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New discipline

Through the infiltration of arts and science and the integration of science and engineering, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary interdisciplinary cross disciplines, integrated disciplines, cross integrated disciplines, emerging cross disciplines
synonym Emerging disciplines (Multi discipline integration and innovation form new disciplines) Generally, it refers to new disciplines
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New disciplines can also be called Emerging disciplines , is relative to Basic discipline Traditional disciplines Refers to the integration of arts and science, science and engineering, Interdisciplinary Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary integration Of Interdisciplinary Integrating disciplines Cross disciplinary integration Emerging interdisciplinary

artificial intelligence

November 18, 2016 Wuzhen Held The Third World Internet Conference Carolina Yiye from Spain said that people must improve the quality of young people science technology engineering and mathematics To help them integrate new disciplines, including robot Manufacturing Applications, Programming, and 3D printing And other new disciplines. [1]

Medical field

With the help of Doctor of Medicine Its own professional and technical advantages, Qinghai Actively build various platforms, and vigorously play the role of the doctoral team in business research. The 17th batch to Qingdao Doctor service group Members, have carried out more than 50 joint technical research projects, completed more than 1000 operations of various types, established 7 new disciplines, and filled 41 provincial medical technology gaps. [2]

Art field

December 2019, Ministry of Science and Technology Central Propaganda Department Central Cyberspace Office treasury department Ministry of Culture and Tourism , State Administration of Radio and Television, etc《 Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Deep Integration of Culture and Science and Technology 》It is proposed to strengthen the construction and development of new disciplines ministry of education And other relevant departments should encourage colleges and universities Promote the construction of new disciplines of art and science and issue relevant supporting policies. Encourage qualified colleges and universities to carry out research and practice first, and explore the construction of a new disciplinary system, disciplinary standards and disciplinary teams. Second, universities with profound scientific background should further exert their comprehensive advantages, strengthen the integration of humanities and arts with science, strengthen the leading research of new disciplines, and strengthen international art and science cooperation with developed countries. Third, the development and research of new disciplines should focus on the accuracy of the needs of the landing area, and build a targeted discipline that is really needed by urban development and can solve the development dilemma. For example: Renmin University of China Ding Fang, professor and doctoral supervisor, proposed to build a new international discipline“ Art Technology ”This is a new discipline combining theory with practice in the context of art and science, with typical cross-border characteristics and strong applicability. [3]