.2%, 47.0%, 4.1% and 9.7% respectively. According to the grain monitoring data, the annual grain sown area is 109100 mu, and the total grain output is 38900 tons. At the end of the year, 48100 pigs were on hand and 68400 were sold; The pork output is 56600 tons, which can breed 4600 sows; At the end of the year, there were 170400 poultry on hand and 191200 sold; The annual output of meat and poultry was 0.34 million tons. [16]
In 2023, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery will reach 3.504 billion yuan, an increase of 3.9% over the previous year at comparable prices. Among them, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and professional and auxiliary activities of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery increased by 3.0%, 29.1%, 2.7%, 6.5% and 5.5% respectively. According to the grain monitoring data, the annual grain planting area is 113100 mu, and the total grain output is 43800 tons. At the end of the year, there were 46900 live pigs in Xinchang County; 62900 pigs were sold and the pork output was 5011 tons; It can breed 4900 sows, 163400 poultry and 208000 sold; The annual poultry output was 360 tons. [21]

the secondary industry

In 2022, the industrial added value of Xinchang County will reach 25.898 billion yuan, an increase of 5.1% at comparable prices. Among them, the added value of industries above designated size reached 18.009 billion yuan, up 9.3%. The momentum of development was released faster. The added value of industrial equipment manufacturing, strategic emerging industries, digital economy core industries and high-tech industries above the designated size of the county increased by 13.5%, 12.5%, 12.4% and 8.2% respectively, accounting for 69.18%, 55.14%, 18.09% and 90.17% of the added value of industries above the designated size. The output value of new products of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 34.637 billion yuan, up 15.4%, the output value rate of new products reached 50.93%, and the R&D expenditure was 2.912 billion yuan, up 16.6%. Corporate benefits grew rapidly, and the operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 64.507 billion yuan, up 6.7%; The total profit was 9.421 billion yuan, up 28.1%, and the sales profit tax rate was 16.85%. [16]
In 2022, the gross output value of the construction industry in Xinchang County will reach 6.105 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 23.86%; The total output value of the construction industry reached 6.577 billion yuan, up 25.22% year on year. In the whole year, there were 9 new construction general contracting tertiary enterprises, and 78 enterprises with construction industry qualifications. [16]
In 2023, the annual industrial added value will reach 26.594 billion yuan, an increase of 6.5% at comparable prices. Among them, the added value of industries above designated size reached 19.743 billion yuan, up 10.1%. The momentum of development continued to increase. The added value of industrial equipment manufacturing, strategic emerging industries, digital economy core industries and high-tech industries above the designated size of the county increased by 9.2%, 15.7%, 15.0% and 9.2% respectively, accounting for 69.48%, 54.31%, 23.64% and 90.09% of the added value of industries above the designated size. The output value of new products of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 37.337 billion yuan, an increase of 7.6%, the output value rate of new products reached 51.15%, and the R&D expenditure was 3.286 billion yuan, an increase of 12.1%. The operating revenue of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 65.357 billion yuan, up 0.2%; The total profit was 7.999 billion yuan, down 15.5%, and the sales profit tax ratio was 14.53%.
In 2023, the total output value of the construction industry in the province will reach 7.141 billion yuan, up 16.98% year on year; The total output value of the construction industry reached 7.504 billion yuan, up 14.10% year on year. There are 77 qualified enterprises in the construction industry, including 5 Grade I enterprises, 22 Grade II enterprises and 50 Grade III enterprises. [21]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

In 2022, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Xinchang County will reach 19.598 billion yuan, an increase of 7.3%, of which the total retail sales of consumer goods above the limit will reach 3.064 billion yuan, an increase of 11.8%. By sales unit location, the retail sales of social consumer goods above the urban limit reached 3.034 billion yuan, an increase of 11.7%, and the retail sales of social consumer goods above the rural limit reached 30 million yuan, an increase of 22.6%. By industry, the sales volume of wholesale, retail, accommodation and catering increased by 23.3%, 13.1%, 19.0% and 5.7% respectively. [16]
By the end of 2022, Xinchang County has 23 various commodity trading markets, including 17 consumer goods markets and 6 means of production markets. The annual turnover of the market was 8.922 billion yuan, and the vitality of large commodity trading markets was highlighted. There were 7 markets with annual turnover exceeding 100 million yuan, achieving a turnover of 8.436 billion yuan, accounting for 94.5% of the turnover of the county's commodity trading markets. [16]
By the end of 2023, there are 24 commodity trading markets in the county, including 16 consumer goods markets, 6 capital goods markets and 2 other service markets. The annual market turnover totaled 9.024 billion yuan, and the vitality of large commodity trading markets was highlighted. There were nine markets with annual turnover exceeding 100 million yuan, and the turnover reached 8.744 billion yuan, accounting for 96.89% of the total turnover of the county's commodity trading markets. [21]
In 2022, the total import and export volume of Xinchang County will reach 23.051 billion yuan, an increase of 33.5%, of which 22.497 billion yuan will be exported, an increase of 33.6%; Import was 554 million yuan, up 28.6%. From the perspective of major export products, electromechanical exports reached 12.375 billion yuan, up 32.3%, accounting for 55.0%; The export of pharmaceutical and chemical products was 3.663 billion yuan, down 23.3%, accounting for 16.3%; The export of high-tech products was 829 million yuan, down 17.4%, accounting for 3.7%. In terms of export markets, there were 178 export countries (regions), an increase of 35 over the previous year. 36 countries (regions) exported more than 100 million yuan, an increase of 7 over the previous year. The top three export countries are the United States, India and Japan, with exports of 3.778 billion yuan, 1.567 billion yuan and 1.293 billion yuan respectively; Among the 15 major export countries and regions, the top three in terms of growth were the Philippines, Russia and Malaysia, with an increase of 886.7%, 266.7% and 90.9% respectively. [16]
In 2022, there will be 7 new foreign-invested enterprises in Xinchang County, with a total investment of 1.56 million US dollars, contractual foreign capital of 94.43 million US dollars, and actually utilized foreign capital of 26.09 million US dollars. Four overseas investment enterprises were newly added, and the amount of Chinese investment reached US $3.895 million. [16]
In 2022, Xinchang County was successfully rated as a provincial pilot county to promote people's spirit and an excellent pilot area for cultural and tourism industry integration. The Great Buddha Temple Scenic Area and Xinchang Silk World Tourist Area are subject to the review and evaluation of national 4A tourist attractions. There are 175 A-level scenic villages in the county (including 32 3A level scenic villages), and the coverage rate of scenic villages accounts for nearly 70% of the total number of administrative villages. In 2022, Xinchang was successfully rated as a provincial pilot county to promote the people's spirit and an excellent pilot area for cultural and tourism industry integration. The Great Buddha Temple Scenic Area and Xinchang Silk World Tourist Area are subject to the review and evaluation of national 4A tourist attractions. [16]
In 2023, it won six national honors, including "One of the Top 100 Counties with National Comprehensive Tourism Strength in 2023", "2023 Typical Innovative Development of Chinese Food Tourism Destinations", "Famous Tourism County with High Quality Development of Cultural Tourism Integration in China", and "China's Best Global Tourism and Leisure Destination". Strive for the provincial pilot project of cultural industry enabling rural revitalization. Tianmu Mountain Scenic Area was rated as a national 3A tourist attraction, and 19 peaks were included in the list of 5A creation intentions. It will create a provincial 3A scenic village, a provincial tourism post station, and three provincial key cultivation markets. [21]
By the end of 2022, the balance of local and foreign currency deposits of financial institutions in Xinchang County will reach 98.195 billion yuan, an increase of 20.7% over the end of the previous year, of which the balance of household deposits will reach 43.778 billion yuan, an increase of 21.3%; Deposits of non-financial enterprises reached 39.558 billion yuan, up 30.4%; Broad government deposits totaled 14.31 billion yuan, down 0.3%. At the end of the year, the balance of domestic and foreign currency loans of financial institutions reached 94.660 billion yuan, up 26.5%, including 26.350 billion yuan of household loans, up 11.5%; Loans from non-financial enterprises and institutions reached 68.310 billion yuan, up 33.4%. [16]
By the end of 2023, the balance of local and foreign currency deposits of financial institutions in the county will reach 117.18 billion yuan, an increase of 19.3% over the end of the previous year, including 52.877 billion yuan of household deposits, an increase of 20.8%; At the end of the year, the balance of domestic and foreign currency loans of financial institutions reached 117.136 billion yuan, up 23.7%. [21]


On January 8, 2022, Hangzhou Taizhou High speed Railway Officially opened to traffic, Shengzhou Xinchang Station The official operation ended the history of no railway in Xinchang. [14]
In 2022, Xinchang County will gradually upgrade and transform 30 kilometers of low-grade roads, 88 kilometers of pavement maintenance and other maintenance projects, and brighten 75 kilometers of rural roads, based on the new reconstruction project of rural roads, in combination with measures such as rural networking roads, rural road reconstruction and upgrading, and large and medium maintenance of rural roads. We continued to deepen the "express delivery into the village", opened six passenger and freight mail cooperation lines, improved and upgraded 20 rural express "Gongfu Posthouse", delivered about 1.44 million pieces of express delivery, delivered about 35000 pieces of agricultural products, and delivered about 5 million yuan worth of agricultural products. The construction of key projects was smoothly promoted, and the second phase of National Highway 104 was included in the provincial key construction projects in 2022; Phase I of National Highway 527 won the Provincial Red Flag Award in the second quarter of 2022; Phase I of National Highway 527, Xinhu Line and Wangjin Line won the city red flag award in the third quarter of 2022; Key projects such as Jinyong Railway, Phase I of Xinhu Line, Phase I of Tianmu Bridge and Wangjin Line have been steadily promoted; Phase I of National Highway 527, horizontal to vertical transformation of South Interchange connecting line, Taixia Line, Chengru Line Phase I, Yanli Chenjia, Louji Xikeng, Tianmu Mountain Tongjing Road Phase II and other projects have achieved results. The level of public services has been further improved. It has been included in the list of founding units of the "four good rural roads" national demonstration counties. The high-quality development of urban and rural public transport integration has been included in the first batch of pilot projects for common prosperity of transport services. The reform of the two yuan one ticket system for urban and rural public transport has been achieved, and the province's first new scene of "smart public transport" that can directly use digital RMB payment has been launched, Take the lead in launching the first elderly passenger "face brushing payment" function in Shaoxing, and open the first Danxia style night tour bus line; The digital intelligence service and supervision of rural passenger transport, and the hierarchical and classified digital control of "two passengers and one danger" enterprises were included in the provincial pilot. [16]
In 2023, 114 kilometers of "Four Good Rural Roads" will be reconstructed and upgraded, creating a national demonstration county of "Four Good Rural Roads", and Hulu Ma Line will be rated as the "Ten Most Beautiful Rural Roads" in the province. Create a digital intelligence service and supervision platform for rural passenger transport in Xinchang - "Xinchangxing", realize eight functions such as real-time query, response to public transport, face recognition, etc., with a monthly visit of more than 800000 people, and solve the "last mile" of mass travel. Zhejiang Xinchang: Empowering Digital Intelligence and Promoting the High Quality Development of Urban and Rural Public Transport was selected as a typical case of the transformation and development of national road passenger transport; Create a "Xinchangda" rural logistics service brand, and accelerate the integrated development of passenger, cargo and mail in Xinchang through the operation mode of "fast cooperation+fast mail cooperation+mail delivery cooperation"; The project of "New Smooth and Smooth Urban Rural Road" was selected into the fourth batch of rural logistics service brands in China. [21]
Xinchang Transportation

social undertakings


Science and technology

In 2022, the number of patents granted in Xinchang County will reach 2792, including 399 invention patents, 2146 utility models and 247 appearance designs. The proportion of R&D expenditure in GDP has remained above 4% for eight consecutive years. We have implemented the "enclave+high-tech innovation park+fund" scientific and technological talent project whole process introduction model, accelerated the construction of high-tech innovation park and scientific and technological innovation enclave, officially put the international scientific and technological innovation talent enclave of Shuangcheng into operation, and established a high-level talent scientific and technological innovation investment fund with a total scale of 1 billion yuan, The establishment of the first 500 million yuan science and innovation talent fund has been basically completed. The intelligent textile machinery innovation consortium was completed and put into operation. 10 provincial R&D institutions were newly added, and 162 new products at or above the provincial level were developed (filed). [16]
In 2023, 2213 patents will be granted in the county, including 414 invention patents, 1611 utility models and 188 design patents. The proportion of R&D expenditure in GDP has remained above 4% for nine consecutive years. The "enclave+high-tech innovation park+fund" scientific and technological talent project whole process introduction and cultivation mode has been implemented. Two enclaves, namely, high-tech innovation park, Hangzhou Shuangcheng International Scientific and Technological Innovation enclave, and Xinchang Scientific and Technological Innovation Talent Port (Beijing), have been constructed and operated. A 300 million yuan scientific and technological innovation talent fund has been officially established, and a total of 15 scientific and technological talent projects have been recruited. Jointly built Zhejiang University Xinchang Joint Innovation Center (Tianmu Laboratory) with Zhejiang University to achieve zero breakthrough in Xinchang's high-energy platform. 13 provincial-level R&D institutions were newly added, and 162 new products at or above the provincial level were developed (filed). [21]


In 2022, Xinchang County will have 19 primary schools with 22023 students, and the enrollment rate and consolidation rate of school-age population in primary education will reach 100%; There are 13 ordinary junior middle schools with 10933 students. The enrollment rate of junior middle school school-age population is 100%, and the consolidation rate is 100%. The proportion of junior middle school graduates entering senior high school is 99.01%; There are 5 ordinary high schools in the county, with 2117 new students, 6764 students in school, and 2453 expected graduates. [16]
In 2023, the county will have 17 primary schools with 22586 students, and the enrollment rate and consolidation rate of school-age population in primary education will reach 100%; There are 13 ordinary junior high schools with 10632 students. The enrollment rate of the school-age population in junior high schools is 100%, and the consolidation rate is 100%. The proportion of junior high school graduates entering senior high school is 99.59%; There are 5 ordinary high schools in the county, with 2191 new students, 6458 students in school, and 2164 expected graduates. [21]

Cultural undertakings

In 2022, Xinchang County will have 1 art performance group, 1 art school, 1 cultural center, 12 township comprehensive cultural stations, and a total collection of 647000 public libraries. Cultural activities continued, including 109 performances, 6 cultural visits, 117 lectures, 12 trainings, 74 exhibitions, 35000 books, 3011 films and 123 other reading and promotion activities. The cultural industry has been further developed, one provincial growth oriented cultural enterprise (Zhejiang Yuanjin Packaging Co., Ltd.) has been cultivated, and one Shaoxing characteristic cultural industrial park (Xinchang Baiyun Culture and Art Village Co., Ltd.) has been added. Xinchang Performing Arts Group, the first state-owned cultural company in Xinchang County, was established. [16]
In 2023, 47 15 minute quality cultural life circles, 2 urban study rooms and 1 cultural post will be built. We promoted high-quality public cultural resources to sink into the frontline of towns and villages, sent 264 exhibitions and lectures to the countryside, 143 plays to the countryside, 67000 books to the countryside, more than 3000 films to the countryside, and 21 cultural walks to Lanxi, Cixi, Yiwu and other places. 203 sessions of 30 trainings and lectures were held, which directly benefited 15813 people. Promote Tianmu Study · Tourism Distribution Center to be selected as the "Most Beautiful Public Cultural Space in Zhejiang Province", Dongming Township to be selected as the "Zhejiang Literary Creation Collection Base", Li Xiaojiang Village to be selected as the "Literary and Artistic Beauty · Zhejiang Aesthetic Education Village", and Jinshan Village to be selected as the "Zhejiang Cultural Demonstration Village". [21]

medical and health work

In 2022, Xinchang County will have 263 medical and health institutions of all levels and types, including 3 tertiary hospitals, 1 emergency center, 2 maternal and child health care centers (institutes), 12 township hospitals, 53 community health service stations, 10 outpatient departments, 25 clinics, 33 health centers, health stations, clinics, 118 village clinics, and 6 private hospitals. The county has 2532 approved beds, 6.74 beds for 1000 people, 1593 licensed (assistant) doctors, 3.91 doctors for 1000 people, 1778 nurses and 4.37 nurses for 1000 people. [16]
In 2023, there will be 270 medical and health institutions of all levels and types in the county, including 3 tertiary hospitals, 6 private hospitals, 1 maternal and child health hospital, 1 emergency center, 12 township hospitals, 54 community health service stations, 11 outpatient departments, 33 clinics, 117 village clinics, 32 health centers, health stations, clinics and other medical institutions, and 2795 open beds in the county, 6.85 beds for 1000 people, 1664 licensed (assistant) doctors, 4.08 doctors for 1000 people, 1912 nurses and 4.69 nurses for 1000 people. We made every effort to promote the relocation of the People's Hospital, the construction of the Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, and the construction of the Seventh People's Hospital. The hospital of traditional Chinese medicine was successfully promoted to the "top three" at the provincial level. We innovated and carried out mobile hospital itinerant diagnosis and treatment services, and constantly consolidated the network base of basic medical services. We basically built a healthy medical and health service system covering urban and rural areas, and realized the "15 minute medical and health service circle". The construction of healthy Xinchang has been continuously promoted. It has been awarded as an excellent county in the health assessment of Zhejiang Province for 5 years, and has been successfully built into a provincial health county. The province's pilot construction of inclusive childcare has been completed. There are 44 registered childcare institutions (post stations) in the county, with 4.5 childcare places per thousand children, accounting for 93% of the inclusive childcare places. The reform of the medical community was effectively promoted, achieving the goal of 90% of the county medical treatment rate and 67.5% of the grass-roots medical treatment rate. [21]

People's life

In 2022, the per capita disposable income of all permanent residents in Xinchang County will reach 58265 yuan, an increase of 4.9%, the per capita disposable income of urban permanent residents will reach 71438 yuan, an increase of 4.0% over the previous year, and the per capita living consumption expenditure will reach 40754 yuan, an increase of 6.7%; The per capita disposable income of rural permanent residents was 39127 yuan, up 7.9%, and the per capita living consumption expenditure was 25298 yuan, up 8.4%. [16]
In 2023, the per capita disposable income of all permanent residents in the county will reach 62071 yuan, an increase of 6.5%, the per capita disposable income of urban permanent residents will reach 75613 yuan, an increase of 5.8% over the previous year, and the per capita living consumption expenditure will reach 43948 yuan, an increase of 7.8%; The per capita disposable income of rural permanent residents was 42068 yuan, up 7.5%, and the per capita living consumption expenditure was 27812 yuan, up 9.9%. [21]

social security

In 2022, there will be 7235 new urban jobs in Xinchang County, and the urban registered unemployment rate will always be controlled within 3%. The participation rate of basic endowment insurance and basic medical insurance in the county reached 99.62% and 99.9% respectively. The per capita retirement and old-age benefits of enterprise employees were raised to 2759 yuan/month, the minimum living allowance was raised to 1050 yuan/month, and the basic living standard of rural people in extreme poverty was raised to 1592 yuan/month. The implementation of the enterprise burden reduction policy "took off", and the accumulated return of stable posts throughout the year was 44.0862 million yuan, benefiting 7988 enterprises, and stabilizing 132800 employees. [16]
6055 new urban jobs were created in the county. The basic endowment insurance coverage rate of the registered population in the county reached 99.21%, and the basic medical insurance coverage rate reached 99.94%. The standard of per capita retirement and old-age benefits for enterprise employees was raised to 2861 yuan; From January to June 2023, the minimum living standard will be 1050 yuan/month/person, and from July to December 2023, it will be increased to 1134 yuan/month/person, and the basic living standard of rural people living in extreme poverty will be increased to 1699 yuan/month/person. [21]

fixed assets

In 2023, the annual investment in fixed assets will increase by 17.6% over the previous year. In terms of industries, the investment in the secondary industry increased by 8.1%, and the investment in the tertiary industry increased by 22.5%. In terms of structure, private investment increased by 12.8%, transportation investment increased by 20.8%, investment in water conservancy, environment and public facilities decreased by 11.1%, and investment in high-tech industries increased by 19.2%. In 2023, there will be 46 new projects worth more than 100 million yuan, with a total investment of 18.69 billion yuan, including 12 thousand trillion yuan projects and projects started by city and county governors. [21]


In 2023, the annual investment in real estate development will be 5.067 billion yuan, an increase of 33.5% over the previous year. The annual sales area of commercial housing was 504700 square meters, down 7.1%, and the sales volume of commercial housing was 5.606 billion yuan, down 5.9%. [21]

Domestic trade

In 2023, the total retail sales of consumer goods in the whole year will reach 22.207 billion yuan, an increase of 13.3% over the previous year, of which the total retail sales of consumer goods above the limit will reach 3.009 billion yuan, an increase of 37.7% over the previous year. According to the statistics of the places where the sales units are located, the retail sales of consumer goods above the urban limit reached 2.905 billion yuan, up 35.1%; Retail sales of consumer goods in rural areas were 104 million yuan, up 251.5%. According to consumption patterns, catering revenue was 530 million yuan, up 26.2%; Retail sales of commodities reached 2.48 billion yuan, up 40.3%. Among the retail sales of commodities above the designated size, grain, oil, food, tobacco, alcohol, communication equipment and automobiles increased by 64.6%, 93.2%, 45.5% and 38.1% respectively. [21]

Foreign economy

In 2023, the total import and export volume of the whole year will reach 25.332 billion yuan, an increase of 10.0%, of which 24.718 billion yuan will be exported, an increase of 10.0%; Import was 615 million yuan, up 10.9%. From the perspective of major export products, electromechanical exports reached 12.804 billion yuan, up 3.5%, accounting for 51.8%; The export of pharmaceutical and chemical products was 3.51 billion yuan, down 4.2%, accounting for 14.2%; The export of high-tech products reached 984 million yuan, up 22.9%, accounting for 4.0%. In terms of export markets, there were 195 export countries (regions), an increase of 17 over the previous year. 50 countries (regions) exported more than 100 million yuan, an increase of 14 over the previous year. The top three export countries are the United States, India and Japan, with exports of 3.658 billion yuan, 1.43 billion yuan and 1.232 billion yuan respectively; Among the 15 major export countries and regions, Angola, Russia and Indonesia ranked the top three with growth rates of 545.0%, 62.4% and 40.8% respectively.
There were 6 newly approved foreign-funded projects throughout the year, with contracted foreign investment of US $34.43 million, down 63.5% year on year, and actually utilized foreign investment of US $64.25 million, up 146.3% year on year. [21]


In 2023, the total fiscal revenue of the whole year will reach 7.84 billion yuan, an increase of 15.3% over the previous year; The general public budget revenue reached 4.630 billion yuan, an increase of 11.2%, accounting for 59.06% of the total fiscal revenue; Tax revenue reached 3.538 billion yuan, up 16.0%, accounting for 76.42% of general public budget revenue. The general public budget expenditure of the whole county reached 7.370 billion yuan, including 5.806 billion yuan of livelihood expenditure, accounting for 78.78% of the budget expenditure. Expenditure on education, social security and employment increased by 2.3% and 54.2% respectively. [21]

Historical culture

  • Xinchang Tune
Xinchang Tune It is one of the ancient opera tunes, also known as Diaoqiang, Shaoxing Gaodiao and Xinchang Gaoqiang. Centered on Xinchang, distributed in Shaoxing, eastern Zhejiang Xiaoshan , Shangyu, Yuyao, Shengxian (today's Shengzhou), Ninghai, etc. Xinchang Tune is regarded as the Southern Opera of the Ming Dynasty“ Four acoustic cavities ”One Yuyao Tune The only remaining sound of. In the early Qing Dynasty, Xinchang tune entered its heyday and spread around Hangzhou. [4]
  • Xinchang Shifan
Xinchang Shifan It is a kind of traditional music spread in Xinchang. It was originally court music and later spread among the people. It is based on the Jiaofang Qupai of the Tang Dynasty, and multiple Qupai are combined into divertimento. Because of its varied performance forms and melodious melody, it is popular with the masses. [5]
  • Shaoxing Mulian Opera
Shaoxing Mulian Opera , which means it is popular in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province and its counties Maudgalyayana enters Hell to rescue his mother The drama with the theme of Shaoxing Water Town“ Social drama ”Even one of the main types of folk opera. "Ci Hua is not as beautiful as the Western Chamber, but more filial than the Western Chamber", acting scholar of the Ming Dynasty sunny It is called Mulian Opera and The West Chamber. Lu Xun He called it "the work of real farmers and handicraft workers, who play it in leisure". The music of Shaoxing Mulian Opera always follows the "Xinchang Tune", which is one of the four major tunes in the Ming Dynasty“ Yuyao Tune ”The only remaining sound of the opera is Hulu, Houxi and other Mulian troupes. [6]
  • Xiwang Lotus Seed Shop (Beggars' Sect)
Xiwang Lianzixing (Beggars' Sect) is a distinctive folk dance with unique tunes and artistic characteristics of singing and dancing while walking. This folk performing art began in the Zhengde period of the Ming Dynasty (AD 1506), and is derived from the opera Shuanggui Tu. It is a rare folk art heritage in Zhejiang Province. [7]

famous scenery

  • Tianmu Mountain Scenic Area
Tianmu Mountain Scenic Area It is located in the southwest of Chengguan, Xinchang, and consists of three major divisions: the Great Buddha Temple, Wozhou Lake, and Chuanyan Nineteen Peak. The planning area includes three relatively independent areas and 11 scenic spots, with a total area of 149.07 square kilometers, including 30.93 square kilometers of core scenic spots. The area from Dafo Temple to Shili Qianxi covers a total area of 36.58 square kilometers, the area across Shijiufeng covers a total area of 31.35 square kilometers, and the area of Wozhou Lake covers a total area of 81.14 square kilometers.
  • Grand Buddhist Temple
Grand Buddhist Temple There are many places of interest and historic sites in the temple, which is a key open temple in China. During the Six Dynasties, it was the birthplace of Chinese Buddhism and the earliest Maitreya Taoist Temple Tiantai Sect the School of Vinaya One of the ancestral courts of. According to《 Zhejiang Tongzhi 》Record: Mahayana Buddhism as a symbol of the localization of Buddhism in China Prajna It is very prosperous in Xinchang“ Six families and seven clans ”Except the Dao'an family in the north, the rest originated from Xinchang. The Great Buddhist Temple is a gathering place of eminent monks and great virtues. There have been a large number of literati in the past dynasties, such as most famous early calligrapher Li Bai meng haoran Mi Fu learned scholar Hongyi Zhao Puchu , Youjiu, Matsuura, Japan, and other places, leaving more than 100 cultural relics here.
Grand Buddhist Temple
  • Nineteen Rock Piercing Peaks
Nineteen Rock Piercing Peaks Jingling Town, located about 22 kilometers southwest of Chengguan, Xinchang, with a total area of 31.35 square kilometers, is composed of Nineteen Peaks Qianzhang Valley Chongyang palace , Taitou Mountain Reverse bootie It is composed of five scenic spots. Among the nineteen peaks of Chuanyan, there is a 108 meter long glass plank road in the air, through which you can see the vertical mountain. The Feilong plank road is mainly composed of three parts: ancient wooden plank road, aerial glass plank road and Feilong overpass.
Nineteen Rock Piercing Peaks
  • Dali Silk World
Dali Silk World Industrial Tourist Attraction in Xinchang County covers an area of 320 mu. With the theme of "walking the Jiangnan Silk Road and enjoying the beautiful style of silk", the scenic spot is composed of five parts: Millennium Mulberry Garden, Silk Culture Street, Silk Culture Museum, Dali Ecological Experience Leisure Area and Silk Boutique Exhibition and Shopping Center. It is a collection of sericulture gardens, silk museum It is a comprehensive tourist attraction with various tourism elements and forms, such as modern silk industrial production, silk culture and popular science education, ecological agricultural experience and leisure, entertainment, shopping, etc. [8]
Xinchang Dali Silk World Industrial Tourist Attraction
  • Wozhou Lake Scenic Area
Wozhou Lake Scenic Area , located 12 kilometers east of Xinchang County, with an area of 81.14 square kilometers Wozhou Lake , Tianmu Mountain, Liumen Mountain, Dongdang Mountain and 36du Scenic Spot and nine scenic groups. Wozhou Lake Scenic Area is now a provincial scenic spot National Water Conservancy Scenic Area And ten new attractions of leisure tourism in Shaoxing, National Scenic Area
Wozhou Lake
  • Tianzhu Lake
Tianzhu Lake , located on the gorge of Grasshopper Head Mountain and Xiaotianlong Mountain at the foot of Tianzhu Ridge, Tianzhu Lake Catchment area 320000 square kilometers, with a storage capacity of 3050000 cubic meters and a lake length of 3 kilometers.
Tianzhu Lake
  • Qianzhang Valley
Qianzhang Valley , located in the east of the 19th Chuanyan Peak, winding five miles, is a canyon Nineteen Peaks , Taitoushan two groups Danxia landform It is formed by mutual confrontation. Qianzhang Valley is the location of CCTV's Xiaoao Jianghu, Legend of Carving Heroes, and Tianlong Babu. [9]
Qianzhang Valley
  • Xinchang Intelligent Equipment Town
Xinchang Intelligent Equipment Town Located in Meicheng Block of Xinchang High tech Zone, with an area of 3.46 square kilometers and a total planned investment of 7.5 billion yuan, it aims to promote the integrated development of information technology and equipment manufacturing, and graft on Xinchang's The Road to Tang Poetry , Buddhism tour, the source of tea ceremony and other characteristic cultures, integrating the functions of industrial tourism and cultural leisure tourism. Since it was listed in the second batch of provincial characteristic towns in January 2016, it has invested 5.934 billion yuan in total. In 2018, the gross industrial output value above designated size will reach 10.908 billion yuan. In 2016 and 2017, it was rated as an excellent characteristic town in the provincial characteristic town assessment for two consecutive years. In 2018, the first in China National Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Service (Xinchang) Demonstration Base Settle down in a small town.
Xinchang Intelligent Equipment Town

Local specialty

Giant Buddha Longjing It is a kind of green tea. The product is made from the tender buds and leaves of the high mountain pollution-free tea garden by spreading, fixing, spreading, drying, screening and shaping. Its shape is flat and smooth, sharp and straight, the color is green and smooth, the fragrance is tender and lasting, with a slight orchid fragrance, the taste is fresh and sweet, the soup is yellow and green, the bottom of the leaves is delicate and green and bright, It has typical high mountain tea flavor.
Xinchang Xiaojingsheng It is a famous, special and excellent traditional product unique to Xinchang County, Zhejiang Province. It is thin and long in shape, golden in color, thin in shell and full in particles. After baking and frying, it is sweet, crisp and refreshing. It is a kind of high nutritional product. According to the determination, Xiaojingsheng contains 27% protein and 48% fat, rich in essential amino acid And multivitamins. [10]
Xinchang Atractylodes macrocephala It is also known as Zhejiang Art, Yuezhou Art, Huishan Art, and Yanshan Art. It is the traditional specialty of Xinchang County. It is commonly known as "frog art" because of its frog like shape. It is listed as a treasure of atractylodes macrocephala by traditional Chinese medicine. It has always been known throughout the country for its large quantity and good quality. It was listed as a tribute in the Ming and Qing dynasties. [11]

City Honor

In November 2023, it was selected into the "Top 100 Counties and Cities with National Comprehensive Strength in 2023" of China's Small and Medium Cities Development Index, ranking 93rd. [17]
In December 2023, it was selected as one of the top 100 comprehensive county competitiveness in Jixia in 2023, ranking 52nd. [18]