New urban area

Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province
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New urban area, affiliated to Shaanxi Province Xi'an , located in the northeast of Xi'an, east of Baqiao District Adjacent to, south to Beilin District Yanta District Adjacent to, north to Weiyang District Bordering to the west Lianhu District Connected, covering an area of 29.98 square kilometers, [12] The climate is temperate continental monsoon climate, with four distinct seasons, and the annual average temperature is 13.3 ℃. [14 ] As of October 2022, the new urban area governs 9 streets. [8] In 2021, there will be 622500 permanent residents in the new urban area. [15]
The original name of the new city is "King City"; During the Revolution of 1911, it was renamed "New Town". [10] In the Zhou, Qin and Han Dynasties, the new city was an important place in the capital; In the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, the Daming Palace under its jurisdiction was the power center of the country; In the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was the administrative command center in the northwest. [16] In October 2021, the new urban area was rated as "2021 China's Top 100 Smart Cities" by Well off magazine. [6]
In 2023, the new urban area of Xi'an will achieve a GDP of 72.21 billion yuan, up 5.7% year on year [28]
Chinese name
New urban area
area number
six hundred and ten thousand one hundred and two
Administrative Region Category
Municipal district
Xi'an, Shaanxi Province
geographical position
Northeast of Xi'an
29.98 km²
Area under jurisdiction
9 streets (As of October 2022)
Government residence
Xiyi Road Street
Area Code
Postal Code
seven hundred and ten thousand and four
climatic conditions
Temperate continental monsoon climate
population size
622500 (Permanent population in 2021)
Famous scenic spot
Daming Palace Scenic Spot Yongxingfang Scenic Spot
train station
Xi'an Railway Station
License plate code
Shaanxi A, Shaanxi U
72.21 billion yuan [28] (2021)

Historical evolution

In the 26th year of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty (221 BC), the administration was established at the prefecture and county levels, with an internal history. The internal history governs 37 counties. Now there are 6 counties in Xi'an, and the new urban area belongs to the internal history.
In the second year of Emperor Gaodi of the Western Han Dynasty (205 BC), Weinan County, Zhongdi County and Heshang County were set up. Today, Xi'an is under the jurisdiction of Weinan County. In the fifth year of Emperor Gaodi of the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC), Chang'an County was set up. In the seventh year of Emperor Gaodi of the Western Han Dynasty (200 years ago), the capital of Chang'an was established, and then the internal history was restored. Now the new urban area is under the jurisdiction of the internal history. In the second year of Emperor Jing of the Western Han Dynasty (155 BC), there were Right Internal History and Left Internal History. Now Xi'an is under the jurisdiction of Right Internal History. In the first year of the Western Han Dynasty (104 BC), the Lord Duwei of Youyou and Zuo Neishi was changed to Jingzhaoyin, Zuo Fengyi and Youfufeng, all at the county level. Jingzhaoyin governs 12 counties, including 7 counties of Chang'an, Xinfeng, Baling, Nanling, Duling, Fengming and Lantian. Today, Xi'an is under the jurisdiction of Chang'an County. In the first year of Jianwu in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 years), Chang'an was taken as the western capital, and Beijing Zhaoyin was re established, with jurisdiction over 10 counties and one marquis. In today's Xi'an, there are Chang'an, Baling, Lantian, Xinfeng, Yangling, Gaoling, Youxian, etc. The new urban area is under the jurisdiction of Chang'an County.
During the Three Kingdoms Period, in the first year of Cao Weihuang's reign (220 years), Jingzhaoyin was changed to Jingzhaojun, including Xi'an City, Weinan City, the south of Weihe River and most of Shangluo. In the first five years of the Cao Wei Dynasty (244 years), it was renamed Jingzhao County, with jurisdiction over Chang'an, Bacheng, Lantian, Xinfeng, Yinpan, Gaoling, Wannian, Youxian, etc. Today, the new urban area is under the jurisdiction of Chang'an County.
In the Western Jin Dynasty, Jingzhao County governed 8 counties, former Zhao and later Zhao Jingzhao County governed 9 counties, former Qin Jingzhao County governed 10 counties, later Qin Jingzhao County governed 11 counties, Northern Wei and Western Wei Jingzhao County both governed 8 counties, and Northern Zhou Jingzhao County governed 6 counties. The new urban area is under the jurisdiction of Chang'an County. In the second year of Emperor Ming of the Northern Zhou Dynasty (558), Wannian County was located in the east of Chang'an County, and the new urban area is under the jurisdiction of Wannian County.
In the Sui Dynasty, Chang'an was the capital. In the third year of Emperor Kaihuang of the Sui Dynasty (583), Jingzhao County was abolished and Yongzhou County was changed from Tongxian County to Wannian County to Daxing County. In the third year of Daye in the Sui Dynasty (607), Yongzhou was changed to Jingzhao County. There are 8 counties in Xi'an today, including Daxing, Chang'an, Lantian, Xinfeng, Gaoling, Wannian, Youxian, and Youxian. Today, the new urban area belongs to Wannian County.
In the first year of Tang Wude (618), Daxing County was renamed Wannian County. In the seventh year of Tang Tianbao (748), Wannian County was changed to Xianning County. In the second year (758) of the Zhide period of the Tang Dynasty, it was renamed Wannian County, and now the new urban area belongs to Wannian County.
Five Dynasties Period. In the first year of Kaiping in the Later Liang Dynasty (907), Yongzhou was set up in the abandoned Jingzhao Mansion, and it was changed to Da'an Mansion in the same year. Da'an Mansion governs 14 counties in Xi'an today, including 8 counties, namely, Danian, Da'an, Zhaoying, Lantian, Gaoling, Liyang, Quexian, Quexian, and Quexian. Today, the new urban area belongs to Wannian County. In the first year of Tongguang in the Later Tang Dynasty (923), Da'an Prefecture was changed to Da'an County, and later renamed Wannian County. In the later Jin, Han and Zhou dynasties, the new urban area today belonged to Wannian County.
In the seventh year of Xuanhe in the Northern Song Dynasty (1125), it was renamed Fanchuan County in Wannian. In the 21st year of Jin Dading (1181), it was changed to Xianning County, whose jurisdiction has not changed. Now the new urban area is under the jurisdiction of Xianning County.
In the third year of Emperor Taizong of the Yuan Dynasty (1231), Jingzhao Mansion was set up under Jingzhao Road. In the 16th year of the Yuan Zhiyuan era (1279), Beijing Zhaofu was changed into the general manager's office of Anxi Road. Now the new urban area is under the jurisdiction of Anxi Road. In the first year of Emperor Yuanqing's reign (1312), Anxi Road was changed to Fengyuan Road. Today, the urban area of Xi'an is under the jurisdiction of Fengyuan Road, and Fengyuan Road is under the jurisdiction of 26 counties. Today, there are seven counties in Xi'an, including Chang'an, Xianning, Lantian, Lintong, Gaoling, Youxian County and Youxian County. Today, the new urban area is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Recording.
In March of the third year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1370), Fengyuan Road was abandoned and Xi'an Mansion was set up. It is located on the west side of the social road in the east section of today's West Street. Today's Xi'an City is under the jurisdiction of Xi'an Prefecture, which governs 6 states and 31 counties. In today's Xi'an City, there are 7 counties including Chang'an, Xianning, Lintong, Lantian, Gaoling, Youxian County, and Youxian County. Xianning County governs today's new urban area.
In the first month of the second year of Shunzhi's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1645), Xi'an Prefecture was established. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, the jurisdiction of Xi'an Prefecture was reduced to Weinan City in the east, Zhouzhi County in the west, Tongchuan City in the north, and Ningshan County in the south. Xi'an Prefecture governs 15 counties, 1 Sanzhou, and 2 halls. In today's Xi'an City, there are Chang'an, Xianning, Lintong, Lantian, Gaoling, Youxian County, and Youxian County. Xianning County also governs the new city. On the first day of September in the third year of Xuantong in the Qing Dynasty (1911), the former Xi'an Prefecture was directly under the provincial people's government.
On January 8 of the second year of the Republic of China (1913), the Beiyang government abolished the government and set up roads; On November 12 of the same year (1913), Shaanxi Province set five roads in the middle, east, west, south and north. Today, Xi'an belongs to the middle of Shaanxi Road. In February 1914, Xianning County was abolished and incorporated into Chang'an County; On May 23 of the same year (1914), the central, eastern and western Guanzhong Road was merged. The Daoyin Office was located in the north of the east section of Xi'an West Street (today's Soci Road). Guanzhong Road governs six counties, namely Chang'an, Lintong, Lantian, Gaoling, Youxian, and Youxian. Today, Xi'an is under the jurisdiction of Chang'an County. From the 31st year of the Republic of China (1942) to the 33rd year of the Republic of China (1944), Xi'an set up 30 towns of Chengguan. Today, there are 8 towns in the new urban area, namely Zhongzheng, Minle, Shangren, Tongji, Chonglian, Anyuan, Liugu and Wumen. In November of the 34th year of the Republic of China (1945), the town was removed and divided into districts. Xi'an has a total of 12 administrative districts. Today, the new urban area has the fourth, fifth, eighth districts and part of the tenth district. (The 38th year of the Republic of China) On May 20, 1949, Xi'an was liberated, and the 12 districts set before were used.
On September 25, 1954, Xi'an carried out zoning adjustment, and the new urban area was composed of the fourth district, the fifth district and the sixth township of the tenth district.
From May 1960 to June 1962, the construction of the new urban area was cancelled.
In July 1962, the new urban area was restored.
In November 1966, it was renamed Dongfeng District.
In April 1972, the name of the new urban area was restored. [13 ]
New urban area

administrative division


Division evolution

At the beginning of liberation, after the abolition of the Baojia system in the Republic of China, there was no street system, and the district people's government dispatched 2-3 administrative cadres to deal with grass-roots administrative work in the unit of police stations.
In September 1954, the People's Government of the Fourth and Fifth Districts respectively set up East Fifth Road and West Eighth Road streets on a trial basis.
In 1955, the new urban area, with the jurisdiction of the police station as the unit, established 12 streets, namely, North Street, West 1st Road, Taoyuan New Village, Tongjifang, West 8th Road, Recreation Market, East 1st Road, Zhongshan Gate, Shangai Road, East 5th Road, East 7th Road and Zhongxing Road.
In June 1957, Beidajie Street was under the jurisdiction of Lianhu District; The five streets of Huangjinmiao Street, Ziqiang Road, Taihua Road, Erma Road and Jiefangmen Station in Weiyang District are included in the new urban area. At the same time, Tongjifang Street was cancelled, and its jurisdiction was divided into Xiyi Road, Taoyuan New Village and Xiba Road Street, and Taoyuan New Village Street was renamed Xiwu Road Street.
In December 1958, the streets of the whole district were adjusted and merged into seven, namely, Xiyi Road, Zhongshan Gate, Jiefang Gate, Xiwu Road, Changle West Road, Ziqiang Road and Taihua Road.
In January 1959, Dongwu Road was restored.
In May 1960, when the new urban system was abolished, the inner part of Xiyi Road, Xiwu Road, Dongwu Road, Zhongshan Gate Street and Jiefangmen Street was incorporated into the New City People's Commune in Weiyang District; The part outside the city of Taihua Road, Ziqiang Road and Jiefangmen Street is under the jurisdiction of Daminggong Commune in Weiyang District; Changle West Road is under the jurisdiction of Changle Commune in Baqiao District.
In July 1962, when the new urban area was restored, there were nine streets, namely, Zhongshan Gate, Dongwu Road, Taihua Road, Ziqiang Road, Hujiamiao, Changle West Road, Jiefang Gate, Xiyi Road and Xiwu Road, also known as the People's Commune.
In October 1965, Textile City in Baqiao District, Hansenzhai Street (Commune) and Xujiawan Street (Commune) in Weiyang District were incorporated into the new urban area.
In August 1968, revolutionary committees were set up in each street one after another, collectively known as people's communes, and street names were no longer reserved.
In December 1978, the name of the People's Commune Revolutionary Committee was cancelled in all streets and changed to streets.
In April 1980, Xujiawan Street and Textile City Street were respectively assigned to Weiyang District and Baqiao District.
In December 1982, the north of Hansenzhai Street was demarcated and Changle Middle Road Street was established. [11]

Zoning Details

As of October 2022, the new urban area governs 9 streets: Xiyi Road Street Changle Middle Road Street Zhongshan Gate Street, Hansenzhai Street, Jiefang Gate Street, Ziqiang Road Street, Taihua Road Street, Changle West Road Street, and Hujiamiao Street. [8] Xiyi Road Street, where the People's Government of the new urban area is located. [9]

geographical environment


Location context

New urban area, located in Xi'an Northeast, East and Baqiao District Adjacent to, south to Beilin District Yanta District Adjacent to, north to Weiyang District Bordering to the west Lianhu District It is connected. The geographical coordinate is between 108 ° 56'32-109 ° 01'34 ″ east longitude and 34 ° 14'09-34 ° 18'03 ″ north latitude. It is 7.63 kilometers long from east to west, 7.23 kilometers wide from south to north, and covers an area of 29.98 square kilometers. [12]
New urban area

topographic features

The new urban area is flat, slightly higher in the southeast and lower in the northwest. The altitude is 397.2-466 meters, with a relative height difference of 68.8 meters. The highest point is located in the eastern suburb of Hansenzhong, and the lowest point is located in the southern side of the eastern section of Hanyuan East Road in the northern suburb. The ground slope is generally less than 3 degrees. [12]


The new urban area belongs to temperate continental monsoon climate, with four distinct seasons and mild characteristics. The annual average temperature is 13.3 ℃, the average temperature in January is not less than - 0.5 ℃, and the average temperature in July is more than 26 ℃. The average annual precipitation is 500-700mm, mainly in summer and autumn. The annual average humidity is 70-73%. Northeast wind prevails in winter and southwest wind prevails in summer. The annual average wind speed exceeds 2.0 meters per second. [14 ]


In 2021, there will be 622500 permanent residents in the new urban area. Among them, there are 318200 males, accounting for 51.12%; The female population is 304300, accounting for 48.88%, and the gender ratio is 104.54 (100 women, male to female ratio). The population urbanization rate is 100.00%. The birth rate is 6.74 ‰, the mortality rate is 6.72 ‰, and the natural growth rate is 0.02 ‰. The registered population is 534438. [15]




In 2021, the GDP of the new urban area will be 63.996 billion yuan, an increase of 6.6% over the previous year at comparable prices, and an average increase of 3.4% over the two years. Among them, the added value of the secondary industry was 18.229 billion yuan, up 6.5%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 45.767 billion yuan, up 6.6%. The composition of the three industries is 28.48:71.52. The per capita GDP is 103178 yuan. The added value of the non-public sector accounted for 40.9% of the region's GDP. Fixed asset investment (excluding farmers) increased by 21.5% over the previous year. By industry, the investment in the secondary industry decreased by 26.5%, of which the industrial investment decreased by 31.7%; Investment in the tertiary industry increased by 22.6% year on year. Private investment was 57.0%, infrastructure investment increased by 2.8%, and cultural industry investment was 43.7%. Investment in real estate development increased by 56.6% over the previous year. Among them, residential investment increased by 253.9% year on year, office building investment decreased by 75.7% year on year, and commercial business housing investment increased by 47.9% year on year. The sales area of commercial housing was 297400 square meters, an increase of 123.6%. At the end of the year, the area of commercial housing for sale was 834 square meters, down 94.6% year on year. The local general public budget revenue was 2.263 billion yuan, an increase of 22.3% over the previous year; Tax revenue reached 2.090 billion yuan, accounting for 92.4% of the region's general public budget revenue, an increase of 24.5% over the previous year. Local general public budget expenditure was 3.43 billion yuan, down 3.0% over the previous year. The per capita disposable income of urban residents was 54302 yuan, an increase of 8.1% over the previous year. [15]

the secondary industry

In 2021, the added value of industries above designated size in new urban areas will increase by 11.0% over the previous year. Among industries above designated size, the total output value of strategic emerging industries increased by 26.3% over the previous year, accounting for 7% of the total output value of industries above designated size; The total output value of high-tech manufacturing increased by 26.3%, accounting for 7% of the total output value of industries above designated size. Among industries above designated size, the power supply industry grew 15.2% year on year, the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry grew 26.3% year on year, the special equipment manufacturing industry grew 129.3% year on year, the general equipment manufacturing industry grew 1.2% year on year, the rubber and plastic products industry declined 26.2% year on year, the instrument manufacturing industry grew 32.2% year on year, and the metal manufacturing industry declined 60.4% year on year. The added value of the construction industry was 9.231 billion yuan, accounting for 14.4% of the regional GDP. The total output value of construction industry of general contracting and professional contracting construction enterprises with qualification level in the region was 38.302 billion yuan, up 6.9% over the previous year, of which the total output value of state-owned and state-controlled enterprises was 36.054 billion yuan, up 10.2%. The amount of contracts signed by all qualified enterprises was 79.097 billion yuan, up 6.9%. [15]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

In 2021, the added value of wholesale and retail in the new urban area will be 6.4 billion yuan, up 1.3% over the previous year; The added value of transportation, warehousing and postal services was 1.33 billion yuan, up 14.3%; The added value of accommodation and catering industry was 696 million yuan, up 6.0%; The added value of the financial industry was 15.092 billion yuan, up 3.3%; The added value of the real estate industry was 3.390 billion yuan, up 13.4%; The added value of other service industries was 18.849 billion yuan, up 9.1%. The operating revenue of service enterprises above designated size was 11.618 billion yuan, an increase of 8.3% over the previous year. Among them, the business income of information transmission, software and information technology services increased by 9.9%. The total retail sales of consumer goods reached 25.336 billion yuan, up 0.3% over the previous year. Among them, the retail sales of consumer goods of enterprises (units) above designated size were 5.167 billion yuan, down 4.3%. Among enterprises (units) above designated size, the retail sales of goods by consumption type were 4.841 billion yuan, down 5.8%; Catering revenue was 326 million yuan, up 17.4%. Among the retail sales of enterprises (units) above designated size, the retail sales of automobiles fell by 15.4% year on year, that of Chinese and Western medicines increased by 21.5%, that of books, newspapers and magazines dropped by 12.2%, that of communication equipment dropped by 15.9%, that of clothing, shoes and hats, and knitwear and textiles dropped by 11.3%, that of household appliances and audio-visual equipment grew by 5.4%, that of grain, oil, and food dropped by 13.0%, that of beverages grew by 22.5%, and that of furniture grew by 128.2%, Tobacco and alcohol decreased by 16.7%, daily necessities by 21.4%, petroleum and products by 22.5%, and cultural and office supplies by 11.9%. Among the 210 enterprises above the designated size, the online retail sales of goods reached 105 million yuan, accounting for 2.03% of the retail sales of consumer goods above the designated size, down 1.8% from the previous year. [15]


The new urban area is an important transportation hub in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, connecting to the north Xitong Expressway , east to west to expressway; There are two railway stations (passenger station and freight station) and three long-distance bus stations within the jurisdiction; There are dozens of bus lines passing through; Metro Line 1 and Line 2 run through the whole district, and Metro Line 3, Line 4 and Line 5 run through the north and south of the district. [16]

social undertakings



In 2021, there will be 23 secondary schools in Xincheng District, with 34167 students and 10375 graduates. There are 37 primary schools with 38617 students and 5715 graduates. 67 kindergartens with 16939 students. 1620 new degrees were added. [15]

Science and technology

In 2021, there will be 109 high-tech enterprises in the new urban area, 46 more than at the end of last year. 181 small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises were evaluated and put into the library, 13% of the total social research and experimental development funds for industrial enterprises above the designated size, 12 billion yuan of technology contract transactions, 8 collaborative innovation docking activities of industry, university and research, 26 local transformation projects of scientific and technological achievements, and 1 demonstration institution for technology transfer. [15]

Cultural undertakings

In 2021, there will be 2 museums (excluding private ones) and 19 cultural relics protection units at all levels in the new urban area. 1 public library, with a total circulation of 11000 person times; There is one cultural center, which holds 37 cultural activities and 24 cultural performances throughout the year, with 80615 participants. [15]


In 2021, the new urban area will hold 16 mass sports exhibitions, performances and competitions for 51 times. The "15 minute fitness circle" will cover a total area of 39000 square meters, with 114 morning and evening exercise stations and 23 exercise events. The total number of social sports instructors in the region reached 2239, including 46 at the national level, 434 at the first level, 553 at the second level and 1206 at the third level. There are 4 national physique monitoring stations, with an annual average of 6000 person times. [15]

medical and health work

In 2021, there will be 337 various health institutions in the new urban area, including 37 hospitals and 17 community health service centers (stations). There are 16840 health technicians, including 4713 licensed (assistant) doctors and 6639 registered nurses. There are 82.6 million beds in various health institutions, including 8260 hospital beds. [15]

social security

Labor employment
In 2021, 17550 new jobs will be created in the new urban area, and the urban registered unemployment rate will be controlled within 4.5%. [15]
social insurance
In 2021, 253100 people will participate in medical insurance in the new urban area, including 178000 urban and rural residents and 75100 urban employees in basic medical insurance (including maternity insurance). 36993 people participated in the basic endowment insurance for flexible employment. There were 55200 people covered by unemployment insurance and 10728 people covered by industrial injury insurance. [15]
social assistance
In 2021, there will be 2882 households and 3976 people receiving minimum living allowances in the new urban area, and 40.2213 million yuan will be paid as minimum living allowances. [15]
Elderly affairs
In 2021, there will be 4 elderly care institutions providing accommodation and 471 beds in the new urban area. [15]

Historical culture


Origin of place names

The new city, formerly known as the "King City", is the location of the Qin Palace of Zhu Wei, the second son of Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty. At that time, the Qin Palace was very luxurious and rich, which was called the King City. In the early Qing Dynasty, it was called "Mancheng" because it was the garrison of the Eight Banners Army. Later, it was renamed "Xincheng" because of the relocation of the Shaanxi Provincial Government of the Republic of China during the 1911 Revolution. [10]

Cultural Relic

Former Site of Xi'an Office of the Eighth Route Army
Former Site of Xi'an Office of the Eighth Route Army , located in Qixianzhuang, Beixin Street, Xincheng District. After the peaceful settlement of the "Xi'an Incident", the Communist Party of China set up a Red Army liaison office here. In the 26th year of the Republic of China (September 1937), it was changed to Xi'an Office of the Eighth Route Army. The main work is to carry out the united front work, transport progressive youth to Yan'an, and transfer war materials for the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region and the front. In June of the 35th year of the Republic of China (1946), after Chiang Kai shek launched a full-scale civil war; In September of the same year, the office withdrew to Yan'an. In 1956, the Memorial Hall was established. In 1959, it was officially opened to the outside world. [17 ] [19] On January 13, 1988, the site of the Xi'an Office of the Eighth Route Army was announced by the State Council as the third batch of national key cultural relics protection units. [18]
Former Site of Xi'an Office of the Eighth Route Army
Wanshou Temple Pagoda
Wanshou Temple Pagoda , located at Wanshou Middle Road, Hansenzhai, the new urban area. Wanshou Temple was built in the Tang Dynasty (806-820), and was later destroyed due to war. The Wanshou Pagoda in the temple is said to have been built during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty (1572-1620). It was rebuilt in 1760 (the 25th year of Qianlong's reign) and 1899 (the 25th year of Guangxu's reign). The tower is a six corner six storey loft style brick tower, with a total height of 22.26m and a side length of 3.05m. [22 ] On June 9, 2014, Wanshou Temple Pagoda was announced by Shaanxi Provincial People's Government as the sixth batch of cultural relics protection units in Shaanxi Province. [23]
Wanshou Temple Pagoda

famous scenery

Daming Palace Scenic Spot
Daming Palace Scenic Spot Located at No. 585, Ziqiang East Road, Xincheng District, it is a national AAAAA tourist attraction, continuing the historical pattern of Daming Palace in the Tang Dynasty. It is mainly built with Tang Culture Theme Park, Archaeological Theme Park and other areas, providing tourists with a good landscape and a place to display the political culture of the Tang Dynasty. [24-26]
 Daming Palace Scenic Spot Daming Palace Scenic Spot Daming Palace Scenic Spot Daming Palace Scenic Spot Daming Palace Scenic Spot Daming Palace Scenic Spot Daming Palace Scenic Spot Daming Palace Scenic Spot Daming Palace Scenic Spot Daming Palace Scenic Spot Daming Palace Scenic Spot
Daming Palace Scenic Spot
Yongxingfang Scenic Spot
Yongxingfang Scenic Area, located in Zhongshan Gate of Dongxin Street in the new urban area, is a national AAA level tourist attraction. It takes Shaanxi folk culture as the connotation, the Ming and Qing Dynasties antique building community as the carrier, and uses the cultural heritage of the square for thousands of years to build a comprehensive tourism area with characteristics integrating folk leisure, sightseeing tourism, food experience, intangible cultural heritage food museum, etc. [20] [21 ]
Yongxingfang Scenic Spot

Famous people

Zhang Kuancheng , male, Han nationality, born in 1930 (the 19th year of the Republic of China), a member of the Communist Party of China, an expert enjoying the special allowance of the State Council, one of the first batch of engineering survey and design masters in China, graduated from the Department of Civil Engineering of North Sichuan University (now Chongqing University) in 1952, studied in the senior engineering geology class of the Design Cadre School of Shenyang Heavy Industry Ministry in 1953, and has been engaged in engineering geology, geotechnical engineering survey It has been designed and researched for more than 60 years. Served as the deputy leader of the engineering geological team of the Machinery Industry Survey, Design and Research Institute; Branch, deputy director and director of technical office; Branch, chief engineer, chief consultant engineer, director of expert room, etc. He was promoted to the first batch of engineers since the founding of New China in 1956, senior engineer in 1982, and professor level senior engineer in 1987. [27 ]

Honorary title

Awarding unit
Date of grant
2020 Top 100 counties and cities with Chinese characteristics [1]
Well off magazine [1]
February 2020 [1]
2020 China's Top 100 Counties and Cities with Entrepreneurship and Innovation [2]
Well off magazine [2]
March 2020 [2]
2020 China's Top 100 Charity Counties and Cities [3]
Well off magazine [3]
March 2020 [3]
2020 China's Best 100 Counties and Cities for Real Estate [4]
Well off magazine [4]
June 2020 [4]
The first batch of national science popularization demonstration counties (cities and districts) from 2021-2025 [5]
China Association for Science and Technology [5]
September 1, 2021 [5]
2021 China's Top 100 Smart Cities [6]
Well off magazine [6]
October 2021 [6]
Quality and Balanced Compulsory Education: First Create County (City, District, Banner) [7]
ministry of education [7]
April 20, 2022 [7]