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Modern Standard Chinese

Languages throughout China and overseas Chinese areas
synonym New Mandarin (The new standard pronunciation issued by the Ministry of Education of the National Government in 1932) generally refers to modern standard Chinese
Modern Standard Chinese (Modern Chinese can be divided into standard language and dialect) [1] It is a common standard commonly used throughout China and overseas Chinese areas language Cantonese is spoken in Hong Kong and Macao due to historical reasons. It is currently the official language standard of China, one of the official languages in Singapore and other countries Southeast Asia And other common spoken or written languages widely used by overseas Chinese groups; As one of the six official working languages of the United Nations, it has become the main reference for international people to learn Chinese.
1923 Ministry of Education of the Republic of China Preparatory Meeting for the Unification of Mandarin At the fifth meeting, it was decided that the grammar and Peking Mandarin The pronunciation sets the standard of modern Chinese, which is called the official language of the national language. In 1932, after the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China issued the "Common Words in Mandarin", it was adopted as China official language Standards.
Issued on October 31, 2000《 Law of the People's Republic of China on the General Language of the State 》Putonghua is determined as the national common language. Mandarin Chinese It is also one of the major languages in the world and one of the six official working languages of the United Nations. [1]
Chinese name
Modern Standard Chinese
Foreign name
StandardChinese / Standard Sinitic
Different salutation
mandarin , Chinese, Standard Mandarin
Region of use
Mainland, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese region

essential information

mandarin (Putonghua), as per February 6, 1956 State Council of the PRC issue Instructions on promoting Putonghua , that is, "with Beijing Voice as the standard sound Northern dialect by Basic dialect , modern with model writings in vernacular The works are grammatical norms. [1]

Latinization of Chinese characters

Since Westerners came to China and tried to learn Mandarin, they naturally need to create a phonetic system to record the pronunciation of Chinese characters. Over the years, many Pinyin systems have been launched. In the 19th century, the first Wade-Giles romanization , named after its inventor.
1906, Standard Postal Spelling System It is also an irregular system, which is mostly used for place names.
The above two systems are still in use, but gradually Chinese Pinyin Instead, most of them only appear in old textbooks or history books.
In the 20th century, some Chinese linguists proposed several Transcription System, and one of them is a new Pinyin system: Chinese phonetic symbols So far, the most successful transcription system is Hanyu Pinyin, which is the scheme launched by the Chinese mainland government in 1958. The United Nations and other international organizations now partly use Chinese Pinyin.
Yale spelling is not popular and outdated, but it can represent the phoneme of Mandarin better.
Before the founding of New China
The standard language of modern Chinese inherits from the system of "Mandarin", which originated in the Northern Song Dynasty and was destined for the Yuan and Ming dynasties.
In 1909, the Qing government set up the "Mandarin Editorial Committee", officially naming the then common Mandarin as Mandarin This is the first time that Chinese has been officially named.
New and old national accent
In 1911, after the founding of the Republic of China, in February of the following year, the "Chinese Phonetic Unification Conference" was held in Peiping Formulated a historical title Old Mandarin The national accent system of "Beijing accent as the main voice, giving consideration to the north and south" has the entering tone At the same time, the first form of phonetic alphabet was formulated.
In September 1919, he edited and published the Republic of China Phonics Dictionary.
In 1920, due to the contradiction between the pronunciation standard of Guoyin Dictionary and that of Peiping“ Beijing State Dispute ”。 In the same year, Nanjing Normal University Head of English Section Zhang Shiyi The issue of the Unification of the National Language was published and it was believed that National Phonetic Alphabet together with National accent They all need to make fundamental changes, do not agree with the national accent, and advocate taking Beiping as the national accent standard. National Federation of Education Associations And the Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Primary Schools Affiliated to Teachers' Colleges and Universities successively made a resolution to determine Beiping as the standard voice, and finally Committee for Updating Mandarin Dictionary It established the national accent as "the standard pronunciation is Peiping", that is New Mandarin 。, And began to promote it in schools across the country.
In 1928, the National Government was changed to“ Preparatory Committee for National Language Unification ”。
The formation of "national language" In May 1932, Ministry of Education of the Republic of China The official publication and publication of the Glossary of Common Words in Mandarin provides a model for the establishment of the standard of Mandarin and the first system of modern Chinese standard - Mandarin system.
After 1932, the national language broadcasting took the form of "Common Words of the National Voice" as the standard, and the national language standards in various regions were unified.




In Taiwan, China, the National Government enforced the policy of promoting Mandarin and restricting dialects (i.e“ campaign to promote the national language ”)However, it has been abolished. As a result of the official policy of restricting dialects implemented in primary schools around the country, the seeds of ethnic hatred have been implanted in many primary school students.
In mainland China“ popularize the common spoken Chinese ”It is regarded as one of the important policies and even written into the Constitution; The use of dialects is restricted. At the end of the 20th century, the Chinese mainland once restricted the use of dialects in public. Except for Cantonese, which is of united front value, dialects are generally prohibited from being used in television media. Over the years, this restriction has been relaxed, and dialect programs have emerged in various local TV stations. Many cities have dialect news programs and TV dramas, but most of them are entertainment oriented, such as Shanghai TV sitcoms《 Old Uncle 》, from Suzhou Suzhou dialect The news "The Classic of Mountains and Rivers", "In a nutshell" of Nantong Radio, Guangdong TV Station Of《 Foreign Daughter in law Local Lang 》Red Men and Green Women from Jilin TV Station and Hunan TV Station《 The whole family rushes forward 》Etc. The Ministry of Education has also carried out the campaign of "Putonghua becomes the language on campus", which has led to the prohibition of students from speaking dialects in some schools in some provinces. In some areas, the one-sided popularization policy has made it impossible for children born in the 1990s to use dialects fluently, and there is a gap between the inheritance of dialects and local culture. Compulsory popularization has been criticized by network public opinion. In Shanghai, Xiamen and other cities, the government has a certain understanding of dialect inheritance.
In Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew The government encourages people to communicate in Chinese Speak Mandarin Campaign


Taiwan, China: Democratic Progressive Party The government has adopted the promotion of mother tongue (localization policy), but Mandarin is still the main official language, and its popularity is far higher than that of Mandarin in mainland China. Due to the strong role of mass media, including news stations, parent-child stations, Xinzhi, entertainment, variety shows, cartoons and other types of programs and TV advertisements are still dominated by Mandarin, and the survival of other parties is threatened. Over the years localization The implementation of the policy has increased local dialect teaching in primary schools. In addition to idol dramas and foreign dramas with dubbing (such as Korean dramas, Hong Kong dramas, etc.), which are still pronounced in Mandarin, many of the dialogues in the series at 8:00 pm are in Minnan dialect hakka tv Also launched hakka dialect Dramas, programs and aboriginal TV stations are the same, but they all target the elderly. Although Taiwan's news stations have native language news, they are often criticized as non-standard; Moreover, Taiwan's ethnic groups live in vague areas. Most schools at all levels can only teach in Mandarin, and most school teachers are unable to teach in dialects. From this we can know that there is a certain crisis in the inheritance of dialects.
in the island Minnan dialect Compared with other dialects, there is no crisis in the inheritance of Chinese dialect. Most Taiwanese can understand it, and a certain number of young people and children use it as a dialect. However, many Taiwanese (especially young people) have significantly reduced their ability to speak Chinese dialect. It is also common for parents to use their mother tongue when talking with their children, but they use Mandarin extensively; The inheritance of Hakka, one of Taiwan's three major dialects, is in crisis (many young Hakka people cannot understand Hakka), while the indigenous language is in crisis of extinction; In addition, although Taiwan's literacy rate is close to 100%, the proportion of Han people who are proficient in dialects or indigenous people who are proficient in their own language is only 10% or 20%.
Chinese Mainland: Before the reform and opening up, few people were used to speaking Mandarin, and people often used local dialects to communicate in their lives. Over the years, this phenomenon has undergone great changes. About "whether to popularize( popularize the common spoken Chinese )”The proposition of "whether to restrict the use of dialects while popularizing" and "whether popularizing will inevitably result in the atrophy of dialects" has always been debated among the people in mainland China. In immigrant areas, such as Shenzhen Special Zone, Mandarin has replaced local dialect( Hakka Circumlocution )To become the first communication term with the local powerful dialect (Cantonese); Cantonese and Hakka have almost completely withdrawn from local public places and are on the verge of disappearing. It is difficult to simply use local Cantonese or Hakka.
In many specific places, such as large institutions, government departments above prefecture level, colleges and universities, it is generally stipulated that Mandarin is the only common language, and it is strictly prohibited to use non Mandarin in these places Chinese dialects
In many northern areas (mainly popular zhongyuan mandarin Jin In some areas of the city, it has emerged that local young people cannot speak the local dialect, but can only speak Mandarin; In some southern cities, children can hardly speak dialect; In other regions, urban youth dialect It has also been influenced by Putonghua, and its dialect expression ability has been greatly degraded compared with that of the previous generation.
Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Macao: The local Chinese are mainly in Minnan dialect and Cantonese. Over the years, Mandarin and Mandarin have become popular in these areas, and gradually become one of the common commercial languages, but there is still a long way to go from daily communication.
Singapore: There are four kinds of Chinese official language One is that most Singaporean Chinese people come from Fujian and Guangdong, and the Chinese language promoted by the government is not from Fujian dialect at home (local Minnan The official Chinese is Mandarin, and dialects are not allowed on TV. However, the younger generation is used to having a strong accent Singapore English

phonetic system

The following will take Putonghua as an example to introduce the voice system of Chinese standard language.
For Chinese, Monosyllabic Pronunciation can be divided into Consonant Preposition Finals Rhyme tail tone Five elements; There are also continuous tone sandhi and other elements in the pronunciation of super syllables (words and sentences). For Mandarin, Preposition Finals Rhyme tail It is called "vowel".


The phonetic system of Mandarin basically follows Peking Mandarin The main difference between the two systems is that zh, ch and sh are more pronounced in Beijing dialect than in Mandarin Cocky tongue sound Taiwan Mandarin avoids rolling tongues. The tone of Putonghua also largely inherits the system of Beijing Mandarin, namely the high and level tone 55, the rising tone 35, up 214, down 51, and softly; Taiwan's national language is 21. Single tone Mandarin Four tones In Mandarin, only the flat tone has Yin Yang separation, and there is no entering tone, so there are four tones except the neutral tone:
Yin Ping (marked with "-", tone value 55)
Yang Ping (marked with "ˊ", tone value 35)
the falling-rising tone ("Shang" is pronounced sh ǎ ng, marked with "ǎ", and the tone value is 214)
the falling tone (marked "A",, tone value 51)
In addition, there is a soft sound (marked with "·" or not), which can be used in the syllable Used in words and sentences. Whether the neutral tone should be called tone or not is controversial in academic circles.
(ma) Four tones of a single tone The tone of Mandarin is the same as that of Putonghua Value adjustment There are some differences (21 in the upper voice).
Ancient Chinese The entering tone of is divided into various tones in Mandarin. This is different from most chinese dialect Different.


When reading words and sentences in Mandarin, the pronunciation of words will change to some extent. Tone sandhi Soft voice Infantilization Is an example.
Tone sandhi
1. When Two Shangsheng characters When linking, the tone value of the first word becomes 35, which is equal to the tone value of Yangping. Tone sandhi Value adjustment It's 214-35. For example, "mouse" (l ǎ o sh ǔ), both tones are the falling-rising tone , but pronounced the rising tone , Shangsheng, similar to the pronunciation of "prison rat" (l á o sh ǔ) (but different, "half Shangsheng").
2. When Three Shangsheng characters If it is continuous, it is more complicated, and the specific situation should be analyzed.
When the first two words of a word are disyllable , and the third word is Monosyllabic When the first two words are pronounced Yang Ping Sheng. For example, the pronunciation of b ǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎ. When the first word of a word is monosyllabic and the last two words are disyllabic, the first word loses the key of 14 and becomes 211; The second word reads Yang Ping Sheng. For example, the pronunciation of "general custody" (z ǒ b ǎ o gu ǎ n) is Shang the rising tone , but first word the falling-rising tone Just "half up". 3. If the upper tone character is followed by a non upper tone character, that is the high and level tone , Yangping the falling tone When it is not at the end of a sentence and is not stressed, it is often pronounced as a half tone. In Mandarin, 21 is read after the upper tone character followed by the non upper tone character, regardless of other conditions.
1. On going syllable Before, "one" read Yang Ping Sheng. For example, "definitely" (Yangping, Quo).
2. Before the non sound removal festival, "one" reads the sound removal. For example: "One day" (go, cloudy), "One year" (go, sunny), "Together" (go, upper).
3. Between words, read "one" softly. But when it means ordinal number or in other cases, "one" reads the original the high and level tone Sound.
4. "No" only exists when the falling tone Before syllable Tone sandhi by the rising tone Sound. Between words, "no" is pronounced softly. The characters in soft tone Mandarin are read in soft tone under the following circumstances:
The rate of children in the north is much higher than that in the south, and many southerners do not even use children.

Spelling system

The Chinese standard has many sets of spelling systems. The famous ones are Phonetic symbols , Weitoma spelling Chinese Pinyin , Phonetic Two Style Universal Pinyin Etc. Except for phonetic symbols, other spelling systems adopt latin alphabet As a literal form. At present, Pinyin is the legal pinyin of Putonghua in mainland China. In Taiwan, China, phonetic symbols are commonly used, while in English translation, the Vitomar spelling is often used. Western published books used to use the Witoma spelling, but since the 1980s, more and more publications have used Chinese Pinyin. After 2000, almost all academic books have changed to Chinese Pinyin.

Internal differences

Mandarin, Chinese
There are differences in pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary among Beijing dialect, Putonghua and Southeast Asian Mandarin.
Chinese standard language with accent
There are also differences between "standard accent (no accent)" and "non-standard accent (with accent)" in Mandarin and Chinese. From this point of view, Chinese standard language constitutes a major category of "dialects" in Chinese.
There is no strict boundary between standard and non-standard accents. Take Putonghua as an example:
The most strictly defined "standard accent" is CCTV CCTV News Pronunciation of. According to this standard, the majority of Chinese speakers in mainland China, including many broadcasters, have accents in their Putonghua. In fact, many people occasionally violate the "Chinese National Language Standard" in terms of pronunciation and accent, but they can still be regarded as standard Putonghua.
Mandarin, which is obviously influenced by dialects or other languages, is generally regarded as having an accent. For example, tone The system is too different from the tone system of Putonghua, or there are too many words with incorrect pronunciation.
Whether Putonghua, which is influenced to some extent by dialects or other languages but does not affect communication at all, is regarded as having an accent varies from person to person. For example, a certain degree of "Beijing flavor", "Northeast flavor" Mandarin.