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Xinxu Town

Town under the jurisdiction of Deqing County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province
open 16 homonymous entries
Xinxu Town, under the jurisdiction of Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province Deqing County , located in the south of Deqing County, connected to the east Jiushi Town , facing Xijiang River in the south, and connecting with Huilong Town Connected to the north Guanxu Town Maxu Town Bordering, [2] The administrative area is 115.18 square kilometers, [3] By the end of 2019, the registered population of Xinxu Town was 25519. [3]
During the Republic of China, a new market place was set up in Xinxu Town, called Xinxu, so it got its name. In November 1986, it was changed into a town. [2] As of October 2021, Xinxu Town has jurisdiction over 1 community and 11 administrative villages; [4] No. 5, Zhuxin Street, People's Government of the town. [2]
In 2019, there were 21 industrial enterprises in Xinxu Town, including 2 enterprises above designated size and 2 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [3]
Chinese name
Xinxu Town
Administrative Region Category
Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province Deqing County
geographical position
South Deqing County
115.18 km²
Area under jurisdiction
1 community, 11 administrative villages
Government residence
5 New Street
Area Code
Postal Code
five hundred and twenty-six thousand six hundred and thirty-one
climatic conditions
Subtropical monsoon climate
License plate code
Yue H
25519 persons (Registered population by the end of 2019)

Historical evolution

During the Republic of China, a new market place was set up in Xinxu Town, called Xinxu, so it got its name.
In December 1949, the first district was set up.
In December 1956, Xinxu Township was established.
In September 1958, the Red October Commune was established.
In June 1959, Xinxu Commune was established.
In September 1983, it was changed into a district.
In November 1986, it was changed into a town. [2]

administrative division

By the end of 2011, Xinwei Town had one neighborhood committee and Xinwei, and Xinwei, Lima, Shanzui, Gemu, Dashazhou, Zhongtong, Hedong, Datong, Tangbei, Shangzui and Guanche had 11 village committees; There are 112 village groups. [2]
By October 2021, Xinxu Town has jurisdiction over 1 community and 11 administrative villages: Xinwei Community, Lima Village, Shanzui Village, Xinxu Village, Gemu Village, Dashazhou Village, Zhongtong Village, Guanche Village, Tangbei Village, Datong Village, Shangzui Village, Hedong Village; [4] No. 5, Zhuxin Street, People's Government of the town. [2]

geographical environment


Location context

Xinxu Town is located in the south of Deqing County and connected to the east Jiushi Town , facing Xijiang River in the south, and connecting with Huilong Town Connected to the north Guanxu Town Maxu Town Bordering, [2] The administrative area is 115.18 square kilometers. [3]
Xinxu Town

topographic features

Xinxu Town is dominated by hills, some of which are alluvial areas along the Xijiang River. The highest point is Fei'e Mountain, 360 meters above sea level, and the lowest point is Xijiang depression, 41 meters above sea level. [2]


Xinxu Town has a subtropical monsoon climate, characterized by mild climate and abundant rainfall. The annual average temperature is 21.5 ℃, the maximum temperature is 39 ℃, the minimum temperature is 0 ℃, the annual average rainfall is 1500 mm, the maximum rainfall in extreme years is 1860 mm, and the minimum rainfall in extreme years is 820 mm. [2]


Xijiang River in Xinxu Town flows through the territory, with a shoreline of 15 kilometers. There is also Maxu River, which flows through the territory for 6.6 kilometers. [2]

natural disaster

The main natural disasters in Xinxu Town include flood, rainstorm, typhoon, etc. The most serious flood disaster occurred on June 28, 1998. Five villages were flooded, 102 houses were destroyed, 3000 mu of crops were seriously lost, and the economic loss was 3.2 million yuan. [2]

natural resources

The proven underground mineral resources in Xinxu Town include rare earth, granite and natural high-quality mineral water; Wild animals include pheasant, mountain mouse and wild boar. [2]
In 2011, there were 12500 mu of arable land, 0.5 mu per capita. The mountainous area is 110000 mu. [2]


As of 2011, Xinxu Town has a total registered population of 23023, including 18620 urban residents. There are 11628 males and 11395 females in the total population, all of whom are Han people. There are 5922 people under 14 years old, 15502 people between 15 and 64 years old, and 1599 people over 65 years old. The total area of the town is 138 square kilometers, and the population density is 166.8 people per square kilometer. [2]
By the end of 2017, the permanent population of Xinxu Town was 53649. [1]
By the end of 2019, the registered population of Xinxu Town was 25519. [3]
 Scenery of Xinxu Town Scenery of Xinxu Town Scenery of Xinxu Town
Xinxu Town




In 2011, the financial revenue of Xinxu Town was 13.436 million yuan. [2]
In 2019, there were 21 industrial enterprises in Xinxu Town, including 2 enterprises above designated size and 2 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [3]


In 2011, the agriculture of Xinxu Town was dominated by planting, with a total agricultural output value of 214 million yuan. The grain crops were mainly rice and corn, producing 8802 tons of grain. 382 kg per capita, including 8631 tons of rice, 5654 mu of vegetable planting, and 9883 tons of output. The animal husbandry is dominated by mountain chickens, high-quality ducks and lean pigs. 420000 mountain chickens, 220000 high-quality ducks and 9820 lean pigs are bred, producing 1616 tons of meat. The total output value of animal husbandry is 41.8138 million yuan. [2]


At the end of 2011, Xinxu Town had 21 industrial enterprises above designated size, 985 employees, a total industrial output value of 350 million yuan, and industrial products mainly included food, wood products, pesticides, cotton yarn, activated carbon, paint, etc. [2]

Commerce and trade

At the end of 2011, there were 327 self-employed businesses in Xinxu Town, and the total sales of social goods reached 8.32 million yuan. [2]


At the end of 2011, Xinxu Town had various deposit balances of 287.07 million yuan and various loan balances of 79.19 million yuan. [2]

Posts and telecommunications

At the end of 2011, the annual postal service fee of Xinxu Town was 400000 yuan, and the annual telecommunication service fee was 1.7 million yuan. [2]

social undertakings



At the end of 2011, Xinxu Town had 2 kindergartens, 510 children in kindergartens, 54 kindergarten teachers, 2 primary schools, 1633 students and 92 teaching staff; There is a middle school, including 1290 senior high school students and 498 junior high school students. The enrollment rate of school-age children in primary schools is 100%, the coverage rate of nine-year compulsory education is 100%, and the education funds in the financial budget is 3.6 million yuan. [2]

Science and technology

At the end of 2011, Xinxu Town had one agricultural technology station and 12 scientific and technological talents, including 2 rural practical technicians. [2]

Cultural and sports undertakings

At the end of 2011, Xinxu Town had one cultural station, 18 village cultural squares, 12 libraries and 30000 books.
In 1969, Xinxu Town opened cable broadcasting, with 81% of speakers and 100% of cable TV households.
By the end of 2011, Xinxu Town had 18 cement basketball courts, 5 badminton courts, 3 tennis courts, 3 track and field fields (including 2 200m and 1 400m), 1 football field and 25 table tennis tables; There are 13 chess and card rooms and 2 fitness fields. [2]

medical and health work

At the end of 2011, Xinxu Town had 1 health center, 14 village level health stations, 73 medical personnel, including 24 doctors, 27 nurses, 22 other personnel, 65 beds. The participation rate of the new rural cooperative medical care and the basic medical insurance for urban residents were 100%, the popularization rate of safe drinking water in rural areas was 100%, and the popularization rate of sanitary toilets in rural areas was 94.8%. [2]

social security

In 2011, the number of urban minimum living security households in Xinxu Town was 7, with 14 people, and the monthly expenditure was 1740 yuan. The number of rural minimum living security households is 223, with 595 people. The monthly expenditure is 43140 yuan. 54 disabled people are included in the minimum living security range. 67 people are entitled to various benefits from the state pension and subsidies, and 308036.76 yuan is spent on pension business expenses. 247 new social insurance participants are added; 1226 urban residents have participated in the basic medical insurance; 8330 people participated in the new rural social endowment insurance. 78 new jobs were created, and the urban registered unemployment rate was 1.9%. [2]

Post and telecommunications

At the end of 2011, there was one postal branch in Xinxu Town, with a total length of 13 kilometers. The village postal rate was 100%. There were 2012 fixed phone users, 4132 mobile phone users and 560 broadband access users. [2]


  • energy
In 2011, Xinxu Town built 13 kilometers of agricultural 10 kV power grid, with a total power supply of 100 million kilowatt hours. [2]
  • Water supply and drainage
By the end of 2011, the tap water penetration rate in Xinxu Town was 100%; There are 3 kilometers of buried drainage pipelines in Weizhen Town, and 100% of domestic waste is disposed. [2]
  • Landscaping
At the end of 2011, there were 4 small parks in Xinxu Town, covering an area of 6800 square meters, and 2100 trees were planted in street parks. [2]


At the end of 2011, there was 321 National Highway running through Xinxu Town from east to west, and there were fixed shuttle buses of Guangdong Express Line passing through the town, as well as other passenger shuttle buses passing through the town; The annual passenger traffic volume is 60000 person times, the freight traffic volume is 110000 tons, there are 2 main roads and 4 main streets in the town, with a total length of 3 kilometers. In 2005, the town began to open buses, a new bus terminal, three bus routes, 22 daily regular buses, and the passenger flow is 360 person times. [2]
 Topographic Map of Xinxu Town Topographic Map of Xinxu Town
Topographic Map of Xinxu Town

Historical culture

  • Origin of place names
Xinxu Town got its name because the town government was stationed in Xinxu Village. [2]

Honors won

In April 2022, the Youth League Committee of Xinxu Town was awarded the title of "May 4th Red Flag Youth League Committee of Guangdong Province". [5]