new product development

A series of decision-making processes from research and selection of products that meet market needs to product design and process manufacturing design to normal production
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New product development refers to the process from research and selection of products that meet the needs of the market to product design , Process Manufacturing design , until a series of products are put into normal production decision-making process
New product development is the key content of enterprise research and development, and also one of the strategic cores of enterprise survival and development. In a broad sense, new product development includes both the development of new products and the improvement and replacement of old products. For most companies, it is to improve existing products rather than create New products
Chinese name
new product development
A series of decision-making processes from research and selection of products that meet market needs to product design and process manufacturing design to normal production
Development mode
Original mode, introduction mode, improvement mode and combination mode


Marketing The concept of new product used in is not understood from a purely technical perspective. As long as the product is improved in function or form, it is different from the original product, and brings new benefits to customers, it is regarded as a new product.


In order to facilitate the implementation of new products Analytical research , can be classified from multiple perspectives.
Innovate according to new products Program classification
① New and new products. It refers to the products produced by using new technologies and principles.
Improve new products It refers to a new product that adopts corresponding improvement technology based on the technology and principle of the original product to make certain progress in appearance and performance.
New products New products that adopt new technology, new structure, new method or new material and have great breakthrough on the basis of the original technology.
Classification according to the characteristics of the new product location
① Regional or enterprise new products. It refers to the products that have been produced in other regions or enterprises in China but are produced and sold for the first time in that region or enterprise.
New domestic products It refers to the products that have been successfully trial produced abroad but are still produced and sold for the first time in China.
New international products It refers to the products that have been successfully developed and put into production and sales for the first time in the world.
Classification according to the development mode of new products
① Technology introduction and new products. It is a product manufactured by directly introducing the existing mature technology in the market, which can avoid the difficulty of weak development ability.
Independent development of new products It refers to the user needs Product Functions Start to explore the principle and structure that can meet the functional requirements, and independently develop and manufacture products combined with the research of new technology and new materials.
③ Mixed development products. It refers to that in the development process of new products, there are both directly introduced parts and independently developed parts Organic combination A new product made together.

Development direction

The key for enterprises to develop new products is to accurately determine the direction of new product development. because market competition Increasingly fierce, consumer demand Increasingly diversified and personalized, the development of new products has shown versatility, serialization, compounding, miniaturization, intelligence, artistry, etc Development trend
When choosing the direction of new product development, enterprises should consider the following points:
(1) Consider the nature and use of the product. Before new product development, full investigation shall be conducted Similar products And corresponding Alternative products Of technical content And performance purpose to ensure that all Develop products Of progressiveness or Originality To avoid "new" products being eliminated from the market since their birth.
⑵ Consider the price and sales volume. The cost of serialized products is low, and they can be sold at reduced prices to increase sales, but the monotonous serialized products may also affect sales. Therefore, the relationship between serialized and diversified products, prices and sales should be Research Then determine.
⑶ Fully consider the speed and direction of consumer demand change. With people's material living standard With the increase of, the demand of consumers shows a diversified trend and changes rapidly. It takes a certain amount of time to develop a new product, which must be greater than that of consumers Change in demand Only in a short time can there be a market and access to economic performance
⑷ Enterprise Product innovation satisfy market demand Ability. Once represented Chinese nation Giant Dragon, Datang ZTE Huawei Four enterprises face Market opportunities It's almost the same, but after three or four years, Huawei and ZTE have been far ahead, and Dragon has almost quit Communication market The most critical factor determining the gap between the four enterprises is the ability of product and technological innovation contained in their products to the market.
(5) Enterprise technical force reserve and product development team building

Development mode

It is important for enterprises to choose the right way to develop new products. If you choose the right one, which is suitable for the actual situation of the enterprise, you can take less risk and easily achieve success. Generally, there are four modes: original mode, introduction mode, combination mode and improvement mode.
1. Original way. In the long run, the most fundamental way for enterprises to develop new products is to design and develop their own, which is the so-called original way. Developing new products in this way is conducive to the upgrading of products and the formation of enterprises Technical advantages It is also conducive to product competition. Self research and development of products requires enterprises to establish a strong R&D team, a profound technical platform and a scientific and efficient Product development process
2. Introduction method. technology import It is a common way to develop new products. By adopting this method, enterprises can quickly master the manufacturing technology of new products, reduce the research and development funds and investment, thus winning time and shortening the gap with other enterprises. but Imported technology It is not conducive to the formation of technological advantages and Enterprise products The upgrading of.
3. Ways of improvement. This method is based on the existing products of the enterprise, according to the needs of users, take measures such as changing the performance, changing the type or expanding the use to develop new products. This way can rely on the existing equipment and technical strength of the enterprise, with low development costs and great success. However, the long-term adoption of improvement methods to develop new products will affect the Development speed
4. Combination mode. The combination mode is the combination of originality and introduction.


① New product development can become competitive edge The source of;
② New product development can be strengthened Strategic advantages
③ New product development can enhance the corporate image;
④ New product development is conducive to maintaining Enterprise research and development capability
⑤ New product development can make full use of production and Operating resources
⑥ New product development can improve Brand equity
⑦ New product development can affect human resources.

Key strategies

The development of new products is an enterprise Product strategy An important part of. The main strategies for new product development include:
1. Leading strategy
This strategy is to adopt new principles, new technologies and new structures in the fierce product competition New products So as to take the initiative and enjoy the infinite scenery in the market. The development of such products is mostly subordinate to Invention Scope. With this strategy, the amount of investment is large, scientific research Large workload and long test time for new products.
2. Strategy of surpassing oneself
The focus of this strategy is not the immediate interests but the long-term interests. This kind of temporary giving up part of the immediate interests, and finally obtaining greater profits by upgrading better products business strategy Enterprises are required to have a long-term "profit view" concept and pay attention to cultivation potential market To cultivate the spirit and courage to surpass oneself, we need not only that, but also strong technical support.
Enterprises adopting such strategies often imitate or partially improve and innovate existing products in the market, but the basic principle and structure are similar to existing products. Such enterprises follow the pioneers of established technologies in order to obtain mature stereotyped technologies with less investment, and then use their unique market or price advantages to erode the commercial position of early developers in the competition.
four Vacancy filling strategy
Every enterprise cannot fully meet any demand of the market, so there is always unmet demand in the market, which leaves a certain development space for enterprises. This requires enterprises to analyze the existing products and consumer needs in the market in detail, and find the market that has not yet been occupied.

Development program

New product development is an extremely complicated work. From putting forward ideas according to the needs of users to officially producing products and putting them on the market, it has gone through many stages, involving a wide range of areas, being scientific and lasting for a long time. Therefore, work must be carried out according to certain procedures. These procedures promote and restrict each other, so that product development can be coordinated and smoothly carried out.
The procedure of product development refers to Product Concept The whole process from formal production. Due to industry differences and products Production technology Different characteristics, especially the choice of products Development mode The stages and specific contents of new product development are not exactly the same. Now Processing and assembly The self-developed product development mode of enterprises of nature is taken as the object to illustrate the various stages that new product development needs to go through.
1. Investigation and research stage. The purpose of developing new products is to meet the needs of society and users. The user's requirements are the main basis for new product development and selection decisions. Therefore, we must make a careful investigation Planning work This stage is mainly to propose idea generation As well as the development idea and overall plan of the principle, structure, function, material and process of new products.
2. Conception and creativity stage of new product development. New product development is an innovative activity, Product creativity It is the key to develop new products. At this stage, we should give full consideration to users' requirements and competitors' trends according to the market demand and the enterprise's own conditions obtained from social surveys, and propose targeted ideas and ideas for developing new products. Product creativity plays a vital role in the success of new product development.
The idea and creativity of enterprise new product development mainly come from three aspects:
⑴ From the user. When enterprises begin to develop new products, they should first grasp the needs of users through various channels, understand what improvement opinions and new needs users have in the process of using old products, and form new product development ideas on this basis.
⑵ From this staff and workers of enterprise especially salesman And technology service personal They often contact users, who are quite clear about the improvement opinions and demand changes of old products.
⑶ From specialty Scientific researchers Scientific researchers have rich professional theories and technical knowledge We should encourage them to carry forward their expertise in this field and provide new product development ideas for enterprises. In addition, enterprises also Administration for Industry and Commerce , foreign trade and other channels to collect new product development ideas.
New product creativity includes three aspects: Product Concept Idea screening and Product Concept Formation of.
(1) Product conception. Product conception is to put forward the conception of new products or suggestions for product improvement on the basis of market research and technical analysis.
⑵ Conception screening. Not all product ideas can develop into new products. Some products may be well conceived, but they are not in line with the development goals of the enterprise and lack corresponding Resource conditions Some product ideas may be unrealistic in themselves, lacking the possibility of development. Therefore, product ideas must be screened.
⑶ Formation of product concept. The idea after screening is just a concept in the mind of designers or managers, and there is still a considerable distance from the product. It is also necessary to form specific product concepts that can be accepted by consumers. Product Concept The formation process of consumer demand The process of integration.
3. New product design Phase. Product design refers to Product Design Assignment Start confirmation product mix The preparation and management of a series of technical work up to now is an important link in product development Product production process The "three stage design" procedure must be strictly followed at the beginning of.
(1) Preliminary design stage. This is generally for the next step technical design Prepare. The main work at this stage is to prepare Design specification Let the superior put forward the design specification to reflect the rationality of the product design scheme After being approved by the superior, the improvement and recommendation opinions of shall be taken as the basis for the technical design of new products. Its main task is to correctly determine the best overall design scheme, design basis, product use and scope of use, basic parameters and main technologies of the product performance index , product working principle and system standardization comprehensive requirements key technology Solutions and key components, analysis of special material resources, analysis and comparison of new product design schemes, and application value engineering , research and determine the reasonable performance of the product (including the elimination of residual functions) and comparative analysis , select the best scheme from them, etc.
(2) Technical design stage. The technical design stage is for new products Finalization stage It is in the preliminary design Complete the necessary test and research (new principle structure, function of material element process or mold test) during the design process on the basis of, and write the test and research outline and research Test report Make product design calculation sheet; Draw the overall dimension drawing of the product, the drawing of the main parts of the product, and calibrate them; Use value engineering to compare the cost and material accuracy of major components with high cost, complex structure, bulky volume and large quantity Functional relationship And prepare Technical and economic analysis presentation; Draw various systems schematic diagram Propose special components Purchased parts Bill of Materials yes Technical specification Review and revise some contents of; Conduct reliability Maintainability analysis.
Working drawing design Phase. The purpose of working drawing design is to complete all working drawings and Design documents The designer must strictly comply with the relevant Standard procedures And guidance documents, design and draw working drawings of various products.
four Trial production of new products And evaluation and identification stage. The trial production stage of new products is divided into sample trial production stage and small batch trial production stage.
(1) Sample trial production stage. Its purpose is to assess the product design quality Test product structure, performance and main process, verify and correct Design drawings To basically finalize the product design and verify the product structure Workmanship Review the main process problems.
(2) Small batch trial production stage. The focus of this stage is Process preparation The main purpose is to test the process of the product and verify that it is normal Production conditions Whether the specified technical conditions , quality and good economic effects
After trial production, the new product must be identified and comprehensively evaluated technically and economically. Then we can draw the conclusion of overall finalization and put it into formal production.
5. Production technology preparation stage. At this stage, the design of all working drawings shall be completed to determine the technical requirement
6. Formal production and sales phase. At this stage, it is not only necessary to Production plan Labor organization provisioning device management We should also consider how to introduce new products into the market, such as researching product promotion Publicity methods Price strategy distribution channel And the provision of services. New product market development since New product development process The end point is also the starting point for the redevelopment of the next generation of new products. Through market development, we can accurately understand whether the developed products meet the needs and the degree of adaptation; Analyze market intelligence related to product development Product Decision . Provide basis for improving the next batch (generation) of products, improving the development and research level, and at the same time obtain relevant potential market Size data.

Key points of implementation

1. Do a thorough and meticulous job market research Any enterprise should develop Marketable Our new products are inseparable from in-depth and detailed market research. Market research includes direct and indirect research.
Direct research is mainly to understand the quality, packaging, performance and price of competitors' products in the market according to the needs of the market (consumers), fully collect the information of consumers with the concept of seeking novelty and difference, and analyze the market reaction of these consumers to new products, including the advantages and disadvantages of existing products in the market sales and the potential market demand of consumers.
Indirect research is mainly to summarize and sort out the new product information fed back by marketing staff and dealers, including product sales Market share And consumer reaction.
According to the results of the research, the product developers conduct product design and local launch on the basis of widely soliciting the opinions of the marketing staff, dealers and consumers. During the launch process, they should understand the market's response to new products.
New product design should follow the path of development, adjustment, trial sale, improvement and batch production, because the biggest defect of one-step delivery is that it cannot be delivered. Rushing for success or developing new products behind closed doors, not considering Corporate brand The overall development planning will not only increase the risk of new product research and development, but also affect the market launch of new products.
2. Establish a flexible development organization. Product development is a complex and meticulous work, Product innovation The characteristics of Management organization Compared with its outstanding characteristics, the new product development organization should be highly flexible and simple interpersonal relationship , efficient information transfer The system and high decision-making power require the close cooperation of supply, production, technology, finance, sales and other departments to form a collaborative team. The general principle is to make new product development fast and efficient.
The characteristics of new product development organizations make the forms of new product development organizations varied. Common new product development organizations include New Product Committee, New Product Department product manager , New Product Manager Project team , project team, etc.
3. Do a good job of innovation Product market Launch plan. After the new product design is completed, the enterprise can not launch the product market blindly, but cooperate with the marketing planners and the market Business personnel Together, focus on the research of planning scheme , including how to launch new products to target market , how to distribute new products, how to eliminate consumers' concerns and make them try new products, and finally make new products successful at one stroke.

Safeguard measures

The risk of new product development is very big. The senior manager may ignore the negative report made by the market research and vigorously promote his favorite Product Concept The idea may be good, but the market size is overestimated; Actual product It may not meet the design requirements; The positioning of the product in the market may be wrong, there is no effective advertising campaign, or the product is overpriced, or the product development cost higher than Estimated cost , or the fierce counterattack of competitors is stronger than expected.
When developing new products, enterprises must do the following:
First of all, careful and thorough market research must be carried out to find out the market demand for this new product, so that the product can be put into the pre defined target market
Secondly, secure and reliable Organizational assurance Enterprises can entrust the development of new products to their industrial managers, or directly set up a new product development department to be responsible for all matters related to new product development, and then set up a management committee to supervise and review the development of new products.

Relevant suggestions

1. Function centered product development Development plan
New product development is carried out around the realization of certain functions market research After clarifying the exact needs of users, we can analyze the gap between the actual functions provided by the enterprise products and the objective needs, and get useful information such as which functions are still blank and which functions have not been provided well. Obviously, in terms of research and development Strength and Production operation After analyzing the conditions, a product development plan can be prepared to overcome some of the above shortcomings, including job content It is also carried out along the main line of function.
2. Minimize product total cost
An important prerequisite for a product to have a competitive advantage is that the total cost of the product is low traditional ideas The enterprise only considers Manufacturing cost And ignore Usage cost It is believed that the manufacturing cost is determined by the production and operation process. This is a one-sided view. In fact, the product Cost responsibility The vast majority (more than 80% proposed in the research report) depends on the design and development and production operation departments, while the vast majority of the cost responsibility of the manufacturing department is determined by the design stage. Therefore, The Efforts to reduce the total cost of products run through the whole process of new product development, and coordinate and unify the relationship between manufacturing costs and use costs. For example, during product design, on the premise of meeting the functional requirements of users, the product structure should be as simple as possible to facilitate manufacturing and maintenance, thus reducing the manufacturing cost and Usage cost When designing the production operation system Product manufacturing cost By adopting advanced technologies that are consistent with the actual conditions of the enterprise Applicable technology And optimal Process plan To minimize the cost of product manufacturing.
3. Form a virtuous circle of new product development
so-called benign circle It means that the product can be updated normally. Therefore, enterprises must attach great importance to the development of new products, formulate a sound work plan for new product development, and strive to achieve Production operation At the same time of the first generation of products, we will actively develop the second generation, study the third generation, and conceive the fourth generation to ensure that there are continuous new products on the market, so that the enterprise can Production and operation Keep vigorous vitality in the process and constantly seek development.
4. Develop creative thinking
Both the development of new products and the small reform of old products should be based on creative ideas. The development of new products stems from creative ideas. Therefore, with the help of Intelligence incentive method Checklist method Synetics Disadvantage enumeration Equivalid Creative technique To tap the potential creativity to obtain valuable Product Concept originality. It guides people to carry out all-round and three-dimensional thinking.