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DMB Research

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China Market Research Institute
Sunpower Market Research is a leading independent professional market research service organization in China. It is committed to providing customers with market positioning research services. Based on years of market research experience, it has formed a profound insight into the Chinese market. The company FMCG Medicine, health care products Finance/Insurance automobile And many other fields have provided outstanding research services for customers.
Chinese name
Sunpower Market Research Group
Foreign name
DMB Research Group
Industry experience
19 years

Company Profile

Since its establishment, Sunforce Market Research Group has accumulated 19 years of industry experience and carried out nearly 20 forms of research services for more than 1000 projects; Providing professional services to more than 300 multinational and domestic well-known companies; More than 50 full-time research personnel have graduated from famous universities at home and abroad and have bachelor's degrees or above; More than 60% of the researchers have market research experience in internationally renowned companies, with an average working experience of more than 5 years; 12 expert consultants; 2500 college students and social visitors; 60 expert visitors; The annual average number of visits exceeds 100000 person times; There were more than 2000 symposiums; More than 1200 in-depth visits.

Main service industries

1、 FMCG Industry;
2. Pharmaceutical and health products industry;
3. Financial/insurance service industry;
4. Automobile and related industries;
5. Retail service industry;
6. Chain system industry;
7. Other industries: including consumer electronic products, clothing products, real estate and household products, household appliances, advertising and media organizations. [1]