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New State

Xinzhou in Chinese history
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In ancient Chinese history, there were many Xinzhou, Hubei Province Jingshan City , Liangzhi is located in Xinzhou. Sichuan Santai County Xiao Ji, the Wuling King at the end of the Liang Dynasty, established Xinzhou in Xincheng County. In the fourth year (523) of Liangping in Xinzhou County, Guangdong Province, Xinzhou was set up, and in the second year (924) of Tongguang in the Later Tang Dynasty in Zhuolu County, Hebei Province, Xinzhou was set up. Henan Province Nanyang City Xinye and Xinzhou in the fourth year of Wude are all administrative states in Chinese history.
Chinese name
New State
Hubei Sichuan Guangdong Hebei Henan
Time of establishment
552 years

Xinzhou, Hubei

Hubei province Jingshan City beam ordinary Year (520-526) New State , juxtaposition Liangning County , prefectures, counties and Xinyang county offices are still present Xinshi Street
Western Wei Dynasty In the third year of the abolition of the emperor (554), Xinzhou was changed into Wenzhou Tangyan Hot Spring Named.

Xinzhou, Sichuan

In Santai County, Sichuan Province, Xiao Ji (552), the Wuling King at the end of the Liang Dynasty, established Xinzhou in Xincheng County, and the prefecture was under the jurisdiction of North Wucheng County (Tongchuan Town, Santai County, Sichuan Province today, changed from North Wucheng County to Xincheng County in the Northern Wei Dynasty, Emperor Gong In the third year (556), it was changed to Changcheng County. In the 18th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign in the Sui Dynasty (598), Xinzhou was changed into Zizhou (named after Zitong River), still governing Changcheng County.

Xinzhou, Guangdong

At present, Xinxing County in Guangdong Province, in the late Southern Dynasty, a large number of prefectures and counties were upgraded to prefectures, which greatly increased the number of prefectures and counties. In the fourth year of Liangping era (523), Xinzhou was set up, and the prefecture was in Xinning County (the prefecture was moved back to Xinxing County), and Solu County (the county was in Xialu Village, the integrated town of today's Xinxing County) was added to Xinning County (Xinzhou).
In the ninth year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign in the Sui Dynasty (589), Xinning County was changed into Xin'an County. Soon Xin'an County was abolished and Xinzhou was restored. Juncheng (now a new town in Xinxing County) was under the state administration. In the Tang Dynasty, the new state was abolished and restored.
Trimble In the first year (742), Xinzhou was abolished and Xinxing County , soon changed its name to Xinchang County.
In the first year of the Qianyuan era (758 years), Xinzhou was restored, and the state governance was still Juncheng and Liling South Road. In the Five Dynasties, Xinxing County was still established along the Tang Dynasty, and was Southern Han Dynasty Government rule. Zhao Song At that time, Xinzhou and Xinxing County were under the same jurisdiction Guangnan East Road
Large medium auspicious symbol In the ninth year (1016), Xinzhou and Chunzhou (today Yangchun County )The merger is called Spring State.
In the fourth year of Tianxi (1020), Xinchun Prefecture was abolished and the organizational system of Xinzhou and Chunzhou was restored.
In the 16th year of the Yuan Zhiyuan era (1279), Xinzhou Road was set up in Juncheng Executive Office Xinzhou Luli Jiangxi Save books in the line.
In the 19th year (1282), Xinzhou Road was reduced to Sanzhou (lower than the prefecture level), still called Xinzhou; Withdraw Xinzhou Road Administration Office.
bright Hong Wu Two years (1369), the new state was abolished; Xinxing County changed into an official county Guangdong Chief Secretary, Lingxi Road Zhaoqing Prefecture Etc. Since then, the territory of the county has changed from large to small, and a number of places have been set up to build new counties. [1]

Xinzhou, Hebei

In Zhuolu County, Hebei Province, in July of the second year of Tongguang in the Later Tang Dynasty (924), Tang Zhiwei's army was stationed in New State (today's Zhuolu County), under the jurisdiction of Guizhou. In 936, the Jin Dynasty abolished Xinzhou as Guizhou.

Henan Xinzhou

In Xinye, Nanyang City, Henan Province, in the fourth year of Wude's reign, Pingjin County was set up, Xinye was set up, Xinzhou was set up, and Xinye was abandoned. [2]